The Nude Normal (Chapter 1) [Casual Nudity] [Family Nudity] [Exhibitionism]

Hey there r/eroticliterature, long time lurker first time poster! Thanks for clicking in! This is my first *ever* attempt at erotica, inspired by a chat I had over on r/dirtypenpals. It’s going to be a bit of a slow burn series, particularly Chapter 1, with a focus on casual family nudity, exhibitionism, and self-pleasure, hopefully leading to a satisfying ending if you’re into these topics. I welcome any and all feedback and ideas, and I hope you enjoy!

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# The Nude Normal
# Chapter 1 | The Forgotten Suitcase

“Five minutes and we’re on the road!” Dad called, as he lugged the last of the bags out the front door and into the car.

It was Saturday morning, the day my family and I were leaving to spend a week at our summer beach house, just like every year before. But instead of being out there, helping them load up the car like a good son and brother, I was in the bathroom, shorts down around my ankles, hand furiously stroking my cock. I hadn’t planned to leave pleasuring myself this late, but time had gotten away from me this morning after packing my suitcase at the last minute, and I wanted to rub one out before the long six hour drive began and I would be stuck in the back of the car as we made our way down the coast. I was getting closer and closer, my right hand stroking away at my fully hard cock.

“Alex! Where are you!” I heard my Mom call from outside. “We need to get going, love!”

“Coming. I’m coming,” I tried to yell, just at the same moment my orgasm reached its peak and washed through me. In my orgasmic haze, my left hand, holding a wad of toilet paper, quickly moved to catch the mess erupting from my cock, but I didn’t move fast enough, and some dripped down into my underpants at my ankles.

“Shit,” I said aloud, as my orgasm subsided.

In my post-orgasm state, I was startled by the toot of the car horn coming from the driveway. Trying to calm my breath, I stood up, threw the sticky toilet paper into the bowl and flushed, before pulling my shorts and underpants off over my shoes, throwing my undies into a heap in the corner, and washing my hands. I quickly pulled up my shorts, hoping no one would notice the bulge of my slowly shrinking erection at my crotch, before I threw open the bathroom door and made my way to the driveway, closing the front door behind me. In the haste of it all, I walked straight past my packed suitcase waiting outside my room.

“What took you so long, loser?” My older sister, Ava, asked me as I got comfy in the opposite side of the backseat.

“Sorry, just had to take a massive dump!” I teased her in return.

“Alex, please,” my Mom half-heartedly scolded from the front passenger seat. Ava rolled her eyes. I smiled. Then Dad pulled out from the driveway, and we were off.

It had been twelve months since we’d been to the beach house, it had been a summer tradition for as long as I can remember, and something I looked forward to every year. Some of my favourite childhood memories were of spending summer in my bathers, hanging out on the beach, or swimming in the indoor, heated pool, just Mom and I together. Then when she married Michael, my step-Dad, a decade ago, he and his daughter, Ava, started coming with us, which, while it did change the feeling of it just being me and Mom, it was still fun, in a new way. The place itself had become a little rundown and in need of repair over the years, but it was in a beautiful spot, only a short walk to the beach and an hour away from the nearest town, which meant hardly any tourists.

This year it was going to be extra special, at least for Mom; Ava had been accepted into a prestigious art school interstate and would be moving away at the end of summer. At 22, she was two years older than me, and was far more ambitious and driven than I was, much to my parents disappointment. At any rate, this would probably be the last family vacation we would have, all four of us together, and I knew how important it was for my Mom to make it a good one.

Ava was also hoping it was going to be an extra special trip. A couple of weeks prior she had accidentally let slip to me she had been texting Ethan, one of the local boys who lived on the coast, a revelation that had given me hours of content for me to tease her with. I figured they were going to meet up, maybe something romantic was going on, I hadn’t figure that much out yet.

A few hours into the trip, her phone buzzed on her lap grabbing my attention, and I saw his name light up on the screen. “How’s Ethan?” I asked quietly so our parents wouldn’t hear in the front seat. I smiled at her, making kissy lips.

“Shut up, dork,” she returned, eyes already glued to whatever he had sent her.

“Play nice back there,” Dad looked at me in the rear view mirror. I could see in his eyes he was only saying it to please Mom. “What’s say we pull up somewhere, get something to eat, stretch our legs?” he asked around.
“Yes please,” Mom replied next to him.
“Sounds good to me,” I told him. Ava said nothing, completely lost in her phone.

Minutes later he found us a place, a car park overlooking a nice secluded beach. We all got out of the car, the salty air warm and refreshing on our skin.

“Who wants a snack?” Dad asked us all, nodding in the direction of the small kiosk at the far end of the car park for the convienience of the beach goers. “An ice cream perhaps?”

“I’ll take one,” Mom said, stretching her arms above her head.
“Same,” I agreed. Ava stood quiet, leaning against the railing on the edge of the lookout, scrolling away on the screen in her hand.
“Hello? Earth to Ava?” Dad joked. She looked up. “Ice cream?” Dad asked.
“Yeah, sure. Thanks,” she muttered and returned to her phone.
“I’ll help carry,” Mom nodded at him, before they both made off in the direction of the kiosk.

I lent against the railing overlooking the beach next to Ava. “What are you guys talking about,” I teased her. “Must be pretty captivating.”

“Shut up,” she said annoyed, not looking at me.

“Planning your secret rendezvous to meet up with him so you can make sweet sweet love,” I joked, aiming for a reaction.

She looked up then, her eyes narrow.

“Oh my god, you are!” I smiled, accidentally uncovering her plan.

“Shut it,” she returned, looking towards the kiosk to see if Mom and Dad were in earshot.

“Wow,” I said, actually kind of surprised. “I had no idea he was even your type!”

“He’s not,” she told me matter of factly. “We just got talking last year, he’s a nice guy, that’s all. At least I’d be getting some, virgin.” She grinned at me.

“Uncalled for,” I returned.

“It’s true,” she said mockingly.

I ignored her cold truth. “But hey,” I put my palms up in front of me. “No judgement from me.”

“Good,” she returned, and looked back towards her phone, before she paused. “Can you not tell Mom? I know how important this trip is for her. I don’t want her to think I’d rather spend time with some guy than with the family.”

“Mmm,” I said out loud, nodding my head. “Sure thing.”

“Thank you?” she said, unsure as to why I was being so cooperative.

I raised an eyebrow. “But it will cost you,” I said with a smile.

Her eyes narrowed at me again. “I knew it. God, you’re so annoying. What do you want?”

“Hmmm,” I thought out loud. “Leave it with me, I’m sure I’ll figure something out.”

She shook her head. “You’re so lame, you know that?”

I just smiled in return.

“Ice creams, get your ice creams,” Dad proudly exclaimed coming up beside us. Mom handed each of us a cone, and Dad handed her own to her.

“Thanks,” I told them, as I slurped the melting treat over my lips. “Delicious.”

“Why don’t you put that down for a second, love,” Mom looked at Ava, who had returned to staring at her messages. She made the screen go dark and slid the phone into her pocket.
“Right, sorry,” she said sheepishly. Ice creams in hand, we all turned to face the horizon and admire the little sandy beach below us. It was dotted with a few groups of people, all enjoying the summer sun.

“Beautiful day for it,” Dad said looking towards them, then out across the ocean.

“Oh my god,” Ava said, noticing it for the first time.

“Mmm?” I made a noise through my mouth full of ice cream.

“Are they… Are they naked?” Ava asked quietly, with confusion in her voice.

“Oh my god,” I said out loud, noticing what Ava had just seen. All of the people down on the sand, while they were small and distant, she was right. They were unmistakably, and completely, naked.

“Michael. Did you bring us to a nudist beach?” Mom turned towards Dad, a laughter rising in her voice.

“I…” Dad began. “I guess I did,” he laughed in reply.

“Oh my god,” was all Ava could manage.

“Well, when in Rome…” Dad laughed, jokingly beginning to lift his shirt over his head with his free hand.

“Dad! Please!” Ava exclaimed, half in jest, half horrified he was actually going to join them.

“Kidding, kidding,” he calmed her fears.

As for me, I was mesmerised. Seeing all those naked bodies down on the beach, completely baring all to the world in their birthday suits, it stirred something within me. I was so far from an exhinitionist, I was the type of guy to get shy in the showers at the gym, and they were even individual cubicles. But there was just something about the scene, everyone naked, happy, having fun. It looked so freeing. My cock started to tingle under my shorts.

“Alex? Sound good?”

Dad’s voice shook me from my trance. “Huh?” was all I could manage to mutter.

“Shall we get back to it? Only a couple more hours along the coast, and we’ll be there.”

“Uh sure, sounds good,” I swallowed, as Mom and Dad turned towards the car.

“Freak,” Ava grinned at me, she had noticed I was watching them a little too intently. They didn’t leave my mind until we made it to the house.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Pulling into the driveway, the house was exactly as I remembered it. It was a single story, weatherboard shack, white paint ageing and flaking with decades of sun. A small patch of half dying grass sat out front, next to the cemented driveway leading to the side door. We all clambered from the car, stretching, and eager for the cool that was awaiting us inside. Dad unlocked the side door and we all filed in.

Open planned living, dining, kitchen to the right, three bedrooms and both bathrooms to the left, up the hall. And right in the centre of it all, directly in front of us, the pool de résistance as Dad liked to call it, the in-ground, indoor, heated pool, behind the full length glass windows and sliding door.

“Honey, we’re home,” Dad jokingly called out to the house, as Mom and Ava found their way to their individual bathrooms to freshen up. “Wanna help me with the bags?” Dad looked at me.
“Sure thing,” I smiled and he led me back out the side door. I stood by the car as he opened the boot.

“Thanks for being nicer to your sister back there,” he said surveying the mess of bags in the boot before him. “You know how important this trip is for your Mother. You and Ava try and be nice to each other, okay, no fighting.”

“Yes, I’m trying my best, I promise,” I said.
“Good,” he smiled, handing me the first suitcase. It was Ava’s, I carried it to her room, passing Dad wheeling his and Mom’s suitcase to their own room. After passing me the cooler box of food that I carried to the kitchen, I met him back out by the car, with a worried look on his face.

“Uh…” he said as I moved down the steps towards the car.
“What is it?” I asked him, trying to understand his concern.
He looked at me then, and in that moment I knew. My stomach sank. In my mind flashed my suitcase, sitting right by the door to my room, exactly where I had left it six hours earlier.

“Shit,” I said aloud.
“Shit,” Dad echoed.
I almost felt tears welling behind my eyes in disappointment. The thing I looked forward to most all year, the last one we were going to have together, the one we had to make special for Mom. An entire week with nothing but the clothes on my back.

“We can go home and get it,” Dad offered.
“That’s ridiculous,” I said with a lump in my throat. “That’s like a twelve hour trip, there and back.”
“Mm,” he replied. “We could go into town, they might have a clothes shop, we could pick you up a few things?”
“That’s still a two hour round trip,” I said disappointedly. “I can’t spend another minute in the car today.”
“Shit,” was all he could say in reply.

I turned from him and went back up the stairs inside. The air was cool around me but my face was hot and red. I went to my room and closed the door and sat on my bed. How could I have been so stupid. I had been so desperate to jerk off and it had cost me the the entire week. How could I live like this for a week, my clothes were already sweaty from the warm drive, I couldn’t do another seven days in them. And worst of all, I was going to ruin it for everyone else too. It meant I had no bathers, I couldn’t go to the beach, I couldn’t swim in the pool. I couldn’t do any of the things Mom would want to do together to remember. I had messed up monumentally. And it was all because of an orgasm.

There was a gentle knock on my door. “Honey? Dad told me what happened. Can I come in?” Mom asked from the outside.
“Yes,” I called quietly, wiping the sweat and tears from my face. She opened the door and saw me sitting in the darkness.

“Oh love,” she said as she came to sit down next to me on the bed.
“I’m so stupid, I’m sorry,” I told her as she put her arm around me.
“It’s fine, we’ll fix this,” she reassured me. “We’ll go into town tomorrow, get you some things..”
“That’s a two hour drive, and plus, won’t that be expensive, we can’t just buy me a whole new wardrobe.”
“We’ll get you enough to make it through. We can still have a good week.”
“I guess so,” I said flatly as she hugged me from the side.
“Plus, it’s probably not helping we’re all hot and hungry,” she stood from the bed. “Come on, your Father’s got the air conditioner going, time for some dinner, I think.”
“Sure,” I forced a smile. “I’ll be there in a minute.” She smiled and nodded her head before she turned and left the room. I fell back onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling. If only I could have been like one of the people on the beach. They didn’t have to worry about stuff like this.

After going to the bathroom to wet my face and cool off, I sheepishly made it to the dining room. “There he is,” Dad said happily as he brought plates of meat and bread and salad from the kitchen to the table. Mom and Ava were already seated.

“You’re such an idiot,” Ava teased. “How could you forget your own *bag*!” No one laughed.

“Ava, please. It was an accident,” Dad warned her. She looked at me and realised how disappointed with myself I already was.

“Fine. Sorry,” she said to me almost kindly, before lighting up her phone sitting on the table beside her plate.

“We’re still going to have a good week, an *excellent* week,” Dad proclaimed as he sat at the head of the table and moved some of the food to his plate. “But right now, dig in,” he smiled and filled his mouth.

It was a good meal, for a moment there I almost forgot about being clean clotheless. Mom was right, I had been hungry which had made the situation worse. With a full stomach and my blood sugar rising, things seemed a bit clearer. Maybe I hadn’t ruined *everything*. Mom was right, we could go into town tomorrow, get a few things, I’d make do. It was a good plan.

I mean it *was* a good plan. Until the conversation took a turn as we all finished eating.

“Mhm,” Dad said putting his knife and fork together. “Compliments to the chef.”
“You *were* the chef,” Ava told him saracastically.
“Exactly,” he said with a grin, to which Mom smiled and Ava rolled her eyes.
“I don’t know about you lot,” he continued, “but if you ask me, it’s time for a swim!”
“I think you’re meant to wait fourty five minutes after eating,” Mom loooked at him.
“That’s just an old wives’ tale,” he squashed her suggestion. “Besides, if I drown, I’ve got you lot to save me.”
“Shotgun not doing mouth to mouth,” Ava screwed up her nose, joining in with Dad’s humour.
“I’ll take care of that,” Mom said with a wink directed towards him.
“Ew, ew, ew. Gross!” Ava stuck out her tongue.

“Come on, get your swimmers on,” Dad pushed his chair back from the table. “Last one in the pool’s a rotten sausage!” As he said this, he looked at me.
“Uh, sorry. Forgot about the clothes situation.”
“It’s fine,” I said quietly. “I guess I won’t be joining you ‘til I get some new ones tomorrow.”

Mom looked at me sadly. Dad thought out loud.
“You could always go in your undies. A bit more risqué and revealing, but they won’t show us all that much more than your board shorts would,” he joked.
“Uhh,” I squirmed in my seat. Mom raised an eyebrow at me.
“I’m not exactly…” I let the silence finish the sentence.
“A true commando, that’s my boy,” Dad smiled.
“It’s a long story,” I said, feeling my cheeks blush red with embarrassment.
“I don’t wanna know,” Ava frowned.
“I guess not then,” Dad kept thinking and the room went quiet.

“There is *another* option,” Mom suddenly broke the silence.
I looked at her, and already felt a strange feeling come over me.
“I mean, it’s just a suggestion, you don’t have to consider it. But it would be a way we could all swim together before we go into town?”
“Spit it out then,” Dad encouraged her. Ava narrowed her eyes, wondering what Mom would say next. I said nothing.
“Like the beach today. You saw how happy they all were. Down there. In their birthday suits.” My heart jumped in my chest, and my waist began to tingle.
“What are you saying?” Ava asked her, her voice a mixture of astonishment and shock.
Mom looked at me. “I guess I’m saying you could go nude. If you wanted to, that is. And if everyone else was comfortable with it.”
“Mom!” Ava exclaimed, and was ignored. Dad raised his lips and eyebrows and gently nodded, agreeing with Mom’s bold idea.
“I…” was all I could utter. I could feel my face going red. “I’m not… I’m not a nudist. And besides, you’re my *family*. Isn’t that weird?”
“You’re not, but there were some families at the beach, didn’t you see? I’m sure it’s something people get used to. It’s not like we haven’t seen you like that before, nude, I mean.”

I looked at her then. My face felt hot, my cock was beginning to dance beneath my shorts. “That was a long time ago,” I reminded her.
“I’m just saying it’s an idea,” she continued. “And it’s the best one we have right now. We could wait for tomorrow and hope the town has something in your size, but if you wanted to swim *today*, it would be fine by me.”
“Same for me,” Dad agreed. “Hell, I might even join you!” he added, whether he was joking or not I couldn’t exactly tell.
“Ava?” Mom turned to look at my sister.

She opened her mouth, eyes wide. I looked at her, waiting to see what she was going to say. At that moment, her phone buzzed on the table. It caught both of our attention, and we looked towards it. The name *Ethan* was illuminated on the screen. We looked back at each other, and I knew the promise I had made about keeping him a secret hours earlier had drifted back into her mind as it had mine. *It will cost you.*

She exhaled and shook her head. “Fine. Fine. I guess I’m fine with it too,” she announced in a dismissive tone.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Mom had suggested, was *encouraging* me to go skinny dipping with them all, and Dad and Ava were okay with it. My head was swimming with thoughts, of the nudists at the beach, if I even had the courage to strip off completely and casually join them in the pool.

“Um. I’ll think about it? I guess?” I looked at them all.
Mom nodded and smiled at me. “No pressure. You’re welcome to join us anytime.”
“Right. Well I’m going swimming!” Dad stood up from his chair. “The rotten sausage still stands. Last one in!”

Mom and Ava stood from their chairs. “I’ll uh, I’ll clean up here,” I said, coming up with an excuse to make sure I didn’t have to stand in front of them with my excited crotch. Mom smiled and touched me on the shoulder. Ava looked at me shyly, her face was almost as red as mine felt.

They disappeared down the hall and I was alone in the kitchen. I stood up and looked down at the bulge in my shorts. The idea was insane. There was no way. I took the empty plates to the kitchen bench and rinsed them off, becoming dizzy with thought. I couldn’t possibly. I was no nudist.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

My thoughts racing, I made it down the hall to my room and closed the door. I stood in front of the full length mirrored wardrobe door and looked at my own face. Their voices from across the day rang in my mind.

*…are they… are they naked?…*
*…you saw how happy they all were, down there, in their birthday suits…*
*…you could go nude, if you wanted to…*
*…it’s not like we haven’t seen you like that before…*
*…fine, fine, I guess I’m fine with it too…*

Something came over me then. I felt my body acting beyond my permission. Standing in front of the mirror, I began to strip, taking each piece of clothing off, one by one. I started with my socks, replacing my bare feet on the cool carpet. Next came my shirt, revealing my bare chest to the room. Finally, I dropped my shorts, letting my cock spring out into the open. It stood out from my body, pointing slightly to the sky with excitement.

I tooka step back from the mirror and examined myself in all my glory. I imagined what it would feel like if they could see me like this.

It *was* crazy. I *couldn’t* possibly.

And yet.

Maybe it wasn’t that crazy. Maybe part of me actually wanted to do this.

My heart beating hard in my chest, I turn towards the door. It opened onto a blank wall, I could just open it, see what it felt like, no one would see.

I placed a hand on the cold doorknob and held it in my hand. I took a deep breath and turned, silently pulling open the door and revealing my naked body to the hall. I let out the air in my lungs and felt tingly all over. Through the quiet I could hear them, splashing about in the pool.

I thought back to the nudists on the beach, completely bare, enjoying themselves in the warm summer sun. I took another deep breath, and stepped across the threshold to the hall.

The tiled floor of the hall was cold beneath my feet. I looked down at my bare body. My penis was beginning to shrink now, my body couldn’t handle the stress of what I was doing, and keep itself fully aroused at the same time, a fact which I was thankful for. I turned and looked down the long hall, the big door to the pool just off to the side at the end.

I took a step. Then another. Another and another, my bare feet slapping against the porcelain tiles. One more step and they would see me through the windows of the pool room. I thought about running back to my room, abandoning the entire idea. Then Dad’s voice crept into my mind.

*…you know how important this trip is for your mother…*

My mind was made up. I was going to reveal myself to my family, completely bare. My cock was completely flaccid now and I moved my hands to my crotch to cover myself, if only to lessen the impact of what I was about to do.

I lifted my foot, placed it out in front of me, did the same with the other, and I was standing in front of the glass door. Mom and Dad were in the water throwing a beach ball to each other, Ava was scrolling on her phone, sitting on the edge, feet dangling in the water. I reached for the handle and pulled the door open and stepped into the room, quickly replacing my hand over my cock.

Mom looked at me first, her lips rising into a glowing smile.

Ava looked up from her phone and let out an audible gasp, and I felt my face flush with adrenaline.

Dad laughed out loud. “Well look at this. A rudie nudie in his natural habitat!”

I tried to clear my throat. “You’re sure it’s okay? If I join you? Like this, I mean?”

“Of course!” Mom beamed. “Come on in, the water’s perfect!”

I stepped towards the pool.

“There is one problem though,” Dad said as I walked. I could sense the humour in his voice already.

“Being the last one in the water, I guess that makes you the *rotten sausage*!” As he said this he lobbed the beach ball in his hands towards me. Without thinking I instinctively reached for it with my arms, and caught it double handed. As I held it in front of my chest, I realised what I had just done. I looked back to Dad and he was looking at my now exposed penis and testicles, dangling between my thighs.

“Or not,” he said in a surprised tone. “Doesn’t look so rotten to me!”

“Dad, please!” I threw the ball back to him harder than I expected, the adrenaline coursing inside me. I looked at Mom who was also stealing a glance. Ava was peeking over her phone, but she had unmistakenly seen it all too, her face redder than before.

And I just stood there, letting it all happen, taking it all in. I looked down at my naked body. There I was, standing exposed, naked, nude, in front of my family. In all my glory. Naked as the day I was born.

And the strangest thing of all?

I liked it. It felt good. It felt liberating.

And if I’m honest, it was arousing too.

I took two steps forward and propelled myself into the air, tucking my knees up to come down in a cannonball splash.

And in that moment, as I was flying in the air, naked and free, I already knew, this was going to be a family vacation I was *never* going to forget.

**Chapter 2 Coming Soon**



  1. Its good, nice slow build up but I can definetly see the potential to get really spicy later on if you wanted too.

  2. really enjoyed, you write really well. very impressed tbh, cannot wait for more :)

  3. Well done. Emotions and anticipation of the feelings of you and family are right on! Let’s see the next turn of events.

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