Foreign Exchange – Part 13 (m/f/f)


“So, you’re adopted, you’re in love with Ingrid, and you both fucked Alex yesterday afternoon?”

“Yeah, that about covers it Michelle.” Ingrid and I have been telling her and Sara about our adventures since they left on Saturday night. We waited for almost 45 minutes before starting because Kylie wasn’t here yet. She’s still not here and we’re all a little pissed at her for not showing up.

In that 45 minutes, Sara told us about Saturday night. Michelle had led them to a club that her brother told her about but it turned out to be lame. Kylie left with some guy but they saw her getting out of his car ten minutes later when they left themselves. She didn’t look happy.

After the club, Sara and Michelle came back here and hooked up again. They’re not calling themselves a couple yet but Sara has been holding Michelle’s hand all afternoon and they seem like they’re having fun. I hoped this would happen after Sara told me she had a crush on Michelle on Friday.

Somewhere around 6:00, Kylie stormed in angrier than ever. She was still wearing the stuff that Alex threw at her, which confused all four of us.

“Your brother is an asshole!” She shouts at me.

“What? When did you see him?”

“Just now, I ditched study hall and went over to your place. Everything was going great, I was in total control,”

“What the fuck, Kylie?” I’m not sure why this has me so angry, but I’m definitely not ok with her just showing up and having sex with him.

“Is that my sweatshirt? Why were you in MY room?Give it back!” Ingrid shouts.

“Fine! Take it. And I wasn’t in your room, Alex grabbed it and forced me to put it on. You can’t have the leggings yet because Alex ripped the crotch out of my favorite bodysuit and I can’t walk around with my pussy hanging out. Now, can I tell you guys what happened?”

She looks pitiful now. Her makeup is smeared and her hair is a mess plus that bodysuit is now a crop top with some awkward tails on the front and back. Sure enough, the snaps for the back side are ripped out. I decided to relax a little and found some scissors so we could trim those tails. “What happened Kylie?”

She tells us the story of blowing him in the back hallway. Of how she tried to get him into the living room but he stopped and they fought over where they should go. I was actually really proud of Alex for thinking of the rest of us, how many other guys would stop a blowjob from anyone, let alone someone as hot as Kylie, because they didn’t want to cum on their parents couch?

“So, he pulled his shorts back up and told me I could leave. He doesn’t mind just jerking off, or he’d wait for Ingrid or call Michelle and Sara and fuck both of them instead of me.” I glanced over at the pair of them and saw wicked smiles form on their faces.

“I couldn’t handle it, I needed that dick inside me. He made me call him Daddy. I got him back though, I called him Daddy as I was leaving. Your mom heard it!”

“My mom? She saw you like that!? And you called him Daddy right in front of her? Fuck me Kylie, what’s wrong with you?”

“What? That’s why Alex made me wear Ingrid’s clothes, so she wouldn’t notice. He asked for it. Hell, he made me beg for it while calling him Daddy. He should have told me to stop if he didn’t want anyone else to hear it.”

“Bitch! Have you seen yourself? Everyone’s gonna notice.” Michelle tells her. She’d already pulled out her phone and opened the camera app for Kylie to use to check herself out.

“Oh, fuck.” Kylie says. “You’re right, it wouldn’t have been any more obvious if I had gone out wearing nothing at all. Still, it felt amazing, trying to hide it from your mom, feeling his jizz dripping out and running down my legs. Can I finish my story now?”

“Sure, just stop pacing back and forth. Sit down with us.”

“I can’t. He spanked the shit out of me. Look!” Kylie says as she turns and pulls down her leggings. Sure enough, her normally pale cheeks are a brilliant shade of pink in splotches roughly the size of Alex’s hands.

“Damn,” Michelle says getting up for a closer look. “That’s insane, why did he do that? And I think I have something that might help.” Michelle disappeared for a moment and came back with some numbing cream that Kylie rubbed into her sore cheeks.

“Thanks, that actually helped a lot.” She said as she sat down. She seemed hesitant to continue taking now, unsure of whether or not to explain why she got a spanking.

“Come on Kylie, why’d he spank you?”

“Because he thought I came over to mess with him. He thought my plan was to fuck him in the living room so he’d get caught. And he figured that if I didn’t get my way I was going to leave him with blue balls.”

“But after the spanking he started calling me kitten and he fucked me from behind. I came so much that I passed out afterwards.”

“I know exactly how that feels. I fell asleep with him still inside me yesterday.” I say, forgetting that Kylie hadn’t heard the whole story.

“And you’re angry at me for fucking him?! He’s your brother Allison!”

“Calm down bitch. I’m adopted, I’ve known for a while but never said anything because my parents haven’t said anything to me yet. You’d have heard that too if you hadn’t decided to go fuck around with someone who’s obviously got you wrapped around his little finger.” I explain. She’s still looking disgusted, but I think it’s more because I’m another rival for Alex’s attention now.

I should have known this wasn’t a good idea. Alex is becoming a dick-shaped wedge in my friendships. I thought feeding Kylie to him would have distracted him from Ingrid and then I could have her all to myself. I hadn’t counted on him being such a great lover that Kylie would go cock-crazy and take the rest of us with her. I look around at my friends. Ingrid looks very unhappy but that could be because her expensive leggings are soaking up the cum dripping out of Kylie’s pussy. Sara and Michelle are cuddling with each other and still have the same evil expressions they put on when Kylie said that Alex would call them both. What the hell have I done?

Alex is in the kitchen when we walk in half an hour later. He tells us to drop our stuff and head back out, he’s taking us to dinner, mom’s treat and don’t ask questions because we won’t like the answers. We climb into his truck and start talking about where to go. We settle on a little Mexican place about 15 minutes away. I’m not sure how to begin.

“So, Kylie came over?”

“Yeah,” Alex says, blushing. “she came over around 3:00. Did she tell you what she did?”

“She said enough. I can’t believe she did it and I’m a little shocked that you did too.”

“Shocked?! That I didn’t stop a gorgeous 18 year old from sucking my dick in the hallway?!” He shoots back. “What else was I gonna do? For all I knew it was part of one of your stunts again and I wasn’t sure that either of you were gonna be around to help if I turned her down.”

“What about using your hands?” I ask, trying to mock him but realizing that he already told Kylie so he’s probably not going to get embarrassed saying it to me.

“My hands work fine, sometimes it’s better than being with a girl who can’t handle my size. But they’re a long way from being as good as either of you. Or her, for that matter.”

Of course he’s not embarrassed by it at all! This man is the physical manifestation of big dick energy. He knows he’s in demand but also respects others around him. He’s apparently down to fuck whenever, but only on his terms and he’s not afraid to quit without finishing and handle it himself if he has to.

We’re in the parking lot of the restaurant now. Alex turns to both of us and asks “Are we good to go in? I don’t need this turning into a fight in a public place. I’ll listen to what’s actually bothering you but not in there if you can’t stay calm.”

I look back at Ingrid. She swallows hard and nods. “Yeah, I can stay calm in there.”

“Cool, let’s go get a table.” he says, opening the door.

We’re in a booth in the back, the rest of the place is fairly empty because it’s Monday night at nearly 8:00pm. This is great because we won’t have to worry about being overheard. We wait until the waitress has our food order to talk about sex again.

“So, what’s actually bothering you? You’ve known Kylie long enough that this isn’t actually a shock and I don’t think you’d expect anyone to be able to turn her down. So I’m confused.”

So am I. “I don’t know,” I say but my voice trails off. Alex is just sitting there, drinking his beer, waiting for me to speak.

Ingrid pats my hand and speaks up for the first time. “I had fun yesterday, but I kinda hoped it would just be the three of us from now on.” she says.

I nod in agreement. “Yeah, like you said yesterday about inviting her to join us, or at least make sure it’s ok first.”

“Ok, I get it.” he responds, “But do you see how the positions are different for me? You two are in love. I wasn’t sure what to expect afterwards, I wondered if that was a one time thing and you might not want to do it again.”

“I just wasn’t thinking Kylie would be here today and that we’d have a chance to talk before anything else happened.” I say. “It just feels weird.”

“Look, if me having sex with Kylie or your other friends is weird I can understand that. But this is a situation you created so I’d buy you some alcohol. You even arranged a competition to see who’d be next for me only two days ago. So some of the weirdness is on you. But, if you need me to, I’ll stay away from your friends.”

“You’d do that for me?” I ask, I’m not used to guys picking me over Kylie, let alone Kylie, Sara AND Michelle.

“Of course!” Alex says. “You’re my sister and even though things are gonna be awkward for us for a while I still value you more than getting laid a few times. But I do need to know what your plans are and why you want me to stop sleeping with them.”

“Why? What’s that got to do with anything?” I ask.

“Because, if yesterday made you feel something and you want to try out a more physical relationship with me that’s one thing. But if you’re using our sibling history just to keep me from possibly dating Kylie just because you didn’t expect that as an outcome then that’s another story.”

“You’re going to date Kylie?” Ingrid and I both ask in unison. That’s definitely not something I’d ever considered.

“Possibly.” he says “She’s hot and a lot of fun in bed. But I don’t know anything about her. For all I know she’s insufferable to be around unless she’s naked. I already asked to go out with me on Friday.”

“But you said you wouldn’t have sex with her anymore.” I protest.

“Not yet I haven’t. You still need to answer my questions before I agree to that. And taking her on a date doesn’t have to mean sex.”

“It does when you’re going out with Kylie.” Ingrid shoots back.

“Not if I say it doesn’t. I’ve already turned down all four of you girls once and I can do it again. This afternoon was different, she was on me before I could even say hello and I saw no reason to stop her.”

I’m glad Ingrid is starting to participate more. I was starting to feel like I’m making all the decisions about this and I needed her help to figure out what I want. “So, if we wanted to be exclusive and see how things work with the three of us, you’d try that?” She asks.

“Yeah, you’re both amazing too. The math is pretty simple. Plus, I’m already friends with Allie. We always got along well growing up, so if you get along with her too the three of us should be compatible.”

His answer sounds cold in a way. ‘Two is better than one’ basically. But, he said that I’m his friend already and that he thinks he’d be ok with anyone I get along with. And, two really is better than one, so how hard can I be on him for thinking that. It still feels weird being chosen over Kylie, even if I’m bringing a second hot girl with me.

“I definitely want to have sex again,” I say after thinking for a bit. “and I know Ingrid does too because we already talked about doing it again. But we just started getting serious a couple days ago.”

“No, Allie, I’ve been serious about you for a while.” Ingrid says. “And you were serious about me from the start because you stopped dating that guy right after the first time we hooked up. We just didn’t say anything about it until two days ago.”

“I guess you’re right.” I say absently. I’m still thinking about adding someone else to my relationship with Ingrid. This is something we should talk about without him around.

“You two obviously need to talk about this yourselves before I get involved.” He says, reading minds again. “So how about this? You take the next couple days and figure it out. I’m willing to give it a shot but for now let’s just keep things physical between the three of us.”

“You’re still trying to get laid, now?” I ask

“I’m always trying to get laid. And thinking about the two of you together is really hot. You guys can take all the time you need figuring things out but I don’t want to wait around for something that might not happen.”

“So you saying you won’t have sex with other people was bullshit?” I can’t believe him.

“I said I’d stay away from your friends. Not that I wouldn’t have sex with anyone else. And you need to think through how your friends are going to respond to you cutting them off, too.” he says.

“Yeah, Sara and Michelle’s eyes did light up when Kylie said you were gonna call them for a threesome.” Ingrid replies.

“And Kylie is totally hooked on you. She’d never forgive me if I said you couldn’t ever fuck her again.” I finish Ingrid’s thought.

“So think about what you want from me. Is it emotional or physical? And if it’s physical then share it with your friends. I promise there’ll be enough for you too.”

“Oh really,” I laugh “You think you can keep all five of us satisfied?”

“Yeah, I bet I could. You guys are easier to please than you think.” he replies


“That almost sounded like a challenge.” I tell them.

Allie smiles and blushes before leaning in to whisper something to Ingrid. I’ve got a decent guess about what she’s saying. I dropped $70 on the table after we all finished eating and the three of us headed home.

Both girls are riding in the back seat, whispering about something. And they keep getting text messages too. I’m not sure who they’re texting but it kinda has to be Michelle, Sara and Kylie. Unless there are more girls, but Allie seems to be jealous of sharing me with anyone but Ingrid. She wouldn’t bring any more people into this situation, would she?

By the time I pull into the driveway my dick is straining against my jeans. The girls started making out about five miles ago and the soft sounds of kissing and rustling clothes are driving me crazy. Thoughts of Ingrid and Allie together, with a rotating cast of their friends, are dancing in my head. I thought Kylie would have kept me satisfied for the night but I hadn’t counted on this.

They don’t even realize we’re not moving anymore. I parked the truck and turned to watch these amazing women please each other. Ingrid has her hand under Allie’s shirt and is pinching her nipples. Allie is reciprocating by stroking Ingrid’s pussy through her tight leggings. I shift in my seat to make it easier to watch and try to adjust my jeans somehow to make more room for myself. It doesn’t work, but they at least notice that we’re home and pull themselves apart. I only hope the show isn’t over.

“You think you can handle all five of us?” Allie says, “Prove it. If you can, I’ll let you hook up with my friends whenever you want.”

“And if I don’t?” I ask.

“Then you’re mine and Ingrid’s unless we decide to share.”

“So the major difference is that I can have sex with all five of you instead of choosing between you two and the other three? When are you wanting this?”

“You already said you’d leave my friends alone!”

“You still haven’t answered the question about why though. It sounds like you’re trying to keep me to yourself and I’m not thrilled about that. But I’ll play along, if it means hooking up with all five of you. When?”

“Starting now, and going until Mom or Dad gets home tomorrow. We’ve already checked with the others and we’re going to ditch school tomorrow after lunch. You’ll have about six hours to satisfy all of us.”

“Three conditions,” I say, “First, your satisfaction can’t depend on me having an orgasm. I’m sure I can get all of you off but I don’t think I could cum for each of you.”

Allie and Ingrid nod, “Ok, but you’ve got to actually have sex with all five of us, not just finger us or convince one of us to eat another.”

“Fine, I wouldn’t have it any other way, but that goes
right into my next concern. I need to know before we start if either Sara or Michelle is a virgin. I would have done things differently yesterday if I’d have known it was your first time.”

“I did it that way because that’s how I wanted it to happen.” Allie snaps back, “It was my first time with a real dick and I wanted it to be a surprise to you so you wouldn’t try to make it about you.”

“Fair enough, but no more surprises. I’ll do whatever they want but I get to know before we start.”

“What’s the last condition?” Ingrid asks.

“When I finish tomorrow, all five of you become my free-use property until I go back to Chicago.”

“What’s that mean?” Allie says.

“It means that you don’t get to say no to me. Whenever, wherever or whoever I want and whatever I want to do to them, I get to do it.”

“Fine.” they both say at the same time. I’m not sure they can speak for Sara and Michelle, but Kylie’s already basically free-use for me anyway.

“You said ‘starting now’ earlier. Did you mean I need to get you off before bed, too?” I ask, hoping that I’m not sounding desperate.

“Yeah, we can’t give you the night off. Claiming to be able to satisfy all of us is a big statement, and all this talk has us both wet.”

“Go take a shower and be in Allie’s room in 15 minutes.” Ingrid adds. “We want you nice and clean before you see how dirty we can be.”


Allie and I both rinsed off together in her bathroom while Alex was using the one between my room and his own. I can’t believe she’s doing this tonight, with her parents in the house. I also can’t believe she’s challenging Alex to have sex with all five of us tomorrow or that we agreed to do whatever he wants for the rest of his time here if he makes us all cum.

She has to realize that there’s only one way tomorrow ends. Alex is going to have a harem of five girls that he can do anything he wants to and there’s nothing we can do to change that now. Maybe that’s what she wanted.

There’s a knock at Allie’s door, has it been 15 minutes already. The two of us didn’t bother putting clothes back on after we showered. I’m wrapped in a short towel that leaves most of my ass exposed and Allie has her untied bathrobe on. Alex comes in and we lock the door behind him.

“Before we start, I thought of something else for tomorrow.” He says. “I want each of you one at a time. That way I’m focused on y’all as individuals AND there’s no argument about who actually satisfied who.”

Allie frowns. I think he might have just ruined some plan she had for getting out of this, or maybe she just wanted to be there and participate in everything. “I won’t try to say you’re not responsible for pleasing us. You might have to take Sara and Michelle as a pair and I was hoping Kylie would join us but we’ll leave it up to everyone tomorrow.”

Alex agrees to decide in the moment tomorrow and then starts to kiss us both. It’s a sloppy three way make out session with each pair of lips being pulled in two different directions by the others. Soon though, Allie decided that she’d waited long enough and she pulls away from us and starts to suck on the head of Alex’s stiffening dick.

Alex moans softly into my mouth and pulls me in tighter against his chest. Allie must be doing something right because he’s squirming and thrusting at her in between moans. I pull away slightly and see that she’s got his balls in her left hand while her right is wrapped around the base of his shaft. Well, halfway around it. She’s got about five inches of semi-stiff cock in her mouth and drool on her chin.

Before I can kneel to join her she pulls herself away, sucking Alex’s rod as hard as she can until it comes out with a pop and flops down between his legs. I can see it twitch and grow in time with his heartbeat as Allie stands up to kiss me. We push Alex playfully into the bed and jump in after him. After another few moments kissing each other I take my turn sucking on the beautiful monster that’s going to stretch my cunt in a few minutes.

Before I can get my mouth around him through, his strong hands are pulling at my legs. Even laying down and reaching from an awkward angle Alex is strong enough to lift me most of the way off the bed and turn me in the air in order to lower my hips into his face. His mouth closes around my dripping labia just as I kiss the tip of his fuckstick and it’s my turn to start moaning. His tongue works into each of my soft folds, teasing me with the pleasure to come. I spread my knees a little wider and begin to grind my clit against his chin and almost immediately find myself on the brink of an orgasm.

I wasn’t sure what Allie was doing but she didn’t leave me wondering for long. Before I could get into a rhythm grinding on Alex I felt her hands on my ass as she settled in behind me. She leaned in and licked me from my taint to my tailbone and then back again. She lingered to kiss Alex briefly before making the trip back and stopping to lick my butthole. I could hear her whisper something but not understand the words she said.

Suddenly I felt and heard her little vibrator turn on and slide into my drenched pussy with ease. At the same time Alex shifted his focus to my clit and started sucking and licking it roughly. I almost cried out in pleasure but before I could a large hand gripped the back of my head and forced it down. I felt Alex’s cock, now fully erect bang into the back of my mouth and start to stretch my throat somehow.

I tried to pull away but between my orgasm and Alex’s incredible strength I wasn’t able to move. I groaned around his thick shaft and tried to focus on breathing through my nose but it was hard with the rest of my throat being so full. Right as I was starting to panic Alex lifted his hand and pulled back on my hair, allowing me to breathe in deep gasps. “Don’t make too much noise,” Allie says “or I’ll have him gag you with his cock again.”

“Fine! Just keep going” I reply. The feeling is heavenly, with Allie pushing the vibrator against my g-spot and her tongue sliding around my ass and Alex sucking my tender clit as though his life depended on it. My first orgasm had faded but another was building quickly. Soon enough it crashed over me and my body spasmed in climax again. This time they didn’t let up and I didn’t make much noise. Alex’s dick was in my mouth but I was unable to do much more than suck on it lightly and groan in pleasure.

After what felt like several years of pleasure I noticed his balls start to tighten. I guess I was doing more than I thought with his meat because he was starting to loosen his lip lock against my pussy and thrust upwards into my mouth. Before I could claim my reward though, he gave one final huge suck on my clit that sent my head spinning again and then rolled me off to the side. I looked down at him and saw the lower half of his face and upper chest glazed with my juices. Allie kissed him deeply before he sat up and began to move me into position for a fucking.

As he moved between my legs I reached up and pulled Alex down for a kiss of my own. That moment was fleeting however, because his mind was set on stretching my delicate tunnel as soon as possible. I spread my legs into a split and dropped my hands to his sides, trying to pull him into me as he lined himself up. I felt his hot, rigid shaft part my lips and quivered with anticipation. Once the tip was in he started thrusting slowly. Each stroke deeper than the last until I could feel his heavy balls bouncing off my asshole.

Seeing that he was as deep as he was going to get in this position, Alex started hammering into me. Between the feelings of being stretched to breaking and having a pair of heavy balls slapping my butthole that’s still coated in Allie’s spit and seeing the determined look on Alex’s face I couldn’t keep up anymore. My brain was just registering too much pleasure to function properly. My eyes rolled back in my head and I started to howl as wave after wave crashed over me.

Allie tried to muffle the sounds with her hands but realized that wasn’t enough. As she turned and lowered her pussy onto my mouth I felt Alex’s firm grip close on my ankles and push my legs together and upward. When he was done repositioning me I was folded in half and stuck between my two lovers. I tried to focus and give Allie some attention but the orgasmic haze I was fighting through was just too thick. I settled for sticking my tongue out and letting the motion of my body rub it and my nose across Allie’s pussy. She stayed ready to smother any cries from me with her ass, and I did manage to focus enough to stop making noise.

I could feel Alex starting to tense up again and tried to focus on gripping his mammoth dick with my sheath. He had other plans though and hilted himself deep inside me. As he bottomed out again he started moving his hips around, which bounced his cock side to side within me. He seemed to find what he was looking for because he pushed a little harder and I felt him slide just a bit deeper and suddenly my pussy caught fire. I screamed into Allie’s pussy as the most intense orgasm of the night rocked my body. Alex was moving in tiny, inch long strokes, tapping on some unknown pleasure center deep in my tunnel and kept me cumming for a solid five minutes.

When he withdrew, I collapsed. I’d spent every bit of energy in me on those orgasms and couldn’t form a single coherent thought. I remember Allie climbing off of me and Alex sliding me to the side of the bed and covering me with a fleece throw before everything went dark.


“Now, it’s your turn.” he says to me after Ingrid was covered and sleeping. It almost sounds like there’s a touch of malice in his voice. Like he intends to make me hurt as well as cum.

We kiss for a little while before I notice that he’s still hard as a rock. “Did you not cum with her?” I ask.

“No, you started this because you’re afraid of sharing, so you’re getting everything I have tonight.” he says.

Before I can respond he dives below my waist and starts roughly sucking my clit and fingering me. Two thick fingers penetrate my quim, already slick from Ingrid’s licking and quickly find my g-spot. His lips are clamped hard around the front half of my labia and his tongue is tap-dancing against my clit. My first orgasm of the night is building quickly and soon washes over me. I have to bite my own hand to keep from crying out in pleasure.

“That’s right, sweetie. Cum for me.” He says as the twitching reaches a crescendo. I’m squeezing his face between my thighs and pulling his head into my crotch with everything I have. But I hadn’t accounted for his free hand.

Somehow, he’d found my little vibrator. Just as I started to come down here flipped it on and held it against my clit. My swollen pussy, soaked with my own juices and the saliva he’d left behind felt cold now that it wasn’t safely covered by his mouth. The vibrations were an acceptable substitute for his tongue, which he had moved further back to tease my taint and ass.

“Hug your knees!” He commanded. I wrapped my arms around my thighs and pulled them close to my chest, lifting and spreading my cheeks for him. His tongue danced around and over my little starfish and drove me closer and closer to cumming again. That’s when he started moving the vibrator across my clit. With varying pressure and speed her flicked my little bean with the firm rubber tip of my little pocket rocket. He quickly figured out what I liked most and did it over and over until the pleasure was too much to take and I had to pull his hand away for a respite.

But Alex wasn’t going to let me have that break. The second I managed to pull the vibrator away he brought his face up to take its place. In fact, it seemed like he planned it that way because as he licked me he quickly moved the vibrator against my backdoor and started pushing gently. The spit leftover from him rimming me was just enough to allow it to slide inside me. How did he know that this drives me crazy? Ass play seems a little forward to me; it took almost a month of hooking up before Ingrid and I tried it but he’s going for it on our second day together.

The vibrator is all the way inside me now. I felt my sphincter close around the rounded edges as it slipped past. Now only a little pink tail is left outside, and Alex is pulling on it occasionally as he laps at my juicy center. The random pressure of it stretching me from the inside is keeping me on the verge of constant orgasms.

After five minutes or so of this treatment I’d been reduced to a quivering mess, desperate to get off. “Please!” I whined, “Please stretch me out with that beautiful dick Alex!”

This must have been what he was waiting for because he wasted no time climbing up and mounting me. I was still pulling my knees into my chest which gave him a clear view of what he was doing. First, he dragged his swollen tip across my slit from bottom to top, pausing to rub the sensitive underside of the head on my clit. Then he went south and tapped on my asshole insistently, maybe even stretching me open slightly. “No, Alex, you’re to big for that.” I said quickly, hoping he would listen.

“We’ll see about that some other time.” he responded before lining up against my vagina and impaling me. I’m not sure how much he buried in me on that first stroke, but it felt like more than a foot. I groaned under the pressure of his cock within me. My hips felt too narrow and I swear it got harder to breathe while he was inside me. In two more thrusts I could feel his balls resting between my cheeks, his short hairs teasing the entrance he was too large to use. I started to cum then, three pumps was all it took with this monster stretching me.

Once he was settled in at full depth Alex swiveled his hips around a little, just like he did with Ingrid, and all of a sudden he slipped in just a tiny bit further. That last fraction of an inch was when things went from great to unbelievable. He touched something I didn’t know existed deep inside me and it turned my orgasm up to eleven! My thrashing had woken Ingrid from her coma and she slapped a hand over my mouth to stifle my squealing. “Yes, God, right there! Harder! Don’t stop! Fuck!”

Every muscle I have was contracting in unison. Alex held my ankles in front of his chest but he had to raise up into a plank on top of me to keep me from pushing him off as my body twitched in pleasure. The center of all the twitching was his dick of course and I could still feel him making small movements to hit that spot. He was relentless and I could feel my energy start to fade. The pleasure signals were still coming but my body was too spent too keep going for much longer.

Alex noticed as I stopped pushing against him as hard and gave my ass a slap. It was just enough to wake me up and focus my attention on him. “I’m cumming” he groaned as he pushed deep into me. His shaft pulsed as he spurted hot cum against my cervix. The very tip of his cock was resting on that magical spot and feeling wave after wave of semen against it sent me into orbit one last time before he rolled off of me and laid down between Ingrid and I.

Alex woke us up at 6:45 with coffee. He said that Mom and Dad were starting to get up so Ingrid needed to get back to her room unless we wanted to come out in the boldest way possible. Or at least put clothes on and act like she hadn’t slept with me all night. “I closed your door a few hours ago and ruffled your sheets so it looks like you slept there.” he tells us.

I’m starting to understand the way Kylie was acting on Saturday. He screwed us both into a coma not even eight hours ago, but now he’s as fresh as the coffee he brewed for the two of us. I’m suddenly very nervous that he won’t have any trouble satisfying all five of us this afternoon. More than that, I wonder if the five of us are going to be enough to satisfy him. My pussy aches from the stretching I got last night and if he decides to use it every day I may not be able to walk by the end of the week.

A text message pops in from Michelle. She’s asking about this afternoon, what time is it starting, what she should wear and does she need to bring condoms because she isn’t on birth control.

That last question freezes in my head. I’m not on birth control, and I don’t think Ingrid is either. Between the two of us we’ve taken four creampies from him over the last 48 hours. “Shit!” is all I can think to say right now. Alex had already departed and I could hear my parents moving around in the house. Getting Ingrid out of here unnoticed is going to require my attention for now, then I can worry about whether or not I’m pregnant.
