Touched on the bus [Female POV]

Today was a day just like any other, waking up to my phone alarm, snoozing it twice as I lay in bed alone, in a half daze, imagining being slowly awoken by my imaginary partner who had slid his way down the bed and nuzzled his head between my legs, slowly gliding his tongue all over my pussy. My fingers were touching where his tongue would be and my hips were gyrating as my pleasure rose.

But wait! Today’s Friday! I have that important interview I need to get up and be prepared for. I can’t be late!

I jump out of bed, shower and get myself ready – I want to make a good first impression so the choice of clothing is important. I don’t want to wear anything too revealing but I also don’t want to come across as too masculine either. Something soft and approachable I think. I choose some white lace panties and bra, a plain white blouse and grey skirt. My legs are freshly waxed and so I don’t feel the need for tights. I brush my hair, put on my make up and some black stilettos for extra impact and I’m ready to get that job!

I’ve no time for anything more than some fruit for breakfast so eat while I walk towards the bus stop. I don’t normally take the bus, but today my car is in the garage and the bus route goes directly past the office where I’m interviewing. I was nervous I’d be late as I’ve not got a great deal of confidence in the bus service but thankfully it arrived on time and I walked on. I was surprised how busy it was, but looking at the way people were dressed it was mainly other commuters on their way to work in the centre.

All the seats were taken and there were a number of people standing so I moved up towards the back of the bus where there was a space with a pole to hold on to. The bus started moving before I reached the pole and the motion made my unsteady on my tall stilettos and I fell towards a middle-aged man in a suit. Our eyes met, he was attractive with dark hair and skin, dark eyes and a strong jawline. He politely steadied me and held my arm as I made my way past him to the space behind.

Each stop the bus made more and more people were getting on, requiring people to move further down the bus and squeeze together. The man who steadied me moved down and held the same pole as mine. We were both facing out of the window, he was slightly taller than me and his body made contact with mine momentarily with each stop and start and corner the bus took. I was lost in thought mentally preparing for the interview but after a couple of minutes I realised that with each bump of our bodies coming together I could feel something hard against my ass. I blinked in surprise. Judging by the way we were positioned I could only conclude that he was getting more and more aroused each time our bodies met and his cock was growing harder and harder, pushing against his trousers….and then against my ass.

I was horrified at the thought, can’t he control himself? My goodness, this is so embarrassing. I tried to move but there was nowhere to go. I couldn’t confront him – I just wanted to get away. But at the same time I felt this weird feeling. I was making this random stranger aroused. He was attractive too, and his big strong hands wrapped around the pole had not gone unnoticed. I was conflicted, this seemed so inappropriate, but it had also triggered something inside me I couldn’t quite yet understand. I chose to remain where I was, and just close my eyes and concentrate on the interview preparation.

I couldn’t hold my concentration for long, because within a few minutes he’d moved up right next to me, I could feel his breath on my neck and, more so, his obviously hard cock against my ass. There was no mistaking it now – he was rock hard and pushing against my dress between my ass cheeks. I started breathing more heavily. My head was spinning. This closeness of two complete strangers was both terrifying and exciting. I went to turn my head towards him but changed my mind at the last minute. I didn’t want to appear in any way that I wanted this to be happening. But at the same time my pulse was racing and I felt a sudden rush as my pussy became wet.

Then, without any prompting, the man’s free arm came around my torso and under my breasts. The erection against my ass could have somehow been explained, but this? I looked down at the floor, so I couldn’t see any eyes staring at me, judging me, questioning why I wouldn’t move away from him. His hand was now running over my breasts, my nipples were hard as rocks and he could feel them easily despite my bra and blouse. God this felt good but my head was still spinning. As he squeezed my breasts I felt him grinding his cock harder against me. His hand then started moving up and down the length of my body, down my waist, along my leg, down to the knee, then across the front of my leg and up the inside. Oh god, this felt so bad and yet so good, my panties were becoming drenched.

His hand finally got to my soaking panties, his fingers pressing hard against the front. All this was happening while the bus was weaving it’s way rocking passengers to and fro, most oblivious to what was going on – but surely not everyone? He used his middle finger in a smooth circular motion stimulating my clit and lips. I gasped slightly, but held myself back, I didn’t want any attention being drawn to this particular performance. It felt so so good, my clit was getting harder and I could tell he’d found it, in spite of my panties, as his finger motions were perfect.

I couldn’t help my breathing getting deeper, and I noticed his too against my neck giving me goosebumps. Without warning his hand slid above the waistline of my panties, found it’s way inside and he started fingering me slowly, dipping a finger tip inside me momentarily, then out again, then the next time inside deeper. I then realised that at some point in all of this he must have unzipped his trousers and he’d hitched up my dress at the back and he was rubbing his exposed cock against my bare ass. Another expert move of his hands and he’d pushed my panties down my thighs so his cock could slip between by legs, the tip rubbing against my pussy as he fingered me. I couldn’t think straight, in spite of thoughts of everyone judging me, staring at me, waving pointed fingers at me, I just didn’t want this to stop. My head was still down and my eyes were still closed, as if I was trying to convince myself it was just a dream. I decided to open them slowly and as I did I could see his strong hand against my bunched up skirt my panties half way down my thighs and his arm moving firmly and determinedly as he administered pleasure I’d never experienced before. I felt another release of pussy juice at that exact moment, and could feel how wet I was as he fingered me harder and faster.

After a while I just couldn’t contain the groans and moans of pleasure. It was at this point that he used his foot to carefully slide across one of my own feet to part my legs. He took his fingers out of me and then used his hand to glide his cock head around my soaking pussy lips. He slid it forwards and backwards, along the lips and across my clit, and then with each motion he started to push it inside me. His hips worked magic as they angled and pushed his cock deeper into me, allowing his hand to become free again which he then used to slowly unbutton my blouse, pull down my bra, and release my breasts topped with rock hard nipples. I could feel the rush of cold air as I he did this, and as his cock pushed his way up into me deeper and deeper, his hand ran from my neck down my breasts, squeezing a nipple then cupping them and squeezing them hard as I felt his cock throb inside me.

I now cared for nothing more other than this immense pleasure my body had never experienced before. He was pumping me so hard the slaps of his body against mine was audible above the sounds of the bus, we were both leaking juices which I could see splashes on the bus floor beneath me, my whole body was starting to shake. At one point his hand moved along my jaw and near my mouth, I moved my lips to suck on his fingers – the only sign I’d made in this entire experience so far that I wanted this. And yes I wanted this, more than I’d ever known. The pleasure was heard to process, was it the domination, was it the fact that no doubt everyone could see what was happening, I don’t think I knew. All I knew is that I didn’t want it to stop.

It went on, and on, his big thick cock stretching my soaking pussy, gliding in and out of me, his heavy breaths against my neck, his firm hand exploring my skin, my face, my hair, my neck my breasts, my legs, my pussy as he fucked me beyond all sensibilities. I felt an orgasm generating from deep inside me, working it’s way through my body, spreading to all parts of me, my eyes rolling upwards, my ears ringing, my body starting to go rigid then juddering. I could hear his groans with his mouth against my ear, his cock felt like it had doubled inside even whilst he’d been inside me, I felt him getting closer. I grabbed his balls which were full of cum ready for me this was the sign he needed and almost straight away he stopped pumping and just pushed all of him inside me, I felt his hands pushing us as close as possible together and I squeezed his balls as I felt the hot jets of cum shoot inside me, not once, not twice but three or even four bursts, filling me up. Almost in unison we both cried out hard as my orgasm peaked, my body juddering hard, holding my breath, my chest red and my head spinning. It seemed to last for hours and hours. My senses were switched off for anything other than this pleasure. I didn’t want this to ever stop.

Slowly, the orgasm dissipated, our bodies relaxing again, together. As I became aware of the surroundings again I felt him kissing my neck and stroking my breasts one last time. He slowly pulled out his cock, releasing a large amount of cum onto the floor, and pushed it back inside his trousers. I hitched up my panties, pushed my breasts back into my bra and buttoned my blouse. Once again I could hear the noises around me and the people on the bus, all seemingly oblivious to what had happened – or were they too embarrassed to say anything? At that point the bus arrived at the city centre and everyone got off, the man smiled as he left without a word. I smiled back and as he disappeared into the crowds I collected up my thoughts about what had just happened and how on earth I would be able to do an interview now. I didn’t care, I’d just had the most pleasurable experience of my life.



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