Welco[m]e to the Jungle – fingering a stranger in public in the middle of the Amazonas river

TBT my backpacking trip a few years ago.

They say you never travel alone.

But right now, I’m feeling like I’m very much on my own. I am the only gringo passenger on the old freight ship that will take me down the Amazonas river for the next three days. There is no private space, just two large decks where everybody sleeps in an open space. I’ve hung up my hammock on the top deck. From the cargo deck, I can still hear the noise of the workers unloading all the random stuff – TVs, chicken, oil barrels – they’re carrying down the muddy bit of river shore that serves as a port. The trucks look like they’re straight out of a seventies road movie, but dirtier.

On the way here, I’d met a lovely local lady who showed me around the area and introduced me to her entire family. From how much she touted her young nieces to me, she clearly wanted me to marry into her family. They have been wonderful help to get my cargo ship trip sorted. Just as they were leaving, someone launched a racial slur at me. My new cousin told me not to look over. And now I’m here on my own. I’ll be travelling with about 150 locals. They’re clearly from the poorer parts of jungle society. Some are openly eyeing me, but I get few smiles. I’m a bit tense. People have told me it can be risky to do this trip, and I’ve taken a deep dive into cold water. It’s the first thing I’m doing on my world trip and I’m already way off the beaten track.

But then two more backpackers show up. One of them looks like the typical hippie backpacker with flowers on his pants. The other one looks like the typical person I want to put my dick into. She’s clearly latina and clearly not from here as her massive boobs are squeezed into a white top that is damn sexy for a backpacker. She’s immediately getting in a heated argument with an old man who seems to be selling something to her. I make eye-contact with the hippie and walk over to them to introduce myself. I get to know the guy a bit a she immediately buzzes away to sort something out. He’s a nice and friendly frenchman. Turns out the two of them just met. Interesting. I hang up my hammock next to his and put my luggage with them. I feel much safer now.

When she’s back, it turns out I’ve just hung my hammock next to hers, not his. He’s going to be sleeping on the floor. He buggers off to talk to some newly-arrived hippie girl with hair on her legs, and I start getting to know her. We immediately hit it off well and have a few good laughs. My mild irony hits fertile ground, which is a welcome change because I cannot use my stingy humour with most of the country-side people here. She’s clearly a big city girl. We swing our hammocks by pushing against each others. Touching her feels natural from the very start. The smell of her hair reminds me faintly of an ex of mine, and her body looks great. I want to fuck her.

As dusk falls and we finally depart with a four-hour delay, we mingle a bit with other travellers, among which a newly arrived expat who tells us a bit about the area and local security issues. Somehow I end up telling the story of when an airport security pulled my pair of fuzzy handcuffs out of my backpack. She’s laughing hard and pushes several time for me to explain why I had them with me in the first place (long story). She’s quite bold and dominant, but in a fun way. I share my beer with her and spend most of the evening talking to her. We joke around and I introduce some sexual innuendo at some point. I forget the context now but it was something like this:

Me (talking about some unrelated thing): “Yeah, it’s best to do it fast and hard, isn’t it?”

Her: “Hmmmm don’t you think it’s better to be a bit subtle?”

Me: “No. Fast and hard. Trust me.”

Eye contact. Joyful laughter. It’s on, baby.

The jungle night hits early and the boat gets silent quickly. She suggests we both use her blanket to cover us as it gets slightly chilly. I move my hammock very close to hers. We snuggle under the blanket with our valuables in the small backpacks, and continue our conversation which has drifted into the typical backpacker topics of traveling, culture and life perspective. Our bodies are close now, but I don’t make a move as I am enjoying the tension and the unresolved question of “is this going to go down” lingering in the humid air. Suddenly, I’m hit by a wave by tiredness and tell her I’ll try to get some sleep. We readjust our blankets a bit, and her hand somehow lands in mine as I pretend to try to sleep. She caresses my hand softly, and I slowly move it around so she can touch my face and body. I’m rock hard now, but still act like I’m half-asleep to push it out a little longer. But when she starts crawling my beard, I push myself up and say:

Me: “Hm. I can’t sleep.” Her: “Hmm, why is that so?” Me: “What do you think?”

And with that I move in to kiss her. She responds furiously and we start running our hands over each other’s bodies. I grab her ass and it feels great. She lets go a tiny moan. I run my fingers further and within no time, I am fingering her with my middle and ring finger. She goes wild but has to stay silent because of all the people sleeping just meters away from us. I feel her squirt a little and her supressed moans are almost too loud as she cums. Then she rips open my pants and pulls out my cock to give me a furious stroking. I get close to orgasm quickly.

Me: “If you keep going like this I’ll cum…well you’ve got it in your hands now.”

That’s funny even in Spanish and she giggles and strokes even more furiously. There is no way we could do anything more than fingerplay, since we are surrounded by people. Within no time, I cum all over my backpack. I guess it was only a matter of time for that to happen. I clean up with some paper and drift into sleep quickly. Later in the night, the ship gets stuck on a sandbank, and everybody wakes up. The crew tries to get us unstuck without success. We go back to sleep knowing that we’ll be delayed for about half a day because we’ll have to wait for another big ship that can pull us out of the undeep waters. True adventure.

We spend the next three days chilling and listening to music together, occasionally sneaking in some stealth fingerbanging and handjobs. But we can’t go any further as there is no private space on the ship (trust me you wouldn’t want to fuck on those toilets). We get to know many of the locals and I have some great conversations with them about the economy, culture and spirituality. The skies above the selva look like the chill-out pictures that they put on youtube versions of the deep house tracks we’re listening to. It’s gorgeous, and I feel like Huckleberry Finn, although an adult version. We’re both getting impatient, and on the second day she suggests we get a hostel room together in our destination. I smile and say that’s a good plan. There is clearly no hesitation on her side, just a burning desire for my cock.

After three days, we finally arrive in the city in the middle of the jungle. We get a moto taxi and find a hostel where we can have a room for less than four dollars per night. We both get a shower and then lock ourselves into our room, where we proceed to fuck each others brains out. The sex is great. She calls me a sex god. We spend the next three days together and do a little trip into the jungle, where we entertain an entire jungle lodge because she can’t control her screams when I’m railing her hard. We have very open conversations about sex and our love lives. Then I have to catch a flight. She blows me a kiss at the airport, and I’m off.

You really never travel alone.

PS: little did I know that these were just the innocent beginnings of our sexual relationship… stay tuned for more.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/r6xx5i/welcome_to_the_jungle_fingering_a_stranger_in