[F4F] A lesson about friendship. BDSM clop fiction

A lesson about friendship
By Synthetic Obscurity

The sharp sound of a whip whizzing through the air before cracking down on naked skin perforated the library’s usually calm atmosphere, followed by muffled grunt coming from a franticly wriggling pony that was nicely chained to the massive wooden bookshelves with the help of solid black leather shackles connected with just as thick leather straps to the furniture’s suitable structure. Now the helpless mare retched heartbreakingly into the makeshift gag she had her mouth stuffed with, trying to ease the sudden sting straining across her back that left a visible glowing red mark perfectly horizontal to her spine alongside a diverse collection of already existing lashes that already had been there from earlier but nonetheless this most recent one had the brightest colour and most severe on the poor little pony so far. A ridiculous amount of washcloth filled out her oral cavity to the point where her cheeks bulged out in two formidable bulbs while some of the terrycloth already issued out from in between her lips, oozing saliva down onto some precious books stacked on the floor since the gag had been in there for so long already that the tissue was being soaked with her juicy drool, her ongoing chewing wringing out additional liquid each time she ineffectively tried to bite her jaws together. However the sheer amount of cloth made it impossible to spit out the damp wad that effectively quenched the pony’s attempts to articulate, scream or breathe properly through her mouth and whenever she thought she was pushing it close to the brink of spewing it out a hoof wearing elbow-long leather gloves mercilessly stuffed the gag deep back into her muzzle until she gagged once again, the cloth ball being right at the starting point again.
“W-was that t-too hard, Twilight?” a diffident voice asked innocently as the mare whined out her pain. Standing behind her was a lasciviously dressed Fluttershy wielding a short dressage whip in her hands. The mare was wearing nothing apart from a black buckle-covered corset along with matching gloves and thigh-high boots that created a sharp contrast to her yellow fur and the slight blush she was having on her face. Certainly Twilight Sparkle would have had an answer to that question but just like before nothing but muffled gargling noise emerged from her mouth while desperately trying to wind herself out of the uncomfortable spread-eagle position fixing her to the library shelfs of her very own home. Forced to endure the whip that her friend had smitten across her back over and over again the maltreated librarian let her head sink down, endeavoured herself to cater the natural urge of swallowing down some saliva that had accumulated inside her oral cavity thanks to the gag and commenced to heartbreakingly weep for mercy as much as her stuffed mouth allowed her to do so. Meanwhile parts of her upper body commenced to cramp from the exhaustion of having to tension her muscles whenever the malicious mare made use of her torture tool. Nonetheless the bound pony had eventually developed a rather moist coating of sappy body fluids in between her spread legs that eventually would drip down straight on the floor where they soiled the pages of an open book that had neglectfully been placed there during her studies.
“Uhmm I-I can’t accept that as an answer you know?” murmured the mare standing behind Twilight as she took a swing with her arm and cracked the whip onto the wooden floor beside herself with an ear-splitting sound that immediately made her victim flinch in fright and surprise. But just as the pony eased herself again after the initial shock Fluttershy skilfully turned the whip’s flowing movement into yet another vigorous motion that eventually made the tip lash much more intense than ever before diagonally across the mares unprepared back. The welt that now graced her behind had eventually lacerated her skin, drawing a bloody line as a consequence that eventually oozed some red liquid out of the wound. Twilight could feel the warm blood run down her dorsal area almost caressing her compared to the awful pain that stung deep into her flesh and caused her to spasms violently, although the sturdy restraints kept her easily in check and still left her exposed to her tormentor. She was grunting like an animal, desperately trying to ease the aching sensation by biting down onto the terrycloth until her jaw cracked under the pressure with a sickening sound. Forgetting to breathe Twilight eventually forced herself to heavily hyperventilate through her nostrils as a clot of saliva was squeezed through the gag and squirted down on the book that was already glistening from moisture to finally soak the pages with the mixture of body fluids coming from her.
Fluttershy had a hard time supressing a smile flashing on her face from watching the unicorn struggle with herself. Subsequently she would commence slowly walking up to Twilight, her boots creating sharp footsteps on the wooden floor that made the frightened mare flinch each time she heard them clicking closer to her. Soon she felt Fluttershy’s gentle breath caressing her neck’s bristly fur as she approached and put her head to the side of her neck. After playfully nipping Twilight there she started sucking seductively on her skin, letting out a lustful sigh that soon turned into a loving moan followed by a cascade of kisses, covering her whimpering victim with hickeys. As Twilight arched her neck into tickling feeling of Fluttershy’s smooth lips pampering her sensitive skin she could eventually calm down a little bit despite the wound on her back was still radiating numbing pain into her spine. But when she let out a tender mumbling indicating a growth in comfort Fluttershy suddenly rammed her arm’s hoof into the lower edge of the whiplash, pressing it as deep as she could into Twilights red flesh and started to slowly but surely dragging it alongside the wound. While the poor pony tried to scream in pure agony as the pain shot stridently into her back Fluttershy kept making out with her neck as a cherry-red blush rushed into her cheeks. Once the hoof’s tip reached the middle of the wound Twilight could not hold back no more and started to violently trash around within her restraints while thick tears rolled down her cheeks, eventually mixing themselves with the drool coming from the gag as they met on her chin. Her tear-blurred vision fixed on a book that was laying on the shelf in front of her and she tried to focus herself and concentrate her magic onto the object.
“J-just close the book with your horn i-if it gets too intense, o-okay?” Fluttershy had said earlier after having her tied up and gagged. But right after an excited Twilight Sparkle approvingly nodded just to watch in shock as her friend slipped a silver shining magic inhibitor over her horn, eventually rendering it useless and therefore denying her making use of the safeword.

“Ohh uhhmm how very bad of you, Twilight” moaned Fluttershy still sucking on her neck as she noticed a desperate spark of magic was being withheld by the device. Of course she punished the misbehaving pony by intensifying the pressure on the wound which she kept slowly tracing upwards until she eventually reached the opposing end after an agonising long time of torment. Once finished she took her hand that was now smeared with blood to stuff the cloth gag back deep into Twilight’s helplessly complaining mouth. Following that the sullied hoof carefully caressed the tormented ponies face, fondling her wet chin a few moments long before moving it further downwards. In the process none of Twilight’s sensitive spots were left out as her friend ensured that the titillating sensory impressions covered the mare’s body in shivering goose bumps. Eventually the tormented mare became fidgety as Fluttershy’s hoof crept closer to that particularly delicate location in between her legs, trying to shuffle her body away from the inevitable but the pony that was still caressing her neck did not falter until she firmly pressed against her most private part.
“Come on y-you know you want this so very badly” whispered Fluttershy into Twilight’s ear as she relentlessly massaged the exposed genitals between her defencelessly trembling thighs. The circular motions caused mortifying sloshing noises as Twilights female sap eagerly lubricated the briskly exploring hoof. Only her libidinous moans that were caused by the overall sensory overload of pain and pleasure that engulfed her body overlapped the wet sounds coming from her stimulated genitals even though the gag did do good work in curbing the lascivious ecstasy she eventually entered. Soon there was no chance to hold herself back anymore as all the various sensations mixed up into one intense feeling that rushed into her mind, forcing her over the edge of self-control and sparking a violent orgasm centred on the spot where the hoof touched her. As the tickling impulse started to spread like a web throughout her body that had all of her nerves fire their indescribable climax towards her lust-veiled brain Twilight instinctively humped into the hand that was graciously giving her this incredible finale. Even the pain from her bruised back would turn into absolute delight while her orgasm lasted. She grunted indistinguishable from a wild animal as her body jerked with ecstatic spasms that were fuelled by Fluttershy’s ongoing motoric encouragement. The book that had been quite soiled before now was absolutely sodden from the torrent of liquid that had dripped down onto its pages.
“Ahem you are really nasty Twilight” giggled Fluttershy’s low voice as she eventually retracted her touch from the exhausted pony, leaving her limply hanging within her restraints as she walked towards a table close by where she undressed herself from the suggestive outfit.
“I h-hope this will be enough to write an ingenious letter for princess Celestia as y-you told me you wanted to do” said the mare while dragging a wooden stool towards her bound friend which she precisely placed right below her still abundantly leaking genitals. Then she turned around again and looked for a certain object while a sadistic smile formed on her face which she quickly suppressed as she realised what she was doing and it got replaced with a slight blush like she often had rushing into her cheeks. To her pleasure she found a candle on Twilights’ desk that soon got relocated on top of the stool. Before she used a matchstick to light the candle Fluttershy made use of her whip by first of all rather playfully strike it across Twilight’s round butt, turning her cutie mark into yet another patch of reddened skin and consequently tied the flexible leather device around the surprised pony’s muzzle in order to inevitable prevent her from spitting out the washcloth like she tried before. Suddenly Twilight felt the heat rising up from the candle that was now burning right below her. Despite it was not close enough to actually injure her the increasing temperature proved to be getting quite uncomfortable over the time. As much as her restraints allowed it the mare tried to move herself away from the tantalising fire but nothing that was within her range did ease the growing pain down there. A desperate lament of gagged grunts begged her friend that was already standing in the door for mercy, hoping she would not just leave her hanging like that. Amused Fluttershy kept watching the struggling pony for a little while before she got herself ready to exit.
“You said Spike w-would be back in a few hours. I’m sure he would l-love to help you out of there, Twilight. I h-hope you’ll be at the picnic tomorrow though. See you” whispered Fluttershy in her usual timid voice so that Twilight almost overheard it since she was busy with her situation but eventually she realised that her fate was sealed as soon as the wooden door to her house creaked and fell into its lock. Now all alone she had not much of a choice apart from enduring the pain from both candle and the slowly engorging lashes on her back just as the exhausting aftermath of her now fading orgasm.


“That sure was one rollercoaster ride of a read” delightfully laughed out Princess Celestia as she put away the paper scroll she had received from her apprentice Twilight Sparkle earlier. At first she was a bit worried as she saw suspicious red and transparent stains on the parchment but after having read the delicate content of the letter she could eventually figure out their origin.
“She sure did learn a lot about friendship it seems. And obviously a lot about herself as well…. Maybe I should pay her a visit and have us talk about her experiences in detail sooner or later” the alicorn kept talking to herself in an amused manner while turning herself to the dresser beside her bed. Her magnificent ivory horn would glow with magic as she opened the top drawer and proceeded to pull out an elongated riding crop with gold-laced top and neatly ornamented handle.
“Probably later I suppose” snickered the royal mare as she blew a barely noticeable layer of dust from the crop and skilfully swung it across the drawer in a test blow. The loud clapping sound made her smile as she assessed that she was still as capable as previously and did not forfeit any of her finesse.
However the guard standing in front of the princesses’ bedroom door flinched visibly as he heard the sharp clapping noise coming from inside.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/rb7u7s/f4f_a_lesson_about_friendship_bdsm_clop_fiction