[MF] The Massage

We have arranged to meet at the parking lot so that we can be discreet. I have no sooner arrived than you pull up beside me. We exchange smiles as I walk to your car and open your door. I take your hand as you step up out of your car and then I take you in my arms.

I greet you with “Hello Beautiful”, and then our lips meet as we have finally arrived at the next meeting that we have so longed for.

I feel the electricity flow through my body with the exhilaration of holding my lover and kissing her soft sweet lips. As we finish our kiss we smile at each other and gaze into each others eyes, each of us seeing the fire that is starting to burn brighter. I take your hand and we walk to my car. I open the door for you and you start to sit down, but stop seeing the single long stem rose on the seat. You reach down and bring the rose up and take a deep breath of its fragrance.

You turn to me and start to say, “Thank you”, but I cannot resist myself and I take you in my arms again and I ever so softly kiss your lips and hold you close to me. I feel the passion within in me rise as if I am engulfed in a fire that only you can bring to me. As we finish the kiss I open my eyes and see you savoring the moment, your eyes are closed and your face is totally relaxed as a smile creeps onto your lip as you exhale you moan with satisfaction at the incredible feeling a light kiss can bring. You sit down in the seat and swing your legs into the car and I shut the door, move around the car, get in and we are off.

We drive to a quaint little Italian restaurant to have an early lunch. The shades are down and the lights are low to give it that evening feel. We sit at a table for two off in the corner where we can be alone. As we sit there I cannot help myself but stare at you. You are so beautiful, your face is radiant and I can see the flicker of the candle light in your eyes. You smile at me, seeing how my eyes are focused on you and a smile slowly appears on my lips as I take a deep breath to drink in the vision that is before my eyes.

The moment is broken as the waiter puts down menus and asks what we would like to drink. We tell him and then look at the menu to see what we would like. He is back with our drinks and then we order a light lunch. You hand him your menu and then lay your hand down on the table. I hand my menu to him and turn to look at you again.

I move my hand near yours and my finger tips ever so softly brush your skin. It is amazing how such a soft touch can send a flood of pleasure through your body. I see your body contract and the hair stand up on your arm to the pleasure of the tickle. Your lips part slightly and I hear you say, “Ah” and then you let out a little giggle.

I feel your foot brush against my leg and love the way you gently slide it up and down my calf. I put my other hand on the table palm up inviting you to give my your other hand. You do and I take both of your hands in mine.

I say to you, “I have dreamed about this meeting since our last one”.

You smile and reply, “I know, I thought this day would never get here”!

I lay your hands palm up on the table and gently stroke both of them with my fingertips, starting at your wrist and ending at your fingertips. The feeling is taking your body and mind so much that I see your eyes close and you do even realize that you are moving your head to the left and making a slow circle down. At the bottom your lips part and a breath of air escapes in a weak, “Ooh”. As your head gets back up to level you giggle again and pull your hands away from the tickle.

You say, “Stop it or I will have to jump you right here at the table!”

I smile a devilish smile back at you and reply, “Is that a threat or a promise!”

That question will have to be answered later as the waiter sets our food down on the table. I move the items out of the center of the table and lay my left hand down in the center. You put your left hand in mine and we hold and rub hands while we eat lunch and talk about what is going on in the world and or lives.

As lunch is wrapping up and the waiter is collecting the money you ask me what we are going to do next. I inform you that I have a very special surprise in store for you, but you will have to wait and see what it is. We leave the restaurant and walk to my car; I open the door for you and then let myself in on the other side. As I sit down I feel your hand on my knee and you thank me for lunch.

I say your welcome by turning to face you and softly kissing your lips again. We softly kiss several times before they start to increase in passion and pressure. As we kiss my hand finds yours and our fingers intertwine, I break away from our kiss and move our hands closer and I kiss the tips of your fingers.

I feel you rub the tip of your nose across my cheek and along my ear and then you softly kiss my earlobe. My head turns and my lips meet with yours again and we kiss with more passion and fire welling up within our beings. We break our kiss and look into each other’s eyes and decide we better leave before we give anybody who might be watching a show they won’t forget.

We drive for a little bit before pulling into the parking lot of a little motel. You glance at me with a part quizzical part apprehensive look starting to ask me why we are here. I turn and tell you to trust me a little bit and wink at you. You sit back not knowing whether to go through with my surprise or call it off. By now I have parked and have your door open and my hand extended to you. You look at me still not sure of what is happening, but you give me your hand and I lead you to a door to a room.

I open the door and you step in to find that I have my massage table set up in the center of the room, with oil lamps burning to light the room. There is a dozen roses sitting on the desk in a vase and there are rose petals on the floor and the air is softly scented with their smell. You turn to ask me something, but stop because I am standing by you holding out a big fluffy bathrobe.

“Go take a nice hot shower while I get everything set to give you a massage”, I say and then smile and wink at you. You are not sure but walk to the bathroom anyway.

You close the door to the bathroom and see that I have sprinkled rose petals in here also. There is a basket sitting on the counter with a big bow on it. In the basket are a poof and a bottle of glycerin body wash, you start to smile. I hear the water turn on in the shower and smile to myself with relief that you are going to let me give you a massage.

The hot water feels good and relaxing running over your body, you open the bottle of body-wash and squeeze some onto the poof. As you lather the body wash the sweet smell of roses comes to your senses, and you take a deep breath. You think to yourself that you hope the massage is as good as this. You rinse and turn the water off.

Opening the shower curtain to get the towel and see writing on the mirror. It says “Thank you for trusting me!” You look at the door, you did not hear me come into the bathroom, you see the door is locked. You smile knowing that I had put that on the mirror before, knowing that if I got you this far you were going to let me massage you.

You dry off and slip on the big thick bathrobe; it feels wonderful against your body, like a big walk around hug. You hesitate before opening the door, but as you open it you see me standing there with a towel draped over my arm and a smile on my face. You smile back and take my hand that is extended to you.

We walk over to the massage table and then I move to stand behind you. You stop not knowing what to do next when you here me say, “Undo your robe and I will take it, lay face down on the table.” You slowly undo the ties on the robe and you feel me take it off your shoulders. The robe falls down your arms exposing your nude body to the air, which you now realize, is very comfortable.

I take the robe and lay it on the bed while you lay face down on the table. I move your arms to lie by your side and then take a second to look at your body, God you look fantastic from behind! I move to where I am standing up by your head. I take the bottle of hot baby oil and put a generous amount into my cupped hand. I put the bottle back into the hot water and put both of my hands together over the middle of your back.

I see your body relax and hear you exhale at the feeling of me spreading the hot oil onto your back and buttocks. It feels like I covered you with a blanket that just came out of the dryer and you feel like you could go to sleep right there. I know that and I am not about to let you sleep through the wonderful feelings that you are going to experience.

Your senses are awakened as you feel me start with a light; feathery stroke on your back and buttocks, my finger tips just brushing along your skin and it sends a tingle through your body.

With your head looking to your left. I place the heal of my hand mid way between your shoulder and your neck on each side. My fingers pointing at your feet and my thumbs are just to either side of your spine, but not touching it. I apply pressure to my hands and then slide them down your back, until I get just to the top of your buttocks. I slide my thumbs next to my hands and then curve my fingers out toward your side and slide my hands back toward your head with less pressure.

When my hands reach the base of your head I massage the backside of your neck with the fingers of my right hand. I do this twice more and then do a light, feathery stroke on your back before turning your head to the right.

As I turn your head to the right and proceed to do the same strokes three times your mind is moving toward entering the zone. The zone where time, troubles and pressures of life do not exist. The zone where your mind is totally and completely focused on the flood of feeling and pleasures that are coming from my touch.

As I finish those strokes on your back I once again I do a light, feathery stroke on your back. You are really starting to enjoy the feeling of my fingertips brushing your skin, it feels so relaxing but it energizes your senses!

I now place my palms on your shoulder blades, my fingers pointing toward your spine, but not touching it. I slide my hands down the length of your back, pressing into the furrows on either side of your spine. Then I knead your buttocks as if I was kneading dough. A new feeling floods your body as I massage a new area and you like the way it feels. As for me, man I love having your butt in my hands!

I then bring my hands up your side, then onto your shoulders where your arm starts. Then I slide my fingers around the outside of your shoulders and slide my hands toward your neck. I knead the muscles at the base of your neck, and then repeat this several times. I then move my hands and I rub the small of your back with virtually no pressure.

I put the heel of my hand in the center of your buttocks and push, and while pushing I then rotate the heel of my hand in a circle, first one way, then the other. Mmm, it feels so good for me to massage your butt, and Mmm, it looks so good in my hands. I again do a light, feathery stroke over your back and butt. The tingle is becoming a little more intense each time I do it and it is becoming more centered in your body.

I place one hand under your shoulder, and place my other hand atop of your shoulder; and begin to rotate your shoulder gently three times. Then I repeat this on your other shoulder. Then I move to your side, and place hands on your back just beneath your shoulder blades, my fingers pointing toward your head.

I slide my hands forward and curl my fingers over the ridge of your shoulder, pressing the heel of my hand up, folding your flesh between my fingertips and heel. Oh, that feels good, there is nothing like having your shoulders rubbed? You feel the tingle intensify more as I once again do light feathery strokes from your head down to your buttocks and tingle is really becoming pronounced in your hips.

I have your hand-laying palm up; I take the bottle of hot baby oil and pour it in my hand and then spread it first on one arm and then the other. Here comes that tingle again as I do light feathery strokes on your arm and back. I put my hand closest to you on top of your hand, and use my other hand to press while sliding it up your arm. I move to your other side and do the same thing to your other arm.

I take the bottle of hot oil and lightly rub it on your left leg, then on your right leg. Now the tingle almost makes you wince in pleasure as I once again start with a light, feathery stroke on your legs.

I am now standing at your feet; I place my hands in a V shape and slide my hands up your leg to drain it of blood, bringing my hands back down on the side of your leg. I now place my hand just below your buttocks and do hand over hand pulling on your upper leg. I bend your leg at the knee so that your lower leg is perpendicular to your upper leg. I over lay my hands at the back of your knee and slide my hands up the back of your legs; I bring my hands back down the side of your leg.

Now I stroke the top of your foot with the flat of my hand from your toes to your ankle. I hear you moan ever so slightly at the intense feeling of having your foot massaged. I stroke the bottom of your foot with the heel of my hand. Then I grasp your ankle from underneath and hold your foot with my other hand. I rotate your foot three times in each direction. Then I knead the top of your foot.

Then I take your foot in both of my hands, thumbs along the center of your foot. I press inward and up with my fingertips, then I rotate my hands while still holding the same position. I finish off by stroking, rotating and pulling your toes one by one. I work your big toe longer than I do the others and oh does that feel good! I end the toe massage by grasping all your toes and flexing them up and down four or five times.

I gently lay your leg back down and move my hands to your other leg. I perform the same set of massage techniques on this leg and your body enjoys the feelings from this side just the same as your other leg. I finish off with a light, feathery stroke over the entire length of your body.

Oh my, that feels so good, your body is totally relaxed. Your mind is completely idle, thinking of nothing, but very intent to process every touch, feeling, wave of pleasure that your body feels with my touch. With out dwelling on it you are no becoming aware that the tingle is settling in your pubic area and your temperature is rising.

I am now done with massaging the backside of your body. I wonder how you will react when I ask you to turn over so that I can massage the other side. Will you resist, will you hesitate or will you trust me. I gently touch your leg and say, “Sweetheart, turn over so that I can do the other side.”

You don’t waste a second; you move and turn over with excitement and expectation of your body experiencing the waves of pleasure of having me massage you some more. I am still standing at your feet and I stop and I drink in the vision of the beautiful picture that is in front of me. I take a deep breath and my eyes close slightly at the sight of you. There you are, lying on the table completely nude. Oh God, is there a more beautiful creature anywhere on this earth, no I don’t think so.

I marvel at your body, how could anyone not believe in God after observing his most magnificent creation, You! My eyes scan up your sexy legs, to your awesome thighs and your neatly trimmed pubic hair surrounding your most treasured possession. Your cute navel set in the middle of your lovely torso that is topped off with your majestic breast.

Your nipples are hard, partly from the tingle that I send through your body with my fingertips and partly from the slight chill of exposing them to the open air. Your face is radiant as you lay there in all your glory, fully relaxed, waiting for me to massage you some more.

I get a little quirky smile on my face, I can’t wait to get my hands on your body some more, and I can think of no better way. I grab the bottle of hot oil from the warmer and squirt it into my hand. I first put the oil on one leg, then the other.

I smile as I feel the tickle of your pubic hair brushing my fingertips as my hand moves by. I squirt more into my hand and gently put it on your stomach and lower chest, my hands just touching the bottom or your breast. I put more on one arm then the other, and then I pause.

This is the second best part of the massage, the best part is coming up in a bit, I put more hot oil in my hands and then I put it on your upper chest. I first go around your breast and then over the first and then the second. Mmm, I love touching you; I am a lucky man that I get to be with such a beautiful woman.

I stop because I do not want you to think I had you turn over just so I could feel you up, I have work to do here, work with a really big smile on my face! You don’t move but your skin jumps and the tingle drives deeper into your hips as I start you off with light feathery strokes from your head down to your toes. Your nipples get very hard with this excitement and I know that you are truly enjoying this massage.

I move back down by your feet. I place my hands just above your left ankle. My hands are side by side, palms down. I slide them up to the top of your thigh, then bring my hands down the side of your leg to the ankle.

Then I encircle your kneecap with my hands just under the edge of your kneecap. I twine my fingers together in back of your kneecap and slowly circle the kneecap with my thumbs of both hands. I then stroke your knee, encircling my hands around it and just below your kneecap, working my hands in a circular fashion.

I lift your leg and then place my free arm underneath your leg, reaching towards your buttocks. At the lower border of your buttocks I grip your flesh and move my hand towards me, down your leg, away from your heart. I then place your leg at a forty-five degree angel and massage your calf muscle. I work up your leg from the bottom to your knee, then back down again. I do the same with your other leg and then I finish with light, feathery strokes. As I do this I see your nipples get hard again and feel your leg tense ever so slightly as the tingle is concentrating more and more at your vagina.

I move to stand on your side, I grasp your ankle and flex your leg toward your chest. Then rotate my forearm on your calf muscle, and then your thigh muscle. Still holding your ankle, I flex your leg at the knee toward your magnificent chest, flexing it only to the point of resistance. I then kneed your thigh muscles. I once again do light, feathery strokes the entire length of your body, making sure my fingertip touch your hard nipples, the tingle down below is now turning to heat as the excitement mounts.

Holding your foot in my hand, I make a fist and roll it in the sole of your foot, in small circles. Then I grip your foot in my hands with my thumbs centered in the sole of your foot; I move them in small circles. I do the same on the top of your foot. Then run my fingers down the tendons from your ankle to each toe, and then I pinch gently the valley between each toe. Then finish off by squeezing your foot, holding it with both hands, my fingertips together and centered in the sole of your foot. I do this for the entire length of your foot. I again do light, feathery strokes on that leg and foot, then I repeat the same for your other foot.

Moving up your side, I have your arm laying palm down, I grip your wrist with both hands, my thumbs together. My hands encircle your wrist. I slide both hands up your arm, pressing firmly. I then rest your arm on the elbow so that your forearm is perpendicular to your upper arm. I make a fist and lightly roll it in the crook of your arm, using very little pressure.

Then I lift your arm and press it against my side, then begin kneading your arm from the top to your wrist. Supporting your arm with one hand, I massage your elbow with the fingertips of my other hand. I take your hand as in a handshake, taking much care not to put pressure on my wrist.

With my other arm, I grasp your upper arm and then pull down. Holding your arm at the wrist I rotate your arm in both directions, slowly. Then I lay your arm back down, palm up. Holding your hand in mine, I make a fist and roll it in the center of your palm, in small circles. Then I grip your hand in my hand with my thumbs centered in your palm. I work your palm with my thumbs in small circles, while my fingertips massage the other side of your hand.

I turn your hand over and use my thumbs to work the topside of your hand. I work in slow circles using the broad part of my thumb. I end your hand massage by running my fingers from your wrist, across you palm and between your fingers, working the fold of flesh slowly and lightly.

Holding your hand in mine, I encircle your thumb with my hand, then I twist gently as I move from bottom to top. Then I grasp your fingers, one at a time, and fingertip them from your knuckle to the nail, lightly. I rotate each finger, first one direction, then the other. I do the light feathery touches on that arm before doing the same massage and feathery touch to your other arm.

Staying on your side at the top of your chest I place my hands with my fingers meeting in the center. I slide my hands toward your feet, lighting up when reaching your stomach area. Then I cross my hands and bring them up the side of your body with my fingers pointing down. Then I put my hands side by side and lightly massage your abdomen. I finish up with light feathery touches covering your entire abdomen.

Now standing above your head. I begin with light, feathery touches to your chest. Your nipples are very hard, and the flesh of your breast feels silky soft. I place my hands palms-down in the middle of your chest, thumbs lightly touching. I slide my hands forward, lightening up when I reach your stomach, I slide as far as you can toward your genitals, but not touching you there.

I move my hands to your hips, pressing on the bones, then come up your side. Before reaching your armpits, I slide my hands up onto your chest once again. I do this several times and then once again I use a light, feathery stroke over your entire chest area.

I grip each collarbone between my thumbs and forefingers then run my fingers along the collarbone, first toward your shoulder, then toward your breast. Then I cup my hands over your breast and gently rotate them in a circular motion, first one way then the other.

The passion swells within me, along with something else as I finally have your breast in my hands, not just brushing my fingertips on them. I do this as long as I can, but stop not wanting to make you think I am just coping a feel.

I cup my hands at your shoulders and rotate each shoulder. I put a little bit more oil on your chest, and press down with the flat of my hands on your shoulders, fingertips pointing toward your breast. I slide my hands down your body and when I reach your breast, I turn my hands inwards so that my fingertips are facing each other. I continue to move my hands down, going over your breast, then once again I straighten my hands and continue the stroke all the way down. The stroke ends with my hands brought back along your sides, with my fingertips lightly feathering your back.

When my hands reach your armpits, I grasp and lift them a few inches off the table. I place my hands under your neck, palms up. Using my fingertips, I rapidly drum against your neck, keeping the backs of my hands against the table. I drum up and down your neck.

Next, I turn your head to my left, allowing it to rest in my left hand. With my right hand I begin working in a slow circular motion from the back to your neck to your hairline. I repeat with your head turned to the right in my right hand.

I place my thumbs side by side in my center of your forehead, with my fingers extended to your temples. I press lightly with my thumbs while I rotate my fingertips along your temples. Then I lay my hands on each cheek, my fingers pointing toward your shoulders. I rotate your flesh by pulling up with one hand, and pushing down with my other. I lift your hair from the base of your skull and gently massage your scalp with my fingertips in a light, circular fashion.

I place my thumbs in the center of your forehead, fingertips at your temples, then I gently press while sliding my thumbs to reach my fore- finger, and I very gently pinch my skin above your temple and rotate first in one direction, then the other. I place my fingertips at the top of your forehead in the center and very gently stroke to the sides of my face to your ears.

I very slowly work my way down your face, stroke by stoke to under your chin. I use very light strokes to your eyes, and then your ears. I finish the entire massage with light, feathery strokes covering the entire length of your body. I do this for at least a minute and I do not miss any area of your body with these strokes.

I stand up straight and smile at you, I still cannot believe that I have this angel, totally naked, covered with baby oil lying right in front of me! As I enjoy the awesome view of your incredible body I move to stand by your side.

Time to let you know that the massage is done. I lean over and very gently kiss your lips. You very slowly open your eyes and see me smiling at you and you smile back. I extend my hand to you and you take it as I help you sit up on the table. I grab a towel and put it over your chest and start to wipe off the baby oil.

“Oh, my God!” you say, “that was so incredible! I am so relaxed but I am sensually aroused”.

I smile at you and say, “That is the best thing about this massage”, as I continue to wipe off the oil.

You reach up and grab my arm with your left hand and you put your right hand behind my head and pull me to you. Our lips meet and you give me a deep passionate kiss. I can tell you really enjoyed it because you are pulling me to you and breathing hard.

I let go of the towel and cup your breast in my hands. You let out a little moan and kiss me harder, sliding your tongue into my mouth. We continue for a few minutes and then you break away from our kissing.

“You know Mike, you forgot to massage a spot on me”, you say.

I look at you puzzled and say, “Really, where”?

You give me a devilish smile and say, “You got me all hot and wet, can’t you do something for that”?

I get a big grin and say, “Of course my dear. Lie back down and I will fix that right now”.

You swing your legs back up onto the table and lie back. I move to your feet and then I take your legs in my arms. I pull you toward the end of the table and your body slides easily with all the baby oil. I lean over and start kissing the inside of your right knee. I slowly kiss down your leg, listening to your giggle and coo to the tickle and feel your body moving.

I kiss up and around your love box then up your left leg to your knee. I move my head closer and kiss all around you, feeling your pubic hair brush against my cheek.

I reach up with my hands and cup them over your breast, and then I use my index finger to play with your rock hard nipples. You reach up and take my head and start pulling me to where you want me, but I resist. I hold my head back and make circles around your vagina, each circle gets smaller and smaller as I go around.

Finally I am right above the spot, I take a deep breath of your wonderful smell and then I extend my tongue, low between your legs and bring it up just barely parting your lips. You moan loudly and pull my head toward you.

I hold my head back and keep extending my tongue low between your legs and then moving it up, each time parting your lips more and going deeper each time. Every time I do this you let out a moan and pull my head and thrust your hips at me.

Finally I am deep enough that as I bring my tongue up it brushes past your hard clit. You gasp with pleasure of me hitting the right spot and tug at my head and push your hips forward.

I now stay at the top of your pussy and lightly brush your clit with my pointed tongue, back and forth in a constant rhythm never applying more then a hair of pressure. You are extremely wet and taste really good. I want you to really enjoy this and I have to fight myself to keep from just clamping down on you.

For several minutes I just light flick my tongue back and forth over your clit. The whole time your body is moving in my arms. Your hands and your hips and your moans are all begging me for more pressure so that you can have your release. I decide we have all waited long enough and I press down just a little bit more with my tongue, you groan from deep within and then I feel your body tense and your legs clamp on my head. Your hips are now moving involuntarily against my face and your hands are pulling my head into you as much as you can.

Then I hear you say in a breathy voice, “Oh yes, oh God yes Mike! Oh God! Oh yes! Mmm, Oh baby”!

As I lean up I take your legs with my arms and pull you more to the end of the table, to where you can sit up. I take your hands and pull you up to me. I take you in my arms and without wasting a second our lips meet and we passionately kiss.

My tongue reaches out and you meet it, then you suck on my tongue. I pull your upper lip in and then run my tongue across your upper lip around and across your lower lip. I pull you tighter to me and move my head to kiss on your neck and then around your ear.

I hold you tight and give you a squeeze. I pull back and then look deep into your eyes, I see the fire burning out of control within you. You reach down and grasp my shirt at my waist and pull it up and taking it off me.

You slide off the table to a standing position in front of me with your hands on my chest. You kiss my lips and then start kissing down my body. Your hands slide down and start to undo my pants. You get the button loose and unzip them before moving your hands to my hips and push my pants and boxers down my legs. As you lean down push my clothing down, my cock springs free of it binds, proudly and firmly standing there.

I feel the tingle of pleasure shoot through my body as your tongue flicks the head of my cock, picking up the pre-cum that has accumulated. A moan escapes my lips as I feel you tongue now lick down the one side under my cock and then back up the other side. I gasp and you take me fully in your hot mouth and slowly bob your head back and forth.

You continue to suck my cock for several minutes while I try to remain standing to enjoy the pleasure. I feel my cock slide out of your mouth and you stand up, put both hands square in my chest and you start to push me backwards. I don’t fight your push as I look into the face of a woman now in control.

As my legs hit the bed and I loose my balance backwards you stop pushing. I land on the bed and see you kneel down in front of me, your hands surround my cock and balls and then I feel you lick the head of my dick again. My eyes close in ecstasy as you once again take me fully in your mouth.

I lose myself in the waves of pleasure that have taken over my body as you move up and down on my cock, your tongue circling my head, and your hands stroking my dick and playing with my balls.

A groan escapes my lips as I feel the pressure building in my balls and the fantastic tickle at the head of my dick. A few more strokes of your lovely mouth and I am about to blow.

“Oh yeah baby, here I cum,” I hiss.

You never miss a beat as my hot cum shoots from my cock to the back of your throat. You expertly take it all without spilling a drop as my cock throbs and my balls contract with each pulse of my ejaculation. You continue to suck on my cock until you feel my body start to relax a bit.

I lean up and see you start to crawl over me. I smile at you as our eyes meet. You smile back as I feel you reach between your legs and take my cock and position it at the entrance to your wet pussy. I watch as your eyes almost close as you lower yourself onto me. As I thrust up into you, you lean down and start to kiss me. I meet your kiss and it becomes very passionate as I ram my cock into your pussy and your hips buck back against me.

You then sit up on my cock to allow me to thrust deeper into you. I love the view from hear as I watch your phenomenal tits bounce with each stroke of our bodies. I hear you moan as I reach up and lightly pinch your hard nipples. Then I move my hands down your body and slide my thumb between us to rub your clit.

“Oh, yes baby”, you command, “Make me cum”!

You place your hands on my chest to allow you to rock your hips harder on my cock. I thrust back against you trying to go even deeper. My thumb is brushing past your hard clit, slick with your wonderful juices.

I feel your legs grip my body as you throw your head back. You let out a loud moan of pleasure with each deep thrust into your pussy. You are slamming your hips down to meet each upward thrust I make into you. I see your nipples standing out hard and then your body jumps.

“Mmm, Yes, God yes, fuck me hard baby”, you shout, “Make me, Cummmmmmmmmmm”!

You orgasm in mid sentence and I feel you pussy clamp and release with each spasm of your hard orgasm. This feeling along with your hot body pumping on my cock send me over the top. I hear you gasp in elation as you feel my hot cum pump deep with in you.

Both of our bodies slow their movement as we each allow the bliss of orgasm to wash over our beings. As your body relaxes, your arms buckle and you lay down on me. After a second you roll off me to lie next to me on the bed. I move up to your back and wrap my arms around you and gently kiss your neck.

We snuggle in each others arms for quite sometime with nothing said. Nothing had to be; our lovemaking said it all. I think you and I are going to have a long fantastic relationship. Can’t wait for the next date!

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/racnk8/mf_the_massage