The time a big titty goth student edged me for an A [M/F] Part 3

This post is part of a larger story that is intended to be read altogether, so each part is not standalone. Please read Part 1 in order to catch up with this part of the story.

[Part 1](

[Part 2](


The room was small – 6×6 at most. Suspension cuffs hung down from the ceiling on a chain in the middle of the room. A small plastic chair sat in the corner. Mirrors covered each wall. There was a dimmer light switch on the wall.

“Get in, and stand under the chains,” she instructed.

“You can’t be serious…” I said.

She pushed me into the room and shut the door behind us. I was still trying to take it all in, growing more nervous by the second. *Am I really about to be cuffed to the ceiling by a student?*

“Stand underneath them and hold your arms out,” she ordered. I did as she said, albeit nervously. She put the cuffs on my hands, and pulled the chain to send my arms straight up in the air. My feet were still flat on the ground, but my hands were held up above my head by the cuffs. She yanked on my arms to test them. When they passed, she took a deep breath before walking all around me and saying “Good…that’s good.”

She stopped in front of me, and ran a finger down my chest. “Alright, I guess we’re doing this the hard way. You couldn’t just cum in me when you had the chance huh?” she complained. I shot her a fuming look. “No other professors have ever made it to this room before. This is just for my…lovers. And now you. What do you think happens in here?” she asked me.

I shrugged, “Looks like a lot of nothing happens in here.”

She smiled and laughed softly. “This is the last stop,” she said. Her hand wrapped around my dick, and she kept talking. “This is where you’ll be until the end. Until you give me an A or I let you cum,” she explained. “But look at the situation dear. Do you really think I’m going to let you cum? And do you really think you’ll last until morning? For all you know, it’s only 12:30am.” *Fuck…*I knew it wasn’t 12:30, but I didn’t know what time it was.

She tugged on my dick slowly and continued, “Do you really think I’m letting you out of here without an A?” Her tugs got faster and I instinctively groaned. “You’ve already begged me to cum. Do you really think you won’t submit to me soon?” Her free hand pulled my head back by my hair. “Do you really think I don’t know that you would do anything to cum on my big fucking tits?” She bit my neck and whispered close to my face, “You’re mine right now. I’m going to do whatever the fuck I want to you. You’ll never see the light of fucking day again unless you agree to give me the grade I want. And by the end of it, you’ll be in tears begging for me to let you cum.”

She bit my neck again, and dropped to her knees. “Oooh fuck!” I yelled as she took me in her mouth. Her lips hit my pelvis and I was already feeling close to cumming. My legs clenched and she stopped completely. I looked down helplessly, and her eyes told me what to do. *I can’t. I have to hold it together!*

She stood up and walked behind me. SMACK! She fucking spanked me, hard! “What the fuck!” I yelled at her, twisting my body in the chains.

She grabbed my hair again and ordered me, “Beg or else this is all I will do.” She smacked my ass again. *Fuck!*

“What will it be? Pain or pleasure?” She asked. SMACK! *Fuck!*

“Ah, fuck! Okay, okay…I’ll do it. God damnit…” I said.

She got back down on her knees and waited. “Please suck my dick,” I said softly. Instantly my cock was engulfed by her. I could see her head bobbing on all the mirrors around me. Her tits swung as she went back and forth. Her hands ran along my thighs before cupping and fondling my balls. I couldn’t believe how close I was to cumming already. My legs clenched and I had to warn her. She backed off immediately and stood up to shove my precum back down my throat with her tongue.

She waited a couple minutes while biting my chest and neck. She walked around me and SMACK! The pain made my hands tugged downward, but they wouldn’t move an inch. SMACK! My cock was still throbbing hard and more precum had leaked out from it.

“Wow, you just won’t get soft again, huh…” she commented.

She turned around and smirked at me through the mirror reflection. Her tits hung low. She slowly bent over. It must have taken her 10 seconds to bend over. *Oh my god…is she going to..?*

She started moving back slowly. I looked down and saw her ass come toward my swollen dick. My hands went crazy trying to pull on the chains. I wanted to spank her. I wanted to pull her onto me. Her pussy was only a few inches from me, and my dick throbbed in anticipation. I pushed my hips forward and touched her slit with my tip. She reached back to grab my dick, and pushed herself onto it. I yelled out a huge moan, bouncing off all the mirrors in the room. I felt my dick buried in her pussy, and it took everything in me not to cum immediately. She started moving back out slowly. I growled the whole time that she moved until I was completely out of her. And then I begged.

“Oh fuck, please fuck me again. Please! Again! Please! Please fuck me again!” I said desperately.

She pushed herself back over my cock slowly. As soon as she passed the head, I had to yell, “I’m going to cum! I’m-Ahhh!”

She quickly pulled off and turned around. I pushed out a growly frustrated yell. My dick tingled. My body twisted below the cuffs, and I mumbled out curses to get me through the moment. A sad stream of precum ran down my shaft.

She ran a hand through my hair and said “Mmm, great job. You’re getting so close. Maybe if you keep being good I’ll let you cum.” *Yeah fucking right.*

After a few moments she bent down and encircled my head with her tongue. I tried with everything I had to pull the chains down and shove her head all the way down, but my hands could barely move. She slowly took the rest of me in her mouth again, and all the moans that came out of me were growls. I wanted to explode in her mouth. I wanted her to deepthroat me while I filled her mouth with cum. I wanted it bad. But…I knew I couldn’t cum. My moans became nonsensical profane yells – “Fucking god fucking damnit! Ahh fucking fuck, shit! God-*Fuck!*” Until…she pulled her mouth off. I knew I was desperate then. I pushed my hips forward to try and put my dick back in her mouth. She simply moved her face out of the way with a straight face. My yells became pleas for her to do it again, not to stop, and to *just let me cum!*

She stood up chuckling to herself, and put her hand on my face. “It’s time for a break again now.” she informed me. “You will stay here, chained. Think about what’s going to happen when we start again. Think about how long you want to do this. You know what you need to do. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

I felt ridiculous when she shut the door. I saw different angles of myself in the mirrors. Here I was, chained up, naked, in the basement at the mercy of one of my least favorite students. Why did I get myself into this? I could have just failed her. I didn’t need to agree to this. It was hard to be honest with myself, but I didn’t think I could make it to sunrise without conceding. A couple hours had probably passed, but there were still a few hours to go. I was probably going to have to give her an A. *Fuck.* I thought I was being some kind of noble teacher going to extremes to make sure my student learned. But in actuality I was just being played. She knew that I wouldn’t make it. No one has ever made it. I couldn’t believe how easily my desire to orgasm took over the logical part of my brain. If I could maintain logical thought, then I knew I could make it, but that was futile. At this point, all she had to do was touch me and all I could think about is cumming. *I’m fucked.*

I was starting to lose feeling in my hands when she came back in. She was still wearing only black thigh high fishnets that matched her black hair. I could see her curvy figure through the different mirrors. Her tits hung high at her chest and jiggled with every movement she made. Her fishnets made her legs look long, leading up to her perfect ass. I got so caught up in admiring her body that I didn’t notice she brought lube with her.

She pulled the cuffs down to where I had a lot of flexibility. My hands became all tingly as the blood rushed back to them. I held them in front of my chest and moved my fingers around to get used to feeling them again.

She stood straight up in front of me and watched me as I regained the feeling. I couldn’t take my eyes off her chest. That’s when she said it to me.

“Touch them. Go ahead. You’ve earned it.”

I hesitated cautiously.

She nodded once and continued, “Seriously, go ahead. I’m impressed. You can touch them, squeeze them, do whatever you want with them.”

I still hesitated. I knew that if I touched them, then I was going to get hard again immediately. I tried to hold out to keep my logical side active as long as I could. She walked around me and pulled my head back by my hair again.

“You want them right?” she snapped.

“Yes,” I whispered while exhaling sharply.

“Then take them. Take my big fucking tits in your hands. Touch them, feel them, squeeze them, run your finger over my nipple. Do it. Or else you’re breaking the rules and this is over,” she ordered.

When she stood in front of me again, I reached out slowly. I wanted them, I did, but I scared of how good they would feel. My breathing was heavy as my fingers got closer and closer to her. My eyes saw her chest rise and fall with her own heavy breathing. I hesitated at the last moment before touching them, taking in one last breath.

And then…contact. Pillowly softness. My fingers curled into each one trying to grab as much as I could, but she still spilled out of the sides of my hands and between my fingers. She took a step closer when I leaned my head down, mouth open. I shoved my mouth over one and tasted flesh. I ran my tongue over her nipple, and then moved up to her areola. I sucked hard and ran my tongue down over her nipple. Even my tongue could feel how soft and smooth she was.

I pushed my face down and rubbed it over her tit a couple times, feeling her cool soft skin all over my face. I pushed both of them together and shoved my face between them. Her pillowly skin covered my eyes and temples completely. When I inhaled, I took in only her scent. She covered me, and for a few moments I abandoned trying to last all night without cumming. I let my head out and pushed them together before bringing my face back down over both her nipples. I sucked hard and the taste of her filled my mouth. My hands held as much of her as they could, my face was surrounded by her thick tits, and my eyes only saw black when I opened them. *This is worth giving free As for.*

I was lost in ecstasy when suddenly she rubbed lube over my cock. The initial cold was shocking, but she immediately started gliding her hand over me. I grunted reflexively but kept my face pressed into her huge chest. She started slow at first, eliciting lots of moans out of me while I sucked on her breasts. I didn’t need to beg for her to go faster this time – after just a few minutes she started stroking me fast. The feeling interrupted me every few seconds and I had to stop to “moan it out.”

But then she ordered me to not stop. “Keep your face in them. Keep sucking on them. Don’t stop worshipping them.” I pushed my face into them again, trying hard to focus on her tits and not on how amazing her hand felt gliding over my cock. I ran my tongue up one of her nipples, and when I passed it I sucked hard on her flesh. I bit down when I let her out of my mouth. Something surprised me then – *she* twitched when she felt my teeth, and she followed it up with a quick grunt. I moved to her other breast and did the same thing – sucked in hard and bit down. She exhaled with a quick moan, so I repeated this a few times. I could tell she liked it, but she never let out a “real” moan. *Until she did.* I tried pinching her other nipple hard while biting down on her other breast – bingo.

“Oh, Fuck!” she yelled quickly. Her body twitched and I felt her hand stop moving on me. Before she could respond, I repeated it, biting down on another spot on her breast. She screamed again, and this time her breathing got heavy afterwards. I paused, waiting for her to take the lead.

“Do not fucking stop.” she said in a low tone. “If you stop I’ll torture you down here as long as I fucking feel like it.”

I got even rougher with her when she said that. I bit harder, squeezed her nipples harder, and tried to find every inch of breast I could fit into my mouth and hand. I listened closely for signs that she liked it. Nearly every exhale from her had a moan with it. I felt her body twitch and her hips buckle a few times when my teeth made contact with her. She took her hand off of me and I could feel her arm moving her fingers and hand slowly. Her moans were getting loud in the tiny room we were in, and she started commanding me.

“Don’t fucking stop. Remember the rules. Do what I fucking say, and *do not fucking stop.* If you stop I’ll never let you out of here.” she said between moans. I had no complaints – it’s not everyday that you get to worship giant tits. I kept sucking, biting, and pinching all over her big tits. The taste of her flesh started to mix with the taste of my own saliva. I could see some spots where I had already left hickeys on her tits.

“Oh! Oooh!” she screamed.

Her arm was moving more frantically now. She threatened me again with endless torture if I stopped. Her head leaned forward and rested on my shoulder while I was working on her breasts. She bit into my shoulder, and her breaths became short and fast. I kept going to town on her tits, and eventually I felt her whole body buckle. I heard a long gutteral moan at my shoulder. Her arm slowed to a crawl. I sucked her in again and bit down hard. She screamed as her body shook. I kept her in my mouth until she was still again and slowly released her while barely letting my teeth through.

We locked eyes before she said, “Mmm…good job.”

I smirked at her before looking down at her chest. Her tits had red and purple spots all over them. I felt proud thinking that she’ll walk around for days with those marks on her, underneath her bra where no one can see. She pulled up on the chains again, and my hands went flying above my head again.

She got down on her knees and said, “It’s not often that someone helps me cum down here.” That sentiment made me more proud. “Especially not any of the professors I bring down here,” she continued. “and especially not someone that’s chained. Mmm, I bet *you’re* ready to cum aren’t you, Dr. Hand?”

I took a deep breath, anxious yet excited for her to touch me again. Her fingers wrapped around my shaft and slowly tugged back and forth. Immediately I squirmed and held back a whimper. She grabbed me tighter but her hand still moved slow from the very tip of my cock all the way back down. A few curses came out of me, and instinctively I wanted to get my hands free. The sound of chains moving filled the room as I pulled on them desperately.

She scooted closer to me and pulled her tits up. “Mmm, look at what you did to my tits. God damn…” she said. Her nipple ran along the back of my dick. She scooted again, and I watched my cock disappear in her tits. I couldn’t look away as she rocked her tits back and forth together. I was already getting close to cumming, and I couldn’t help but envision cumming all over tits, covering her in cum, and watching her lick it off her tits. I started moaning with each breath, and she stopped in response.

Her hand tightened around me again and she stroked me fast. “Wow you’re already close huh? How long have we been at this? At least a couple hours now? I bet you’re ready to cum. I bet you want to cum all over me. Can you picture that? Cumming all over me?” she teased. *I already have.*

She kept stroking me fast, and then bobbed her mouth over my cock. “Fuck!” I yelled, and she pulled her mouth off only after a few strokes. I was close to the edge now. I could feel it, and I warned her.

“You’re close? How close?” she teased again while taking her hand off my cock. I let out a groan that begged her to keep going.

“Oh, did you not want me to stop? Do you want me to keep going?” she said as she brought her mouth over my cock just one time.

I moaned loudly, and told her, “Yes!”

She smiled and paused for a few seconds before saying, “Are you sure? You want me to keep doing this?” She ran her tongue over the back of my dick, but stopped after once.

“Oooh, fuck, yes, yes yes yes, please do that!” I begged pitifully.

“Mmm, sounds like you like this a lot,” she teased again. She waited a few seconds for me to be still, and she took me fully in her mouth, her lips touching my pelvis. She stopped again after just one time.

*Oh my fucking god!* Every time she touched me I nearly reached the point of no return. I only needed a few more strokes and I could cum, but she denied me every time. My whole body twisted above her when she pulled off. I tried hard to calm down, to remember that I needed to hold it in. But every time I started to calm down she touched me. Her hands would jack me off slowly, her thumb tracing my frenulum on the way down. Her mouth would wrap around my cock, feeling her tongue ring and lips slowly march down my shaft. She would push her tits together and swallow my cock in them. I only had mere seconds to recover after each one. And each time she touched me I wanted to cum more and more. Her dirty talk moved from sweet teases back to demanding commands.

“Tell me what you’re feeling, now!” she snapped at me.

“Oh god…I-I’m feeling-fuck! I-I feel like I want to cum!” I barely mustered out when she stopped one time.

“Don’t stop talking. If you stop talking then it’s over and I get an A.” she reminded me, right before engulfing my dick in her mouth.

“I-I…” I started as she came up and let me rest. “I want to cum. Please. I want to cum. I want to-*fuck!*” I yelled as she stroked me a couple times.

“Where do you want to cum? Tell me. Tell me!” she yelled when she stopped stroking me.

“I-I..want to cum…on your tits. And in your mouth.” I whispered. She took me in her mouth again. “Ooh, fuckkk…I want…” I whimpered. She pulled off after only a few moments and kept talking to me.

I don’t know how long this went on for. I was ripped out of ecstasy when I was about to cum over and over and over and over. She ordered me to talk to her, to tell her what I wanted. I tried to hold it together, but eventually I was genuinely begging to cum. Giving her an A wasn’t even in my mind anymore – I just wanted to cum. I begged her repeatedly, but she never let me. I rode the edge for what felt like an eternity. Sometimes when she pulled off she asked me *if* I wanted to cum. Other times she asked me *how* or *where* I wanted to cum.

“On my tits? Mmm, that sounds good to me. And in my mouth? You can only cum once. Which one? Picture it. Picture cumming on me. Tell me, which one?” she asked.

I couldn’t respond this time. I tried to speak, but something close to gibberish came out. “I want, uh, uhh, Iwan, uhh, cum, onuhh, uhh, thI…” My dick throbbed. I felt precum leak down my shaft. My breaths were rapid and I was losing feeling in my hands again.

She stood up and let the chains down. My hands fell to my sides and my chest heaved as I gasped for air. She pulled my head back by my hair, and spoke in my ear.

“You know how to make this end, Dr. Hand. You know how to let yourself cum. Give me an A. Give me an A in the class, and you can cum. You can cum anywhere you want. I’ll rub it over my tits or swallow every drop. Just say the word, Dr. Hand. Give me an A.” She waited a few moments, and then, “…So?”

I took a few breaths to collect myself. *I want it. It’s all I want right now. But…I can’t do it. I can’t give in.* “No.” I responded.

I could hear her smile in her words when she said, “So be it.” She let go of me and pulled the chair nearby. It was time for another break, she explained. She told me to take a seat and wait. I obeyed. She reminded me that if I jack off then I have to give her an A, and she left the room.

So there I was again, naked and alone with my own thoughts. I sat there trying to catch my breath and regain some sanity. I was too exhausted to look around, but I imagine that I looked like an idiot in all the mirrors around me.

*I’m screwed. It took everything in me to say no just now. There’s no way I can make it to sunrise. What time even is it?*

I summoned some energy to look around for a clock, but there wasn’t one.

*How does she even follow that up? What is she planning next?*

I started to soften up a bit and was feeling pretty level headed.

*Well if I made it through that then I can probably make it through anything. Yeah…I actually think I’m going to make it. I got this!*

Finally I heard footsteps and the door opened. When she came back in, I felt both dread and excitement simultaneously. *I can do this, I know I can do this.*

The fleshlight was in her hand. Lube was in her other hand. Her fishnets were still on. And her tits were still huge.

We said nothing to each other when she came in. She pulled the suspension cuffs back up and I silenty assumed my position.

She poured lube onto her hands and looked at me like she was going to prove a point. She grabbed my cock and started lubing it back up. I hadn’t even realized that I got hard again just from watching her come back in the room.

I broke the silence with “So, what now?” She still said nothing. I exhaled strongly a few times from her strokes, wondering what she was thinking. Her eyes were still locked with mine, and she grabbed hold of my balls forcing me to groan out a “Fuck!” I couldn’t believe how fast I reached the point of orgasm. I was feeling it within a minute or two.

“Ooh, fuck fuck fuck, I’m about to cum, I’m going to cum if you don’t stop…” I warned.

She let go and in a blur she grabbed my hair and spoke. “What now?” she said. “What now is that I’m going to fucking torture you again until you give in. I’m going to keep you on the edge for hours. This time there’s no break. Not anymore.”

She released me and pushed the fleshlight over me. “*Oh fuck!*” I moaned. It was warm inside, and my dick was soaked with lube. I kept moaning as she moved the toy down my shaft, and as she pulled it back up I had to warn her again. “I’m about to cum again, fuck!” I gasped.

She pulled the toy off completely, and got close enough to me that her tits were pressing against my body. I took a few deep breaths and she pushed the toy just over the tip of my cock again.

“Ooh, fuck, fuck that feels good…” I said desperately. “Come on, just finish it. Just finish me off, please…”

She moved the toy over the tip of my dick a few times and pulled it off. I begged her again, and her only response was to lick her lips. She grabbed my balls again tightly while I tried to collect myself. But I could get a few breaths in before I felt the warm wet pressure surround my cock again.

“Oh, fuck! God, fucking…oh my god…” I moaned, my vocabularly clearly became reduced to just a handful of words. She thrusted it down my shaft once…I moaned, then twice…I begged, then three times…I yelled, and it was off of me again.

“Fuck you! What the fuck! This is-” I snapped, but was cut off by my dick being stroked by her hand furiously while fondling my balls. “-aaah, fuck…” was what my words morphed into.

“Are you ready Dr. Hand?” she asked. “You know how to end this. Give me an A. Say that you’ll give me an A and this can be over. You can cum all over me.”

I pressed my lips together to keep quiet. *No! I can’t do that! I’m better than that. I’m not giving in!*

She was still stroking me fast. I tried to speak what was in my head, but all that came out was “…No!” She let go of me then. My body squirmed and I tested the chains harder than ever before.

“Okay then, if that’s what you want to do. I can keep this up all night.” she said nonchalantly. “But let’s take it up a notch.”

She turned around and bent over. I wanted to smack her ass, but was quickly reminded that I was restrained. I felt my cock twitch in anticipation. I could see her big tits dangling down in the mirrors. *Oh god, here it comes…*

“Be still…” she said as she backed up into me. The tip of my cock touched her lips, and my hips buckled immediately. She was soaking wet. She found my cock again and slowly forced herself over my dick. As soon as I started to feel my dick going in, I let out a flurry of moans.

“Ooooh, fuckkkk!”, “Oh my god, oh fuck!”, and other typical phrases came out of me. Instinctively I thrusted my hips forward and buried my cock in her. The warm wetness of her made me quiver and I lost focus on anything else. She pulled my dick out of her, and I lost it.

“What the fuck!! NO! I need it! Oh fuck I need it. PLEASE. Oh I just-no! Just fucking fuck me until I cum!” I screamed.

She was still bent over, but I could hear her chuckle in response. I imagined bringing her down to the floor onto her stomach, spanking her as hard as I could, mounting her and shoving my dick into her over and over until I came in her. *If I wasn’t in fucking chains…*

“You know what you have to do to cum, Dr. Hand. I need an A.” she said provocatively.

Then she backed up again, and I was in her. My mind went blank and I could only feel the pure pleasure of being inside her again. I shoved my cock forward, and my hips twitched when I was fully in. She pulled forward and then slammed back into me hard. I heard her gasp. I tried to thrust again, but she pulled off.

“No…no..please, fuck! Please just fuck me.” I begged.

She did keep fucking me, but only one or two thrusts at a time. Each time my body writhed in the chains. I begged her desperately to let me cum. I yelled for it. I screamed for it. But she wouldn’t do it. She told me to give her an A and she’d let me cum. She repeated it every time, reminding me that I was in control of my own orgasm. All I had to do was give her an A and I could cum.

She covered my dick with her pussy again. I probably sounded like an animal at that point – loud and reckless. This time she pushed herself completely over my dick and stopped to reach back and grab my balls. I tried to move my hips but she followed me backwards to fondle me while I was buried in her. I stopped moving and accepted it. The stimulation was overwhelming, and my begs got quiet.

“Oooh, don’t stop. Please. That’s good. Oh fuck, *please don’t stop.*” I whimpered. I was nearly at the point of tears.

But she *did* stop. She went forward quickly and let me to feel nothing but cold air. This time I couldn’t even bring myself to beg before she reminded me.

“Did that feel good? I can keep going. I can make you cum. I’ll fuck you until you cum, Dr. Hand, but I need an A first. I’ll bury your fucking dick in me and let you shoot all of your cum into me. Just say the word, *Dr. Hand.*”

And she grabbed my dick to angle it into her, once again. I was instantly lost in pleasure, once again. She stopped at my tip to listen to my moan, then pushed herself further down my shaft. Curses and soft whimpers came out of me. I was losing. Badly. I had next to no fight left in me. I never knew I could feel this way, but *I was desperate to cum.* I *needed* it. I yanked my hands but they didn’t move, *yep, still chained up.* Within seconds she was off of me again. *God damnit. I…I…I lose.*

“What’s wrong Dr. Hand? You’re getting so quiet-” she started.

“Okay.” I whispered.

She hesitated, then asked, “Okay?”

“I’ll give you an A. You can have a fucking A.” I conceded. She started bending back up until I continued, “With some conditions.”

She bent back down, moving her pussy close to my dick again and inquired, “Conditions? What conditions?” while tapping her lips on the tip of my dick. I grunted and pushed forward, trying to fuck her again, but she moved just far enough away each time.

“I want to cum *in* you. And I want you on top of me. I want you to fuck me until I cum. And when I cum, I want you to smother me with your tits again. And I don’t want to be tied up when this happens. That’s all.” I said.

She tapped my dick and let me enter her again. I quickly shoved my dick into her hard, and moaned loudly. She only gave me one thrust before pulling out and saying, “Deal.” She stood up, let my hands down, and walked out of the room. She came back in with the laptop. The site that I logged into earlier was still loaded.

“Do it now. Assign the A, and we’ll finish.” she said.

I navigated to the Final Grades page. I clicked the class she was in, and scrolled down to find her name. I took a deep breath…clicked the dropdown menu and selected “A”. I took another breath…scrolled to the bottom of the page…and clicked “Submit.” *I am a terrible fucking professor.*

She smirked and sat the laptop down in the corner. She walked back and instead of pulling my hair, she ran her hands through it softly. “Alright Dr. Hand, let’s go.” she said before undoing the cuffs.

We walked back into the other room in silence. I sat on the bed brooding.

“What’s the matter? Feeling guilty?” she asked.

I responded with simply a deep sigh. She raised her eyebrows at me and kept staring.

“Just fuck me.” I said exhausted. I wanted this to be over.

“Yes sir.” she chuckled, and walked over to me. She sat on her knees in front of me and stared me in the eyes. “I’ll fuck you, Dr. Hand. Because you gave me an A in your class.” she said.

I broke the eye contact and tried to focus on her hand crawling up my thigh.

“And I didn’t do *anything* in the class. I didn’t turn in a single assignment, I didn’t take a single exam, nothing.” she kept going.

I felt her fingers stroke me slowly while she talked. “Isn’t that right Dr. Hand?” she asked right before licking me from base to tip. I couldn’t help but moan in response.

“You thought you could outlast me, but I broke you.” she said between licks. I was rock hard by the time I was in her mouth, and I knew I wouldn’t last long.

I grabbed her hair and pulled her head up. She looked at me with an open smiling mouth when I said, “Fuck me. *Now.*”

She pushed me further onto the bed and straddled me. Her tits were in my face right away, and then in my mouth. I reached my hands around to grab her ass while keeping my mouth over her nipple. Clearly she was into pleasure pain, so I smacked her ass hard. She gasped, and followed with “Mmm! Go ahead, do it again.” I smacked her ass again, harder this time, which was followed by a loud “Oh!” from her. I sucked on her breast hard, letting some teeth through, and smacked her ass a third time.

I paused when her hands found me between her legs. I felt her body moving down. *Here we go.* She angled me towards her, and soon I was moaning loudly. I let my body relax and focused on how tight and wet she was. She started grinding on me with her body bent down. Her tits pressed on my chest and her hair tickled my face. I started moving my hips in sync with hers. The only sounds were our grunts and moans while we used each other. My hands took handfuls of her soft tits and pushed them together hard. I shoved the parts I couldn’t grab into my mouth. I don’t think I could ever get tired of her fleshy big tits taste. Suddenly her hands pressing on my shoulders and we started going faster. The sight of her big tits bouncing around wildly was too much for me. I told her I was getting close.

She smiled and gave me one last order. “Do it! Cum! Cum in me!” she yelled. “Cum in me and I’ll smother you with my tits!”

That was too much for me. Instantly I felt myself reach the end. This is what the entire night had been building up to. The whole night flashed back to me then…walking through the front door, the moment I first laid on her bed, being tied up and teased with toys, the endless denial torture she put me through. And now, the end. This was destined to be the result the moment I walked into the house. I couldn’t believe how badly I wanted to cum all night. I was desperate for it. I *begged* for it. I gave a student a free A for it. And then…

I came. It started with my hips going still and a long moan came out of me. She came down on me quickly and shoved her tits in my face. My whole face was buried in them. I felt cum rocket out of me and fill her up. I…*sobbed.* More cum shot out of me and my body went limp. I made gutteral sounds from underneath her tits as I entered a state of moaning and climaxing that felt never-ending. Even when cum wasn’t actively shooting out of me, I still couldn’t move. All the while her tits pushed against my face. Every time I tried to inhale I barely got any air – all that I could feel, smell, and taste was her big tits burying my face. She kept pushing back and forth on my dick while I could barely think or breath. I genuinely thought I was going to pass out, so I closed my eyes tightly and growled a couple times to stay focused in the moment. Eventually the noises coming from me became soft and higher pitched than my normal voice. Her tits still controled everything I could see and feel as I started to whimper out of the orgasm. She started to pull back but I quickly wrapped my arms around her back and pulled her down. She got the message and pushed her tits together more – now I couldn’t breathe at all. A few grunts came out of me while I was denied air. Soon my body started wiggling under her trying to break free, my hands grabbing every piece of her bare midsection that they could. She pushed her chest down even harder on me. I tried to inhale a few more times but still I could only take in her tits over my face. Eventually she could tell I was starting to panic, and she was kind enough to not *actually* smother me. I gasped for air, and as I was calming down I was looking at her unbelievably sexy body sitting above me.

“Fuck…I’ve never cum like that before.” I admitted through still-irregular breaths.

She smiled and said simply, “I get that a lot.”

I laughed and started to get up. She went to clean up upstairs while I used the bathroom in the other room. Within minutes the high from my orgasm wore off and the gravity of the situation consumed me again. *What have I done?*

She came back downstairs and asked “Well? How do you feel?”

*Dirty. Guilty. Shameful.*

“Good.” I said, trying to not let on how I truly felt.

“Maybe we can do it again some time. What other classes do you teach?” she joked.

“Do not sign up for another one of my fucking classes.” I said sharply, completely ignoring her humorous tone. Admittedly, the sex was so good that I’ve never forgotten it and probably never will. But…I cannot do this again. I love my job too much.

The walk up her staircase felt like an eternity. I was still in shock over everything that happened. *I can’t believe I even agreed to this. I’m better than this.* I finally reached her front door and walked out. But as soon as I took a step out, I stopped. I couldn’t believe it. The sky was purple. The sun’s rays were just becoming visible.

