My girlfriend [f] sent me [m] a video of her making out with her friend [f]

After my first story, I explained to my girlfriend Rebecca [f] how hot I found it when she made out with her friend [f] on holiday and that I would be happy for her to do it again.

This time, I was on holiday with a group of my friends and she was back home on a night out with her friends. She was texting me that night saying that she has spoke to her friend Marie [f] about me saying I was happy for her to kiss other girls and what she thought about it. Turns out Marie was pretty supportive of this and said to my girlfriend this was a good thing, which she then informed me.

What happened next however I was not expecting. An hour or so later I received a text saying “Marie has said that she would kiss me, if that’s okay?” to which I reply of course it is! As I’m sitting there on holiday fantasising about my girlfriend making out with one of her friends, my phone pops up with a video from her. There it was, a video of the two of them in the bathroom making out – hot, sloppy and drunk. This was the first time she had ever sent me any pictures or videos of her with another girl and it was amazing.

Not only did I find it amazing but so did she, and she told me all about it after. So much so that the other girl they were out with Sarah [f], she said I’m going to try and kiss Sarah later on. To this day I don’t know if she was successful with Sarah but there’s plenty more stories with her in the future.

This was the start though of my girlfriend being comfortable with kissing other girls and many more times follow.



  1. Let’s hear more about your girlfriend and her friends.

    Do you think she has taken this beyond kissing?

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