She gave [m]e a surprise ending…

This is a throwback to when I used to live in a South American Capital.


Somehow, I’ve ended up in one of the weirdest parties I’ve ever been to. We’re on the border to the ghetto Which, here, means, it’s already really dangerous. The venue is the bottom floor of a corner building that should have been a bistro but has somehow been turned into a liveable flat with the café room serving as a living room and now doubling as the dance floor for the house party. My friends had advertised this to me as a top DJ’s private home party but they’re also new in town and have also been fooled by the weird guys who’ve shown us the way here. On top of it all, it’s a costume party and it’s hard to tell what kind of people really are attending because everybody’s disguised to varying degrees – one guy has an elaborate bender costume, some guy just dyed his hair red, and some chick has angel wings. Me, I’m just wearing a massive fake moustache that covers my mouth to the point I can’t even drink without a straw.

There are only two hot girls here. One of them is dressed up in a really sexy short red dress with a little black hat on her head, and the other one has her hair braided and is dressed as a gangster with a basketball shirt and a fake moustache. They immediately put their heads together as they see us enter, and approach as as soon as we’ve found a place to stand and have a look around. Little red riding hood launches herself at me and gangsta chick talks to my friend who is here with his girlfriend. I play along in the dance. Red is tiny and has got these huge black eyes of the kind that I love. She’s touching me all over. I find out that she lives here, as she tells me with a smile on her face. Nice logistics, I think. I dance and flirt heavily with her. But it’s still early to extract, so I also start getting to know people. As it turns out, people aren’t as fucked up here as the place and the two guys who brought us here would have suggested, and I’m connecting well with some of them. Or maybe I’m just getting drunk. I flirt and dance with my chick a bit more and start entertaining the thought of pulling her to her room. Kissing in the open would be too obvious here because the room is not full enough to hide in the crowd. But then I have to run to the toilet to give way to some angry diarrhea that is doubtlessly caused by my reckless partying of the last… well, the last two years actually.

As I come out of the toilet, Red is gone. I ask the gangster chick where her friend is gone and she tells me that Red has a boyfriend and that he’s here too. I go “what?” and she says “Oh but don’t worry, it’s cool”. I don’t know if that means I can fuck Little Red Riding Hood while the Wolf is in the house, but I make a mental note to try. In the meantime, I’m flirting with Gangsta a little bit and find out that her braided hair is part of her outfit and she usually looks different. She shows me a picture. She’s actually really hot. I make her add me on facebook while she’s already on it to show me the picture. I find out she’s local and tease her for local women’s infamous “hard-to-get” attitude and she tells me she’s atypical and likes to meet foreigners. She also tells me local men are bad in bed – “they only last like 15 minutes!” Well if that isn’t a green light. I start dancing heavier with her, to the point where I’m breathing on her neck and I would kiss her if weren’t for the moustache.

Then Red shows up again and immediately throws herself at me. But now Gangsta, though much more subtle, is also in the picture. So I just dance with both of them at the same time, throwing out some double salsa moves (not my first rodeo). I may look like the king of the party to everybody else, but to myself I know I’m a fool because that kind of interaction cannot result in a clean extraction and seduction. Then at some point Gangsta vanishes and I’m left with Red. I think it’s time for the kill but now her boyfriend, a guy with hair dyed red and a face that looks like he kills for fun, starts paying attention. Although I get in some more hot flirt moments when he isn’t looking, I am happy to lose the girl to him as he starts making out with her repeatedly. So I just get smashed and then leave the place in the early morning when the party is definitely dead. Great night nevertheless.

The next day, Gangsta texts me on facebook and we talk a bit back & forth. I find Red on Facebook and text her, but she never answers despite accepting my request. A week and a half pass and Gangsta is in touch regularly while I go on a long trip where I have sex with two girls in one night (a story for another time). Gangsta usually initiates. Her pictures on facebook are quite hot and really artsy. Cool.

After I’m back, we fix a date to have drinks together. She shows up dressed in these really cool punky boots and a dress jacket. Not Gangsta at all actually, more artsy and definitely hot. We have one drink in a bar sitting across from each other and I find out some more about her. She’s a designer and knows a lot about rock history. I touch her hand quickly once or twice, but no further escalation.We leave the bar after one beer to find a more comfortable place, but as we don’t find one immediately she suggests we go to her place to drink more cheaply and comfortably.

Bam, sold already.

In the bus we don’t kiss and only touch lightly, but she tells me more about her knowledge of rock history and I start getting fascinated with her personality. I decide to spend some more time connecting to her before I escalate to the fucking. At her place, we sit down at the table in front of her laptop and start showing each other live music videos and get all excited about it. I tell her I can spend the entire night doing just that. I give her a lot of space to show me her passion. I love the vibe. At some point she apologizes for being all fixed on the music. I pull her in and kiss her. Then we alternate between making out and watching music videos. At some point, as I come back from the toilet, she’s suddenly on the couch away from the table. So I move my body above hers and start making out more passionately with her and grinding on her. She takes off my shirt and then asks me if we should go to the bedroom. I take her hand and lead her to her room.

We undress swiftly. She’s got an amazing body, almost perfect but for the tits, which are small but of an amazing shape. I love her smell and her passion. I finger her. She’s very clitoral and doesn’t respond to my G-spot fingering too well. Oh well. I put on a condom and start fucking her slowly, and it hurts her. So I take it really slowly, which is convenient because for some reason I’m quite sensitive that night – that hasn’t happened in quite some time. I slowly start upping the rhythm and she gets into it. We switch positions so I’m spooning her and she cums as I finger her clit while I’m fucking her with a steady groove. I’m getting more sensitive and ask her if she wants me to cum. She almost yells at me not to. Uh oh.

So I keep fucking her at a steady rhythm. I’m on the edge of orgasm but control myself. It’s funny how the mind can learn to control the body. But then, she gets on top and starts riding me faster.

Me: “If you keep going like this, I’m going to cum”

She goes faster.

Me (calm voice): “I tell you, I’m going to cum like this.”

She goes faster.

She’s asking for it, and I’ve warned her twice. It’s been about fifteen minutes, so I convince myself that this was an OK performance. Right?

She keeps going and I can’t hold it anymore, so I let go.

I cum hard, my body convulsing up and down several times.

I feel at one with myself.

And then, just as I’m falling back into the sheets from the last wave of my orgasm, she lifts her arm up high and smacks me hard in my face with her flat hand.

I guess it wasn’t an OK performance after all.
