Posted this one on another subreddit a while ago, but thought it would fit better here.
It’s about 10 pm on a Saturday evening, and I’m bored and kinda lonely. I’ve been back at my parents house for about a week, since it’s Christmas time, and at this point we’re kinda talked out. On top of that there’s a curfew in place these days, due to the pandemic, so there’s no way to go out and meet people either, and it’s not really time to sleep yet since I got up really late today. I let out a long, flat sigh and let myself fall onto my old bed.
The worst thing of all is probably that, since I’m in my old hometown, I haven’t seen my girlfriend in a week, and honestly I’m becoming horny as hell. Today I was trying to get some work done for college, but it was absolutely no use – anytime I would settle down to try and read something, my thoughts would immediately go to different, more pleasurable activities. I’m guessing it’s due to habits, or withdrawal more like; Kat and I usually have sex a couple of times a day, at least when we have a lot of free time.
So here I am, hella bored and hella horny.
I turn on the TV and put on something on Netflix. I don’t really care what, since I’m probably just gonna browse reddit at the same time.
I’m just about to die of boredom, when my phone rings. I pick it up excitedly, thinking that it’s my girlfriend. But instead of “Katharina”, the display says “Laura”. Laura is a friend from college, whom I had been getting to know better during the last semester. She’s from roughly the same area as me, though still about a hundred miles east of my hometown. Wondering what she might want, I pick up the phone.
“Hey Laura, to what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Chris, thank god you picked up. Don’t freak out, but I’m kinda outside your house right now. Do you think you could let me in? It’s freezing!”
“You’re what? Errrr, I mean…sure, give me a second.”
I jump out of bed and go straight to the door. On my way, I check myself out in the mirror, rustling up my hair a bit. It must have gotten flattened when I laid down on the bed. Other that that, I’m quite proud of what I see there; while the pandemic and the constant restrictions had sucked in almost every conceivable way, at least I had picked up my workouts again.
I reach the entrance door and open it. And indeed, there stands Laura, packed in winter clothes, a scarf pulled up to her nose.
“Hi there!”, she says, pulling her scarf down and revealing her face. Laura is pretty, very pretty, even though she has to wear glasses – they simply gave her a smart look on top of what she already had.
“Hi Laura. I gotta say this is unexpected. Not that I’m not happy to see you, but what are you doing here?”
“I’m sorry for just turning up like this, but I didn’t know where else to go. Can I come in and explain, or are you gonna make me freeze solid out here?”
“Oh, of course, I’m sorry. Just take of your shoes please, or my dad is gonna throw a fit.” I was actually kind of worried about just letting her in, due to the pandemic going on, but I’m also not going to turn her away. Although she hadn’t explained herself yet, I assume she had a good reason for coming by. She takes of her coat and bends down to untie her boots, when my eyes wander to her butt. I knew Laura works out regularly, too, but lately she must have been doing a lot of squats. She was in good shape overall, but her rear looked especially well formed through her tight pants. I catch myself staring and looked away, feeling a little blood rush into my cheeks, just when she stood back up again.
“So, again, to what do I owe the pleasure?”
“I’m sorry, can we talk somewhere more private?”, she answers, with a hint of pain in her voice.
“Oh, yeah, sure. Follow me.”
We head to my room. There’s not a lot of furniture left since I moved out, so we both have to sit on the bed. I sit down cross legged at the head end, and she pretty much throws herself on the other side.
“I hate my family!”, she exclaims, sounding exasperated.
“What? What happened?”
“So you remember the uncle I told you about? The one that lives ‘round here?”
I do remember her telling me about him, since it was quite the coincidence that she had close relatives in my small hometown, so I nod.
“Well, my parents and I are visiting him for Christmas. He’s alone and not allowed to drive these days, so we couldn’t just leave him. Anyways, turns out he’s being a huge ass about the whole Covid-thing, he’s one of those guys at those crazy rallies. So my parents get in a huge fight with him, which, you know, is appropriate, I guess. But after about an hour or so, I proposed that we just go home instead of hanging around with this jerk, but my parents don’t pay any attention to me, they straight up ignore me! So it got a little late, and then it got too late, so we can’t go home anymore, because of the curfew. And still they’re fighting, and fighting, and fighting, they just won’t stop. And at some point, I had enough, so I thought ‘screw it’, took one of my uncle’s bikes and looked up your address. And now I’m here.”
“And now you’re here. Damn, I’m sorry you had such a shitty day, especially during the Christmas Holidays. But I’m actually kind of glad you’re here. I was bored out of my mind when you rang.”
“Honestly, it’s fine, I guess I just couldn’t bear it anymore. But thanks for taking me in, I was more than willing to take a fine while it was still heated back there, but once I calmed down I realised I’m kinda broke.” While finishing her last sentence, she begins taking of her sweater, revealing a simple white shirt underneath. It‘s quite warm in my room, to fend off the freezing cold outside.
“Anyways, how are things? How was your christmas?”
I tell her about the festivities with my family, which were very nice as always, and about my attempts at getting some work done.
“…but I’ve been having a hard time lately. Today I was reading a text by Hanna Arendt, and I realised I could just as well burn the pages and do a little dance around them. I could not concentrate on it to save my life!”, I complain, rather annoyed with the events I’m describing.
“Oh, how come?”, she asks with a little smile around the corner of her red lips.
“Frankly? I think I’m just too damn horny.”
She laughs a little at that. Lately, it had become quite normal for us to talk about our sexlives. It had started with her telling me about her tinder-exploits, or rather her annoyance with their shortcomings. Laura had broken up with her last boyfriend back home since she couldn’t put up with the long distance relationship anymore, and she had been trying to explore herself ever since. I remember her repeatedly telling me how strenuous the lockdown-measures were to her, because they put her in quite the dry spell as she couldn’t really meet anyone anymore. I had been wondering whether she was making attempts to come on to me or if I had just been imagining it.
“Don’t tell me you can’t go a week without sex! Do you know how long it’s been for me?”, she teases, smirking and putting on a scowl. “Though I have to admit, I feel like I’m going a little crazy myself.” Laura rolls onto her back, giving me a good view of her breasts. They‘re not big, almost small actually, but now I can clearly see that under her shirt, she’s definitely not wearing a bra. Her nipples stand out clear as day, each forming a little tent on top of the hills on her chest. ‘Weird’, I thought, since she couldn’t possibly be cold. She doesn’t seem to notice, or doesn’t care at the least.
She stretches herself, like a cat in the sun, which lets me see the full length of her athletic body. I suppress a little gasp. It is an immensely beautiful scene to look at.
I snap out of it, and catch her looking me up and down. A smile rolls around her face, an it almost seems wicked.Suddenly, I grow uncomfortably aware of my boner. She must have seen it, too, since I’m wearing sweatpants, making it very visible.
“Shit, s-sorry, I didn’t mean…”, I start to stutter, trying to cover it up as smoothly as I could. She just laughs.
“It’s alright, I’ll take that as a compliment. Besides, I think I have the same problem anyways.”, she says, looking down her own body. She sits up straight. “Ever since I moved away from home, I’ve been learning a bit more about myself. For example, that I really like sex, and that it’s hard for me to go without it.” I feel like she put a weirdly deep emphasis on the word ‘hard’. “That’s why I ended it with Evan, you know? I couldn’t take it anymore.”
I swallow hard. I can totally understand her. Lately, Kat and I have been talking about opening up our sexlife a bit. Our sex is great, and we usually have a lot of it, but even that doesn’t seem to be quite enough for us. We have not reached a decision, though. And yet, after only a week of abstinence, I can barely control myself while facing Laura’s displays.
I let myself fall against the headboard, my head rolling back and coming to rest on top of it, pulling my legs up to at least slightly cover my erection. Laura sits beside me and leans against the headboard, too, turning so she’s looking at me.
“I understand you perfectly, I feel like I’m almost bursting at the seams.” I close my eyes and let out a deep sigh.
Then, suddenly, I feel her hand on my leg, towards my upper thigh. I gasp lightly, and before I can react, her hand is on my dick. I look at her in astonishment, and the expression on her face lets my guard crumble to the ground. She looks deep into my eyes, and for a second her gaze turns into a question. As a response, I put my hand on her leg, feeling my way up. As my fingers reach her crotch, I feel that she is already wet. I press my hand on flat, taking in the heat of her. In the meantime, Laura’s hand has slipped into my pants, and she’s grabbing onto me tight. As I pull my fingers away slightly, I notice that there are thin threads on them. She’s almost dripping through her pants!
I smile at her, and lean in to kiss her. Our lips touch, and I feel her tongue in my mouth almost immediately. Her intensity fans my own passion, and I grab a handful of her hair, pulling her into me as she lets slip a little moan. I feel my cock pulsing against her hand. I want her so bad, I’m almost afraid to hurt her.
She lets go of me and uses her free hands to take of her shirt, setting her breasts free. It’s a little struggle for her, because the hem catches on her nipples. She manages to free herself, and I see the problem. They aren’t very wide, but they are rock hard and longer than most that I’ve seen to date. I bend down and kiss one of them, graze it with my teeth, bite down ever so lightly. Laura lets out a small moan. My hand rests on her stomach, and I feel the hard muscles there. I pull back and take of my own shirt. I don’t quite have abs yet, but I’m getting there. While I’m hastily trying to get my shirt over my head, Laura grabs my hips and pulls my pants down as far as she can, just above my knees. My cock gets caught a little in the process, and once she manages to pull my pants low enough, it springs out. I’m circumcised, and there’s a lot of precum already, so it gets flung at her.
A little bit hits her in the face, right on her left cheek. She scoops it up with a finger and licks it off. It’s indescribable how much she turns me on. My cock is so hard, it doesn’t even sway after springing out at her. She looks at me appreciatively. I keep my upper body mostly hair free, as well as my crotch. She seems to like it. With a quick movement, I grab onto her waist and wrench at her pants, making her lose her balance and fall flat on her back, letting out a yelp. It’s not much of a problem for me. Laura is at least a head smaller than me, and she’s not exactly heavy. I pull the fabric over her butt, and discover that she’s not wearing panties. No wonder she was dripping through! The thought crosses my mind that she might have planned this. I pull her pants all the way off her, and throw them behind me. I take a moment to take in the sight of her naked body. She has a beautiful outie, glistening with her own juices. Above, her dark hair is neatly trimmed in a landing strip.
She gets back up and pushes me over. She may not be heavy, but she’s unexpectedly strong. I lie back and wait to see what she’s up to. Within a moment, she’s on top of me, kissing me passionately again.
She pulls back, puts her hands on the headboard, and climbs up so her knees are to each side of my head. Then she props herself up, and slowly lowers her pussy towards me. I impatiently grab onto her ass and force her down further, burying my face in her. The smell is intoxicating! I suck on her clit to get it out a little and begin licking it from side to side. Her breathing seems to get heavier. I try to get one of my hands in position so I can finger her, but I don’t have enough space and can’t reach around enough. Moving my hands back up I graze her asshole lightly, and a shudder goes through her. Suddenly, she leans back and grabs onto my cock again. I grin to myself, and begin to lightly massage her asshole. Laura starts moaning somewhere above me, and I feel her grip getting tighter. She starts stroking, though the awkward twist of her arm makes it hard to do.
“I ona foak oo”, I mumble into her vulva.
I wiggle my mouth free a little so I can make myself understood.
“I wanna fuck you, right now! Else I’m gonna burst.”
She smiles down at me with a wicked smile, lets go of my cock and grabs my hair instead, pulling me face back into her.
“Not quite yet. I want you to suffer a little more.”
So I go at it with vigor. I slide my tongue between her lips and taste her deeply, then go back to her clit, suck and lick it like my life depended on it. At the same time, I manage to get a finger to her pussy and stick it in as deep as I can. As I pull it back out, it’s completely drenched in her juice. With my other hand, I keep massaging her rearend, until I feel her relax. At that point, I put my lubed up finger to her asshole and push, very lightly at first. She relaxes a little more, and the resistance fades, so I slowly slide my finger inside her. I wiggle it a little, and I get it in deeper. I feel Laura grabbing my hair tightly as she begins moaning loudly. Now I’m glad my parents moved my room to the basement when I moved out, or else there would probably be some questions later.
I carefully pull out my finger, grab onto her hips and lift her off of my face. I’ve had enough, I can’t wait any longer, and apparently she’s absolutely fine with that. Like magic, Laura produces a condom from somewhere. She’s on top of me, grabs my cock through her legs and lines it up against her pussy after sliding the rubber on. As she leans forward to kiss me again, I push my pelvis into her slowly. I meet with little resistance, as she’s still so wet that her thighs are glistening with fluid. I push in the head, and stop for a second, grabbing onto her ass. She feels absolutely amazing; soft, warm and tight around my cock. She leans over me, and whispers in my ear.
“What’s wrong? Got cold feet?”
She looks into my eyes, and grins devilishly.
I grin bacl, dig my fingers deep into her cheeks and push all the way into her with one powerful movement. Her eyes go wide for a few seconds and she lets out a single loud moan, then she smiles at me.
“That’s more like it. Show me what you got.”
I reach up with one hand and pull her down to me, kissing her passionately. With my other hand still holding on to her ass, I plant my feet firmly on the bed, pull my cock out to the point where it’s just about still in her, hold it there for a second, and then hammer it back, deep into her. I put my other hand back onto her ass and, still holding on as tight as possible, start pounding into her. With every other stroke I put so much force into it that I lift her of her knees a little.
I sit up straight to kiss and suck on her nipples again. Laura takes the opportunity to take the lead, and starts bouncing up and down in my lap, digging her fingers in my back. Moving slow at first, she slowly picks up the pace. Suddenly, she slams down hard and deep enough that I can feel her ass on my balls, letting out load moans. It’s to much for me. I grab her and hold her down, deep onto my cock, and I cum hard, moaning uncontrollably. I feel her biting my neck lightly.
Laura gets up off my cock and stands over me for a moment, smiling lazily. I’m extremely thirsty now, so I get up to get a drink of water. In the meantime, Laura is lying on her stomach, eyes closed and her legs straight. While I watch her, she spreads her legs a little, giving me a full view of her holes. I can see that she’s still very wet. I pull of the condom and throw it away, grabbing a new one from a drawer next to the bed. She still has her eyes closed, as I wrap my dick anew. With a couple of quick movements I’m on top of her, and I push my cock back between her lips. I see a smile fly across her face, so I grab her by the shoulders and, without further warning, slam my hips into her ass, pushing my cock even deeper into her than before.
Laura yelps something under her breath that might have been “Oh fuck yes”, but I don’t pay any attention to it. I plant my hands to either side, so my whole body is on top of her, and I begin hammering down. With every stroke her ass claps against my hips and my balls slap her clit. The sound of it is amazing. I feel her, eagerly backing into me, wanting me even deeper, even harder.
I pull out and turn her on her back. She looks at me expectantly, and I bend down to kiss her mouth, her neck, her breasts. At the same time I push into her, and my cock slides into her pussy easily. I pound into her once or twice, but then I grab her, put my arms around her and lift her up into the air, my dick still pulsating inside her. Turning to the side, I take 2 steps and prop her up against the wall. She pulls her legs upward, and I put my arms under them, pushing against her and spreading her open. Then I begin slowly moving my hips back and forth, speeding up every time I press myself into her. After a couple of strokes I’m hammering her into the wall. In her position, Laura can do nothing but take the pounding, but she seems to enjoy that. Her moans motivate me even more, and I try to go deeper, until she exclaims “Ouch!”
I stop and let her down. She turns around and I see that her back is full of red streaks. The wall must have scratched into her.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry Laura, I guess I didn’t think that one through.”
Without uttering a word, Laura walks over to the bed and climbs onto it, coming to rest in the middle, on all fours. She looks back at me for a second, then reaches between her legs and slaps her pussy, as if to bait me.
I don’t need a second invitation, so I jump onto the bed and get on my knees behind her. Before I even get the chance to do anything myself, she backs onto my cock, taking it in easily. It’s unbelievable how wet she still is. She reaches back again and grabs my balls, leading me back and forth.
I look down at her, her asshole on full display, her backmuscles working, and just savour the image for a moment. My eyes get stuck on her ass. I wonder, for a moment, whether she likes to be spanked.
“Do it. Please.”, she says, and I realise she’s been watching me over her shoulder.
Excitedly, I slap her right cheek, though somewhat hesitantly. I give it another try, this time a little harder.
“Harder!”, she demands of me.
So I slap her right cheek again, this time with a bit of force, and then once more.
“Oh yeah, like that!”
Spurred on by her confirmation, I spank her once again. Then I grab her by the waist, and I take the lead, beginning to pound deep into her from behind. I can see the red print of my hand on her ass now, and it turns me on even more. I pick up the pace, and with one hand I reach out and grab a handful of her hair, pulling lightly. She moans louder, obviously loving it. With my other hand I grab her by the shoulder at first, then trace down her back with my fingernails, in the tracks that the wall left earlier. I reach her butt, and begin massaging her hole again. Suddenly, I feel her hand on my balls again, squeezing a little, pushing me away. I hesitate for a moment, and she looks back at me.
“You’re clean, right?”
“Of course.”, I respond, not quite sure what’s going on.
To my surprise, she grabs my cock tightly, pulls off the rubber and immediately pushes herself onto me again.
“I want you to cum inside me.”
I immediately fly into a pounding rage; I doubt that I’ve ever been so turned on before. Her pussy feels so much better, with nothing between my cock and her. I continue to massage her asshole with my thumb, and I feel it opening slightly. There’s no need for extra lubrication, the juice from her pussy and my precum are everywhere. I press my thumb down carefully, and with a final push it inside her. I feel her pussy contract, see her muscles spasm. She’s cumming, hard. Her cries of pleasure are to much for me. As her arms give in, making her sack to the ground, I push into her one last time, with all the power I have left. By accident, I push her over, and the force of my movement carries me down with her. Lying on top of her, I cum deep into Laura.
I lie there for moment, exhausted, then I push myself up and take a look at my work.
Laura’s lying there, flat on her belly, her legs spread, breathing heavily. After about a second, semen starts flowing out of her pussy, which is now a little reddened from the strain of the last half hour. I let myself fall onto the bed next to her. I need to breathe for minute or so, until I can even form a clear thought again.
I look over at her and see her smiling at me.
“So, how long until you can do that again?”