About time(Incest F/D) Daughter travel backs in time with her mom to have fun with her dad.

***Inspired by the British film “About time”.***

***When Emma realizes that the women in her family get to travel back in time. She decided to have fun with her mom traveling to the past.***

At the age of 21, my mother told me that women in our family can travel back in time. She also told me that whatever happened has happened. So no matter what I change during my visit to the past, once I get back to the present, the session would end and the things would reset to whatever originally had happened. It’s like basically playing the game without saving. So there were no consequences.

Initially it was scary. I thought my mother lost her mind. But she asked me to experiment with it. She told me the rules. The rules were simple.

1. I have to be in a dark place like a closet or something. Close my eyes and think of the place I wanna go to. And when I open my eyes I will be there.

2. I can only travel back to my own past. I can’t travel back to the 18th century or something.

3. But there was a loophole to go beyond my birth. I can hitchhike with my mom or grandma. Obviously I would look the same version of me in the present while they look like a younger version of whatever the time they take me to.

She was so specific about the details. No matter how unbelievable it was. I wanted to try it. I abandoned my own party and got into my bedroom closet and closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes. I freaked out. I was still in the same old closet except I was wearing a prom dress. It worked. I was freaking out. I wanted to go back to my prom and relive the moment and it had happened. I ran downstairs. Met my mom. Dragged her alone and told her about it. She laughed and told me to have fun with my prom. Because this one doesn’t have any consequences. No matter what I mess up, it wouldn’t affect my future. So I decided to have fun with it and give my prom what he wanted all those years ago. After prom, he took me to the motel. We had sex. Well he had sex. He came in a minute and fell asleep. Glad I didn’t lose my virginity to him on that night. I didn’t even bother to clean up. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. Turned off the light and closed my eyes. When I opened it, I was wearing the dress I wore to my 21st birthday party..

My mother told me there wouldn’t be any consequences. But I wanted to make sure of it. So I tried to contact my prom guy and oh boy! He was still mad that I didn’t put up to him all those years ago.

I was freaking out about the possibility that I can travel back in time, relive the moment differently however I want without worrying about consequences.

It’s been two years since my mother told me about it. I had been traveling back to my own past reliving all the moments differently. Soon I ran outta adventure. I wanted to try new things. I wanted to hitchhike with my mom and have fun with her. So when I asked her to take me to her past. She said yes in a second.

“So, where do you want me to take you?”, my mother asked me.

She was wearing white sweater and black night pants, sitting on the couch and holding a book she was reading. My dad and my brother went out for a movie. So it’s just us girls tonight. It would take nearly 3 hours for them to get back home. So, me and my mom can go back in the past, have fun and get back to the present before they get home.

I was excited about all the possibilities of having fun with my mom. I sat next to her, held her hands with a smile on my face and said “Take me to the night when you met dad”.

My mother started to blush. She told me the story of how she met my dad. But now I get to actually see it.

She started to hesitate for a moment and said “You sure you wanna see your parents awkwardly flirting with each other? Most of the kids are grossed by it.”

I said, “I am sure. Please take me with you”.

She put her book down and we both went to her bedroom closet.

She held her hands with me and said “You ready Emma?”

I nodded excitedly.

We both closed our eyes and held our hands together.


When I opened it, we were standing in a trial room. I assumed it was the clothing shop my grandfather owned where my mom used to work in her early 20s. I was still wearing the same black jeans, a red round neck t-shirt and a hoodie. When I turned to look at my mom. I was stunned by her beauty. It’s weird to see your mother deage 25 years in a second. There were no wrinkles on her face. Her hair was a little more blonde than she used to now. She was petite like me and wearing a blue color collared t-shirt uniform with a shop logo on it.. Her boobs were smaller but it was pushing out the logo on her left boob. The grey jeans hugged her butt and thighs tightly. My mother caught me staring at her in awe.

“Where do you think you got your beauty?”, she said with a proud smile on her face.

“My god mom. You look so different. I have seen your pictures when you were younger but seeing you in person. You look so good”

My mom started to blush and said “Thanks hun. You look good too”.

She shares the same height and size as me. We both look so similar. Like sisters.

We both got outta the trail room. It was 8pm. So the shop wasn’t very crowded. There were like 4 or 5 people scattered all over the place looking at the clothes. My grandpa was talking to one of the customers. He wasn’t completely bald yet. Just a receding hairline. Soon he was gonna get bald. And then there he was. My dad. Tall. Lean. He was wearing a blue uniform t-shirt which was tucked in a black pants. My dad used to work there part time while he was working on a book. He was writing his first novel at that time. He was talking to another customer.

I can’t believe I get to experience this moment.

“He looks handsome right?”, my mom asked me.

I nodded excitedly.

“Follow me and pretend like you are shopping. But stay close with me, so you can see what’s going on”, she said.

I started following her a few feet away.

She stopped to talk to one of the customers. While she helped her to shop, my dad approached her.

“Hey, where did you go? I was looking for you at the counter?”, my dad asked my mom. “Umm… I was just helping a customer back in the trail room”, she said that as she pointed at me.

I just smiled casually at his direction. He smiled back. I was freaking out watching my dad. He was so cute with his glass and he wasn’t all muscular or anything. Just a natural lean body. His height was what made him look cute.

“Oh. alright”, he said.

Once the customer my mom was helping left, my dad asked her “So.. Can you help me shop for some dresses?”

“Dress? For what?”, She said that like she was really curious and stayed in character.

She must have lived this moment a thousand times, yet she acted like it was her first time. She was really a good actress.

My dad hesitated for a second and said “Umm.. It’s for the girl I like. I think she likes me too. So I wanted to buy her a dress for her birthday and I’m gonna ask her out.”

My mom just nodded all smiling and agreed to help my dad.

I still followed her a few feet away while she was helping him. She would smile at me now and then.

Finally they settled on an asymmetric peach toned dress. The dress ended right above her knees. It was cute.

And then the couple moved to the counter. And he paid the bill.

Once he settled the bill. He was looking around, I assumed he was looking out for my grandfather. Once he made sure he was all alone. He handed the dress to my mom.

My mom nervously laughed and asked “What are you doing?”

My dad drew a huge breath and said “Kate. I have known you for the last six months. I decided to take this job to pay for the rent while I was working on a book. But I never thought I would meet someone like you. You made me feel alive. The time I spent with you were precious. I just finished my book last night. I am pretty sure I am gonna get it published soon. So I will quit the job soon. I don’t wanna live my life and wonder what if I asked you out. So here I am, wondering if you wanna go out for a date with me?”

My mom was all blushing and smiling. It was real happiness. No matter how many times she lived this moment. It was always special to her.

I stared at them in awe. I was so jealous of my mom. She met her prince charming. All the guys I met were princes of jerk towns.

She said yes.

My dad was jumping outta joy.

My grandpa was walking to the counter with his customer. So my dad just nodded at my mom and left the place to deal with customers.

My mom joined me.

I hugged her tightly.

“It was so sweet”, I told her.

“I know”, she told me.

And then she asked me, “Are you bored yet?”.

“You’re kidding. No. I was a sucker for romance. It was cute. I am so jealous of you mom.,” I said.

She started laughing and said “Well. I just stayed with what happened that night. But this moment was always special to me. I played it out different times. I chose different clothes. Even sexy ones. Just to tease your dad. Sometimes we ended up having sex in the trail room”

“Mom…”, I gasped.

My mothers transparent confession of her being naughty made my legs shiver. And I was also glad no one heard me calling her as mom.

She just laughed and asked me, “So do you wanna go back to the present and want me to take you somewhere else?”

“Umm..”, I hesitated before asking, “Can you take me to this moment again and show me how naughty you were?”

I wanted to experience the moment. This one was romance and all cute. I can’t imagine it being naughty. So as a youngster, I was just curious. After all, there were no consequences.

My mother just laughed and said “sure”.

We both went back to the trail room and we closed our eyes and held our hands together.


We were still there wearing the same clothes. We both got outta trail room. Everything was reset again.

My dad and grandpa were busy with the customers.

Once again I started following her.

Same thing happened once again. The cycle started repeating. My dad came to ask my mom to help him shop for a dress for the girl he likes.

My mom agreed to it.

Instead of choosing the original peach dress, she teased him with backless straps and everything.

It was hot to see my dad act nervously as she chose more sexy clothes.

Finally she settled for black sleeveless low cut deep v sexy dress.

My dad was all blushing and said “You sure it’s the right dress to give a woman to ask her out?”

My mother just nodded.

That’s when I saw his boner poking out of his pants. Since his t-shirt was tucked in, he couldn’t hide his boner. I tried not to look down there.

But my mother teasing him was too hot to handle. It was so awkward watching your parents flirt. But since it was time travel, we were all the same age and stuff. I felt naughty.

I couldn’t take it anymore. I wanted to be part of the conversation. So I just barged in.

“I am sorry. I can’t help but overhear the conversation. You wanna gift a dress for the girl you like before asking her out?”, I asked my dad.

My dad stared at me all blushing and said ‘Yes!”

I felt a butterfly flying in my stomach when I was talking to my dad. He looks so good. And cute with the glasses on.

I tried to stay in the conversation as a strange shopper, I said “Yeah. She is right. You can give her this dress. You are pretty sure she likes you right?”

He just nodded.

“You don’t have to worry about anything then. The dress is perfectly hot. You should buy it.”, I told him.

My mother interrupted and said to my dad, “ It’s not too slutty or anything. I can help you by wearing it. If you like it, you can buy it. Else we will shop for something else”.

My dad adjusted his pants. I bet he just imagined my mom’s cleavage popping out of that slutty low cut v deep dress,

I barged in to help my mom and said “Come on man. She is trying to help you. You are thinking about it too much”.

“ I was just worried about her dad”, he said, pointing in my grandpa’s direction.

“If that’s the case, I can wear this dress for you. He won’t get mad at you for trying to help the customer”, I said that to my dad.

I can’t believe I said that to him. Though it doesn’t have any consequences. I felt naughty saying that to my dad.

My mom gasped and she questioned me, “What the hell are you doing emma?”.

“I am sorry mom. He was just so cute. I couldn’t help but flirting” , so I apologized to my mom.

My dad was all scared looking at me calling her as mom.

He was like, “Wait..Wha–what’s going on? Did you call her as mom?”

I didn’t respond to him. My mother was still looking at me.

And then I finally asked her, “Come on ma. Don’t tell me you have never broken the rules using time travel. We have nothing to worry about. Let us have some fun. It was hot to tease him like that?”

I can’t believe I was saying that out loud to my mom. I Can’t believe I was trying to convince my mom to help me flirt with my dad.

She was still staring at me in silence. We both ignored my dad who was still freaking out.

Finally she started smiling a little and agreed to it.

We both got back to the trail room. My dad was still freaking out about it.

We both stood in the trail room. Closed our eyes and held hands together.


We opened the door. The time was reset again.

She stared at me and said “We are never ever gonna talk about this in the present. What happens in the past. Stays in the past”

I smiled at my mom and said “What happens in the past. Stays in the past”.

She smiled back.

The cycle repeated like again.

We both tried to convince my dad to buy the sexy dress and I offered to help him.

Finally he reluctantly agreed.

My mother grabbed the black low cut dress with v deep cleavage. We both headed to the trail room while my dad was following us.

When we reached the trail room. My mother handed me the dress.

She whispered, “Have fun” and walked away.

My dad stood near the room. I smiled at him and locked the door.

I was freaking out inside the trail room. I can’t believe this was happening. My dad was waiting for me outside the room to see me wear this sexy dress so that he could give it to my mom and ask her out.

I removed the hoodie and red t-shirt. Since I was breathing hard, my boobs covered in bras were going up and down. Though it doesn’t have any consequences. It’s real for me and my mom. My hands were shivering nervously. I failed two times trying to unbutton my pants. Finally I managed to unbutton it on my third try and removed the pants. I stood there in my underwear. I have to get completely naked to wear the dress. I removed my bra and panties. I saw my naked body in the mirror. My boobs were as small as my mom’s but it’s firm. My brown nipple was so hard. I have a bush down there. I prefer bush rather than completely waxing my vagina. I grabbed the dress and tried it on.

It fits perfectly for me. Since me and my mom were almost sharing the same physique. My boobs were pushing out of the low cut. It hugged my butt tightly. Since I wasn’t wearing any panties. It showed my butt perfectly without any panty line. I looked at myself in awe in front of the mirror. I adjusted my brunette hair and took a deep breath before opening the door.

My dad was still standing there. He was transfixed looking at me. My mother was talking to my grandpa but once she saw me coming outta the room. She ended the conversation with him and walked straight to us.

“So, what do you think?”, I asked my dad who was still in shock, staring at my hot body.

“Do you like it?”, My mom asked him.

Once he heard my mother’s voice. He came back to consciousness and said, “It..It looks great”.

“You look gorgeous. Thanks for helping me”, he said that to me.

I started blushing when my dad said that.

“So do you wanna buy it?”, my mom asked my dad.

He said yes.

I went back to the trail room. Removed the dress and got back into my own clothes. And then I came out and handed the dress to him.

He said, “Once again. Thanks for helping me”.

My mom was watching him flirt with me. She didn’t interrupt us.

I smiled at him and said “It’s alright”.

They both went to the counter.

Once he paid the bill. He gave it to my mom and asked her out.

She said yes as usual.

My dad left her once again when my grandpa walked to the counter.

My mom joined me and said, “I have got some idea”.

“What is it?”, I asked her.

She dragged me to the trail room. We closed our eyes and held our hands together.


The cycle repeated.

My dad and mom were at the counter. He bought the sexy dress I wore for him.

When he handed it to my mom, she asked him, “What are you doing?”

He said the same thing as before.

To that she replied, “I am sorry chris. I don’t like you romantically. I thought we were just friends.”

My dad was heart broken. He was trying to control his sadness.

He apologized to her and left the counter and went back to deal with the customer half heartedly.

My mother joined me and told me, “Go convince him. I saw the way he looked at you. He used to look at me the same way. I am pretty sure he likes you”.

“What do you mean convince him? Ease him outta pain?”, I questioned her.

“You know what to do. But don’t go all the way. Remember what happens in the past. Stays in the past.”, She told me.

I can’t believe my mother was asking me to entertain my dad sexually. It was so hot since it’s taboo and everything.

I nodded.

“Come back to me once you are done. It’s already late. We have only got 15 minutes”, my mom told me.

She abandoned me to deal with other customers.

I went back to my dad. He was alone staring at the wall in silence.

“Excuse me?”, I called him.

He turned back and tried to smile and said, “Sorry. Yes. How can I help you?”.

“You alright?”, I asked him.

He tried to get a grip on his voice and said “Yeah. I will be.”

“You can give that dress to me if you like. I would love to go out on a date with you”, I told him.

He hesitated for a moment and said “You don’t have to do that out of pity”.

“Who said anything about pity? Why would I offer you to wear that dress if I didn’t like you. I like you. That’s why I am asking you out and agreed to help you before.”, I said to him.

My dad was convinced now that I wasn’t asking him out, out of pity. He tried to put up a smile on his face and gave me the dress.

“When are you gonna get out?”, I asked my dad.

“At 9”, he replied.

“Lemme wear this dress for you now and you can take me out for dinner”, I said that to my dad.

He took a deep breath and said yes.

I went back to the trail room. And locked the door.

I removed my clothes and got naked once again.

My body was shivering.

If I open the door, my dad can see me totally naked.

The thought of this taboo made my body shiver.

I tried to control myself and wore that slutty dress back. And corrected my hair.

I stuck my head outta the door and asked him, “Can you come help me for a second?”

He asked me, “What happened?”

I told him, “Just come in. please”

And left the door unlocked for him to get in.

He opened the door and got in.

His face turned red when he saw me in the dress again..

My stomach was making a weird sensation

I locked the door.

“Do you like it?”, I asked him, pointing out my cleavage.

He couldn’t even speak. I let him stare at me hungrily.

I took a step forward and got close to him.

His breath was breathing hard on my neck.

He caught my cleavage going up and down.

Suddenly I hugged him tightly.

He didn’t hug me back. He was still freaking out. He didn’t know what to do when a hot stranger hugged him at the workplace.

I planted a kiss gently on his lips. After a second, he started to kiss me back.

I let my hand wander on his pants. I grabbed his dick. It was so hard and I was freaking out grabbing my dad’s dick.

I pulled myself up. And told myself there were no consequences to it. Just have fun.

I turned back and rubbed my butt against his dick over his pants.

And then I got on my knees.

Grabbed his pant button.

But he stopped me.

I looked up at him and said, “Please”

He let go of my hand.

I unbuttoned his pants. And pulled it down.

His boner was throbbing inside his underwear.

I rubbed my face over his underwear and bit his dick.

He gasped and held my head.

He lost his control.

He grabbed a handful of my hair with his left hand and pulled his dick outta his underwear using right hand.

I ran outta breath when I saw my dad’s dick. It was almost 7 inches long. And it had a good thickness. My mother was so lucky.

He pulled my face closer and started rubbing his dick all over my face.

I opened my mouth unconsciously.

He slid his dick into my mouth and started thrusting in and outta my face.

I was gasping for air when he was fucking my face. His dick was covered with all of my spit.

But suddenly we were interrupted by a huge knock on the door.

My mom called me and said “Emma, we have to go. Your dad and brother will be back from the movie”.

My dad was once again confused and freaking out.

I opened the door.

My mom caught me on my knees and he was pantless with his dick sticking out.

He tried to shove his dick back into his underwear.

She looked at me and said, “We need to talk about this”

I just smiled at her nervously. I was glad she wasn’t mad.

I stood up..

We closed our eyes and held our hands together while my dad was still in the room.


When I opened my eyes, we were back in my mom’s bedroom closet. All dressed. While she was back in her white sweater and she aged 25 years once again.

“That was something”, my mom told me.

“We should try this again,” I told my mom.

“We should”. My mother replied.

My brother and dad were back from the movies.

I can’t even stare at his face when we are having dinner together. It was so awkward. But this is reality. I can’t mess it up. So I tried to control myself and pretend everything was normal.

I had opened a new door with my mom. We just dipped our toes together. Can’t wait to explore more of it with her.

*Thanks for reading. I will try to upload Part 2 in a few days.*

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/r73aso/about_timeincest_fd_daughter_travel_backs_in_time

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