he wants to get back together now… [fm]

i met him on tinder and things were actually amazing. you know those really cheesy moments that sound super stupid to other people but to you, it’s like “omg this is so coincidental that it must be fate.” yeah, that was us… gross in retrospect

but i was young and wishy washy (actual word he described me to justify his actions) so i wasn’t sure if i wanted to date him. to be honest, he was the first person on tinder that had potential to be a partner but i was worried that we would end up getting married too fast and i was too young for that, which is why i was wishy washy and hesitant.

well in the moment that i had time to think about if i wanted to jump in, he went mia for a couple of days and towards the end, i messaged him. and he told me that he actually went on a date with another girl, which was why he was mia. it hurt me a lot to think that he would leave the moment that i needed time to think. and that was the moment i was sure that he wasn’t the person i’d ever marry. if he’d leave me so easily because i couldn’t make up my mind on us dating, he’d leave me even faster with bigger problems (especially in marriage).

he ended up dating that girl for almost a year and when he broke up, he messaged me again to see how i was doing. i wasn’t seeing anyone at that moment too so i just replied. things hit it off again and we were talking and laughing like before. it was fun.

he asked me out on a date a few days later and we went to a nice fancy dinner. i knew i needed to wow him so i wore the dress that i knew made guys turn their heads. (i have boobs but not an ass so i usually wear stuff that have a low cut in the front… for the ass, i want to assume that my legs make up for that lack) it was an exposed back dress with a low cut front. very short dress, to be honest, not much fabric for how much i paid.

he comes from money so i let him treat me out. nice restaurant and a bar afterwards. at the bar, he touches me as if nothing has changed and that we were together. he must have been confused because at times, i did respond back physically as if we were dating, but i did swerve him at times to make sure he knew where he stood. i danced with other guys, but made sure he was looking at me. guys bought me drinks and i accepted with no hesitancy.

mind you, there was a part of me that hated him still. i wanted him to know that i really wanted us to work out back then but he left me hanging. so towards the end of the night, he asked me where i wanted to go after the bar. and i said that i’m tired and that we should probably head back now. when we got in the car, he slowly started inching his hand higher and higher up my thigh while driving. i’m horny so i don’t mind it. he casually brings up the idea that i should stay the night at his place since i’m going to be sick tomorrow from a hangover and that i shouldn’t be alone. ok smooth playa

we head up to his place and he’s getting really touchy but he’s pretending as if i’m too drunk to stand on my two feet, which is why he’s touching me. when we get in the elevator, i lean back toward him and he’s already hard. he unlocks the door and i head to the bathroom (since i’ve been here before) and let him know that i’m going to wash up. i ask him for a shirt that i can sleep in. he walks in the bathroom with the t-shirt but catches a glimpse of my wet body in the shower. i’ve changed since the last time he has seen me and i have gotten more fit. i motion him to join me.

a second later, he lifts me up and starts massaging my breasts. it feels so good that i start to moan. i feel his hard dick and start giving him a handjob. he can’t take it any more and he lifts me up and starts pounding me. i did miss him but i had so much resentment so it was a mix of make-up sex and hate sex. but such a passionate time. he led me to the bedroom and he continued to pound me. i hope his luxury apartment had good thick walls because i was screaming his name so loudly. i climbed on top of him and started grinding on his dick. i could feel that this was going to be when he was going to cum but i kept going.

back then, i would never let him cum in me (even with me taking birth control because i was always scared of getting pregnant). but something in me changed and i wanted to show him that i changed. i kept riding faster and could feel him pulsing and trying to push me away. a few seconds later, he was getting scared but there was nothing he could do to stop cumming so he exploded in me. with his shocked face, i kept riding and he was moaning so loudly since he was most sensitive at that moment.

i left to go to the bathroom to finish up washing myself without saying anything to him. i put on his shirt, brushed my teeth, and just asked him, “should i sleep in your bed or couch?” i think he knew at that moment that i was keeping distance.

next morning, we go to whole foods to go grocery shopping for brunch. (really couple-y shit huh?) but we run into his parents. shit. he wasn’t fazed since i was supposed to meet them anyway before but didn’t since he ended up dating that girl. but now, i didn’t want to meet parents of someone who i know i didn’t see a future with. but my interactions with his parents were so natural. i don’t want to brag but i am pretty good with parents (and especially parents of my same ethnicity since i know how to speak their language, pun intended). we were talking about the fruits and vegetables in season and what new items are in store. really made a wife-y first impression… good or bad? i don’t know yet.

fast forward to a week later, i went over for breakfast at his place and he mentioned that his mom really liked me and that she invited me over to his parents house for dinner. (oh god. strings.) but i agreed to go since she didn’t seem like a helicopter, annoying woman.

we went to their beautiful house and we had an extravagant dinner. the conversation flowed naturally and we talked about random stuff like the home-goods store i go to for good steals or farmers market stands i go to for good produce. his mom asked me how long we’ve been dating and i told her explicitly that we weren’t dating. (do you know those females who just give off comforting mom vibes? some teachers, some waitresses. she gives off that vibe) i didn’t go into details of me and his relationship to his mom but she sounded disappointed that nothing was going on between us. i’m sure she knew that we were sleeping around though.

it was so random but the dinner ended with her inviting me to go to the farmers market with her one day and exchanging numbers. after that dinner, she would message occasionally to check up on how i was doing and asked if i needed anything. when she was in the area, she would ask if i wanted to go run errands with her or get lunch with her. (don’t worry, this isn’t turning into some girl + guy’s mother fucking scenarios). i told him that me and his mom were texting and casually meeting up at times so he was aware. he would join us at times too. after a couple of weeks of knowing her and talking to her, she asked me again why we weren’t dating. i felt comfortable at the point to open up a little to her and told her what had happened back then. i let her know that i wasn’t ready to trust someone who left me so easily, even if he had no obligation to stay.

she said very comforting words, surprisingly not defending her son, but telling me that it was reasonable to feel this way. i guess she had a conversation with him one day because we were eating dinner at his place one night and he abruptly asked me what relationship we had. i told him that we were casually seeing each other but had no obligations to be restricted. he actually got really angry and when he asked me if i was seeing or talking to anybody else and i said no, not at the moment, he loosened up a little.

i had a feeling that his mom was pressuring him to make sure that he and i work out because he started to casually bring up the idea of us getting married. we’d be driving and he’d see a new model of a car and say stuff like “i saw the interior for that car, it seems really nice for us if we have kids,” or “my mom really wants us to have a family dinner again soon.” last time, we were cuddling and he asked me why i let him cum in me that first night. i think he took that as a sign that i’d be open to getting together. he was saying that it was just a one-time thing and that i would never let him do it again. i wanted to prove him wrong so right then and there, i went down the sheet and started blowing him. it was so hot and sweaty with no ventilation but i kept at it until he was fully hard. i slid myself in slowly and started grinding on him again. the words “cum in me, daddy” always takes men over the edge. i whisper that into his ear and he flips me over and pounds me doggystyle while saying “you’re going to have my kids.” he thrusts deep into me, each time getting closer and closer to cumming. i finally say “yes daddy, put a baby in me” and he explodes and collapses on top of me. we cuddle right after, and he asks if i meant what i said. i swerve that by just saying “isn’t that just what everyone says during sex, i thought you were joking too.”

that night, i told him that i was hurt when he left me hanging so fast when i need a little time. i told him that it makes me think that he’s going to leave at any point if i commit to this relationship. i was open with talking again after the breakup because we had such a good and easy connection in the beginning, but not because i saw us dating.

so far, i’m still resistant to us dating but we still talk and fuck a lot and the sex is good. i go to his family’s house for dinner too and hangout with his mom often. but that’s the end to the story for now! thank you for reading.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/r8m2qw/he_wants_to_get_back_together_now_fm


  1. Great story. I’ve been in your spot but as a guy. Fucking sucks because emotionally this person brings you joy but realistically they’re not pure. I had the exact same thing happen except I was on bumble

  2. A year ago you were a busy man working in Silicon Valley and now you’re a female?

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