The Nude Normal (Chapter 4 Part 2) [Casual Nudity] [Family Nudity] [Exhibitionism]

# The Nude Normal
# Chapter 4 | Alone With Ava
## Part 2 (of 2)

This is a continuation of [Chapter 4 Part 1](

We got to our feet and brushed the dry grass from our bare backs and legs, and made for the door. I unclicked it and I was about to step inside when she stopped me.


I put my foot back down onto the cement landing just outside the door.

“Your feet,” she continued. “They’re so dirty.”

I looked down. My feet, wet from the bath, had collected a scattered collection of grass and bits of dirt from the lawn. If I stepped inside they would surely leave dirty foot prints down the hall, something that would only be a distraction to our naked adventure.

“Good save,” I thanked her, then began to wipe my feet on the concrete, before she spoke again.

“Don’t do that,” she stopped me. “Doesn’t that hurt?”

“I mean, a little, I guess.” I admitted.

“Here,” she stepped towards me and held out her hand. “Give me your foot.”

“It’s fine, I…” began, but she persisted with her hand.

“Fine, be my guest,” I surrendered. I lifted up my right foot and she brushed the dirt off the sole with her hand. I placed it back on the clean cement and she did the same with the other.

“Thanks,” I smiled, facing her now.

“Us nudists gotta look out for each other,” she laughed. “Now do me.”

She turned away from me and kicked one of her legs up into the air. I took a step towards her and held her leg in my palm. Her skin was soft, her leg felt freshly shaved, and was warm from the sun. With my other hand I rubbed the sole of her foot clean from the mess of the lawn.

“And the other,” I promoted her to switch legs. She did so and I wiped the other, brushing the mess across her soles and the backs of her toes, onto the ground.

I let go of her leg and she replaced it on the ground, and turned to look at me.

“Much better,” she smiled. “Now, after you,” she looked at the door.

We quickly moved into the cool hall, pushing the door closed behind us. She stepped out in front of me as we made our way down the hall to the door to the pool, and I couldn’t help but steal a peek of her little butt wiggling as she walked. She got to the door first and pulled it open, before we both stepped into the warm, chlorine scented air.

After closing the door behind us, I stepped up to the pool, standing beside her as she surveyed the water. “Whatcha waiting for?” I asked her.

“You.” She held our her open palm between us. After a moment I realised she wanted me to hold her hand, and I reached up my own and grabbed it. She looked at me as our palms met.


“I was born ready,” I smiled.

We both stepped forward and jumped, splashing down hard into the water.

And that’s how we spent the next hour. Swimming around, being silly, just enjoying each other’s company. It was something else, watching her nude body flow like a mermaid through the water around me. At one point we played a game that we used to play as kids, where we would both take in a great breath of air then try to sit on the bottom of the pool. We were both a mess of limbs and body parts as we tried to desperately pull ourselves to the deepest depths of the water, accidentally revealing more angles and nooks of both our bodies, but without a hint of inhibition.

“I think I need a rest,” she said through deep breaths after another failed round of trying to reach the bottom.
“Same,” I managed to agree while trying to replace the breath in my own lungs.

We waded to the end of the pool and ascended the stairs, the water dripping from our bodies down to the tiled floor.

“Shoulda got some towels,” I realised as we came to the banana lounges.
“I don’t mind,” she said, lowering herself to the chair.
“You’re actually enjoying this?” I came to rest in the lounge next to her.
She nodded her head. “I actually am,” she smiled.
“I’m really glad,” I smiled back.
“Thank you,” she looked at me. “For doing this with me, I mean. I don’t know anyone else I’d feel comfortable enough… well…” She looked down at her naked body.
“Thank *you*,” I told her. “This week has been fun and all, but since Mom and Dad and now you’re trying it out too, it’s actually nice not being the only one going nude around here. Takes some of the pressure off, I guess. Makes me feel less exposed. She smiled at me, before her eyes drifted back towards the pool.

“Can I ask a weird question?” She looked at me again.
“Uh, sure, go for it,” I replied, wondering where she was taking the conversation.
“What was it like? Jerking off, in here, I mean…”
“Oh,” Even with every thought I had had about what she was going to say next, I wasn’t prepared for this. “Um, how do I explain it,” I began. “It was certainly more exciting than I was used to. More intense I guess, being out in the open like that.”
She nodded her head. “Was it like the sensation of the water, being naked, feeling it on your skin without any barriers? Is that what got you so… excited? Or was it something else?”

I could tell she felt awkward talking about it, but it seemed like she couldn’t stop herself from asking the questions she wanted answers to.

“Um, kinda, I guess.” Through my mind flashed the images of Mom and Dad making love, just a stone’s throw from where we were sitting now. I wondered if she was ready for me to tell her, for her to know the whole story, but I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable either.

She just looked at me with big eyes, waiting for me to continue.

I took a breath. “There was something else, actually. The night before, I saw something in here. Something that kind of turned me on, I guess.”

“Oh?” she sounded confused, like she was expecting me to say something else entirely. “What was it?”

“I caught them.” I finally said the words. “I caught them, Mom and Dad. They were having sex in the pool.”

She raised her eyebrows at me. “They were *what*?”

“Just over there,” I pointed to the edge of the pool. Mom was up against the edge, Dad was grinding her against the wall.” I looked at her again. “God, sorry, you probably don’t want all the details.”

“No it’s…okay,” she looked at me, shocked at what I was telling her. “I… wow…”

“Mmm,” I continued. “I was shocked too.”

“And that… turned you on?” she asked quietly.

“I guess? Yes? I don’t know. It’s complicated, I guess.”

She nodded. “It’s okay, I get it. There’s something about that thought, that image…” Her face was becoming hot.

Then my mind flashed back to what happened in the shower last night. “And that’s not even all of it,” I added.

“Oh?” she looked at me, encouraging me to continue with her eyes.

I swallowed. “After you went to the shower last night, Mom suggested I join them in their bathroom instead of waiting for you to finish.”

Her eyebrows raised once again.

“We kind of all ended up in the shower together. I watched her give Dad a handjob.”

“Oh my god. Oh my *god*,” she looked at me, her mouth was wide in disbelief.

I just nodded at her. Saying it out loud, I couldn’t believe it was true either.

She just shook her head. “Did she, do that to you too?”

“No, no. I did though. I jerked off watching it.” It felt strange, but exciting to be admitting all of this out loud.

“Oh my god,” she said again, the look of disbelief now permanently painted on her face.

“Did you cum?” she asked in a small voice.

“I did,” I admitted.

“Right there in the shower? In front of them?”

“Yep,” I gave a small guilty smile.

“Wow.” She tried to process the information. “And you… *liked* it?”

I swallowed and nodded. “I mean, my dick had a good time.” I couldn’t help but smile.

“Is it weird that I actually find that kinda… hot?” She said, the blush full on her cheeks now.

“I hope not, because I did too. I mean, I know they’re our parents, but there’s just something about seeing people do that right in front of you. It’s hard to not be turned on I guess.”

She nodded. “Mm. Seeing you in here yesterday, just, doing that. I couldn’t look away. It was just so…”

She ran her eyes down my body, and for the first time in the conversation, I noticed my cock. It had spring to life at my waist, not fully, but definitely heading in that direction. It twitched slightly as it felt her eyes on it.

“Do you like being watched?” She asked in a curious tone, her eyes still focussed at my waist.

“Yes,” I said instantly. “I think so. There’s something kinda scary, but also just so exciting, knowing people are seeing you do that. I don’t know, I’m still figuring it out I guess.”

She nodded and her eyes returned up my body to my face. “You know, when we caught you,” she said, almost in a whisper, “part of me hoped you were going to keep going, that you were going to finish right in front of us like that.”

My pulse rose then and so did my cock. The movement captured both our attention.

“Sorry, I…” I tried to explain.

“Don’t be. I like it.” She smiled at me.

I noticed my breathing was shallow, and shaky.

“I know what you did to my clothes,” she said then, out of the blue.

“What?” My mind flashed back to yesterday morning, taking her pile of dirty washing to my face.

“How did you…” I asked, feeling guilty.

“The pile wasn’t how I left it before I went out,” she revealed. “I figured you must have got to them.”

“I’m sorry,” I began, fearing I had crossed a line.

“No, no,” she laughed gently. “I left them there on purpose,” she swallowed, “for you. I wanted you to see them, and, do whatever you did with them I guess.”

I opened my mouth slightly in surprise.

“When I came home and the pile was all messed up, and you were doing what you were doing in the pool, I thought, I thought maybe that was because of the clothes.”

I exhaled through my nose. “I would have sat there all day holding them to my face if I had the chance,” I confided in her. “I was trying not to get hard, I had to pull myself away from the room…”

“My clothes made you… hard?” She asked me.

“Yes,” I didn’t hold back. We both looked at my cock that was now at full mast.

“Do you want to?” She looked at me intensely. “Jerk off I mean?”

I nodded silently.

“Good,” she said back. “I wanna watch. Is that okay?”

I nodded again.

We both looked towards my cock as my hand made its way down my body and gently gripped it. I began to slowly slide my hand up and down over my erection, and she sat next to me, taking it all in.

My pace began to increase as she swung her legs into the gap in the lounges between us.

“Do you like looking at me?” she asked shyly. “Like this?”

“Yes,” I heard escape my lips. “You’re so beautiful, Ava. So fucking beautiful.”

She smiled slightly and let her legs drift apart. I studied her body, her cute little tits, the way her exposed nipples looked like they were beginning to harden, the way her pussy opened slightly as she moved her legs, revealing its pink, wet secrets inside.

I let out a breathy moan and began stroking at full speed. I felt her gaze on me, just intently watching me pleasure myself right in front of her. The feeling was intoxicating.

Then she lifted her hand and ran her fingers along my jerking arm. Her touch sent shockwaves down my muscles. Her hand ended as it met my own and she wrapped it around my fist, not touching my cock, but letting it bob up and down as I continued stroking.

“I’m gonna cum,” I looked at her.

“Good,” she smiled back at me. “I finally get to see it happen.”

Her words sent me over the edge. I gripped my cock tight, her hand still wrapped around my own, and I kept stroking until the muscles in my armed burned. My breathing intensified, my stomach heaved with each inhale, the muscles in my butt and legs and feet began to spasm.

In one bright moment of pure pleasure, I felt the semen rise from within me, and then watched as it squirted from my cock in thick, hot ribbons. It fell heavy in a scattered pattern around my penis, on my stomach, on my thighs, and all over Ava’s hand.

As my orgasm subsided and I began to slow my stroking, Ava released her hand and sat back in the lounge. She held her sticky hand out in front of her.

“Fuck,” she muttered. “That was… that was *amazing*.”

“You’re telling me,” I let out an exhale and a laugh escaped my lips.

She looked at me and smiled, her eyes still wide at what she had just witnessed. Then she looked at her glazed hand, studying it curiously.

She brought it close to her face.

Then she opened her mouth, and licked it.

I just looked at her in shock.

“What?” she smiled. “I’ve never tried it before. Gotta take what you can get, right?”

“How is it?” I asked her.

She stuck out her tongue. “Warm. Kinda salty.”

I laughed more then, and she joined me.

“I’m gonna go wash my hand,” she said then, not game to clean the entire thing with tongue and I couldn’t blame her. “Do you need something, a tissue maybe?”

“Yeah, or some toilet paper,” I added and she nodded diligently.

I sat there alone for a moment, my cock shrinking at my waist, letting the whirlwind of what had just happened sink in. I had just ejaculated in front of Ava. And she and enjoyed it.

This new Alex was certainly brave, I gave him that.

Ava returned to the room holding some scrunched up toilet paper. She squatted down beside me. “Here,” she said, as she began mopping up the sticky mixture on my skin. After she had collected most of it, she handed me the paper and I wiped my penis.

“Thanks,” I smiled as she stood. “Don’t mention it,” she almost winked before she returned to the bathroom.

A minute later she was back, and she lowered herself to the lounge at my side.
“How are you feeling?” she asked me.
I didn’t know if I could find the words. “Tingly,” I said. “Exhausted. Happy.”
“Me too,” she smiled next to me.

There was a rumble outside, as the car pulled into the driveway. “You better find some clothes,” I warned her, knowing we were in full view when our parents came through the side door in a matter of moments.

She turned to face me then, with a cheeky expression. “Now why on earth would I do that?”

I just looked at her, not understanding where she was going with this.

“I’m a nudist, Alex. Don’t be ridiculous,” she grinned and laid back in her lounge.

I watched the side door swing open through the glass windows.

**Chapter 5: My Family, The Nudists, Coming Soon**



  1. I enjoy your writing style, scene setting and your build up. Beautiful, exciting, erotic and sensual story. Thank you and please keep it coming as I’m already dying of anticipation!!

  2. This is the best thing I’ve ever read. I’m begging for an Alex and Ava sex scene!!

  3. Dude, your writing is actually good for a casual writer (if you aren’t already one XD). Can’t wait for updates to this series!!! Looking forward to more Ava :D

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