Carousel (A M/F erotic story)

I notice him right away. There is something about the way he moves as he stows his luggage away–the way he holds himself. His eyes stand out the most: blue-green with some lines around the edges. They look like they had seen a lot of life, emanating confidence, piercing into mine as I walk down the aisle to my seat. As cliche as it sounds, I feel like he is staring straight into my soul. I wonder if he can read the millions of lascivious thoughts running through my mind…

I finally reach my spot, several rows down from his. I put my bags away and settle in, preparing for the long trip, my mind already racing to come up with reasons to walk past him. I wish I’d dressed a little nicer but at least the sweat pants and tank are flattering on my figure. The airplane was just cold enough that without my hoodie my large nipples are quite erect and prominent.

I try to calm down and relax as much as possible but the thought of his eyes is driving me wild.

I nap a bit but I end up spending the entire time tossing and turning as thoughts of his hands on my body flash through my mind. I wake up unrested, wet and flustered. I’ve been so busy the past week; I haven’t cum in days. I’m so damn pent up already and this man is fucking me up big time. I toss around the idea of walking past him again and how best to attract his attention. I know he noticed me before but I want him to never forget me.

I lean my head back against my seat and sigh as I run my hands down my face in utter exasperation at the ridiculousness of me getting so worked up over something so small. I scan the small space around me, my eyes landing on the carry-on at my feet. That’s right! My new toy! It had just arrived right before I left and I had quickly shoved it in my bag as I ran out the door. A remote controlled vibrator that the website had advertised as “discrete.” The perfect toy for this situation, so long as I can keep a straight face. Time to see if it was as quiet as they say.

I rummage around my bag and pull out the unopened package. Not wanting the flight attendants to think I’m smuggling some weird shit into the bathroom with me I rip it open and peek in. “Welp, the packaging sure as fuck ain’t discrete.” I glance over at my neighbors, who are thankfully wearing eye masks and dead to the world, before shoving the box into my sweatpants’ pocket.

There are bathrooms at each end of the plane. One is closer to me but the other will bring me past him. “Wow, choices, choices!” I sarcastically think to myself before I start walking towards the farther bathroom. As I draw closer to his seat I see that he is still awake and reading a book. My already hyped up heart begins to beat faster. I see him look up at me out of the corner of my eye as I walk past him. I hear a low “Hmm”. What the fuck does that mean? That’s a good sound right? I hope it’s a good sound.

I finish my incredibly self conscious walk to the bathroom before going in and pulling the door shut behind me. I pull the box out of my pocket and open it up. The toy is small and made to nestle against the clit and has a small insertable part that caresses the G spot. It should be able to sit nice and snug against me in my underwear. I look at the instructions and see that it has four strength settings with some other random pulsing ones. I turn it on the lowest setting. The vibrations are no joke and thankfully completely silent. This thing should be pretty fucking awesome. I wash my hands and the toy before pulling down my sweats. I pull my underwear forward, I am already so wet that the toy slides in easily. I put my clothes back in place so that the toy is flush against me.

“Alright, time for a test.” I turn the toy on again, instantly gasping as I lean forward and grip the sink. “Holy fuck, this thing IS awesome,” I think to myself through the muddled mind fog of pleasure. I’m already engorged from being so worked up but I can feel myself swelling even more. My eyes start to roll into the back of my head and I can hear myself moaning a little. “Crap!” I clap my hand over my mouth in an attempt to stifle my noises.

A sudden knock at the door startles me out of the beginnings of my self fuck fest. I straighten up quickly and accidentally hit the button on the remote, turning it up higher. I yelp loudly and scramble to turn the vibrator off.

“Everything ok in there?” says a man’s voice. “Yep! One sec!” I respond as I flush the toilet in an effort to cover up my debaucherous actions, shoving the packaging in my pocket and washing my hands. I unlatch the door and open it. Remembering the remote, I quickly lean back to snatch it off the counter before turning back and walking right into sexy eyes guy.

The remote flies out of my hand and lands between his legs. I watch his eyes scan my body, lingering on my breasts and hips before bending down to pick up my remote. “Oh, I’m so sorry! Thank yo…” I internally gasp as I watch him pick up the remote and see recognition flash across his face followed by a small smirk. “Oh my god…He fucking knows what that is!”

He straightens up while slowly circling his thumb over the button. I can’t move. My heart is beating out of my chest; my blood is like fire and ice. I feel myself beginning to drip around the toy and onto my clothes. His eyes flash up from the remote to lock onto mine. Resting his arm on the door frame he leans towards me slightly. I have never been so turned on and nervous in my entire life. A little grin spreads across his face and he hits the button.

The vibrator springs to life causing my cunt to clench and spasm like never before. I feel my eye twitch in an effort to maintain a poker face. My fist clenches the side of my sweatpants. Eyes locked, unwavering, he leans a little bit farther towards me and hits the button again. My breath begins to catch, my jaw clenching–little breath sounds escape my clenched mouth. He leans in more. Nothing happens. My eyes dart to the remote. He hits it. Twice.

I heave forward, My eyes rolling in the back of my head. I can’t contain my sounds anymore as I moan out “Ohhhmygod.” My breath turns ragged. I feel an orgasm welling up already. I feel like my soul has left my body and is floating above me. I fall onto my knees and he bends down instantly pulling me to my feet. “Ma’am are you ok!?” he says in fake innocence. “Here, let me help you back to your seat.” I’m seconds away from exploding when he hits the button again. The vibrations switch to an increasing pulse that builds up my orgasm and lets it fall–holding me right at the edge of release.

He starts to walk with me down the aisle to my seat holding me up slightly as I convulse a little with each high pulse. I look around through the haze of my nearing release. Some of the plane’s passengers are asleep but most are awake and they’re staring right at us.

He leans close to me. “All those people looking at you,” he whispers, “I wonder what they would think if they knew what was between your thighs. If they knew how much of a needy little slut you are, you couldn’t even wait till you were on solid ground to get off.” I feel my cheeks flush red hot but his words and the thought of them looking at me with my little secret only makes me wetter.

We reach my seat and he helps me sit down, the vibrations still pulsing through my nether region. “Is she ok?” my neighbor asks. “Just a little bit of plane sickness,” he answers for me. “Some dizziness. She’ll be all set after a little rest. Won’t you love?” He looks down at me, a subtle smirk on his face. I look back at him wide eyed. ‘What a fucker’ I think to myself, “Ugh!”

I turn to respond to my neighbor when all of the sudden the vibrations change to high. My body tenses up, my hands gripping onto my arm rests, my face contorts into what must be some sort of demented, pained looking smile and I hear a cryish giggle spew forth from my lips as I try to talk. “Yeah, no worries! I’ll be fine.” The neighbour looks at me, unconvinced, like I’m insane. She then puts her blindfold on and turns to face the other way.

I turn back to look at him: “Please, please turn it down” I gasp and whisper. There is desperation in my eyes and voice but it’s half hearted. I love every second of this and the humiliation just makes me burn hotter. His piercing eyes bore into mine, “As you wish” he says and the vibrations stop all together. “I think I’ll hang onto this though” He says, patting the remote in his pocket, “Do you mind?” I shake my head, “No, it’s fine.” He backs up a little, eyes still locked on me and flashes a smile before turning to head back to his seat.

I watch him walk away. My cunt throbbing in need. I feel a desperate hunger within me. “What a smug ass hole”. I tap my foot as I fidget around in my seat. I have never felt so toyed with and I can’t deny I’m starving for more. I take out my book and attempt to read a bit. I get about half a page in before the words start to blur together as my mind drifts off. I lean my head back, closing my eyes and letting my imagination take over.

Images of him sliding his fingers into me, staring deep into my eyes as I sit in my seat flash before my eyes. The threat of getting caught by one of the many sleeping passengers surrounding us arousing me further. I reach my hands up and pinch my nipples rocking against the lifeless toy between my thighs and whining a little. My neighbor coughs pulling me out of my bawdy daydream. Back to my fidgeting. I look at the map that shows where we are on our flight. An hour left. I can’t sit here anymore. It’s now or never.

I rip a piece of paper and pen out of my bag and write two words: “FINISH. ME.” I fold it up and start walking towards his seat. I draw closer, my mind focuses, my vision tunnels, the sound of the plane is drowned out by my heart pounding in my ears. I reach his seat, drop the note into his lap and continue onward into the bathroom closing the door behind me. I sit down on the closed toilet seat and wait. “One Mississippi, two Mississippi…” I count the seconds until I hear the sound of footsteps approaching. They come to a halt in front of the door.

I sit with bated breath. Waiting. Staring at the shadows of his feet under the door. The silence ringing in my ears. I gasp in exasperation and longing. I fall to my knees, hands against the door. I can sense him on the other side . “Please, please finish me. I can’t take it anymore”, I beg. I hear him move on the other side and a little low chuckle: “since you asked politely…”

The toy comes alive once more with a steady pulse that is somehow in time with my own heartbeat. There is no build up, there is no low rumble. I don’t need it anyway. I rock on my hands and knees biting my lip to keep from being too loud. The anticipation, the build up, his presence on the other side of the door, the control he has over me. My mind is gone.

Pure unfiltered pleasure courses through my body with each pulse of the toy. The pulses increase with the beat of my heart and I don’t care to question how that’s possible. My mouth is agape as I rock harder. No longer caring how loud I am, I throw my head back in a gasping moan as I straighten up to sit back and grind myself into the toy. Rocking, grinding, pulsing. “God this feels so fucking good!” “Are you ready? It’s time to finish you,” he says through the door. “Yes” I gasp “yes I’m readdddyyyy!” The toy changes to high. I moan so loudly I’m certain people can hear me. I hear his voice say the one word I have been waiting hours for: “cum”.

My orgasm takes over. I feel as though a tap has burst inside of me. My head thrown back in a silent gasp, I reach my hands towards the ceiling, my fingers outstretched as warm tingling waves ripple from my center throughout my body leaving goose bumps on every inch of me. My mind is silent as I am over taken by every bit of my orgasm. I am whole. I am complete. I am nothing but this moment.

The vibrator winds down and off as my orgasm ripples away. “Thank you”, I whisper with my eyes still closed. I sit for a moment in bliss before I hear the pilot telling everyone to return to their seats in preparation for descent. I pull myself up on my still shaky legs and begin to quickly clean myself up, a giant grin plastered on my face as I do. I wash the incredibly cum soaked toy and shove it into my sweatpants pocket. One last look in the mirror at my rosy cheeked face before I open the door.

There he is. I look up at him sheepishly. “I hope you’re feeling better now,” he says with a smile, “you seemed so uncomfortable earlier!” I feel my cheeks flush more “Much better, thank you.” “Glad to hear it. We’re just about done with this trip anyway. Oh, before I forget!” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a folded up piece of paper, “you dropped this earlier and I must have put it in my pocket and forgot all about it!” he says with a laugh.
He hands me the paper. “Thank you. I hope you have a good rest of your trip,” I add.

“Thank you, you too,” he says before walking into the bathroom.

I walk back to my seat on my still wobbly legs. Sitting down I buckle myself in and begin to gather my things and put my stuff away. I take the paper out and unfold it. Inside is the remote and a note that reads “meet me by the luggage carousel, my sweet girl.” I smile and lean back, enjoying my blissful state. I can’t wait till landing…

After ages of waiting for all the passengers to file off the plane I am finally able to make my way to the luggage area. “Why the hell do they put it so damn far away?” I think to myself after my second escalator. I spot a sign in the distance pointing the way. Excitement bubbles within me, my pace quickening as I become giddy with anticipation.

Through the crowd I spot him. Our eyes meet and start to run. He opens his arms and I fall into them. Home. Finally home. He cups my face and kisses me. “Sweety! You did such a good job! How did you like that? That’s one you’ve been wanting to play out for a while now.” I smile up at him, “Oh,thank you, love. I had so much fun and it was even better than I had imagined! It was perfect!”

He chuckles softly as he leans down to my neck, his lips brushing against it lightly, “I love life with you, my sweet one.” His teeth graze against my earlobe: “and now it’s time for the one I have planned.” I start to get light headed again. I cling tighter to my love.

The tingles are back too and the goose bumps with them. The goose bumps and…well, let’s just say, it was really time for some new pants.

The End
