Aunt Sally 4

Staying with my Aunt Sally who I’ve learnt has a glorious sensual side and has offered me advice about my relationship with Miriam, a new girl at my school. Miriam took a shine to virgin me and I don’t want to disappoint her.
I followed Aunt Sally up the stairs and she talked over her shoulder. “You see, being..ah..intimate, having satisfaction is a combination of mind, body and even a little spirit. I’ll cover each in turn but know that you need a little of all three for satisfaction, the absence of any one for uneasiness and two missing, that’s a tragedy.”
As she turned back I watched her beautiful bum sashay up the stairs. I watched the curve of her waist to her hip resisting laying my hand there. Beneath the hem of her skirt I watched her smooth calves flex on the steps. Although not athletically proportioned Aunt Sally had an energy about her, a vitality. Her eyes sparkled with mischief and her sensuality was undeniable. I watched the gathering in her skirt slip between her butt cheeks and imagined those pale globes undulating from step to step. She pushed open her bedroom door and walked into her bathroom. 
“Sit on the chair, I’ll be back in a moment.” and pushed the door almost shut. I sat and looked across the bed. I remembered the photos in the drawer and the rabbit under the pillows and a part of me began to respond. I sat uneasy then heard Aunt Sally call from the bathroom: “MIND. That doesn’t mean one mind it’s two or however many participants there are.” What the hell?” It means shared intent, consent. It means balancing your needs with your partner’s needs.” she called from the bathroom. “There’s only one way to share these needs. You know how? Communicate. Talk. Chat. Explore. Know what they want before, check in, explore. That’s Mind. You’ve got to want to participate and experience things together. Without Mind there’s NO play. Without Mind there’s no joy. ” She got me to repeat back to her my interpretation of her message through the bathroom door. “Then, there’s the body…” What was she doing in there? “…I take it you know a bit about your own body. Boys will be boys but there’s more to learn. Mind-body-spirit. You need to be familiar with a woman’s body. It’s more than just anatomy, it’s dynamic and there are similarities but the magic is in the differences.” I heard her move in the bathroom and the loo flush. “Not differences like big boobs or slender thighs but how they react. No two people are the same.” With that the door flung open and aunt Sally leapt onto the bed and lay back facing me naked.
“I hope you don’t mind but some of this is best demonstrated.” Her skin was smooth, pale and flawless with her head propped up on the pillows. The same pillows I saw her pleasure herself on in the half light. Now she sat on the bed, knees pulled up against the bedhead.
“A woman’s body is made up of the same parts – all variations but the same parts.” She dropped her knees and cupped a heavy breast in each hand. “Where the real variation lies isn’t how they look, it’s how they can provide pleasure…” Her thumbs stroked her thick nipples as they stood to prominence. “…and how they can provide pleasure to others.” She squeezed them, the nipples color draining with the pressure. I could feel my cock thicken and twitch in time with her as she started tugging.
“The point is you have to read the room, read the signs, read her responses and act to control the excitement, ride it, let it build.” I settled awkwardly. “Oh for goodness sake get those pants off before you break in two. That’s what I mean, read the signs, sense her response and respond accordingly, make sure it’s within your shared guidelines. Shared intent. ” I sat, now naked on the chair facing Aunt Sally whose fingers now traced up from her ankles to her substantial soft but curvaceous hips. When I stilled, my untouched erection urgent. She looked me in the eyes. “I’m getting ahead of us. Mind – I need to know that you’re OK with showing you how to please a woman’s body alone. Are you OK with that? I’m going to show you on my body – more relevant than any diagram. I’ll probably get off on that, you’ll probably get excited, that’s natural and OK. It will guide your first time with Miriam, if that’s what you decide to do. That’s healthy. What’s not healthy is dissatisfied fumbling ending in disaster. Sex can be a lot of things but it doesn’t need to be a hangup.” I was nodding, maybe half-listening, admiring her smooth skin and the sound of her voice. “Are you OK with that? It’s not too weird? Your parents should have started this education for you, maybe not as explicitly but no less detail. I know they planned to.” She stroked down the outside of her legs again, this time she stopped at her ankles and stroked up the inside, her knees falling wide and her fingers stop forming a triangle over her pubis. “Alright, let’s begin”
END Part 4    


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