A Lesbian Trilogy Part 1 [FF] 20’s

Angela was a spitfire. She was beauty but not grace and she’d smash a face.  She was a tall blonde with green eyes dressed in black and rode a motorcycle. Don’t ask me which one because I don’t know anything besides Harleys and it wasn’t a Harley. 

We met up at a club in downtown Toronto.  I don’t usually drink but I thought hey why not. I went up to the bar and got a couple of beers for us.   I looked around and the place was packed full of bodies dancing away.

After we put away about 5 beers each we were ready to dance.  We danced our drunk little hearts out for an hour and then #1 crush by garbage came on.  We grabbed on to each other and started to grind away to the song.  By the end of the song we were making out.

Some asshole decided while we were in the throws of passion with one another, thought it would be a good idea to grab our ass.  Angela is not to be messed with she is not the one when she is sober never mind drunk.
Before I knew it she punched the guy in the face.  This caused a bit of a stir and of course security saw it even though the place is packed tight.  The guy and us got kicked out.  Whatever he asked for it .

We decided as much as it sucked, it wouldn’t ruin our night.  We took her motorcycle back to my place since it was close, I swung my leg over and straddled her back seat and wrapped my arms around her waist and hung on as we sped on.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/rc7vnv/a_lesbian_trilogy_part_1_ff_20s