Jennifer’s Hypnosis 3

This is continuation of the Jennifer’s Hypnoses storyline.

It was Thursday, Jennifer had gotten out of work and was looking in her fridge trying to figure out what to make for dinner. The fridge was nearly empty accept for some left over take out. “I need a life” she thought. Previously this would be a moment that drive her to smoking but tonight, the desire was easy to brush aside. It made her happy, the therapy had been working and the next appointment was just a few days away. Her inner dialog was interrupted by a phone call, the therapist office.

“Hello?” Jen answered.

“Ohh hi Jen! This is Stephanie from Dr. Smith’s office. The doctor would like a quick word with you if it’s a good time.”

“Ohh, sure” Jen responded.

“Ohh great! Let me transfer you!” Is there ever a time she isn’t happy Jen thought. The phone clicked. “Jennifer, it’s Dr. Smith, sorry to bother you.”

“It’s no worries, what’s up?” Jen asked

“We’ll something came up and I could really use your help.” In the background Jen could hear familiar instrumental music begin to play. A feeling of relaxation came over her and her body felt weightless. She sat at her kitchen table as Dr. Smith spoke. His voice was so soothing, she nearly fell asleep.

“This is an important part of your therapy Jen, you want to help me right?” Dr. Smith asked.

Jen was only half listening. Her mind was clear and her body growing more and more weightless by the moment. Jen listened to the doctor for 20 minutes, occasionally affirming her understanding to what she was being told. She hung up the phone, took a deep breath, and headed towards her bedroom closet.

“Hmmm, what dress is best?” she thought as she went through her closet, eventually pulling a little black dress she had once wore to a bachelorette party a couple years ago. “Perfect” she thought. She took a shower, did her hair and makeup, put on a pair of red high heels, grabbed her purse, and left.

She got to the bar around 8pm, it was a dive bar she had never been to before. Her friends typically preferred the fancy tap house or Irish pub. She walked in and scanned the bar before approaching an empty stool next to a middle aged gentleman wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt from some music festival she never heard of.

She sat down and grabbed a drink menu. She could tell he noticed her, could smell her perfume, see the slit in her dress. He turned his head pretending to look down the bar but she could see him sneaking glances. She had never felt so focused and calm before, like everything and everyone around her was in slow motion and she could pull all the strings.

“Excuse me. Do you know which alcohol is in an Old Fashioned?” Jen said, turning to man.

The man turned to her. “Bourbon, it’s great here.”

“Bourbon. Hmm, bourbon and I don’t get along that well” she said as she flipped her hair to the other side, giving the man a better view of her neck and chest.

“What do you get along with?” the man asked.

“Vodka” Jen replied.

“I’d recommend a cosmopolitan, I don’t drink them myself but I know they are popular here” he replied, now angling himself more toward her, sensing the conversation may continue.

“Okay, I’ll give it a try. Thanks!” Jen said

The bar tender came over and Jen ordered the drink, with the man telling him to put it on his tab. Jen smiled.

“I usually don’t let strangers buy me drinks, but since it was your suggestion I’ll let it pass tonight” she said while placing her hand close to his on the bar top. “I’m Cindy by the way” Jen said.

“Tony” the man replied, now fully engaged. “Are you meeting someone here Cindy? You look dressed for a big night out.”

“No, no plans tonight. I just came from a thing, a friends party actually. I usually love parties but my ex boyfriend was there and I’m just not here for that right now. I just needed a casual drink relax and figure things out”. Jen was fully playing a character, she hated parties, but her mind was on autopilot, pulling cues from movies she’s seen, books she’s read, friends she’s watched. She was effortlessly playing the broken hearted fun girl. Tony was happily taking the bait.

The conversation continued. Music, TV shows, food. She kept Tony ordering drinks, she drank too although in her current state the alcohol wasn’t doing much. She kept reeling him in, crossing her legs the other way to give him a better view at the slit in her dress. His eyes were all over her.

At 10pm Tony was borderline drunk and seemed to be getting ready to go. “Can I close out?” He asked the waiter. “It’s getting late, wife will be wondering where I am”.

Time to make her move.

“Tony” Jen said, putting her hand on his leg and slowly moving it up towards his crotch. “I had an idea. I promise it won’t take long”. Jen looked up at him and bit her lip gently.

The door to the men’s room burst open as Jen and Tony rushed inside holding hands. Tony locking the door behind him.

“Is anyone in here?” Jen asked strategically.

“I’ll check” Tony responded, opening the two stalls to be sure they were empty while Jen placed her purse carefully on the sink and walked over to the far wall, leaning against it. She extended her leg out the slit in her dress and pushed her shoulders back to accentuate her breast. Tony confirmed the stalls were empty and looked back at Jen. He was visibly stunned by her extremely sexy appearance. He walked over and they started to make out.

Jen was aware what was happening, but in a state of mental bliss she wasn’t entirely there. Her body seemed to know exactly what to do, her hands were weightless and move effortlessly but themselves, her tongue exploring his mouth. Tony ran his hands up her rips, cupping and squeezing her breast. Jen’s hands were now undoing Tony’s belt and unzipping his jeans.

She pushed off the wall, swung around, and pushed Tony flat with his back against the wall, he seemed to enjoy the roughness of it.

“Take your shirt off” Jen whispered as she slowly knelt down, reached into Tony’s pants and pulled out his already rock hard cock. A wave of relaxation came over her as she guided his cock into her mouth. Jen thrust her head forward, then back, then forward again, each time swallowing more of his meat. After a few seconds she knew she was ready, she pushed her head all the way forward, taking his entire cock down her throat. Waves of relaxation hit her. Her mind never feeling so clear. Tony let out an audible moan. Jen now deepthroated Tony with each thrust of her head, something’s pausing with his cock entirely in her throat so she could lick his balls. Tony was moaning and shuttering.

“I’ve never… I’ve never seen anyone do this before. Ohhh fuck!” He moaned loudly, his voice shook while Jen aggressively deepthroated him. When she’d stop to take a breath, Jen stroked Tony’s cock with both hands before putting it back in her mouth. It didn’t take long, maybe 4 minutes before Tony announced he was about to cum. Jen pushed his cock as far down her throat as it would go. “Fuck I wish you were bigger” she thought as she teased his balls with her tongue. Tony moaned loudly as Jen felt the unmistakable feeling of hot cum shooting down her throat. She stayed there as long as she could, pulling her face away and taking a deep breath. Mission accomplished.

They cleaned up, shared a quick kiss and exchanged numbers. “Jane, you are something special, I will be thinking about this for a long time” Tony told her. Jen didn’t give him her real number obviously, she got what she came for. Tony unlocked the bathroom door and they went their separate ways.

At about 11pm Jen pulled into the therapy’s office building. She texted Dr. Smith, “I have it, just pulled in”.

Moments later she saw the lights turn on and Dr. Smith opened the front door and guided her to a couch in the reception area. “Please sit” he insisted.

“So what do you have?” He asked her.

“Video, I kept my phone in my purse but the camera was sticking out and running the entire time.”

Dr. Smith reviewed the footage of her and Tony’s bathroom encounter.

“Outstanding! You turned around so your back was to the camera. We’ll use this part to protect your identity.

“What’s it for” jen asked.

“We have enemies Jennifer. We must protect this place, you’ve done a great thing. Now Jen, take a deep breath and picture your vault for me…”

Jen woke up, she had fallen asleep at her kitchen table. What time was it? Jen looked at the clock, 6am. It wasn’t like her to fall asleep like that. She tried to retrace her steps. “I was looking for dinner, then I sat at the table… I guess I fell asleep?” She didn’t realize she was so tired, but she must have slept well, she felt great and well rested. As she got ready for her shift she turned on the TV hoping to catch the weather forecast on the morning news.

Headline: Leaked video shows married police detective Tony Alberta having sex in bathroom with unidentified mistress. Tony Alberta has announced his resignation as the department promises an investigation into his conduct.

“What a weirdo, who fucks in a dirty public bathroom?!” Jen thought. She turned off the TV, grabbed her keys, and left.

– Thank you for reading, if you enjoyed it and would like me to continue the story please leave a thumbs up. Comments or suggestions are appreciated. –



  1. This series is so hot. I’ve never been into hypnosis before! The way the doctor uses her, the way she craves it in that state, the violating aspect… It’s so hot!

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