Challenge Accepted [F/M]

My husband and I have an ongoing game where he challenges/dares me to do things, which is becoming problematic as each new time comes with the pressure of topping the last one. I rarely get a chance to return the favor, but relish the opportunity to continously shock my husband by how far I’m willing to go for him (and secretly enjoy his punishment in the infrequent times I chicken out).

Our friends down the street were having a birthday party for their daughter, and we received an invite weeks ago to attend with our child. It was a themed party, with all the kids encouraged to dress up as princes and princesses.

My husband dared me to wear a princess costume to the birthday, which was surprising, because I probably would have done that anyway. I often dress in princess outfits and role play with him. I know how excited he gets seeing me in public in the same outfits I wear at home while being his dirty slut. When we role-playing at home, he enjoys putting a plug in me and making me dance. If the plug falls out, he punishes me by using progressively bigger dildos in my ass. I’ve worked on my control, but we’re already using a toy that is as thick as a White Claw can. I know, its weird, the bigger the cock he uses, the more likely the plug falls out the next time, almost like he wants to test the limits of my asshole. I kept waiting for more to his dare, mistakenly thinking maybe our last experience where he almost got arrested had scared him more than he let on.

The morning of the birthday party, I got dressed to head over and help our friends set up, when my husband came in and asked what I was doing.

“Wearing my outfit, as you requested, sire”

“You have your dress and tiara, but it seems you forgot your jewels. Every princess must have something sparkly” as he handed me a plug with a red jeweled grip.

Resigned to my fate, I sucked it with my mouth to get it wet, then bent over in front of my husband and made a show of inserting it. I sat down on the bed to put my underwear back on, when my husband grabbed them from me and said they weren’t part of the challenge yet.

“But that’s not fair. I’m helping set up, the party is going to be a few hours long, and you gave me the heaviest one we have. How do you expect me to keep it in while running after kids all day?”

“You’ll keep it in because that’s what good little princesses that want to be rewarded do. Dirty sluts will lose their butt plug in front of a bunch of kids, and you’re not a dirty little slut today, are you dear?”

“I mean, yeah, I’m standing here with a plug up my ass about to go to a kid’s party with no panties. I kinda feel like a slut.”

“I guess time will tell, huh?”

With that, he smacked my ass, and told me he’d see me in a couple hours once the party began. If I didn’t have the plug in whenever he showed up, he would be very disappointed and upset.

I ran down the street (walked stiffly, actually) to begin prepping for the party. The parents had gone all out for their daughter, they had pony rides, a bouncy castle, and a court jester was showing up for the finale. I helped our friends get all the tables set up and put out the food, all while anxious that my control would slip I would never be able to show my face again (I loved these parents; our kids were in the same class, lived on the same street, and both the kids and adults got along, so we had playdates and dinners together all the time).

I saw my husband show up with our child right before other guests were scheduled to show up, marveling at the way the backyard had been transformed with our child. He had 2 presents with him, which was strange, because I had only wrapped 1. He put them on the gift table, and came inside to help with last minute details while our kid and the birthday girl began petting the pony.

My husband found me in the kitchen and lifted my dress above my hips.

“What if the parents walked by?” I asked, still shocked at his aggressive action, realizing he still hadn’t lowered the hem past my ass.

“My guess is we’d be invited to dinner a lot more frequently. Maybe even a play date without the little ones.”

He spun me around so I was facing the sink and his body blocked mine, my dress hiked up still, but no longer visible to passersbys. He grabbed my chest and began squeezing, not moving, but hard, as if my tits were still filled with milk, and he had to drain every drop out of them. I felt his cock digging into my lower thigh, when he removed my plug. I heard him raise it and then inhale my aroma, and his dick grew even harder against me.

“Smell yourself” he commanded.

Wanting to finish as quickly as possible, I grabbed my plug and brought it to my nose.

“Oh, there you guys are” the mom said as she entered the kitchen. My husband took a step back, allowing my dress to inconspiculously fall back down.

“Sorry, my wife got a little nauseous, is it OK if she uses your bathroom?”

“Of course, you guys know where it is. I’ll grab some pills from our bathroom. I hope you’re alright.”

As she ran upstairs, my husband whispered urgently in my ear, “Put the plug in your mouth until you get to the bathroom, then I want you to keep it there while you touch yourself. Don’t come out until you make yourself cum. Do you understand?!?”

“Myyesshhm” I mumbled with my mouth already full, trying not to gag at the thought of where it just was.

“Take these. When you’re close, I want you to finish with them. Then put your plug back in and return them to me, with evidence that you’ve been a good girl,” as he handed me a pair a white panties.

I nodded my head and turned for the bathroom when the wife returned, handing me pills.

“Oh, you don’t look to good, do you just want to go home?”

I started to shake my head, unwilling to speak with my plug in my mouth, when my husband thankfully spoke up,  “No, she’ll be fine, she must’ve had a bad egg this morning or something. I know that look, she might not make it home, but she’ll be fine in a few minutes.”

Just when I thought I couldn’t be more humiliated, my husband proved me wrong.

“I understand, you can use our bathroom upstairs, or the one in the basement if you want privacy. The party is starting in a few minutes…”

Clutching my stomach, I faux ran into their basement, partly in shame and partly in anticipation of finishing this challenge as quickly as possible, both grateful that my plug wasn’t causing me to move slowly, and upset at its current location in my mouth, and the intense taste threatening to make me actually sick. Once in the bathroom, I removed my dress, as it’s puffiness was annoying and loud. It also let me play with my nipples more easily, which were already hard, despite my recent embarrassment. I took the plug out of my mouth, and licked my fingers. I began touching myself, anxious to finish as quickly as possible, so I could be there as guests arrived. I sucked on my fingers, enjoying the sweetness of my pussy juice over the taste of my used plug. I used three fingers to feel myself, placing one firmly on my clit, with the tip just teasing my opening. The fingers on either side began moving in circles, starting on my outer lips, then spreading and tracing my inner lips, and grazing my sensitive skin that led to my pussy, which was now beginning to get even wetter. I stopped making circles with my outer fingers, and began to use my 3 fingers as 1, mashing my sex, putting pressure on my clit, then allowing my fingers to split apart and trap my hood as I pressed harder and moved my hand back and forth like I was trying to remove baked on food stuck on a pan, quickly increasing my intensity, shocked I hadn’t yet reached my peak.

Not wanting to forget my task, I grabbed my underwear and repeated my motions, this time using my longest finger to insert a little into my vagina. I closed my eyes and felt release coming and increased my speed and intensity even further. My other hand played with my now rock hard nipple, I bit my lip to keep from screaming out, as my legs began their customary shake to signify I reached my pinnacle.

Feeling flushed, I put my dress back on, washed my hands, and went to insert my plug again. I was soaked from my orgasm and exertion, so I used the panties to dry as much as possible, then reinserted my plug.

I walked upstairs and outside, greeting familiar faces along the way. My husband was outside, walking around the pony area, where our child was waiting their turn. The mom saw me, and asked, “How’re you feeling? You look red and a little flushed, are you sure you don’t want to go home?”

I said I was fine, I just needed some fresh air to begin feeling better. I walked over to my husband and discreetly handed him my still damp panties. “Satisfied?”

He pretended to blow his nose, but instead inhaled deeply, and if I’m not mistaken, licked the fabric. “Show me your ass”.

“No, we’re surrounded by kids and adults. I have it in, you can trust me.”

He grabbed my arm and steered me to the far side of where the pony was making its circle, then stood behind me and lowered his hand, discreetly raising the center of my gown. I felt his hand brush my ass cheeks, then the noise of his fingernail hitting the plug. Then, there was the sickening sensation of the plug being manipulated by someone else, and I was unsure whether I should relax or clench.

“I can’t trust you” my husband said,  “you were supposed to keep this in your mouth when you touched yourself. You didn’t, so now we gotta figure what to do.”

With that, he spun the plug, flicked it, and lowered my dress. Unsure how he knew, I grew nervous. Was it a guess? Were there cameras? He enjoyed filming me, but this wasn’t our house, and he had no idea that I’d use the basement bathroom (or did he?).

“I saw from the small window on the ground. There’s a corner where the privacy film had worn off and I wanted to check on you. I have to say, I was disappointed in you, although it has so hot watching you with other people passing by and oblivious to your slutty display.”

He walked away, our child’s pony ride had finished. I spent the next hour trying to flash my husband, dropping down to play with kids and letting my dress ride up my legs until I felt the breeze on my pussy. Thankfully, no-one else knew I wasn’t wearing underwear (at least I hoped not), so I wasn’t concerned if others were in direct line of sight. The third time I tried flashing my husband by squatting and playing with our kid in the grass, I was too aggressive trying to get my dress to ride up my legs. The further I opened them, the better his view would become, but I miscalculated, and was unable to hold my plug in. My husband noticed from across the yard and smirked, and my child innocently asked what fell out of mommy. I picked it up, shoved it in my cleavage, hoping against hope it wouldn’t fall as I walked inside.

‘That was close’ my husband texted, with a winking emoji. ‘Pretty hot too, you dirty slut’

I sent an embarrassed emoji back, and filmed myself reinserting my plug in, and sent it to him. ‘You can trust me’

I returned outside, and saw my husband with another dad, showing him his phone  and laughing. I felt his friend’s eyes on me as I walked over to our kid, and took them for a turn on the bouncy castle. “Mommy, you come too” my little one instructed, so I removed my shoes and joined them inside.

I cautiously jumped, and realized my plug was perilously close to falling out again. Not only that, my puffy dress seemed to float higher and higher each time, and was within inches of exposing my pussy or plug at any second.

“Hey, where’s the birthday girl?” my husband yelled. “Let’s get her in the castle with my little one so we can get some pictures”.

She joined my child and me in the castle, and her parents and family members came over to watch and take pictures. My husband had the biggest smile on his face when he suggested bouncing higher with the kiddos for a better picture. I shot him a death look, and thankfully the mom spotted it and suggested I get out of the castle, that it couldn’t be good for my upset stomach.

Relieved, I sat down, and very cautiously slid out, trying not to expose myself or lose my plug. My husband had my shoes in his hand and waved me over to a bench. He knelt down and put each shoe on, making sure to take his time, part my legs further, and admire his view up my dress. “My Cinderella” he said as he slid the first on.

“Dammit, that was close. Did you want me to permanently scar the children, or become a pariah in our neighborhood?”

“No. I just want you to listen to me. If you don’t, there’ll be consequences.”

“Ok, I understand. Are you finished with your lesson for the day?”, I asked.

“Not quite yet. One more thing, and I can’t believe you forgot this morning. You’re a princess, right? You have your gown, you have your tiara, you have your jewel, but where’s your wand?”

“Ummm, Cinderella didn’t have a wand. That’s the fairy godmother. If you’re comparing me to that old hag, your ass can sleep on the couch. Anyway, where am I supposed to get a wand?”

“By saying the magic words”


“No, try ‘I’m sorry I wasn’t a good princess today. I want to make it up to you by filming myself using my wand in my castle, while all my subjects are right outside and can hear me moan’?”

“I do?”

“I’m so glad you agreed. When the Court Jester starts his act, go back to the castle, I’ll meet you there.”

“Where are you going to get my wand from? Am I not the only one with something shoved up their ass right now?”

“Bippity-bobbity-boo” he responded as he touched my nose and walked away. When the parents called everybody over for the jester, I watched him grab the second box he brought with him and meet me at the castle entrance.

“Here you go, my princess. I hope it serves you well.”

I scrambled into the castle, along the side wall near the corner, and opened the gift box. Inside was my wand, with a note that said, ‘my wish is for you to record yourself cumming for me. Grant me that wish, and I’ll grant your own wish, my Queen’. I smiled, picked up the wand, set my phone in the now empty box to record, and got into position. I made sure my dress was under my butt, as the material for the castle was distractingly cold. I took out my breasts from my dress, but my bustier was too tight to grant them full release.  Only the tops were visible, my nipples were trapped, like half moons, flipped on the axis. Being erect prevented them from slipping back into my bustier, but they kept rubbing against the fabric, which made it feel like they were being touched by an unseen stranger, which turned me on even more.

Worried that the wand would announce my presence to anyone not distracted by the show, I turned it on its lowest setting. I quickly realized that would be a non issue, as the pump to keep the castle bouncy was louder than my wand. Instead, my new concern was that noises emanating from my mouth would give me away. As hard as I tried, I couldn’t stop from moaning, and I kept getting louder and louder. Suddenly, I heard my husband say loudly, “I’m not sure. She may have run inside. She should be coming any minute now.” “Ok, thanks. We’re going to do cake once the court jester is over, so tell her to meet around the side of the house.”

Hearing the voices distracted me, but I was already building my orgasm into a crescendo that could not be stopped. Hearing parents and kids clapping and cheering, within 15 feet of where I was pleasuring myself in an inflatable castle was adding to my excitement. I closed my eyes and pictured the nearby dad’s hearing my moans, knowing how shocked they would be to peek in the castle, with my legs spread, tits out, wand practically inserted it was pressed so hard into my pussy. After a particularly loud cheer, I imagined my subjects were watching me, cheering for me, and waiting for me to entertain them. I clutched my boobs, massaging them, then tweaking each nipple in turn, until I settled on the side opposite the hand holding the wand, and continued pulling and tweaking as I allowed myself to give in to the building orgasm. In my ecstasy, I had forgotten about my plug. When I started to orgasm, I felt my hole tighten and loosen. As soon as I gave in to the vibrations, I felt my plug pop out and come to rest against my inner thigh. I laughed, high pitched and happy, both from pleasure and from the sensation of having my plug pop out and the poooft noise it made, with my butt struggling to return to its natural state, slowly, ever so slowly returning to normal.

My laughter was drowned out (I hoped) by what I assumed was the finale of the jester’s show. I mashed my boobs back into my dress, stopped the recording, replaced the wand in the box, and straightened my hair and tiara, which were severely mussed during my session. I slid out of the castle, this time much more quickly, to help with cake. I glanced up and saw my husband talking with his friend again, the same one whose eyes followed me earlier. He wasn’t more than 3 or 4 steps from the entrance to the castle. When did he get there? Had he heard anything? Seen anything?

I gave a half smile, handed my husband the box, which now also held my plug, and took him around the side of the house. “What would you have done if they opened the gifts early? How on earth would you explain that gift? That card?”

“Did you look at the tag on the gift? It’s ‘from’ that creepy couple from school… God forbid it was opened, I’m pretty sure we’d never have to deal with those weirdos again.”

I smiled and looked at my husband and said “That’s the last dare for a while. Momma needs a break.”

“Don’t you remember the card? You get the next wish… Unless you don’t want one.”
