Step Sister Corruption Part 190 – Day 111 Thinking (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


I sat up in our hotel room mindlessly *exercising* my muscles in my groin while I thought of the girl’s plight.

I had gained more control of my muscles since that night when I first discovered it was tied to my ability to cum fast. Well anything was faster than my now God like endurance, so yes I consider it fast.

Though after that night I’ve had to gingerly flex it as I thought I ripped the fucker which the next morning it sure as fuck felt like it.

However the day after that it was less sore. Then the day after that it wasn’t sore if at all. That’s when I started *exercising* the grouping of muscles.

At first I started at a *set* of 10 holds for 3 seconds each until I felt like I was going to rip the muscles again or until I felt fatigued. The first set was pretty easy. Then I did another set…..beginning to feel the burn. On my 3rd set I felt like I was beginning to cramp about 6 in.

Then I waited….and waited. And waited.

Then I tried again.

Then again.

Each day since then I’ve been lightly upping my reps and time.

Now I’ve been doing it out of reflex.

During the whole *dinner* with the girl’s, I was exercising my muscle holding my *reps* at five second intervals though I could do seven second intervals but didn’t want to ruin my current progress as I was doing 6 sets of 18 reps at 5 second holds.

I could do more but then when I have sex the muscle would be strained and I would be back at square one.

So while I did my dick *exercises* I tried to think of ways to help the girl’s.

But how?

I mean I could ask Dr. Braxter, as she was my only contact to Muschi, and see if she can help me with getting each of these girl’s some type of sponsorship.

Muschi surely was larger than a simple ‘*fertility*’ company.


I knew Muschi had sponsored my mom. I could go to her and see how she did it. But knowing how my mom got all her contracts and sponsorships I’d have to go to my dad.

Really want to avoid that conversation as that will surely be awkward as fuck. More so than him accusing me of something going on between me and Kel though he was right on the money with his accusations.

I can just see it now. *Dad how did you get mom those contracts with Muschi?* He’d give me a weird look and possibly ask why. Then I’d have to explain all these girl’s and how Vuse offered Kel and everyone porn contracts.

Yeah no matter how I looked at that conversation it would be nothing but awkward.

Then there was Morgan himself saying that each girl’s accounts, including Kel’s, was amateurish at best.

Though I asked *him* to help each girl raise their profile from amateurish to semi professional.

Was there a way **I** could help with that?

I mean I could but I sure as fuck don’t have the money to front each girl to raise their profile status. I may have money and a modest amount in my accounts to where I’m not broke. **BUT** I’m not swimming in money to make **everything** happen, even with Muschi paying me a stupid amount of money it’s not enough to where I can retire and live off an island or something.

Maybe I’m looking at their situation from the wrong angle.

What *if* I were to somehow combine their account’s?

Combine their accounts and possibly get more people towards them.

Maybe create my own website and start my own production house?

Maybe if I were to do that and start a business maybe just maybe I can take each girl who tells Vuse to fuck off I can turn them to my *new* company and help raise their profiles. Give them access to a professional makeup artist, professional photographer, professional everything.

Sigh….It sounds great but I didn’t know how to start that.

I mean it would possibly destroy Vuse but I knew I was being naive in my idea because Vuse has something that I don’t… and power.

I would have to talk to Deiter and maybe my mom see if they have idea’s to help.

What’s the hurt in asking.

Maybe Jesse could help the girl’s with their makeup and between my mom and Jesse they could start a small business and expand my mom’s business as well.

Definitely win win.

My thoughts were on the task at hand which were what way’s there was I could help them.

Eventually, Kel came up to the room right when I heard our neighbor’s go into their room.

I looked out her, “Good conversation?”

Kel looked at me and nodded. I had imagined she stayed behind talking to each girl to see how they do their own *channel’s* to see if they make more or less money than she does.

At least that was my guess as to why she would stay behind and not have my dick in her kind of surprised me. Especially with her new *cravings* for cum… cum.

Guess she’s gotten used to the *craving*.

I smiled at her, “Learn anything?”

She smiled at me devilishly, “Depends on your point of view?”

I smiled, “Oh?”

She nodded as she unzipped her pants and started walking towards me, “I learned some interesting idea’s from the girl’s.”

She got to the bed and turned, bent over and slowly pulled down her pants until her ass was bare.

I liked where this was going. I spoke, “Like what?”

She turned her smile to me while she was still bent over to watch my reaction as her panties slowly peeled off to reveal her pussy before she slyly spoke, “The importance of having *helpers* in my videos.”

She was seducing me for something. I just knew it.

Unfortunately because of my new *addition* in between my legs started hogging all my blood so **it** could function.

She pulled her pants and thong, other wise known as a string sure as fuck wasn’t fully underwear but I’m not complaining, off her and stood to face me as the only clothing left was on her top holding up her massive tits.

She smiled, “So how about it?”

I looked at still mesmerized by her new *body*….I mean new *beauty*.

I blinked as my brain yelled internally *ANSWER HER IDIOT!!*. I looked at her, “Huh?”

She smiled at me knowing I wasn’t fully listening as she *knew* she was using her feminine wiles on me. She spoke again, “*Helpers*?”


What in the holy fuck was she getting at?

Then I looked down at myself and her.



I quickly shook my head, “No Kel that’s not happening.”

She pouted, “Why not?”

I looked at her, “Why not? Why not? Oh I don’t know Kel if dad gets curious of your *account* and see’s my body he’ll put one and one together and we’re fucked!”

She pouted, “Come on Gabe he doesn’t know what you look like naked.”

I looked at her and spoke, “No but he knows my height. It’s not hard to guess.”

She looked at me, “You’re just being paranoid.”

I thought *no You’re being fucking stupid*.

Something the girl’s told Kel to think this was *brilliant* idea.

I sighed, “Ok *if* I were to do this **and** you’re able to hide my identity, what would it do to your channel?”

She smiled, “More money of course.”

I looked at her, “You would think having a guy fuck you live on camera would deter guy’s from *donating* as much.”

She shrugged, “Not what Kumi and Felicity tell me. They’ve had guys *star* in their films and they got either the same amount or more depending on what they do and how they do it.”

Well that makes sense.

She smiled as she crawled onto the bed and unzipped my pants, “Besides I know plenty of girl’s who would pay to see this monster in action.”

She leaned down and kissed the tip and lightly licked it as she let out a guttural moan, “Hmmm. Looks like you’ve wasted some of *my* favorite nectar.”

I laughed, “Don’t worry there will be more.”

I put my hand on top of her head and she naturally slid her mouth over my hardened dick and began giving me a blow job.

I instantly groaned out loud.

I spoke, “So who’s next door?”

Kel stopped her job, damn my stupid question for making her stop, and lightly kissed the tip before she answered, “Kumi, Jaime, Heidi and Bonnie I think. Not too sure on the last.”

She opened her mouth and made my dick disappear into her mouth and I groaned again.

I reached down and started to massage her covered breasts causing her to stop and quickly removing her shirt and bra.

She licked her lips, “Let’s make those bitches regret turning you down.”

Then she crawled over me and guided herself down on me and exclaiming a loud, “Fuck!”



1 comment

  1. Have you compiled the story into one (or multiple) stories? And are they available somewhere?

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