Mothership Wilderness Chapter 25 [MF] [inc] [cheat]

I’ve written this story through chapter 33, including the finale. All chapters are available on my website. You can find the link in my Reddit profile if you’re interested. Or if can’t find the link there, you can search my name on google to find my site. If you prefer to wait, I’ll post about a chapter a month here. All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!

Previous Chapters:

Chapters 1 and 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Mothership Wilderness Chapter 19 [MF] [inc] [cheat] from eroticliterature

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23 [](

Chapter 24

Days passed and Gail returned again and again to the Errand. She left her husband in the mess with the other Mormons every time. Sometimes he would protest. Sometimes he would not. But he would always let her go, no matter how flimsy her excuse was.
Now that she was hooked, Gail would do whatever it took to spend more time with Jacob. They stopped going to the holopark, and she didn’t care. He unloaded in her constantly, and she encouraged him. One day he told her that he would take her ass. She put up some resistance, but of course she eventually acquiesced. That night, she wondered that her husband didn’t notice her discomfort anytime she sat down.
Over the next couple weeks, two big events happened that affected the Errand’s mission. One, was that Penny became the next of Jacob’s wives to bear him a daughter. She screamed and cried in the delivery room with her mother and sister holding her hands, then laughed and sobbed for joy when the baby arrived. The other event happened a couple days later when Gail had her Twofold Baptism, via Mary’s breast and Jacob’s cock.
Maureen and Judy were thrilled for Penny and eager to bear the Messiah more daughters in the near future. Humility, Mary, and Pricilla held forth on how wonderful it was to already be showing with their second child for Jacob.
Meanwhile, Tabitha continued to snoop, burnishing her suspicions. But other than the strange affair between Gail and Jacob, she had yet to uncover anything useful.
“I’m not sure we should visit the Errand’s mess hall today, dear.” Ezra watched his wife prepare for their day in the kitchen. She made them coffee, pouring a little of Errand’s precious milk into each of their mugs. Their apartment seemed cramped to him, and there was an air of foreboding.
“What’s the matter?” Tabitha took a sip of her coffee and immediately relaxed. She brought Ezra his mug and put it in front of him. She settled down in the chair opposite him at their small table.
“I don’t know. Maybe we should keep our distance from the Fourth Wave. You still have your suspicions about them, don’t you?” He watched her incline her head slightly in an affirmative and give him a lazy smile. He sipped at his coffee. It was delicious. What a transformation his caffeine uptake had undergone. He took several big gulps and found himself with an empty mug. A lazy smile spread across his face.
“What were you saying, dear?” Tabitha blinked and looked over at Ezra as if seeing him for the first time. She had been debating with herself day after day whether to tell him about what she’d seen in the Errand’s holopark. If he was having misgivings, maybe now was a good time to tell him about Gail Estes and Jacob Winthrop. “I wanted to tell –”
“I don’t know. I was being foolish. Shall we meet in the Errand’s mess on my break?” Ezra let out an audible sigh of satisfaction. “Did you say something?”
“It’s nothing.” Tabitha got up, kissed her husband on the cheek, and walked toward the front door. “Break time sounds good. I’ll see you then.” Try as she might, she couldn’t get the image of Gail’s ecstatic face out of her mind. Was Jacob really that good at sex?
“Wait up, Gail.” James trailed behind his wife. They were in the outer concourse, making their way to Slip Seven. She always seemed to accelerate the closer to the Errand they got. “You’re walking too fast.” As he watched his wife’s behind, he couldn’t help but notice that the dress his mother had sewn for her was a little tight.
“Why don’t you walk faster, James?” Gail stopped and turned to face him, tapping her foot on the carpeted floor.
“Is that any way for a wife to talk to her husband?” He also couldn’t help but notice that the dress was stretched around her bust, too. Maybe he would ask his mother to let the dress out a little. “The plasma disk from Sagittarius A shows us that …” He stopped a few feet away from her. “Did you just roll your eyes at me?”
“No, I did not.” Gail let out an exasperated sigh. Her stupid husband was going to make her late for her time with Jacob.
“There it is again.” James pointed an accusing finger at her eyes. “I don’t know what’s gotten into you lately. You are always so eager to come to that ship even though we’ve had no success with our mission there. Your attitude is often flippant, bordering on rude. And you disappear all the time, leaving me in the mess. I don’t even know where you go.”
“You never stop me, James. You let me run off with … um … by myself on that massive … ship. And you never stop me.” Gail’s face darkened. It wasn’t fair to James, since he didn’t know what she was doing aboard the Errand, but she still felt like a proper husband would have seen the danger to his marriage and nipped the whole thing in the bud. She stared at his familiar face as it twisted in frustration, and he said nothing. “Well?”
“I … um … I … just don’t like it,” James stammered. Who was this woman? She was not behaving like a good Sagittarius Mormon wife.
“If you’re so stressed, have some more milk in the mess while you wait for me and calm yourself down.” She turned and stormed off toward Slip Seven. “I’ll catch up with you later.” She didn’t look back.
A thrill went through Gail as the docked ship came into view. Then she saw the Inspector General walking in the same direction. The other woman changed course and made to intercept Gail. “Hello Inspector.” Gail nodded primly at Tabitha.
“Good day, Mrs. Estes.” Tabitha noticed that the woman’s husband was far behind her. That was odd, with Mormons the husbands usually walked ahead of their wives. “I have something to talk to you about.”
“Can it wait, Inspector? I’m late for a meeting.” Gail tried to walk faster, but Tabitha grabbed her arm and slowed her down.
“I’ve been meaning to talk to you for some time. It cannot wait.” Tabitha leaned her mouth close to Gail’s ear. “I know that you and Jacob Winthrop are having an affair.”
Gail stopped suddenly like she’d hit a wall. She turned slowly to face Tabitha. “You’re wrong. Whoever told you that is lying.” She pulled her arm away from the inspector and rubbed it absently as she spoke. “I would never do such a thing to my husband.” She blanched when the last word hit her, looking over her shoulder. But James was still a long way off. “You should investigate whichever liar is spreading such terrible rumors.” Her head swam. Gail wiped sweat from her forehead.
“I saw you with my own eyes,” Tabitha whispered.
The blood drained completely from Gail’s face. “Don’t tell James. Please, don’t tell him. I don’t know what came over me. Please …”
“It’s not my job to inform your husband.” Tabitha glanced at James. He was getting closer. “But I wonder if you’ve seen anything unusual while you’ve been … traveling the ship. Did anything strike you as odd? Would you say the Winthrops are aboveboard?”
Gail exhaled. She hadn’t even realized she’d been holding her breath. Her marriage wasn’t over, it seemed. Some of the color came back to her face. “I haven’t seen anything. The Winthrops have been perfectly kind, genteel hosts.”
“Have they?” Tabitha watched Gail’s eyebrow twitch. “You’ve spent your time with Jacob. Is there anything unusual about him? Anything I should know?”
“I am not going to spy for you, Inspector Kensington.” Gail folded her arms over her chest. “I like them.”
“Why would you, a good Mormon, risk your marriage for Fourth Wavers?” Tabitha checked on James. He had almost caught up with them.
“Fourth Wave is a rude term. They prefer the Ardent Congregational Establishment.” Gail stepped away from Tabitha. “There you are James, I’ve missed you.” She slipped her arm into her husband’s and kissed him on the cheek, all the while carefully watching Tabitha to make sure she wasn’t about to spill her secret.
“And there is my husband.” Tabitha waved to Ezra in the distance. “We’re getting together for break time. I guess I’ll see you two inside.” She nodded to Gail and James, and walked off toward her husband.
“What was that about?” James looked at his wife in amazement. He hadn’t known her to be on such friendly terms with the inspector general.
“Oh, nothing.” Gail couldn’t think of a good lie. “Nothing at all.” Fortunately, James didn’t press her.
“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Estes.” Jacob smiled from his table in the mess hall.
“Oh, Jacob!” Gail dropped her husband’s arm. “I mean, Mr. Winthrop. It’s nice to see you.” She had to stop herself from running over to him and sitting on his wriggling lap. “And who is your friend?”
“You don’t recognize me?” Penny gave them her thousand-watt smile. It was so nice to be out and about. She reached her arm around Jacob and squeezed him tight. “I’m Penny Henderson.”
“Of course.” James stuck out his hand, but no one shook it so he withdrew it. “You’ll have to forgive us, we’re not on the feeds all that much. The only true message is the one from Sagittarius A.”
“I haven’t … seen you before, Ms. Henderson.” Gail did not like the possessive way the woman was hugging Jacob. Of course, she knew about his other wives, but she hadn’t really been confronted with it before. “Where have you been hiding?”
“I was making something special for my boyfriend, here.” Penny leaned over and gave him a wet kiss on the cheek.
“So … um … how have you been, Mrs. Estes?” Jacob’s gaze focused on the way Gail’s boobs stretched her dress. There was an uncomfortable pause.
“I’m sorry.” Penny stood and pulled Jacob to his feet. “My boyfriend and I forgot that we’re late for something.” She pulled him toward the door, whispering in his ear.
“Right … I forgot. I’ll see you all later.” He gave Gail one last look pleading for understanding as Penny dragged him from the mess.
“Well, that was quite rude. And odd. I felt some real tension there.” James found them a table. Almost before he sat down Mary placed a glass of milk in front of him. “I wonder what that was all about?” He drank half the glass in one go. “Probably not that important.” He settled into his chair. “Did we pay yet, Gail? I think we forgot to pay last time, too.”
“Don’t worry about it, James. The Winthrops are very generous.” Gail didn’t touch her milk. She stared at the door Jacob had disappeared through with a sour expression on her face. “Just drink your milk.”
“Okay, Gail. Sounds like a plan.” James finished the glass, put it down on the table, and waited for a refill.
“You’ve been saying how much you want to meet new people, then you drag me away from them.” Jacob let her pull him down the corridor. “Truth be told, Penny, I don’t mind. But it is confusing.”
“Relax, Jacob. You’ll see your new wife soon enough.” Penny stopped in front of the quarters Jacob shared with his sister.
“My place today?” Jacob wondered where Pricilla was. He didn’t wait long to find out. When the door opened, he saw that his sister was naked and spread out on the sheets in a most alluring position. “Oh, sorry, Pricilla. We didn’t know you were in here.”
“Yeah, we did.” Penny pulled him into the room. The door closed behind them. “We thought you might want to spend time with both of us today.”
“You need to remember what women closer to your own age can do.” Pricilla spread her legs and turned her pussy toward her brother. She was very wet. The swell of her new pregnancy was quite obvious as she propped herself up on her elbows. She then stretched her feet nearly behind her head, displaying the flexibility of youth.
“If this is a competition with the other women, I don’t like it.” Jacob folded his arms and stood motionless while Penny undressed.
“They started it.” Penny frowned. “My mom stole you from me the other day. And Heather is always going on about being the First Chosen.”
“I did call your mom a bitch for what she did.” Jacob nodded thoughtfully.
Penny’s eyes got very big. “You did?” She stood frozen, her bra half-removed. “What did she do?”
“She agreed that she was a bitch and apologized.” Jacob shrugged like it was no big deal.
“Holy shit.” Penny continued undressing. “That’s crazy.” Her faced turned red as she thought about it. “So, she was lying about the ‘urgent problem’ she had?”
“That’s why she admitted she was a bitch. The urgency was under her uniform.” Jacob started to undress. He couldn’t help himself.
“That bitch.” Penny finished undressing and stood naked with her hands on her hips.
“That bitch,” Pricilla echoed helpfully. She still had her feet near her ears.
“I would never lie to you, Jake.” Penny fell on her knees. The second his cock was out in the open, she seized it with both hands and tamed the thing with a furious handjob.
“Me either.” Pricilla’s smile fell a little. She wasn’t going to get the first crack at her brother. But that was okay. She lowered her legs to a more comfortable position and massaged her clit. At least it was a stimulating sight to see Penny take that monster into her mouth.
“Darn … Penny … you’re really … into this … today.” Jacob was just getting into the blowjob when it ended abruptly.
“You’re my boyfriend, and it’s my job to take care of you.” Penny stood and maneuvered them next to the wall. She lifted her right leg to the side, keeping it straight, so her foot rested on the wall about shoulder height. “Come and get it, Jake.” Her left foot was still planted on the floor. She was wide open for him and dripping on the floor.
“Okay.” He reached around her hips and took hold of her ass. He sank his cock into her pussy. “How are you this tight … ugh … ugh … already?” His hips went off to the races.
“I … ooohhhhhhh … don’t know … is this not … normal?” Penny had never had a baby before, and hadn’t done much research into how long of a recovery time to expect.
“I … don’t … know … either. But you’ve all … been so tight … uuggghhhhh.” He kissed her neck.
Penny tilted her hips forward and cried out with her first orgasm. She was happy to be back. Maybe they would start working on their next baby that very day. She hoped so.
“I don’t understand why they don’t release you to the station’s security. I’ll get you the best lawyer on Tigov 19.” Marsden hit the screen separating him from his wife. His frustration boiled over.
“Easy, now.” Mary called over to him from near the door. She was the only one supervising the meeting today. “I’ll have the robot escort you out if there’s any more of that.”
Marsden ignored her, but didn’t strike the barrier again.
“It’s okay.” Dr. Cole rubbed the back of her neck. “You don’t need to worry about me.”
“Well, at least they could remove this stupid barrier,” he said loud enough to be sure Mary heard. “I can’t even see my wife’s body, or hug her, or kiss her. This has to be a violation of prisoner rights.”
“Colony Control makes its own rules,” Mary replied flatly. She did not add that since they had discovered that her son was the Messiah, they had been writing their own rules and ignoring Colony Control when it pleased them.
Marsden waved a dismissive hand and leaned in close to the screen. “I’ll get you out of here, my love. I’ll find a way.”
“No, no. It’s okay. I don’t want to leave.” Dr. Cole tried to give him a reassuring smile.
“What are you talking about?” Marsden clenched his fists. “What are they doing to you?”
“Nothing, everything’s okay.” Dr. Cole glanced Mary’s direction. “I’m very tired. I think I need to rest now.”
“Okay, that’s enough, Mr. Cole.” Mary walked over to him. She could see the resistance in the bunched muscles in his back, but he stood. Her presence was very commanding.
“I’ll be back, my love.” Marsden said with one last glance at his wife. She silently waved goodbye.
“Why don’t you stop by the mess hall on your way out?” Mary used her most soothing voice. “Drinks are on us.”
“Fine.” Marsden didn’t bother to return her smile. They walked to the mess in silence.
“I may have to leave in a second.” Tabitha said to her husband, but he didn’t respond. That was fine. She was busy watching Gail across the mess hall. The woman looked miserable. There was trouble in paradise. The other people at the table, Gail’s sister, brother-in-law, and husband all looked perfectly happy and unaware of Gail’s inner turmoil. They weren’t even proselytizing to the Errand’s crew. How odd. Tabitha prayed Gail would make contact with Jacob and let something slip in her despondent state. Tabitha would have to be there for that.
Sure enough, Gail stood suddenly, said something to her husband, and left. James didn’t even look at her. Tabitha scanned the room. She didn’t see Mary anywhere. “You’d better head back to work, dear. I could be a while.” She placed her hand on Ezra’s shoulder.
“Goodbye,” he said.
Quick as lightning, Tabitha darted out of the mess hall and spotted Gail striding down a corridor ahead of her. The woman’s body language screamed that a confrontation was coming. What a perfect moment. As stealthily as possible, Tabitha followed the Mormon woman for almost ten minutes.
The chase was interrupted when an emergency airlock door hissed closed, sealing off the corridor between the two women. Perplexed, Tabitha approached the door. Had there been a breach on the other side? No, the alarms would surely sound if that happened. Had the ship malfunctioned? That would be a big coincidence. Tabitha hated coincidences. She looked around. There was no one in this part of the ship.
Suddenly, the door retracted. Tabitha ran down the corridor after Gail, but she couldn’t find the woman. There were too many ways she could have gone. A perfect opportunity missed. Sweaty and winded, Gail turned and headed in the direction she thought the exit might be. She didn’t want to ask the computer for directions. No need to call attention to herself. Most of the ship was, of course, unoccupied. The crew were almost all in cryosleep. The rooms she passed were often open, dark, and empty.
After a while, she found something interesting. She stopped outside a small room with bunk beds and quietly entered the room. No one was about. The beds were all neatly made. The clothes were neatly folded. From the personal effects, she guessed that the room’s inhabitants were men. This was an interesting find. Either there were more colonists awake on the Errand than the Winthrops had revealed, or the men were not sleeping with their women. She didn’t know what to make of it. A further search turned up no clues, so she left before anyone came back.
She made one other worthwhile discovery as she roamed the ship. She found a laboratory with an energy shield running down the middle. She assumed it would be for safely observing an experiment. She spent a while hacking the control pad, and was satisfied with the result. If she needed an impromptu interrogation room, the place might do the trick. She made note of the location, and left to find her way off the ship.
It wasn’t until the computer helpfully pointed her in the right direction that Gail knew to find Jacob and Penny in his room. When the door opened, Gail had several things she wanted to say. They all died in her throat when she took in the scene.
Pricilla was on her back, her legs bent up past her chest so that her feet were on either side of her head. She screamed deliriously as Jacob pounded into her. Next to them, bouncing on the mattress with the shock of each thrust, Penny lay on her side. She was offering encouragement to the mating couple and leaking sperm down her thighs.
Penny turned her eyes away from the siblings and eyed the intruder. “What are you doing here?”
“Oh, hello … ugh … Mrs. Estes.” Jacob’s hips never missed a beat. He wiped sweat off his forehead.
Pricilla gave no greeting. Nor did she seem to even realize someone had entered the room. She tossed her head back and forth and sobbed in ecstasy.
“I … um … wanted to talk to Jacob.” Gail knew it was a lame thing to say. She watched in fascination. This was the first time she had seen someone else have sex. It looked wild to her. Jacob’s monster was so thick and long. Where did it all go? And the bliss on Pricilla’s face was riveting.
“He’s busy,” Penny said. “Try again another time. You’ve gotten him all to yourself plenty. Don’t be greedy.”
“Can I … can I …?” Gail tried to think of what she wanted. It was so very hard to think. “Can I … at least watch?”
Penny shook her head.
“Sure … Mrs. Estes.” Jacob continued to hammer away at his sister. He reached down and rubbed her clit, sending her latest orgasm into overdrive. He could barely be heard over her cries of joy. “Have a … uh … uh … seat.”
Before Penny could argue further, Gail hurried to a chair and sat down. She pulled up her dress, pushed her panties to the side, and worked her clit.
Penny turned her attention back to her boyfriend. She supposed she could ignore Gail.
After Jacob had dropped his load in his sister’s butt, he rolled onto his back, catching his breath.
“Can I have another turn?” Penny crawled toward him.
“Yes, but let’s give … Gail a turn … first. It’s not fair … that she’s the only one without cum inside her.” Jacob beckoned to Gail.
“Oh, thank you!” Gail jumped from her seat and quickly removed her dress. She made sure to keep it far away from the bed. She needed to have less “hydraulic fluid” accidents on the ship or James might eventually become suspicious. She removed her panties and jumped onto the bed. “How do you want it, Jacob, grindy or bouncy?”
Jacob laughed. “Bouncy. I want to see your married pussy gripping my dick.”
“Okay.” The talk about her married p-word made her a little uncomfortable, but she still sank down on him with a long sigh. “My vagina is married to you … ugh … now … oooohhhhhh … anyway.” She planted her feet on the mattress, squatting on him, and found a nice tempo with long strokes.
“That’s right.” Jacob nodded, and gently smacked one of her boobs. “You’re a good wife, Gail.”
“We’re good wives, too. Right, Penny?” Pricilla had regained her composure. She sat up and leaned her heavy breasts so they hung just above Jacob’s face. “Have a drink while she rides you.”
Jacob didn’t need to be asked twice. He opened his mouth and sucked milk from her nipple.
“You too, Penny.” Pricilla nodded to the redhead. “Come drink. We’re all one family here.”
“Yeah, okay.” Penny leaned over and took Pricilla’s other nipple into her mouth. She drank and drank, listening to Gail’s mewling as she impaled herself on Jacob’s cock.
The ship was a maze, and Tabitha was quite lost. She figured if she walked long enough, she’d find a landmark and reorient herself. And there it was. She had somehow circled back to that would-be interrogation room. Well, that landmark was no help. That’s where she’d started from. She moved on down the corridor and stopped.
Footsteps were heading her way. Tabitha quickly slipped into a dark, empty room and waited. After a few moments, Gail walked by. She had a strange waddling gait, and her hair was wild. There was the most satisfied smile on the Mormon woman’s face. Tabitha could guess what had happened. She hadn’t quarreled with Jacob after all. She had found him alone and made up with him in the most intimate way possible. Gail passed on down the corridor.
Waiting to make sure she was gone, Tabitha stood still. She heard another set of footsteps. She bided her time in the darkness. Sure enough, along came Jacob Winthrop, looking happy with himself. This was an opportunity she couldn’t pass up. She could catch him off guard and maybe bully him into spilling some information on the ship or its crew.
“Greetings, Mr. Winthrop.” Tabitha stepped out of the darkness and relished the surprise on his face. “Can we talk for a minute?”
“You’re not supposed to be wandering the ship unattended.” Jacob turned toward her and studied the woman in her smart uniform.
“Thank heavens I am no longer unattended.” She moved toward him, shepherding him toward her makeshift interrogation room. “Can we talk?”
Jacob rubbed his chin. He was inclined to say no, but her nipples were so hard that he could make them out through her uniform. Either she was very excited to see him, very cold, or she had a condition. He wanted to find out which it was. “Sure, we can talk in my quarters.”
“It’ll only be a minute, how about in here?” Tabitha deftly guided him into the lab.
“Okay, what’s this about?” Jacob stood just inside the door.
“Oh, I think you will find this very interesting.” Tabitha spoke so softly that she knew he could barely hear her. Sure enough, he followed her across the lab to close the distance between them.
“What did you say?” Jacob wondered at this woman’s odd behavior. Had the milk made her loopy?
“It has to do with the Sagittarius Mormons and their silly plasma disk,” she said in a whisper. She maneuvered him to the correct side of the room, circled back toward the panel, and hit the hacked button to activate the barrier. He was trapped. She had him just where she wanted him. “Are you carrying any contraband on this ship, Mr. Winthrop?”
“What? What are you talking about?” Jacob walked right into an invisible wall. “Ow. What the heck?” He rubbed his forehead.
“I’m going to ask you a series of questions, and I expect you to answer them. I will not let you go until you do.” She sat on a table very near the barrier and gave him a smug smile.
“You’re crazy. I’m going to tell my mother about –”
“Oh? You’re going to go running to Mommy?” Tabitha shook her head. “Not until you answer my questions. Back to the first one. Are you carrying any contraband?”
“Errand? Remove this shield.” Jacob looked around the room. He could see nothing useful. He reached out and tested the invisible barrier. It spanned the room.
“I disabled communications with your computer from this room.” Tabitha shrugged, like he was being unreasonable. “To tell you the truth, I don’t think your computer is much for security. It hardly monitors this ship.” Even as she said it, she thought back to the emergency airlock door that had blocked her way earlier. Either it was a curious malfunction, or someone had known where she was.
Jacob stood and stared at her with his hands on his hips. She’d somehow gotten the best of him. “Okay, what do you want to know?”
I’ve written this story through chapter 33, including the finale. All chapters are available on my website. You can find the link in my Reddit profile if you’re interested. Or if can’t find the link there, you can search my name on google to find my site. If you prefer to wait, I’ll post about a chapter a month here. All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!
