Time for a mind-melting shag before you leave forever? [MF]

This happened last week, I’ll include all the backstory because I like writing and I’m bored, but if you want to skip to the sexy bit I’ll mark where it starts. (I marked where the story starts and where the sexy bit starts because it’s way longer than I expected when I started)

Little bit of context. Firstly, me. I’m 5’7 (5’8 on a good day) with dark brown eyes, olive skin and brown hair that reaches just below my shoulders. I’ve been using the gym for a little while and started running so I’m in reasonably good shape, and it has done wonders for my butt which used to be pretty bony but now is quite full and lush. C-cup perky boobs, arms less lanky than they used to be but still not big.

I had a number of things go wrong in my life all at once. I lost my job and had to find a new one (got a better paying one in the same field, booyah), split with my then boyfriend (sad but what can you do, we’re only human), and had a few things happen around me which caused some major shit for my mental health (finally seeing a therapist and back to normal, in as much as that’s possible). However, I took the opportunity to totally reimagine my lifestyle (hence the gym), moved to the other end of the country and largely started afresh. While all of the mental health trouble was going on I found myself unable to have sex (mentally, nothing physical about it). When I moved into this new house I met Joe.

Joe was (and still is) a sexy motherfucker. He’s 6’3, dark brown hair that he sometimes pulls into a man bun, pale skin with deep blue eyes, rugged features, light stubble, toned as hell and he’s a marathon runner so he has the stamina of a horse. Joe was really athletic, cycled 10 miles to work most days and worked out almost every other day. In other words, Joe was hot as fuck. He mostly went straight to the shower after a run or after work, but sometimes he stuck around in his sports gear which was *very* tight and showed off his hot legs in all their finery. On one occasion, for whatever reason, he had a hard-on whilst wearing his cycling gear and oh my god I obliviously thought he had a courgette in his pocket (that’s a zucchini, for any Americans) and I poked it and I still cringe to this day because he froze up and clearly felt so so awkward.

Anyway I’ve just got myself hot and steamy writing about Joe’s body so I’ll crack on with the story.

I moved in with Joe and a number of other people – the landlord was renting rooms in a shared house individually so I didn’t know any of them before I moved in with them. Joe and I got to know each other really quite well in a purely platonic way. We would talk to each other about our problems and we work in a similar field so we often had the same moans about work. Overall Joe was an incredibly caring and sweet guy. He never made any sexual remarks or flirted with me, it was all purely friendly and I appreciated that so much with the crap I was going through. Just recently I moved out of the shared house and, although it was hard to leave them all behind, it was definitely the right choice for me. However, it did open up possibilities that didn’t previously exist…


I had just finished moving my stuff out of the shared house. My room was totally empty except for the furniture that came with it. I was just taking a look around before leaving for the last time. Joe poked his head in and a smile broke across my face.

“Finally finished?” he asked. “You weren’t going to leave without a goodbye, were you?” he teased. He walked in and came for a hug. Feeling his strong arms around me, welcoming me into his warm torso, just made me realise how much I appreciated him.

“It’s just so strange seeing it empty” I said, “nothing on the desk, an empty wardrobe, and I think this is the first time that chair hasn’t been buried in dirty clothes!”

“You’ll have to show me your new place” he exclaimed, “I need to get a sense of where you’ll be living”

We had a moment of silence, just mentally connecting and we looked at each other. Our eyes connected, and the intimacy was so powerful. In that moment I felt so vulnerable and so turned on by this sexy hunk that had never made a move on me.

“Got time for a last coffee?” he suggested (we bonded over freshly ground coffee)

“Always” I said, “I’ll take this last box out to the car while you make a pot”

After taking it to the car, I went back to the room. I could feel the blood pumping in my clit and I realised I was starting to get wet with zero stimulus. I looked at the chair. The chair looked at me. And I thought “fuck it, I can throw some dirty clothes on you one last time”. I started subtle, just my woolly jumper, which released my tank top to show off some cleavage. I realised that Joe would never make a move so I would have to ease into it.

Joe came in with the coffee (black and utterly delicious, as always) and handed me my mug. We sat on the bed and I purposely pushed my boobs out so that he had to look down my top whenever he looked my way. I leaned my head on his shoulder and held his arm. I slowly became aware that he was avoiding looking my way.

“Are you avoiding looking at me?” I quietly probed.

“…Kinda, not really, um, it’s… uh” he stumbled.

“What is it?”

“Well, when I look at you I sort of, accidentally, can’t help but look straight down your top”

Good, all was going to plan I just hadn’t realised that he was such a sweetie that he would avoid looking entirely.

“Oh really?” I asked, “You’re worried about looking at my boobs? Does that make it better?” I adjusted my top as though to cover them up, but obviously showing more.

***************THE SEXY BIT***************

(quick refresher for anyone who skipped the first bit, here are descriptions that you may have missed:

Me; brown hair, brown eyes, olive skin, toned, lush butt, C cup boobies.

Joe; hot as fuck, marathon runner, dark brown hair in a man bun, works out like every day, pale complexion, deep blue eyes, penis that I earnestly mistook for a courgette (zucchini).

He turned his head to check and the words caught in his throat, and before he managed to squeeze anything out I leaned up and pecked him on the cheek. He looked into my eyes, confused and clearly aroused. His eyes darted from my lips to my eyes and back a couple of times before he hesitantly reached his hand up and stroked my cheek, cupping my jaw. He leaned in and the moment our lips met was electric. We sat and kissed for a few minutes, getting more adventurous as we went, until eventually he pulled away, grabbed my coffee mug and put the mugs on the desk. He grabbed my face with both hands and kissed me passionately, slowly moving his hands down towards my body. I ran my hands over his abs and chest, then grabbed one of his hands and guided it towards my boobs which he had been conspicuously ignoring.

He paused the kiss and whispered “Are you sure?”.

“Absolutely” I whispered back, “I want you”.

Suddenly there were no holds barred. He held my boob and rolled my nipple as I pulled his shirt up. His shirt came off and he was just as toned under it as I had imagined. He reached down and I took the initiative, pulling my shirt off too. I lay back and he held himself over me, still kissing passionately as we felt each other’s skin. I slid my hand towards his jeans and stroked his crotch as he took the hint. His buttons came undone and I could sense the presence of his dick which, even at half-mast, was making a sizeable impression in his pants. Now wearing nothing but his pants (underpants, for you Americans), he worked his way down my body, reaching for my jeans. He pulled them off to reveal my already soaking pants. He jumped back up and we continued making out, enjoying the sensation of our sensitive skin stroking each other all over. We rolled over and I was on top, so I took the opportunity to unclasp my bra, taking it off to reveal my tits in all their glory. He was like a baby looking at a Christmas tree – eyes wide, pupils dilated, mouth slightly agape, not blinking, as though it’s the most incredible sight in the world. For the first time in months I felt truly sexy.

I started grinding on his crotch, which was now fully hard and had produced a little bit of precum. We rolled back over as I pulled at my pants which were now sticking to my hot, dripping pussy. Joe helped me out and started going down on me as he pulled them off. He kissed my thighs, teasing me, and my clit felt like it was about to explode from the anticipation. His hands gripped by butt, pulling me closer, and then I felt his hot tongue on my pussy. I must have looked like I was having an exorcism (addition from Joe: “yeah you totally did, it was amazing, I practically came without even touching myself”). My first sexual activity in something like 14 months and this wonderful, beautiful man was devouring me with more enthusiasm than if you served a starving man a full Sunday roast. I felt that familiar heat starting to tingle in my clit, pulsating down towards my legs and spreading up towards my boobs as I let out a horribly un-feminine sound and orgasmed my way to embarrassment.

After what felt like an hour, the spasms eased and I lay back as Joe climbed over me. Still slightly blurry, I saw two red patches on either side of his face where I had squashed his head between my thighs mid orgasm.

“That was fun” he joked.

“Shut the fuck up” I whispered as I pulled him into a kiss. I reached down to his pants and he said

“Shit, I don’t have a condom”.

“Do I look like I give a fuck about condoms?” I retorted, “Just pull out and I’ll take the morning after pill”. (Terrible decision but thankfully no pregnancy).

I finally pulled down his pants and unleashed the beast. Holy fuck, this thing was gigantic. I couldn’t even reach all the way round it with one hand, and it was almost as long as my forearm. I thought porn was all fake, but omg this guy could be a real one with how majestic this thing was. I swear it defied the laws of gravity as well, it stood bolt upright in spite of its size.

I didn’t have time to admire his dick though, I was feeling like a farmer’s field – fertile and ready for a good ploughing. He positioned himself by my entrance and made eye contact once more, for one final confirmation that we were going to risk it. Then he slowly pushed into me. I was so wet, so hot, so utterly ready for sex, my pussy was literally built to have something going into it. But oh my god this dick destroyed me. I felt like I was being stretched out from my very soul, this immaculate cock sliding into my dripping pussy, rubbing every part of my vagina at the same time, splitting me in half and looking unbelievable at the same time. I was seeing stars and begging him to fuck me more. I could feel this amazing man’s dick in my pussy, my butthole, my hips, this wonderful, incredible man was rearranging my goddamn organs with his cock. His hands grabbed my boobs and I felt an electrical connection between my clit and my nipples. I pulled him closer and let him fuck me faster and faster. I kissed his neck as he pounded my poor vagina over and over again, and I felt him starting to tense up. I moved my hand between my legs as he whispered

“I’m close”.

“One second” I whispered back as I started working my clit. It didn’t take long. Within seconds I was edging, ready to cum at the slightest thing, all the while he was getting harder and harder, closer and closer.

“On three” I demanded. We counted together.

“One”, we said in unison, our lips just barely touching.

“Two”, I felt it building.

“…” We tried to say ‘three’, but the animalistic growls that we both howled sounded nothing like the number. He had pulled out and was spraying his hot cum beneath my butt. I had cracked and was gushing my fluids hard onto his body, the mattress, the floor, wherever it would go. I felt the ecstasy rip through me, sending lightning bolts from my pussy to my neck, heat blasting out of my tits as I curled around him, my wonderful, incredible, beautiful man.

We lay, wrapped in each other, for almost an hour, not saying a word, just sharing a mutual understanding and connection. His hot breath on my forehead, his strong arms holding me tight and safe, his cock (which somehow would not go down, but which was too sensitive to do anything with) pressed against my leg. It is rare to feel happiness like I did as I lay there.

Normal life is often so dark and the past year has been hard for me, even if good things have come out of it. I’m not going to get philosophical in this post, you probably just came here to read about some mad sex so I’ll post it elsewhere, but thank you for reading this, it really means a lot to me.

One last thing… I just found out today that I am not getting my deposit back because of “large stains on the mattress that cannot be removed”. Worth it.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/r6srzd/time_for_a_mindmelting_shag_before_you_leave

1 comment

  1. Very hot! Breaking a 14 month dry spell in that fashion was totally worth the deposit money haha.

    I also loved how you were so horny you didn’t care about condoms. If you were taking a plan b anyways, would you have let him finish inside you?

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