Webcam follies [MF]

So this happened quite a few years ago.

I had dated Jessica when we were in our late teens. We split up amicably simply because we were heading down different paths in our lives. No issues, no regrets. It just “wasn’t meant to be”. But when we were together, we did have lots of sex.

Fast forward about 15 years. Mid 2000s. She’s now married. Her husband and my SO both knew about our previous relationship and had no issues. We had been over at their house for dinner a few times. The family’s computer (a desktop) was in the kitchen as she spent most of the day looking up recipes, cooking, and monitoring her son’s internet usage while doing so.

Her husband had bought her a Logitech webcam on my recommendation. He had gone away on a trip and she wanted to make a video call so they could all spend a little online time together. She got the camera hooked up, but was confused about the software he was telling her to use. (I don’t remember what it was). So I downloaded the software and started walking her through it step by step. “Ok, now hit this. You should see XYZ on the screen. Now hit this.”

She was following my instructions pretty well, but there was one small problem. Instead of trying to connect to her husband, she was accidentally trying to connect with *me.* So when she got to the last step, I saw her in front of the camera…..

…..naked as the day she was born.

The whole thing about wanting a little online family time? That was a lie. She had moved the computer into the bedroom and was planning a little surprise for her husband, and just didn’t want to tell me about it. It took her about 3-4 seconds to realize that it was me she was staring at before she dove at the camera at light speed to knock it off the desktop.

It was more about being startled than being embarrassed over it though. It’s not like I hadn’t seen her naked before. Once she got over the initial shock, we did have a good laugh over it. At one point, I even told her “Hey, Chris is a lucky guy. 15 years later and you’ve still got a great set of tits.”

She eventually did connect with her husband. We did tell our significant others what happened, and I think they laughed even harder than we did. He still busts her chops over it on occasion to this day.


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