[MF] And on the eighth night of Hanukkah, we beat my orgasm record

Because my partner Henry is a non-practicing Chinese Buddhist, and I am a barely-practicing Jew, the “holiday season” has never really signified religious celebrations. But, as Americans, we love an excuse to exchange gifts.

In 2019, Hanukkah started on December 22 and ended on the 30th. The overlap with Christmas and almost-overlap with New Years provided a perfect excuse to take time off work and visit family. It was pure luck that we timed our last pre-quarantine visit with family that way, though we of course didn’t know COVID was around the corner. We stayed with my folks in my hometown, spent Christmas watching movies and eating Chinese food (or as Henry pointedly called it, “food”), and attended a smattering of holiday parties hosted by family friends and relatives.

We occasionally ran into my old high school friends at these parties, which is always awkward when you graduated about a decade ago and failed to keep in touch. It’s also awkward when you sheepishly admit to your partner that you used to sleep with the person you just waved to across the room and who is coming over to say hi. And it’s especially awkward when it keeps happening over and over again. Henry already knew about my promiscuous days in a small town where there was nothing to do on the weekends other than fool around with your friends, but witnessing the extent of it is different than hearing about it in the abstract. Thankfully, he seemed to take it in stride, even spending half an hour talking to a former hookup of mine at the last party of the season. And then we got home.

After saying our goodnights to the rest of the family, Henry and I finally had a moment alone in our room aka my childhood bedroom still covered with posters of 90s heartthrobs and softball trophies. “Well that was interesting,” he laughed as he helpfully unzipped the back of my dress, “I didn’t realize how popular you were in high school.”

“There was no popular crowd in a school of like 300 people,” I snorted, stepping out of the dress and hanging it over the back of my desk chair, “And even if there were, I wouldn’t have been one of them.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

My first emotion was embarrassment. And then anger at him for making me feel judged. I tried to temper down my instinct to lash out, knowing he probably didn’t mean to insult me. I intentionally kept my tone light as I pulled off my stockings. “Are you slut-shaming me, Mr. Yang? That’s not very third wave of you.”

“Not slut-shaming! Just an observation.”

I turned to look at him with my eyebrow raised. Henry was unbuttoning his dress shirt, his tie and suit jacket already neatly hanging up on the back of the door. “And what are your thoughts about that observation?” I asked measuredly, a smile on my face as I threw on my pajamas.

He shrugged. “No thoughts!”


Henry laughed, tossing his shirt in the hamper and unbuckling his belt. I sat on the bed with my arms crossed. “Please, feel free to elaborate,” I invited menacingly.

“It uh, it just explains a lot,” he eventually admitted, choosing his words carefully.


He shrugged as he removed his pants and hung them up. “You’ve always known what you like in bed, and you’re very confident.”

“Should I not be?”

He laughed again. “Stop trying to start a fight! I’m not judging you or saying you did anything wrong. If anything, I’ve benefitted from it.”

I leaned back against the pillows, my anger deflating as I saw his sincerity. “Well, then, you’re welcome for being the town slut.”

“Don’t talk about my girlfriend that way,” Henry mock hissed, pulling on his flannel pajama bottoms and laying down next to me.

“Your girlfriend sounds like a grade A whore.”

“Who’s not being third wave now, huh? Sex work is real work.”

“Fuck off.”

“Fuck ON.”

I giggled as he attacked my neck with kisses, one of his hands trailing down my body and wrapping around my waist. “We aren’t having sex with my entire family on this floor,” I whispered.

“Would high school Lily have those reservations?” Henry murmured as he kissed down my chest.

“High school Lily didn’t have her own apartment or a credit card to get a hotel room,” I laughed, wrapping a leg around his waist and pulling his face back up to mine to plant a soft kiss on his lips, “She didn’t exactly have options.”

We laid our heads on the pillows and continued our whispered conversation. “Then where did you end up becoming the most popular girl in school?” he teased.

“Do you really want to know?”

He nodded, a mischievous smile on his face. “The basement,” I stated matter-of-factly, “It’s so far down it’s basically soundproof. Man, if that horrible carpet could talk.”

“You had sex on the floor?” he snorted.

“Carpet burn is, unfortunately, no joke. As I learned. A couple of times. Too many times.”

“How many times are we talking?”

“Noneya damn business. But there was one night in particular…”

“Go on.”

“Well, it was the night I set my record.”

“Record for…?”

“Most orgasms.”

Henry’s eyebrows shot into his hairline. “Say more right now,” he insisted in his best John Mulaney impression.

I laughed and covered my face in my hands. “Forget I said anything!”

He pulled my hands away. “Absolutely not! I will not rest until I get this story.”

With copious amounts of blushing, I told him the story of the time a former fling had kept his face between my legs for at least an hour, refusing to let me get up until I orgasmed six times against his tongue and fingers. It was also the night I ended up with such deep carpet burns on my ass that I had trouble sitting for a week, but Henry refused to let me focus on that part of the story. By the time I finished speaking, I could see the clear outline of his erection straining against his flannel pajamas. His heavy breaths blew hot air across my face. My eyes flickered down to his mouth, and I watched as his tongue peeked out to wet his lips. “Any questions?” I asked softly, incapable of preventing a slight smirk from forming.

“What’s the record you’ve had with me in one night?” he asked quietly, his hand wandering down my arm and leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake.

“Oh, come on, this is not a competition,” I laughed.

“I’m just curious!”


“Interesting,” he murmured, leaning forward to kiss my neck, “Very interesting.”

My nipples hardened as Henry’s hand brushed against the side of my breast, his fingers traveling up and tangling in the hair on the back of my neck to pull me closer to him. I moaned softly on a sigh. He kissed up my neck to my ear, his lips brushing against my skin as he whispered, “How about we fix that?”

My heartbeat slid down my body to thump in my clit. “Here? With JTT watching?”

I gestured to one of the magazine cut-outs plastered on the wall next to my bed. Henry laughed and released me, grabbing one of my hands and pulling me upright. “Why not return to the scene of the crime?”

We giggled to ourselves as we shoved our feet into slippers and slipped quietly out of my room. I demonstrated how to skip over the wooden plank with the slightly protruding nail and the creaky top stair, Henry following silently behind me. We scurried down the stairs to the basement, closing the door behind us and stopping short when we saw my brother, Adam, sitting on the couch sharing a joint with his childhood best friend, Samuel. “Hey guys!” I exclaimed, trying to hide how out-of-breath I was, “This is a blast from the past, isn’t it?”

Henry greeted Samuel familiarly and sat on the couch next to them, having met at Adam’s college graduation a few years back. Adam passed me the joint as he exhaled a cloud of smoke. “‘Sup, Henrique, you allergic to shirts?” he teased.

I flipped him off and took a toke before passing the joint to Henry. “The Abrams women seem to only function when their homes are 90 degrees,” he shrugged, “Didn’t feel like sweating all over Lily’s camp t-shirt blanket.”

“You still have that blanket?” Samuel laughed.

I flushed at the implication behind his words. Adam smacked Samuel upside the back of his head while Henry locked eyes at me, his eyebrows raised and slight smile on his lips as he took a hit from the joint. “Fuck off, it’s warm,” I shot back, sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of the couch, “Don’t think I didn’t notice you’re still wearing your lacrosse sweatshirt. Reliving the glory days?”

Samuel jokingly flexed. “Gotta remind Adam he was always second string. Keep him in his place.”

The four of us passed the joint around a few more times while shooting the shit, Henry and I occasionally making meaningful and wistful eye contact. After about half an hour, Samuel gently smacked Adam on the chest and gestured to the time on his phone. “We gotta head out if we wanna get to Ali’s early.”

“Ali’s having a party?” I asked, putting out the joint on a plate and handing it back to Adam.

“You wanna come?”

“I think we’ll just watch a movie,” I replied innocently, “Henry needs to catch up on the MCU before I let him watch *Endgame*.”

Adam and Samuel nodded approvingly, Samuel giving Henry a shoulder clap and pulling me to my feet for a hug. “Later Henglebert, Lils,” Adam saluted, shutting the door behind them as they headed towards the garage.

“Samuel?” Henry asked incredulously as I settled on the couch next to him.

“Like twice! Ok three times. But one of them wasn’t even sex!”

He laughed good-naturedly as he wrapped his arm around me and picked up the remote. “Ok where were we, *Ant-Man and the Wasp*?”

“You know we aren’t actually going to watch a movie, right?” I laughed, taking the remote from him and tossing it next to me on the couch as I straddled him.

“I didn’t, but fuck yeah, let’s do this.”

Our lips crashed together. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, Henry’s hands grabbing onto my waist and pulling me closer. We kissed deeply for a moment, and I quickly remembered his proposal in my bedroom. “How serious were you earlier?” I asked softly, breaking the kiss to look in his eyes, “About trying to break my record?”

He picked me up, rotating us to so I was laying on the couch with him on top of me. “Oh there isn’t going to be any ‘trying.’ It’s gonna happen.”

I giggled at his confidence but felt a thrill travel down my torso. The weed had definitely begun to take effect, my body more relaxed than it had been since before we got to my hometown. He gently circled my wrists and pinned my hands above my head on the cushions as he kissed me. I moaned encouragingly into his mouth. He ground against me slowly, the weight of his body and his grip on my wrists immobilizing me as he took complete control. His long, languid thrusts rubbed his hardening cock against my clit, and I whimpered softly as he buried his face in my neck and began sucking softly on my sensitive skin. “I want you to count them for me,” he whispered against my neck, nibbling gently before scraping his teeth against my earlobe, “And I’m not going to stop unless you beg me to.”

Nodding breathlessly, I wrapped my legs around his waist. “Good girl,” he murmured.

His tongue explored my mouth forcefully. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply through my nose as his tongue wrestled with mine, his harsh movements in stark contrast to his smooth thrusts over our clothes. A clitoral orgasm began building. Henry bit down harshly on my lower lip, forcing a moan from my throat. He moved my hands so one of his pinned down both of mine, his other hand traveling down to gently squeeze the sides of my neck. My brow knit together as he began whispering in my ear. “Are you gonna cum for me like this, baby? Dry humping like a couple of teenagers? That’s kind of embarrassing, isn’t it? Knowing I can make you cum without actually touching your pussy? I bet you’re dripping wet for me right now. Fuck, I can’t wait to taste you.”

“One!” I gasped out breathlessly, and Henry chuckled triumphantly in response.

He tightened his grip on my throat as a small orgasm washed over me, a sigh of contentment escaping my lips. He rolled off of me as soon as my breathing returned to normal, his left hand releasing my hands and his right hand releasing my throat. We kissed slowly for a moment. “Five more to go,” he laughed.

“Six,” I retorted.


“Six if you want to beat instead of match the record.”

Instead of replying, Henry gently opened my mouth and slipped two fingers past my lips, his breathing growing haggard as I sucked on them harshly. His fingers withdrew and slid under the waistbands of my pajama bottoms and panties. Our eyes stayed locked together as his pointer and middle fingers parted my labia, the pads of his fingers brushing against the sides of my clit. He pulled his fingers back up partway and repeated the motion, each gentle stroke making my breath hitch. Every once in a while, he placed a soft kiss on my lips and teased me with his tongue. The gentle massage was the most beautiful form of torture; his movements were not fast enough to make me cum, but they were more than enough to build and build the tension in my body. He held me there on that frustrating precipice, refusing to give me more. “Henry,” I whimpered pleadingly, desperately holding onto the back of his neck with my hand.

“I know, baby, I know,” he murmured comfortingly, tilting his head up to kiss my forehead, “Just a little while longer, you’re doing so well.”

I moaned at his praise and closed my eyes, resting my face against his shoulder. His fingers quickened for a moment and then slowed again, and he repeated the movement several times to cruelly edge me. Without warning, he slipped his fingers inside me and curled them harshly to rub against my g-spot over and over again, the stubborn, relentless motions quickly overwhelming me. His thumb pressed on my clit and scrubbed it gently. I bit down on his shoulder as my whole body shuddered, a powerful orgasm overtaking me and receding and then returning just as quickly when he refused to stop his movements. “Two! Three!” I called out, gasping to myself as another one hit, “Four!”

My legs clenched around his wrist, trapping his fingers inside of me. Henry groaned quietly. “Fuck, Lily, I can feel it each time you cum,” he whispered, “Fuck, I love your pussy.”

My body collapsed against the couch as the aftershocks dissipated. “I need a minute,” I begged.

He gradually removed his fingers and kissed my neck gently, my raspy breaths slowing and my body occasionally still spasming. I grabbed his face and pulled it up to mine to kiss him desperately. After a moment, we pressed our foreheads together, both of us giggling quietly between soft, intermittent kisses. He wrapped his arms around me and crushed me against him in a tight hug. “You cum so easily when you’re stoned,” he whisper-laughed in my ear, “I’ll have to remember that.”

“Shut up,” I laughed defensively.

“Just let me know when you’re ready to start up again,” he murmured, adjusting us to cuddle peacefully.

I nodded, sighed contentedly, and nuzzled my face against his neck. Henry rubbed my back as I slipped in and out of consciousness, my full-body relaxation giving way to full-body exhaustion. He squeezed me gently when he noticed my breathing shift. “You can’t fall asleep yet,” he insisted.

“Mmm. Why not?”

“Because I need you to sit on my face.”

That perked me up a little. “I haven’t showered since before the party,” I reminded him.

“You literally showered RIGHT before.”

I opened my eyes and looked at him. “My clit is also a little sensitive right now,” I admitted.

“We can have sex first? I was gonna save that for last, but if your clit needs a break…”

My lips brushed against his once before I let him kiss me. He broke the kiss gently to look in my eyes expectantly. “Is that a yes?” he asked.

“Yes,” I laughed, rolling off the couch to stand on the soft carpet.

Henry stood up, turned me around, and gently pushed me to my knees, my torso and forearms resting on the couch seat cushions. His body covered mine, his bare chest resting against my back as he whispered in my ear. “It isn’t going to be gentle, though.”

“Good,” I breathed.

He retreated for a moment to pull out and stroke his cock, his other hand pulling my pajama pants and panties down to my knees. I heard him spit into his hand and then felt his cock slide against my vulva from behind. His hands roughly spread my cheeks, my breathing becoming ragged again in anticipation. He pushed inside my pussy with one fluid thrust, both of us moaning quietly. I waited for a moment with him docked deep inside me. One of Henry’s hands suddenly grabbed my ponytail and pulled, my back arching as he began thrusting without warning. I bit my hand to stop myself from moaning loudly. He didn’t miss a beat, spanking my ass with his other hand once before sliding that hand up my shirt to grab one of my breasts, his pointer finger and thumb pinching at my nipple. The hand holding onto my ponytail released it and then shoved my head against the sofa cushion, my cheek resting on the surface as I struggled not to yelp. His harsh, shallow thrusts slowed and lengthened, each stroke making me whimper. “That feel good, baby?” he whispered.

I nodded, incapable of forming a full sentence. He returned to his short, quick pumps for a moment and then slowed and deepened them again. For some undetermined length of time, he continued fucking me quietly, our soft whimpers and groans corresponding with the varying speeds of his thrusts. My body began tensing again, my toes curling in the first tell-tale sign that I was getting close. “Harder,” I pleaded as I reached a hand down my body, using the soft skin of my labia to stimulate myself rather than touch my sensitive clit directly.

Henry acquiesced, pounding me against the front of the couch. Our bodies slapped together loudly, and I prayed to every deity I could think of that we were still quiet enough to not rouse suspicions. He released the back of my head to hold onto my waist with both hands and pull my ass back to meet his every thrust. A whimpered “Five!” escaped my lips mere milliseconds before I bit down on my forearm and swallowed my cries of pleasure.

He groaned triumphantly, his thrusts never ceasing as he fucked me through my orgasm. “Can you have another like this?” he whispered as soon as my body stopped shuddering.

I nodded breathlessly. “I think so. Can you touch my ass though?”

One of his thumbs began gently circling the rim of my asshole, the gentle movement making me moan. I was exhausted. My body ached, my clit too sensitive to keep touching it. I wet my right pointer and middle fingers in my mouth and placed them on either side of my clit in a V, mimicking Henry’s teasing motions from earlier in the evening. His thumb retreated as he wet it and then gently pushed into my ass. Biting one of the couch pillows, I softly but rapidly pulsed my fingers from side to side, vibrating them against the sides of my clit and moaning into the patterned pillow cover. It took longer than expected, but I finally came on his cock again, my back curving and my thighs clenching against the sides of his legs. He let out a strangled gasp, the hand still on my waist tightening. “Oh fuck, baby. That’s six, isn’t it?”

I nodded, tears of exertion slipping out the corners of my eyes as my body continued spasming. “Good fucking girl,” he groaned, slowing his thrusts and stopping, the entire length of his erection still deep inside of me.

“I don’t know if I can keep going,” I panted, shaking my head against the couch cushion, “I really don’t think I can.”

“We don’t have to, baby, this was just an idea. Do you want to stop?”

I waited a moment to take stock of my various sensations, my body still numbed slightly from the weed and my pussy still occasionally pulsating from aftershocks. “Can you get me a glass of water?” I asked softly.

“Of course.”

Henry kissed my back as he slowly pulled out, my pussy suddenly feeling empty without him. I watched as he pulled up his flannel pants, grabbed a red solo cup from the coffee table, opened the door, and swiftly walked up the stairs to get me water from the bathroom sink on the half-landing above. As I heard his footsteps returning towards the basement, I pulled my pajamas and panties off the rest of the way and stood. He smiled when he saw me, his eyes crinkling as he handed me the cup of water. “You get overheated?” he laughed.

I shook my head as I gulped down the water. A few more chugs, and the cup was empty. I wiped my mouth on the back of my hand and knelt on the ground, tossing the cup in the trashcan next to the couch. “I believe you mentioned something about me sitting on your face?” I inquired innocently.

He immediately laid on the ground next to me, his hands grabbing my legs. “Get over here.”

I swung a leg over him and slowly lowered my exhausted pussy backwards towards his face. His arms wrapped around my thighs, his tongue making one long swipe from my clit to the entrance of my pussy. Moaning quietly, I lowered my torso against his stomach, my hands quickly pulling his cock and balls from his pants. He moaned into his next long lick, his pleasure evident as I took the entirety of his cock in my mouth, my ability to hold it there growing weaker as his erection returned in full force. I pulled my head back with a gasp of air before immediately pushing my lips past his tip. My tongue circled his sensitive head, one of my hands holding the base of his cock to keep his erection upright while the other hand cupped and gently massaged his balls. I began bobbing my head, enjoying the accompanying moans it incited. Henry’s wide, flat licks transitioned into quick flicks against my clit, and then he circled my clit with his lips and sucked on it softly. I moaned against his cock. Our movements became increasingly desperate, both of us determined to make the other cum first.

Henry won. Shaking so violently against his face that I briefly worried about his ability to breathe, I released his cock with a tortured cry of “Seven!”

He smacked my ass once and kept up his movements as I began forcefully fucking his cock with my face, my hand sloppily working as an extension of my mouth to cover the length of his cock that couldn’t fit in my mouth. His feet found purchase on the carpet, and his hips instinctively began thrusting up in time with my movements. I kept up my relentless sucking and was rewarded with a harsh warning of, “Fuck, don’t stop! I’m gonna cum!”

I refused to slow down, smiling to myself as his warm cum flooded my mouth. After his cock stopped pulsing gently in my hand, I licked the final drops from the slit in his tip and kissed it cheekily. After a moment of getting my breathing together, I tried to get up from Henry’s face. His arms held me steady. “What are you–” I started to ask, but I was cut off by my own sharp gasp.

Henry’s face had dived back into my pussy, his nose pressing against the entrance to my pussy as his tongue viciously flicked against my clit. My hands barely held me up, my palms pressed against his chest to keep me steady. His arms held onto my thighs, refusing to allow me to move. My legs immediately started shuddering, my body so sensitive that I knew it wouldn’t take long for number eight. It was right on the precipice of pain; his relentless movements touching me exactly where I needed with almost too much pressure. My fingernails dug into the tan skin on his stomach, my body desperate for a quick end to this horrible, exquisite attack. His thumb returned to gently circle the rim of my ass as his tongue continued forcefully licking my clit. I placed more weight on his face, my arms now shaking too. “Eight!” I cried, falling face forward onto his chest, my body spasming and finally pulling me away from his evil tongue.

My cheek rested against his lower stomach. I slapped his thigh gently, and he laughed in response. “What the fuck, Henry,” I laughed exasperatedly, “No more! You only had to go to seven!”

“I had to do eight! It’s Hanukkah!”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/r94bnl/mf_and_on_the_eighth_night_of_hanukkah_we_beat_my


  1. I haven’t even read this yet! But I haven’t been on in a hot minute and I’m sooo glad you posted this one and another one. I missed you, Lily!!

  2. First and foremost, I’m sure I’m speaking on behalf of everyone reading your stories.

    Thank you for returning back to our lives with your ever so amazing stories ❤❤

    And… OH LA LA! 😍

  3. If Gonewildstories had a Mount Rushmore.. you’d be on it.. just incredible, incredible writing. I can tell you love “Henry” very much.

    I do have a question.. now that you’re back.. will you loop around and finish out your European saga (I-IV)?
    You had teased a Part V.

  4. Holy fuck! That was hotter than a summer sidewalk in Phoenix. Made me even miss my ex wife. She was super multi-orgasmic. Thanks for arousing my memories.

  5. Hot and sweet ❤️ Btw, are we ever getting the rest of your European-tour stories? ;)

  6. All of this was hot!

    But that: “There isn’t going to be any ‘trying’. It’s going to happen”……


  7. Cute, hot and sexy story. Could also go in gonewholesome, it’s such a sweet story.

  8. I’ve been trying to find your older posts for a while now, I assumed you just deleted them all. I’m so glad you’re back I loved your stories!

  9. Fuck. You are a better woman than me 😂🥵

    We have tried seeing how many times I can go, but because I rely on clitoral orgasms as g-spot orgasms are just not consistent for me, I just become numb and then find its no longer fun for me.

    This is fucking hot though! I can’t wait to hear about other stories you have had since your break last year 🔥

  10. Chag Sameach!

    That was awesome!

    And Samuel makes a cameo appearance!

    I’ve literally spent all of Hanukkah in quarantine cuz there’s no rhyme or reason to Covid, and this story cheered me up :)

  11. Ant man and the Wasp: because those are the best at going down on things.

    But hooray, a Hanukkah miracle!

  12. Happy Fucking Holidays indeed. Another great story. Glad Henry is the Record Holder he deserves it.

  13. Love the story! Was so surprised to see you mention Samuel, haha! Hope you’re keeping well! 💕

  14. I’m so happy to see a new post!!! I didn’t even read it that I had to jump down and say that. Be back in a few

  15. 😱 Lily’s back!!! Yay! and I missed another post. It’s been so long.

    I know it’s not likely… that people come and go in one’s live, but is there any update you can share about Nick?

  16. I would just like you to know that I have read all of your stories and they are really freaking good. Thank you for writing them.

  17. Just reading back through your old
    comments where you 6-orgasm guy was the smallest dick you’ve been with. I guess it really is how you use it!

  18. “Who’s not being third wave now” 😂😂😂

    I LOVE YOU and also Henry

  19. Love hearing a nice amwf gonewildstory :) have u explored raceplay before with ur partner?

  20. Today I fell down the Lily Abram’s wormhole. For this I thank you. You have a fantastic way of storytelling and I hope to read more of you. Thanks for sharing so eloquently.

  21. I swear if I didnt know this is a reddit post, it could just have been some spin-off book from E. L. James.
    Wonderfully written, and really intense story.

  22. Loved this one so much! Very funny and very sexy, signed a very lucky gentile married to a nice Jewish girl😅

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