Aunt Sally 2

Parents sent me to stay with Aunt Sally for my last year of school. Alone my snooping discovered she wasn’t the lonely single she made out to be. I’d let myself in and the fruits of my research had had me messily relieve the lust generated by what I had seen.

“I hope you’ve helped yourself. You can have free-reign here, anying you see you can enjoy” she intoned. She stared into my eyes and smiled. “I’m looking forward to having a man around the place a bit more. It does get lonely at times”. My mind flashed on her using that thick-headed rabbit, slick lips straining around the bulb as the vibrating thumb nestles into her cleft, moans and vibrations rising. I felt my cheeks redden. “Come, let me show you! Our little secret. ” and she grabbed my hand and dragged me up the hallway – for a split second I thought she was going to take me to her room, release my rising boner – remember I was 18 – place her elfin tongue under the glans and suck me deep. She could take me whole, sensitive underside graze down her tongue as she looked up into my eyes, applying suction and rock…but we passed her room and entered the kitchen. She swept open the pantry and cupboard. “Anything here, help yourself, anything missing or running out, put it on this list”. Half a teenage fantasy right there “Within reason”. She giggled “I’m very reasonable. We’ll work out dinner chores. Oh, bed by 10 before a school day, no limits otherwise. Your room’s your room for privacy, otherwise expect me to join you if I want, OK?”. I grinned assent as my boner shrank with the domestic details. “But tonight, takeout Chinese, I know it’s Friday but I’ve got a big day tomorrow.” We sat at the kitchen table and shared our days – our dinners at home were in front of the TV so conversation was a bit of a novelty, especially without phones too. She stopped halfway through a sentence and said “How OLD are you?”. I said I was 18. “Good, I didn’t want to pervert a minor” she said and got up. What the hell? She opened the fridge and waved a beer at me. I nodded although I wasn’t really allowed to drink at home. When in Rome. As the buzz grew Aunt Sally quizzed me about school, sport, friends, girls, boys before stating. “If you have any…ah…liaisons let me know. I can be cool but I need to know everyone’s safe. I’m going to wash up and bed. TV’s OK”. She swept the leftovers away and empties and was off. I was a little tipsy and popped in my earpods in a podcast as my eyes grew sleepy. I put the pods out and listened to the unfamiliar house noise drifting.

At first I thought it was me, like a mosquito going round and round but it was too cool a night. I listened and heard the round-and-round slow and then fast like a single tone. And then slow again. Once I had discened the pattern another tone was added half way into the fast cycle. It was Aunt Sally. I lay imagining her, eyes half shut, one hand grasping the sheets as she rotated the strongly vibrating rabbit against her pussy, erect clit tantalized by the rocking, gentle moaning. The cycle continued as I reached between my legs, my cock throbbing as I tried to match the rhythm. Slow-slow-slow then fast-fast-fast. Through the wall I could almost be touching as our arousal grew and played cat-and-mouse my orgasm pending. I’d thrown the sheets back and was almost holding my breath so I could hear our pace. So intently was I listening to these rhythms, these rising moans that I only just noticed they came from my ajar door, not through the wall. I gingerly rose during a moaning phase and crept up the hall.

My cock stuck out bouncing from my shorts as I approached Aunt Sally’s door.
Weak light emanated from the doorway into the otherwise dark hall, green from the old alarm clock. Just a peek, I convinced myself. The door’s open. Moving further around I saw her foot, arched tight on the bedspread, rocking in this slow phase. She must know I could be here – it’s the way to the bathroom. I reached down to tame my erection but instead held it like a talisman as I moved further around. Her knee obscured my vision of the humming vibrator embedded in her but her breasts heaved and rolled, eyes tight shut as her arms rolled the vibrating head against her clit as she entered the fast phase. Transfixed as her knee swung wide and her intent to pull the vibrator tight to her, grinding as her moans rose and my hand moved by itself, stroking in time with these movements, making them ours. My furious strokes were barely able to keep up with her when she just stopped dead and went silent. My ecstasy was tipping as I caught my breath I caught the first drop of semen in my palm as she roared, pumping the vibrator in and out, panting, eyes screwed shut. Then again, even louder, hips rising off the bed to get that tiny extra purchase and groan. I pumped myself raw watching this magnificent woman gloriously claim this pleasure, over and over.
I skulked away, part energised, part ashamed but all curious. This is going to be a fabulous year.

END Part 2



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