Sibling Test Subjects Ch 4

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Reddit’s text post character limit cuts the story short. Follow the link above to my Patreon to read all of it for free, publicly.

**This fictional story contains non consensual acts from the perspective of the victim as well as extreme transformation imagery. All characters are at least 18 years of age. **


Jessica’s eyes slowly slid open and she squinted, bringing a hand up to block the intensely bright, white light above her. Her senses eased their way into her consciousness. She could smell the cool, dry, stale air. She could feel thin, crisp, crinkly paper atop a cushioned surface with which she laid on and the warmth of a dense, stiff blanket that covered her body. She could hear the crinkling of the paper as she moved to sit up, her hands grasping th edges of the padded slab where the paper ended and the plastic leather began. Her hair tickled her back as she sat up, naked. Holding the blanket to her chest, Jessica looked around. She recognized the room as the same, or similar to, one she had her interview with Professor Eve.

Stiffness filled her joints and muscles as she stretched her back and rubbed her eyes, little groans of relief escaping her mouth. On the edge of the counter top sat her clothes. Neatly folded atop each other, her delicates sitting top most. Jessica looked to the door, expecting someone to walk in at any moment, she guarded herself with the blanket; she wanted to get dressed. Thoughts of what had occurred previously began dripping back into her mind. They seemed more like very intense dreams than memories. Slipping off the exam table, her feet hit the cold floor, her pert breasts and butt bounced with the landing. The discomfort in her bones and muscles was much more prevalent now standing. The pain reminded her of the time long ago when she sought her brother’s help in weight lifting, hoping only to catch the eye of one particular stud in her high school class; remembering the full-body pain of doing many weighted squats, lunges, and presses. This pain she felt matched her memories measure for measure.

“Dammit!” Jessica gasped. Her brother. How much time had passed? An hour? A few? A day, even? She did not know, but if it had been too long, he surely wouldn’t be there she thought. Perhaps he might have even went to the police to report her missing. California had a reputation for bad sex trafficking in recent years, after all. All of these thoughts raced in her head as she rushed to put on her clothes. Jessica grabbed her black yoga pants by the hem, letting them unravel from their fold. Tears along the thighs and seat of the pants from being over stretched triggered flashes in her mind of mind numbing pleasure, stifled moans, and wetness beyond imagination. Images flickered through her brain of voluptuous curves. Her curves. With an absent mind, she drug her fingers across her thigh and up to her hips recounting the shape she held not so long ago.

Jessica’s eyes fluttered as she came back from spacing out, lost in thought. She put each leg into the pants one at a time, pulling the stretchy material across her slim and slender legs. The tears could not be hidden and patches of her soft skin peered out from between the cracks, including the spots which made her thong visible. On her body, her yoga pants looked like they belonged on some mannequin in a store dedicated to skimpy, nay, outright seductively dressed fashion. Jessica rarely ever robed herself in such clothing and if she saw anyone she knew wearing something so lewd it would be sure to embarrass the petite redhead.

The door clacked open as the internal latch freed and opened slowly. Jessica turned her attention just as she settled the hem of her shirt down on her waist. One of the lab assistants from earlier came through, the androgynous one. “Apologies, I’d believed you to still be asleep.” The assistant held a clip board with signed documents. The door closed slowly behind the assistant with a soft clack of the latch.

“Where is The Professor?” Jessica had begun to suspect the assistant was male with the way they spoke, albeit a very feminine one.

“Unavailable, unfortunately. Why?” The assistant set the clip board down in front of Jessica and let their arms down to their side, emotionless.

Jessica looked at the papers for a moment, scanning their contents briskly “I just – I guess, I wanted to know how the experiment went.” The papers appeared to be a police report from the local sheriff’s office and discharge papers from a nearby hospital.

“The data we collected was very useful. Rest assured, it was a success.” The assistant paused for a moment and looked down at the papers as Jessica peered them over. “It is quite late in the evening, much later than what’s reasonable. We took the liberty of fabricating an alibi for your lateness. Per the documents before you, you were attacked in the parking lot by a thief who pushed you to the ground among a thicket of branches. The police report states nothing was taken and you didn’t see the criminal when they attacked. Your discharge papers state you have no injuries, but were given a beta blocker to reduce your panicked state. The number at the bottom of the cover page can be called to reach an agent with BioTech who will corroborate your alibi.” Jessica’s brow furrowed, trying to understand.

“But why-” Jessica mouthed. The assistant cut her off, expecting the comment.

“The Professor anticipated your question, as she stated for me to inform you; the work we are doing isn’t exactly in accordance with the law, as this is a special project funded by the powers that be. That being said, we have to ensure our work here is not compromised. This may seem excessive, but every precaution must be taken to ensure our work can continue. Please read over the docket and cover page as they go into further detail of your alibi. Your brother is still waiting in the parking lot, when you’re ready to depart.” Jessica tried to drink from the fire hose of information the assistant just regurgitated, trying to let it all sink in as the assistant turned and left through the door. As the door began to close once more, Jessica called out to the assistant.

“Wait! How do you know about…” either the assistant heard Jessica or not, but they did not turn their attention back to the young woman “…my brother.” and the door closed again. With benevolence, BioTech had shown how powerful the company truly is. They forged legal documents, fabricated a back story, and has staged people waiting in the wings to answer on her command. Jessica had never needed an alibi for anything. Her whole life she’d been loved and adored by most, never having the need to lie about anything she took part in. Yet here and now, she knew she would have to lie, to her brother, perhaps even her parents. She would have to answer for her absence. Highly out of character given her historical punctuality.

Jessica gathered her papers and phone, then left the exam room and into the hallway. It was quiet. The soft step of her rubber soles of her shoes was very audible in the echoing hallway. Little squeaks from the rubber made her feel intrusive, that she didn’t belong here anymore. Reaching the locked door to the reception area, she depressed the handle making the electric lock unlatch, and opened it slowly. The room was brighter in the dusk of the day. The black lady behind the desk was not there. The feeling of Kenopsia filled Jessica as she turned to look back down the long, empty hallway then back to the reception area. She stepped forward, shivering in the chilly air. The door closed behind her and the electro-magnetic lock engaging made her jump. Looking up above the door, she noticed a camera looking back.

She looked on for a moment, wondering who was watching her. The feeling of loneliness leaving her now and being replaced with paranoia. Pushing on the handle to open the door to the outside, a gust of hot and humid air hit her and blew her hair backwards for a brief moment. Outside the sky was a deep shade of purple receding into orange as the evening sun cast its last shadows on the city until the morning. A truck on a back road that ran around the vacant mall cast its headlights across the parking lot. Taking her phone out, Jessica checked the time. ‘8:30PM, 4 Missed Calls, 10 Messages’ dinged on her phone as service returned. “Oh man…” Jessica moaned. All of the calls and messages were from her brother; she was many hours late from when they agreed to meet. Jessica made her way around the walkway to the front, readying herself to meet an agitated sibling.

The SUV was parked exactly where Kyle had left it that morning. The engine wasn’t running and the lights were off. The shimmer of the setting sun reflecting off of the windshield made it hard to see inside. If Kyle was even in the vehicle, Jessica couldn’t know, but she could feel a piercing gaze through the reflection regardless. Jessica tried picturing herself putting the sentences together in her head, about the police report and what happened to cause her to look so disheveled at such a late hour. For all her words and phrasing that she could have managed to jumble together, it all fell apart when Jessica came to the passenger door and found Kyle passed out asleep in the driver’s seat.

Instead of worrying about her wellbeing and health or searching the streets frantically for his little sister, Kyle was fast asleep, mouth agape in the leaned back leather chair of a luxury SUV. Jessica’s expression turned to one of mild annoyance as she banged on the window, waking Kyle up in a rude fashion. “Let me in the car.” She pointed at the handle to the car door, yanking on it once then twice in quick succession. Kyle jumped at the sudden waking, bleary eyed and barely comprehending what’s happening. “Let me in the car.” Jessica said again, her annoyance vocalized.

“Okay, okay…” Kyle quickly gained his composure, hitting the button to unlock the doors. Jessica flung the door open and took her seat in the vehicle beside Kyle. Kyle’s brow furrowed as he looked his sister over, “What the hell happened to you?” Jessica barely moved her eyes as she stared out the windshield with a blank stare, still greatly annoyed. With a quick motion she smacked him twice over the head, Kyle moved his arms to deflect Jessica’s weak blows.

“Are you kidding me!”

“Hey, hey!” Kyle laughed, “Cut it out!” Jessica heeded his pleas.

“UGHHH!” Jessica groaned pulling back a lock of hair that had come loose in her assault. “Did you even bother to come looking for me?” Jessica crossed her arms, papers still in hand.

“Uh. Yeah.” Kyle sniffed, rubbing his groggy eyes. “I texted you about a dozen times, I ran around the building about twice as much looking for you. I tried going back to my office and asking if they could reach you but they had left for the night by the time I thought of it.”

“And it didn’t even concern you that I wasn’t answering?” Jessica cut her eyes at Kyle who had a dumb smile on his face.

“Well obviously you’re okay now, so what’s the problem? You’re the one that kept me waiting, after all… but, at first yeah it did. Then I checked your location and it showed you still in the building. Then I got a little tilted ‘cause I was getting bored waiting on you and I guess I fell asleep.” Kyle put the keys in the ignition and started the vehicle as he pulled across his seatbelt. Jessica rolled her eyes and shook her head, tossing the papers onto the dashboard. A small team of individuals performed, as far as Jessica could tell, highly illegal document forgery to get her a back story she wouldn’t need.

‘All of that for nothing’ Jessica thought as they pulled out onto the highway. Along the way home Kyle did phrase a single question. Jessica had noticed him glancing over at her moment to moment as they went, eying her tights. She grew nervous in her seat, shifting her weight and fidgeting nervously.

“What happened there?” Kyle took a finger and poked an open tear in the tights along the outside of Jessica’s thigh, startling her slightly.

“I fell in a bush.” Jessica wasn’t sure if it was what she said, or how she said it, but Kyle snickered. “Shut up, jerk. Eyes on the road.”

Kyle pulled into the drive way at home and stopped short of the garage, a dim light from the study was on. Jessica’s Dad would often go inside and sit in his comfy tall-back chair while reading a book he’d pulled off of the shelf. As Kyle turned the corner into the drive, he motioned, noticing the glow coming from the windows. “Huh, I guess Mom and Dad got back home from the resort early.” Jessica had noticed their absence, but hadn’t realized how short of a time had passed. Usually visits to the ski resort last at least a few weeks. It isn’t uncommon for them to extend their stay without notice, since there’s no cell reception that high up in the mountains, but come home early? That’s never happened before, lest Jessica could remember.

“That’s not good, I don’t think I’ve ever seen them cut a trip short like that.” Jessica’s face took on one of more concern than relief. Kyle pressed the button for the garage door and pulled the SUV into it’s spot within. Kyle made his way into the kitchen with Jessica in tow, flipping on the light as he shut the door behind Jessica.

“Mom! Dad! We’re home!” Kyle yelled and put his keys on the hook by the door. There was only silence that followed. “How was the Ski trip?” Kyle yelled again. “Hello!”

No response.

Jessica began to worry. Dad didn’t like anyone being in his Study except for Mom, and even then not for long. Kyle knew better than to go in there when their father wasn’t present. Jessica could feel a pit in her stomach as her heart beat took pace. Her breathing, shallow.

Kyle turned to Jessica “Stay here” He whispered. Jessica gave Kyle a dumbfounded look as if to say ‘what are you going to do, dumbass?’. Kyle walked slowly down to the hall. The light to the Study was still on and cast a bright rectangle glow onto the wall. Kyle walked so lightly that Jessica couldn’t hear a step as he continued, rolling his feet to subdue any noise. Kyle reached the door to the Study and turned his head to peer inside. Then he relaxed his whole posture and stepped within, disappearing with only his cast shadow in the door frame.

Suddenly from the darkest depth of the hallway, a dark shadow emerged at a quick pace, silent as Kyle had been, entering behind him. Jessica let out a sobbing cry into her mouth as her hand shot to muffle to noise. Jessica backed up against the door behind her, sinking to the ground as the noise of a scuffle could be heard. It only lasted a few seconds before silence fell once more in the house.

A shadow formed in the light cast through the doorway. A tall, dark figure protruded into the hallway in quick fashion. The light sound of rubber soled boots could now be heard across the tile floor. Jessica shuddered as the figure made its way towards her. She shuffled along the wall until her left arm hit the fridge, then she tried to shrink. To disappear from the room and this intruder in her house. The figure, despite being drab in black cloth from head to toe, looked very muscular and imposing. This man, this intruder’s stride, was with purpose. Jessica could hear the heavy breathing of the man. As he strode into the kitchen, he looked down sharply at her, pausing. His chest rose and fell with each labored breath behind his black mask, hands in a fist. His eyes through the holes were piercing into her eyes. He saw no challenge, but was unafraid to confront another one, should Jessica have met it. Jessica had been frozen in shock, eyes wide, hearing her heartbeat as her pulse slammed into overdrive.

The man grabbed the door handle to the garage without breaking eye contact, then slung open the door and left slamming it behind him. Jessica had tears streaming down her face, quietly as she sobbed into her hands. She was shaking and beginning to dry heave through her tears. She tried to stabilize herself as she slowly tried to rise, but couldn’t gather the strength. Jessica abandoned the idea of walking and chose to crawl. On her hands and feet she clambered her way down the hall and to the Study. The cold tile of the kitchen floor, wet with her tears, covered her hands in the dust that settled since the last cleaning.

Inside Kyle laid on his stomach, unconscious. Jessica had wet cheeks at this point as she crawled over Kyle’s body and tried to shake him awake. The room had exploded during the altercation. Books in all different conditions lay sprawled on the floor, her father’s chair lay on it’s side, shelves broken and teetering off of the cabinet wall. Kyle had a deep cut on his brow above his left eye. As she shook him, he slowly began to rouse. “Jessica…” he groaned as his eyes fluttered open.

Within minutes Jessica was able to get Kyle up and move to the Kitchen. She gave him a bag of ice and a towel for him to hold to his head where he’d been cut while she phoned the police. The paramedics arrived first, and the police not long after. The officers talked with both Jessica and Kyle to get their accounts on what happened, took some photos for evidence, and strongly encouraged them to get their parents home or at least to go stay with family. Their Aunt Kelly lived more than a few hours away, but they’d managed to call her; being unable to reach their parents. Aunt Kelly was a little bit eccentric and emotional, and after Kyle spilled the news on what happened, she was hysterical; Kyle could have sworn he heard the sound of shuffling luggage before they even got off of the phone together, rambling, starting one sentence before the last had finished.

Everything wrapped up before midnight, but Jessica was still shaken from the whole experience and hadn’t even been able to take her shoes off in her own home since they arrived. The last police cruiser pulled out of the drive way, leaving the siblings with a quiet home and in a state of mental limbo. Kyle was doing his best to shake off the whole experience while not letting Jessica know how much he had been affected by it. Jessica sat with the blanket the EMT left with her wrapped around her shoulders and tightly clutched in her fists. Kyle stood in the Kitchen, staring blankly off into counter top. His eyes blinked quickly and he shook his head.

His cut had a small bandage placed over it. The EMT had told him that he’s lucky, any bigger and he would’ve needed to get stitches. He touched the bandage lightly with his finger tips, and looked over at Jessica for a brief moment.

“We should get to bed. We still have work in the morning.” He spoke evenly. Jessica didn’t have the same composure.

“You’re going to work tomorrow? After all of this? You’re insane!” her voice trembled. A traumatic experience such as this made her more emotional than usual, naturally.

“Jess, what would I do if I didn’t? Do you really think just sitting around at home feeling sorry for myself would help anything?” He narrowed his eyes at her. He hadn’t meant for his words to cut so sharply, but when Kyle was scared or nervous, it shone itself as aggression and confrontation. Jessica didn’t know what to say. Her arms and teeth were still lightly shaking with little tremors, making her clutch herself tighter within the coarse blanket. Kyle let out a sigh, seeing her hurt expression. He lumbered over to her, kneeling down at her feet and gingerly pulled one foot out and began untying her shoes. “I’m sorry.” He said, quietly working slow and steady. With one shoe finished he pulled her other foot out and worked on the next.

Jessica didn’t say a word. A single tear fell down a cheek and Kyle put his hand to her chin, wiping it away. She leaned her head into his hand and he leaned her over into his chest and ran his fingers through her hair a few times and hugged her close. “Come on, Jess. Let’s get you in bed.” Together, they rose and gave one last big hug to each other before Kyle took her by the hand and led her down the hallway where a stranger had attacked them hours earlier, and on to the stair case leading up to her room.

When they made it to her room, Kyle led Jessica to the bed and sat her down. He pulled the corner of the blanket back from her bed, and motioned for her to get in. “No, it’s fine… I still have to take my makeup off and get undressed anyways.” Kyle gave her a knowing look of mild disapproval.

Kyle walked over to the door, turning back briefly. “Are you going to be okay?” His voice was even and smooth like cream whiskey, comforting.

“Yeah. I think so.” Jessica didn’t look over at him as he looked back from the doorway at her. She sat on the bed a moment longer as he quietly shut the door behind him. She let out a long sigh and tossed the blanket from around her shoulders and onto the floor. Jessica didn’t have any makeup left on to take off. She’d cried it all away, either through pleasure or fear. The days earlier events were the furthest from her mind. She had truly exhausted herself after going through the emotional roller coaster life had subjected her to today.

Quietly Jessica disrobed, taking off her tops and leggings one piece at a time. The leggings tore a little more as she struggled to pull them off from around her ankles; she did not care anymore. The cold air from the air conditioner began to blow and gave her goosebumps and making her nipples turn hard in the cool air current. At the foot of her bed was an old t-shirt she’d wear nightly to relax in. She lazily leaned over and tugged it on, her cute, hard nipples poked through the fabric and the hem barely fell below her exposed ass cheeks, leaving only a little of her thong to be seen.

Jessica crawled into bed and let loose her hair from it’s ponytail, frizzing it out with her fingers as she laid her head back onto her pillow. The cool touch of the blankets on her bare legs and the feeling of her perfectly smooth thighs rubbing together made her very relaxed. In spite of everything that had happened since she woke up that morning, she was able to peacefully fall asleep in just a moments time.

In her dreams she was back inside of the lab, naked, and wrapped in bondage with restraints once more. She found herself reclined back, arms wrapped securely at her side rather than extended out on padded rests, and her legs were bent, raised, and spread. Anyone from outside the chamber would have a lovely view of her exposed pussy lips. There was no person inside of a hazmat suit beside her, nor was there any gas in the chamber. Jessica tried to call out for the Professor but no sound left her lips except a hoarse noise like her vocal chords had been taken out of her throat. Another difference was the lack of a door to her left. From where she was restrained she couldn’t see anything directly behind her.

Jessica fumbled in her restraints, arching her back and twisting and turning as much as she could. Her skin felt warm and sweat began to drip down her back. Her body was as she remembered it, looking down, examining her situation. Her small and supple breasts barely peaked out from her chest and she could feel the smooth, soft cushion of her chair dampen as her skin slowly wet itself from all of her exertion. Her ass slid slightly as sweat trickled down her back. She wondered how and why she got back into the chamber. The last thing she remembered was…

Her thoughts were cut off as soft sound from behind her echoed out. The sound of the chamber door opening. After a few moments she heard foot steps. Boots, not heels. The shuffle of pants legs brushing past each other with each step. Jessica turned her head just enough to see the visage of an imposing figure dressed in black staring back at her as he walked around to face her. It was the man from the break in, that had hurt her brother. Jessica’s expression changed from anxiety to pure terror as she tried to scream. She opened her mouth and strained as she tried to let any sound out, to plea for anyone nearby to save her. She cried out, but no sound left her lips. Straining every muscle in her, she arched her back and opened her mouth wide to scream as loud as she could, but nothing came from her throat. Tears had begun to form again in her eyes.

The man wore a black ski mask with holes for the eyes, a black padded shirt with a slight jagged rip at its breast pocket, black fabric gloves like those found in mechanic’s shops, and black cargo pants. He was the total image of a crook in the night, ripped straight from movies romanticizing bank robberies and other heists, the kind that never had a happy ending. The man put one finger against where his lips would be to tell her to be quiet. Jessica pressed herself back into her chair. She was restrained and bare with her legs spread in front of a man who had been in her home, had broken the fragile notion that “home” was a safe place away from everything that could hurt you, and had managed to physically over power her star-athlete of a brother.

She did not know what the man wanted, but her naive inquiry would soon be answered as the man began to disrobe. First he took off his shirt, pulling from the back of the collar up and over his head and tossing his over shirt on the ground leaving a white tanktop that politely hugged his stone chest and sides. Muscular is not a term that Jessica would have used to describe the man, unlike her brother, but lean would be fitting. The man stood staring through his mask at Jessica, letting her look him over as tears continued to stream down the corners of her eyes.

The man continued to expose himself to Jessica, grabbing his belt and pulling the leather strap though each ring of his pants with a sickening flap, flap, flap without breaking eye contact. The man’s pants now sagged, showing a clear v-line at the hips, now no longer held up above the hips. Jessica continued her protest mouthing the words “no” and “please” over and over again in desperation. The man’s cock seemed to be the only thing holding the pants from falling down to the ground. His half erect cock was easily visible through the fabric but Jessica had somehow missed the imprint in the thigh of the pants until now, even more pronounced by the sagging of the pants. In one quick motion the man un-bottoned the pants and let them fall to the ground around his ankles.

Now free of its burden, the rod of the crook before her bounced free, hypnotically up and down until it came to rest. The man’s cock hung almost perfectly horizontal, aimed at Jessica’s pussy only mere inches away. It was closer in size to her forearm in both length and girth, and continued to grow out as it grew harder by the second. It was so close she could feel the heat on her own loins that his radiated. The way the man continued to make eye contact with Jessica only made the pit in her stomach grow heavier as she slowly realized where he aimed to rest his rigid tool. The man shuffled forward only slight, base of his cock firmly in his grasp. Jessica felt the man press the length of his rod against her pussy lips, and felt how rigid and veiny his cock was.

The ridges of his cock’s head were as pronounced as its veins, and she could feel each rubbery textured ridge as it slowly pushed against the lips of her innie. Her sex was wet with heat, sweat, and involuntary arousal. The pressure became too great, and aided by the slickness of her cunt, he slowly parted her walls, stretching them wider than she’d ever felt before, by her own hand or any man before.

He slowly started to rock his hips back and forth as Jessica began to feel pleasure. She turned her head away from him too embarrassed by her body’s reaction and carnal craving that was building within her. With each passing stroke, her pussy began to grow wetter and wetter until a light, sticky, wet sound could be heard as he slid his tool between her lips. Her lips had wrapped around the edges of the man’s rod, slicking the bottom with each stroke of the hips. The man reached out to the sobbing girl and wrapped his hand around her chin and pulled it back to face him. She put up barely a fight but kept her eyes shut as he turned her chin to face him. He stopped rocking his hips and left his cock resting atop her pussy with the head nestled just above her belly button. The dense nature of his cock felt like a lead weight resting on her small frame.

After a few moments without motion, Jessica opened her eyes to see the man’s cock resting on her stomach. She could feel his balls pressed against the bottom of her pussy, lightly grazing her ass. The heaving of his chest up and down as he breathed in and out would lead you to believe the man was in an excited state, but his eyes were as calm and sure as a coming storm. The man never once broke eye contact as he pulled his hips back, and with one hand on her thigh and the other holding the head of his cock to guide it. The ridges of his cock head were as pronounced as the veins, and she could feel each rubbery textured ridge as it slowly pushed against her innie. Her sex was wet with heat, sweat, and involuntary arousal. The pressure became too great, and aided by the slickness of her cunt, he slowly parted her walls, stretching them wider than she’d ever felt before, by her own hand or any man before.


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