Rockette’s Rocky Adventures – Ch. 3 [Fantasy][Rape][[f/M+][humil][bd]

Ch. 3: Aggressive Negotiations

On the taxi ride home, Tess sits in silence in the back. Tess had given the taxi driver, Pablo, her home address and a small greeting, and that was it. Tess is content with the radio playing in the background as she tries to work out her conflicted feelings in her head.

‘That was sooo humiliating…’ Tess thinks to herself as she stares blankly out the window of the cab. ‘So why am I so horny now…’ She thinks, biting her lip.

Pablo, who was trying to concentrate on driving, couldn’t help but look in his rearview mirror and stare at the beauty sitting in the back of his taxi cab. The middle-aged, Hispanic man can’t help but think perverted thoughts about the girl.

Tess can almost feel Pablo staring at her even though she was looking out the window. That’s how obvious the taxi driver is being. She can see the cab driver staring at her out from the corner of her eyes. Normally, Tess would have let the perverted taxi driver a piece of her mind, but given what had just happened, this is nothing. Something about it even began to arouse her…

‘Augh… It’s like he knows…’ Tess thinks, ‘It’s like he knows I had just been face-fucked silly by three awful men!’ She assumes. ‘I bet he wants to, too… I bet this horrible little man wants to take me some bumfuck road, and make me suck his little cock!’ Tess imagines herself on her knees being face-fucked in an alleyway the taxi passes.

Tess isn’t far off on what Pablo is imagining. Though instead of face fucking the girl, Pabo is imagining pinning Tess bent over the hood of his old cab, pumping his cock deep and hard inside of her. Spanking her, making her cry.

While Pablo imagines ripping her tights around her crotch and pumping his cock inside of Tess’s tight little pussy, Tess imagines black tears running down her face as she chokes on his cock. The thoughts are so humiliating yet make her pussy get wetter and wetter. Tess hates it yet loves it that she was imagining these thoughts.

Eventually, after about half an hour, the Taxi pulls up to Tess’s apartment and she snaps out of her face fucking day dream.

“We’re here ma’m” Pablo who looks back from his seat at the beautiful girl sitting in his cab, somewhat disheartened by the fact that she is about to step out of it.

“Oh, thank you sir… And, uh, here.” Tess replies to her cab driver, giving him a wry smile while reaching out with a five in her hand.

“Thank you very much miss!” Pablo responds with gratefulness in his voice as he grabs the five from his customer.

Tess leaves the cab while Pablo continues to stare, capturing as much as he can with mental images for the spank bank in his head.

Maybe Tess needed solid ground to stand on to gain her bearing, but right as she stepped out of the cab, the heroine’s thoughts straightened.

‘Okay…Okay.. Can’t think like that anymore! Geeze! I have a job to do! A city to clean!’ Tess thinks to herself as she walks to her front door. She unlocks the door and walks into her apartment building, paying no attention to the creep Taxi driver staring at her from the road.

“Welcome home, how was your interview?” Madi asks when Tess opens the door to their apartment. Madi is sitting on the couch in their apartment reading a book, “Got a scoop that’s going to blow the lid on this thing wide open?” Madi teases.

“Oh hush, but I did get some get information. I think I’ll get an A” Tess answers back, playing into the lie she told Madi earlier.

“I’m sure you will”, Madi takes a sip of her coffee, “How come you didn’t call me to come grab you?”

“I didn’t want to bother you”, Tess walks over to the kitchen and pours herself a cup of coffee.

“Well as you can see, I was very busy” Madi says with a snicker and a grin,

“You know how I can be… I just needed some time to decompress from the interview,”

“That bad huh?”

“Yeah, they were real creeps” Tess moves over to the loveseat against the wall, next to the couch.

“I’m sorry hun,” Madi tries to console her friend, but she doesn’t pry.

Madi and Tess talk for the next few minutes. Tess talks about the interview and how there were companies that sounded a little weird that she was going to look into. She left out the part where she was coerced into sucking Miguel, Jim, and Greg’s cock. She also left out that part that she wasn’t going to look into it as journalist, but as Rockette. Madi didn’t know Tess’s alter ego.

Eventually Tess moves from the living room, telling Madi she wanted to get some rest before she went out tonight. Madi assumed Tess meant going out to parties since that’s how it usually went. Tess had always been one to enjoy the night life more so than Madi. Madi enjoyed quiet nights in mostly, seldom to leave the house to go out unless bugged insistently by Tess.

Tonight Tess wasn’t going out to party, she was too excited with what she found from the interview that she wanted to pursue it immediately as Rockette. From having nothing this morning on Don Diablo to having an actual tangible thread to follow, it was too exciting not to do anything. Although Miguel and his damned goons had taken her notes from her, Tess memorized the most important things she saw.

Tess changes into a red-tanktop with black leggings and a pair of flats, looking like the usual casual partier looking. She stuffs her Rockette costume and belt into a larger purse then leaves for the empty apartment.

“I’ll see you later Madi! I’ll be home late!” Tess calls out as she makes her way out the door.

“Of course. Call me if you need me. Be safe!” Madi calls back, engrossed into her book.

The address for MTEL&Co. wasn’t the easiest to find on the internet, but a little sleuthing and legwork led to a bare-bone website that had a list of every supposed wholesaler in the United States. Miguel wasn’t lying about BestCircuits using only legitimate businesses as wholesalers. MTEL&Co. was a legitimate business but it barely existed, on the internet and in the physical world.

From the empty apartment, Rockette flies to the record of address for the shell company on the outskirts of the city. There she finds an apparently empty office-looking building. She circles around the building, flying high to remain unseen from people on the ground, the night being decent cover. She doesn’t see anyone occupying the building or anything too suspicious.

‘The manifest read that the store received shipments from this company around 1:00 AM, so it’d make sense that something, if anything, would leave from here around now…’ Rockette muses, looking at her wrist watch reading 12:10am. Tess flies to the rooftop of a building opposite of the supposed MTEL&CO building, choosing to give it some time and observe it.

Rockette watches and her patience pays off as a white van, matching the description of those from the rumors, pulls up right outside the building.

‘Jackpot!’ the heroine celebrates in her head, proud of herself. ‘I know that guy! And that motherfucker too!’ She recognizes familiar looking Latino man and larger “big-boned” white man get out of the van and walk into the building. ‘I fucking knew it! I wonder if that simp-fuck Jim is here.’ She wonders as she continues to watch to see if anyone else was coming out of the van. Two more men that she didn’t recognize come out from the back after their waived down to by Miguel and Greg. Rockette continues to be patient, watching the men walk out with some cargo-crates then throwing them into the back of the van.

Rockette waits for the men to walk back into the building before descending silently from the roof top to the front door of the office. Hearing the men walking back towards the door, she opens it with a wide grin on her face.

“Hello boys!” She says triumphantly, looking at the stunned faces of the men.

“What the fuck!?” Miguel says, breaking his well-mannered character of an electronic store manager. “Who the fuck are you!?”

As much as she wanted to, Rockette can’t think of something witty to say back fast enough and there’s an awkward pause in the confrontation.

“Looks like some lost slut to me!” Greg insults the heroine, breaking the awkward silence

“Augh! Fuck it! I know you assholes are up to some illegal shit! I’m your worst nightmare, blah blah blah!” Rockette says, going with a simple cliché one-liner before raising her hands and blasting two of the unrecognized goons on the sides of Miguel and Greg away with a powerful blast from each hand. The men fly backwards, dropping the crates.

‘Time for some payback!’ Rockette thinks to herself before charging into the building, delivering a knee into Miguel’s stomach before he has time to even react,

“Aughh-aghh!” Miguel groans, keeling over and collapsing to the ground.

Greg drops the box he’s holding and swings a heavy haymaker at the heroine, but she easily ducks down and dodges it. Before the big boned man can pull his arm back, the heroine grabs it, and with rage from her earlier violation, snaps his arm.

“AHHHHHHHHHH! Y-YOU BITCCHHH!” the man screams in agony. Rockette wasn’t going to have him scream and draw attention though, and swiftly kicks him in the head when he drops to his knees in pain, knocking him out cold.

Two of the goons who were blasted earlier back away in fear of the heroine doing the same to them. For good measure she blasts them again with even a stronger blast to knock them out cold as they smash into the walls behind them.

“Fuck…Fuck fuck…” Miguel mutters as he crawls away on the ground, having seen how brutal this girl actually was. Rockette simply walks over to him, “No! Fuck! You monster! Get off of me!” He yells as she grabs him and turns him around, holding him up by his collar.

“You want to end up like your shitty friend over there?” Rockette threatens, glaring daggers at the manager who had just earlier today humiliated and violated her. She could feel herself seethe with anger as she looked at the supposed manager. “I don’t think his arm’s going to heal right after that.” She adds. She knew she wasn’t being the most heroic, but fuck these guys plus it seemed to be pretty effective.

“Please! I don’t know anything! I’m just being paid to deliver some boxes!” Miguel pleads, his manager persona starting to come back out, hoping for some mercy from the heroine. Miguel did not recognize her from earlier today. Maybe it was fear.

“Who’s paying you? What’s in the boxes!?” Rockette demands, grabbing one of his Miguel’s hands, preparing to break one of his fingers.

“I don’t know!” Miguel says, feels pressure on his middle finger, and his answer changes “I can’t say! I can’t say!” he cries out, “AHHHHHHH!” Miguel screams in pain as Rockette breaks his finger.

“Shut the fuck up!” Rockette angrily says, but the man continues to cry and scream in pain. She drops the man onto the ground and shoves her the front of her of heeled boot into his mouth while her heel is placed onto his neck.

“Aaagrhhh-agrhhh!” Miguel tries to beg, feeling the heroine’s heel being pressed down onto his neck. The once well-composed manager continues to breakdown begging with Rockette enjoying every second. She sadistically waits until he’s crying to take her heel off his neck and out of his mouth.

“Talk.” She demands.

“Okay…okay…agrhh…” Miguel begins, broken by the heroine, “Los Perdidos is paying and supplying for these crates…That’s as much as I know…”

“What’s in them?” She probes for more,

“Drugs of any kind…Ahh…Guns…. Stolen goods… You name it…” Miguel pours out information.

Rockette is filled with joy. Not only does she now have proof that Los Perdidos is using BestCircuits to move illegal products, she has what, and how. She was now so much closer to bringing down Don Diablo and his gang than she was just this morning. It’s been an eventful day.

“Thank you.” Rockette mutters then moves her heels down towards the man’s crotch.

“No! No! I told you everything I know!” Miguel pleads.

“I know, I said thank you…This is for me.” Rockette admits, but before she can do anything she hears another vehicle pull up and multiple men come out of it.

Shit the red-headed heroine thinks to herself, turning her attention to the men now pouring into the building. Rockette scans the room quickly, seeing Greg still knocked out, one goon getting to his knees, while the other one was up already.

‘That fuck probably called his friends.’ Rockette surmises, realizing she was too distracted with hurting Miguel.

“Hey Bitch!” One of the new goons shouts. Rockette remains silent, seeing that three of the six new men in the room had guns on them.

With superhuman reflexes Rockette moves and blasts those three men in quick succession before they can aim their guns on her. She fires another blast at Miguel on the ground for good measure to knock him out.

“Oh shit!” Another goon comments having just seen three of his comrades get taken out.

Good they’re scared…Cause that’s the last of the blasts I have in me for a bit… Rockette rationalizes, feeling a wave of exhaustion crash over her. She didn’t even have the energy for a charge against the remaining men, she was going to have to be on the defensive.

Unfortunately for the heroine, the new goons weren’t as shaken as she thought and were happy to take the offensive on her. The men quickly surround her and then descend on her like a pack of wolves, even joined in on by the two other goons she had mistakenly counted out of the fight.

“Argh! Good try you little shits!” Rockette taunts as she dodges the initial blows, moving gracefully side to side, trying to keep even attention on all five men. The men were not little however and were all well-built, it was apparent to the heroine that they might some of the actual bruisers Los Perdidos had.

“Gotcha bitch!” One of the man exclaims as his fist connects into Rockette’s stomach, the exhaustion having caught up to her,

“Aughh! No!” She groans in pain, stumbling backwards into a goon behind her who grabs her and easily holds the exhausted heroine in his grasp. “Get off of me! Aughh!” She cries out angrily in frustration, but the men just snicker, seeing the petite small heroine now helpless in their friend’s arms.

“Time for some payback bitch!” One of the men she had blasted unconscious earlier throws another punch into her stomach.

“Gah!” She gasps in pain, “Owww…owww-AGRHH!” She cries out as the other partner punches her too. The three other men with the guns who had been blasted earlier walk up to the pile and join in. “Stop! No! Aughh!” She grunts, “Ahh! Oww-owww! P—please! Ooucch!” She screams as another man slaps her across the face. If it wasn’t for her enhanced durability, she probably would have bruised from the slap.

This is bad… I need to get out… I need to… Rockette attempts to brainstorm, but nothing immediate comes, but neither does another blow. Despite her durability, all the blows still did hurt and took a little something out of her. Not only that but certain areas were more sensitive by some sort of side-effect, it made for great sex but if blows were landed there, it didn’t feel great.

“Owwwwoww….” Rockette groans as she stumbles around in the grasp of the large man holding her up. Tears streaming down her face from the pain of getting beat, she looks up to see seven men glaring at her all with eyes filled with either lust, anger, or both. She grits her teeth, embarrassed that she yelled out for them to stop earlier, she was made of tougher stuff, at least she thought. “If you assholes knew what was good for you… you’d all walk away now…” She says having regained some of her bravado.

The men scoff and laugh with one of them walking towards her, grabbing her chin to make her look at him. Almost on cue, the heroine glares daggers at him then spits at him in the face. She’s impressed with how far her spit travelled in the air as it lands on the man’s face.

“You think you’re tough huh bitch!?” He growls, spitting back on the girls face then winds up and slaps her hard across the face.

“Aiyeeowwww!!!” Rockette yelps as the slap connects against her already rosy pink cheeks.

“Tough, high and mighty bitch huh!?” He asks angrily, grabbing her roughly by the chin, winding up again. Rockette flinches watching him wind up, but he never connects, stopping right before his palm smacks her face, instead humiliating the heroine by showing her flinch. “Hah!” He laughs, with the rest of his friends laughing too, “See, ain’t nothing but a scared little dumb slut.”

“You son of a-AA-OWWW!” She begins to say but is cut off as the man does slap her hard with the other men laughing. The heroine whimpers but she doesn’t say anything else, unless she wanted another slap across the face.

“Yeah…That’s what I thought…” The goon tormenting her says, “You see slut…I’ve heard of you…I’ve heard some new super slut flying around calling herself ‘Rockette’ and picking on small-fry throughout the city…” The goon admits.

“Ah…so you have heard of me…heh…that’s good…” Rockette jests despite her situation, feeling her strength slowly build back into her despite the slaps.

“I heard that this new super slut was pretty fucking sexy, but a huge mega bitch. Breaking bones, leaving men paralyzed, and other shit heroines weren’t doing before. Gotta say, they were right…you are pretty fucking sexy.” The goon says, pulling out a knife causing a shiver to run down Rockette’s back at the sight of it.

Augh I’m still too weak to do anything effective! Come on! I need more time! Damn it!! Rockette curses to herself as the knife wielding creep caresses the knife against her cheek, drinking in the heroine’s reactions as the cold steel touches her skin, running it down her cheek, down her neck to right above her breasts. These fucking creep! Rockette realizes what he was planning on doing.

“No! Don’t! Y-you can’t!” Rockette pleads in vain, struggling weakly in the grasp of the man holding her but still too weak to break out.

“Shut the fuck up!” One of the other goons chirps, excited to see the heroine’s bare tits.

“Hold still bitch.” He orders, and she obeys as well as she can, fearing herself shake a little in fear as he begins to cut straight across the top of her dress. No longer held up by the collar of the dress around her neck, the top of the dress falls over immediately falls over and with no bra, her bare perky tits pop out to the roar of celebration of the thugs.

“Fuck yeah! Look at those cute little things!” One of the goons comments. Rockette hangs her head in shame, her face bright red with humiliation. Never had she ever been so humiliated. She feels her nipples get erect from both the cold air and a rush of arousal coursing through her body.

Aughh…I can’t believe this is turning me on soo much! Rockette shames herself in her head.

“Aww…Look at the little super slut…not so proud now that your sexy little tits are hanging out huh?” The goon who had cut her dress taunts, sheathing his knife. “And look boys, she’s even liking this, the little slut.” He adds then grabs both her tits with his coarse rough hands and gropes them roughly,

“Ahh!” the heroine let’s out in a mixture pain and pleasure as he squeezes her tits hard,

“Feel good bitch?” the man asks, moving his fingers to her hard erect nipples, pinching them lightly

“NO!” She screams as the man pinches her nipples hard. The man smiles in sadistic pleasure watching her eyes begin to tear,

“No? Then how about this bitch?” He asks, releasing her nipples to punch her in the stomach,

“OOOPH!” Rockette grunts feeling all the air knocked out of her, keeling over in pain, only held up by the man holding her arms behind her back. The man is about to deliver another blow but is stopped by one of the other goons, much to the heroine’s relief.

“I think that’s enough.” The man who stopped the torment says, “I think we’ve gotten a little distracted from the task at hand.” He adds, looking at Miguel and Greg on the ground still unconscious, both of them probably needing some sort of medical attention. He also looks at the boxes then the van. The rest of the men understood what he was implying. “Plus, look at the pathetic slut. She’s about to fall unconscious. Some super heroine huh?” He adds

The Heroine did appear to be falling asleep, but it wasn’t from the beating and groping she had receive, it was because the best thing she thought she could do at this point was play possum.

Yeahhh…fall for it you idiots… She thinks, closing her eyes completely.

“Heh. Fine…I’m not done with you bitch.” Rockette’s tormentor says walking away from her.

“Throw these onto her for good measure,” The man who seemed to be in charge now orders, throwing the man holding the heroine a few thick zip-tips. The man holding Rockette just grunts in obedience, wrapping the zip-ties around the girl’s thin wrists behind her back and tightens them down tight. Rockette remains still, doing her best not to immediately begin struggling for her ruse to succeed.

“Good, let’s finish this bullshit and then decide what to do with her.” One of the other goons says as the heroine is dropped on he ground.

Having decided not to go any further with the girl for the time being, they leave the seemingly unconscious heroine, tied up on the ground on her back so they could still ogle at her perfect perky tits. Three of them, two of the them being the men who got blasted unconscious at the beginning, grab and take Greg and Miguel who were both still unconscious to get medical treatment. Four of the men take out the rest of the crates not smashed or damaged out to the vans outside while one watches. Occasionally one of the men will walk over to the heroine and give her a good grope, the heroine having to bite her tongue a little to stop from making a noise.

The five men debate what to do with sexy supposedly unconscious helpless heroine.

“I’m telling you John, we can’t tell the big boss, he’ll kill us for letting this bitch ruin some of his product.” One of the men, Luke, says. John being the man who took charge earlier and saved the heroine from getting fucked for the time being.

“Maybe we can tell him instead? He might be able to help us figure out what to do with this bitch.” Another, Brian, suggest. The heroine’s ears perk up to that, she was curious to who this him was and she was feeling her strength begin to come back. The fools never took her belt off either.

“Before all that, can’t we fuck the bitch? Like god damn, look at her! She’s fucking begging for it, coming in here dressed like that!” A third man, Kyle, suggests… The idea both shooting a pulse of fear and pleasure through the heroine. The heroine recognizes the man as the same man who was tormenting her earlier.

Augh not the time! Not the time! She admonishes herself for even entertaining the thought.

“Dude. Not cool.” the fifth goon of them, Linus, says

“Shut the fuck up, you fucking simp bitch. That bitch beat the living shit out of some of our friends. Blasted me, John, and Ken with whatever the fuck that was. You’d want to hate fuck the bitch too if you felt that.” The third man, Kyle, argues.

“I vote we contact Ringer.” The man called John says.

“I do too.” Brian says.

“And I make three, so that settles it, we wait and contact the ringer.” Linus adds, making the vote effectively three to two.

“You pussies.” Kyle comments. John pulls out his phone and texts the mysterious Ringer the situation.

“Alright now we wait.” John says right before his phone vibrates. John reads the text, “Oh cool, he’s on his way now.”

“I can’t believe I’m letting you fucking cucks stop me from fucking a perfectly good sexy slut. And she deserves it too.” Kyle complains, looking at the heroine who appeared to be unconscious, feeling a rush of blood go to his cock at the mere sight of here.

‘Thank god though…’ Rockette thinks to herself, grateful the men had voted not to rape her…Yet…

The heroine feels herself nearly fully recharged, but she waits to break out of the zip-ties for Ringer to appear.
