The date to never forget

This story is not non-fiction, yet. I do hope that it will become non-fiction during my stay on this tropical island.
I hope you enjoy.
So, this story starts with us. Me being me, a young dive instructor currently working and living on a tropical island in the Caribbean. And you, a lovely girl who I have yet to meet. I don’t know how we’re going to meet. Neither do I know when, I hope soon tho. But for the rest of this story it is only important to know that we really like each other and that we are having a great time together.

Today is a nice beautifull day. The weather forecast promises clear skies for the rest of the day and evening. Temperatures are low 30’s for the day and around 27 in the evening. Perfect for what I have planned for us. For all you know tonight will be ‘just’ another date night at my place. But what I have planned is way more exciting.

The day is passing quickly as I gather all supplies for our date night. Although, I have to confess that I had to stop multiple times in the stores because I got hard thinking about what tonight would bring. For you, I don’t know what the day would bring, I do hope the same anticipation of what for you is still unknown. All I definitely know is that I will see you later today and that we have the whole evening and even tomorrow for ourselves.

As the day passes by I get all supplies without too many people seeing something they didn’t sign up for. About an hour before sunset you arrive at my place. And you look terrific. As you always do by the way. When you barely parked your scooter you hug me. I have to say, feeling the love from a hug is a blessed feeling. We hold the hugg for a short minute before we both lean in for a kiss. Maybe not the most passionate kiss, but surely a great loving one. At this moment we are both well aware that if we don’t seperate we will end up fucking in the driveway.

We seperate, but not completely. Our hands are still strongly connected. And while you are explaining about how your boss let you go early I can only smile and blush because I feel like the luckiest man on earth. And maybe because I do know what I have planned.

When you ask me about the plan I tell you that we will go watch the sunset from a nice remote and secluded place on the island. I see your smile immediately widening and it is followed by another hug and kiss. While we are still hugging I whisper in your ear that I love you and that tonight will be the greatest, and sexiest, date ever. I feel you melting in my arms and hear you murmering love you too back.

Before we go I run upstairs to grab the cooler. My scooter is already packed with everyting else. We are ready to go. We get on our scooters, all the supplies mean that we cannot ride together. Which is a shame because riding together means another hug for the duration of the ride. However, seeing you in the mirror makes up for that loss. We ride thru the last bits of town before we go into the remote area. When we are on the winding road that hugs the coast we can already see the sun starting it’s decent.

It is not long before we reach our destination. We park the scooters away from the road behind some bushes so that they are not clearly visible, we want to have this place for ourselves. I lay the blanket on a nice flat area overlooking the cliff, sea and setting sun in the distance. When I stand back up you directly hug and kiss me. And this is a kiss full of passion. We both have our hands all over each other. And we are both well aware of what we are going to do tonight.

We sit down on the blanket and continue our hug. We fall over and giggle before we kiss again. I feel your hand moving down. And although I would love to continue I have to stop you. Tonight is not the night to rush…
