Amnesia Was The Best Thing To Happen To My GF [M/F/F/F/F] Part 47-1


=== ***Bella*** ===

“So, for a virgin you got a foul little mouth on you.”

Chris’ panicked face really got me worried. Then he said that he got so into the act that he forgot to pull out and came inside of Alexa’s unprotected womb. Such a bad boy! I sent him to go and get a pill.

“I-I’m sorry. I got excited,” she said as she laid back, “I… I may not be as pure as you think.”

“Oh, no shit,” I laughed as I went over to her. I went in between her legs, looking down on her. “Listen, this is a personal rule of mine. He comes in me FIRST when we’re all ready to start having kids, understand? You don’t get to cut in line.”

“A-Alright, I got it mom,” she sighed. She doesn’t call me mom ironically, or sarcastically, she does it out of affection, “um, c-can you take me underwear shopping? I want to buy some that he likes.”

“Of course baby,” I squealed. I like underwear shopping, especially if it’s to appeal to Chris’ fetish. I bent down and looked at her spent pussy, looking at how it glistened with Chris’ seed. I couldn’t help but have a taste.

His cum is still sweet, oh wow. And her slight sourness just adds to the taste too. I couldn’t help but lap up as much cum as I could out of her pussy, and she’s filled to the brim too! He really does cum buckets! I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s so god damn potent with the amount of cum he puts out, Jesus Christ.

Alana mentioned that Emily called him a “bull” and I could only agree. I’ve heard of that term before, in swinger circles or with FWB snd cuckold situations where one guy has a lot of girls under his belt. I could say that Chris, although he wouldn’t define himself as such, is definitely a bull. But I’m not looking to pass him around the neighborhood moms. Oh no, he stays here with us. I think he has enough girls to please him, and I think our libidos are just the right type to keep him satisfied, even though he would t necessarily classify himself as a high libido kind of guy.

I ate up as much cum as I could out of her pussy then got up and wiped my lips, “go and wash up,” I told her. If we’re going to go out for underwear, I don’t want her pussy smelling of his cum whenever we’re trying out some cute little numbers.

Roxxy and I sat by, waiting for Alexa. Roxxy wanted to get some lingerie and whatever else she needs, and I’m more than happy to take her along with me.

The whole drive over to the mall is Alexa basically apologizing about what she made Chris do. I kept telling her to drop it, that as long as she takes the pill it’s fine. Before we left, I watched her take the pill and made sure she swallowed it. If anyone is going to get pregnant from Chris, it’s going to be me first.

The boutique that Lanie got banned from had a very good selection.

They have a nice selection of lingeries, thongs and G-Strings. Alexa picked a couple out, two in fact, and I just looked at her like she’s joking.

“Are you planning on washing your underwear every day? Go and get twenty for fucks sake, I’m not letting you have only two for crying out loud!”

Hastily she went and picked out some more. “Make sure it’s something you like and you’re not just picking it for the sake of picking it!”

Roxxy got a few sensual crotchless panties, red and white lace panties, and a black sheer one. She held it up for me and kind of nodded with a sly smile on her face, and I could only agree for her.

It’s hard to buy a teddy for me, because of how I’m built. I wanted a night gown too but the ones available are too small for me. I ended up looking at a plaid skirt, reaching just below my ass. Chris has a lot of fetish and kinks, and several of them involves skirtsc tank tops and glasses. I think he had one for volleyball too, I’m going to see if the one I wore in college still fits.

I did see a few lacy thigh highs, so I made sure to buy a couple. Chris loves seeing them, so I pretty much have a drawer full of thigh highs, from lace to cotton.

The thing with Chris is he doesn’t tell us what he likes. He didn’t tell me he likes thigh highs, or glasses, or keeping the things/G-Strings on when having sex. No, instead it’s how he acts. He’s more forceful, more into it, more passionate and more… hungry.

The first time I noticed it is after a month of dating. I usually wear glasses when I’m reading and it just so happens that I was reading a magazine when I felt horny, so I went up to him and asked for sex. When we were starting, I noticed he was more forceful and he kissed me more and his dick felt harder to me. So I started experimenting and looking up some pretty common kinks and fetishes and found the things I know rather easily.

I still find stuff that excites him. It’s almost like a game I play and I win every time. I think the next time he and I get some alone time, I’ll see if he likes pegging…

Well, probably not. He did tell me to stay away from his butthole, and the way he said it terrified me. I’ll find something.

Alexa came back with a bunch of nice things in her basket, things I know Chris will like and even a couple of night gown with a slit that goes all the way past her hips. How daring! I looked through the panties, and while a bunch of them are nice and sexual a few are more appropriate for her active wear.

I’m kind of sad I didn’t get to buy a couple more things other than the skirt and the thigh high. The night gowns are too small for me. We left, and just as we’re about to leave something caught my eye.

I walked into a store that caters more toward ranchers and people that work with cows, horses and the likes. Farmers, usually, and a couple of things caught my eye.

Assless chaps, flannel tops and denim booty shorts. I know Chris likes booty shorts, and these ones are extra slutty, marketed more towards teenagers but I see a couple that would fit me. The chaps has straps that allows me to adjust the fit, and the flannel tops are the ones you can tie underneath the breast.

I bought a couple of each item, making sure to check if they fit me perfectly and they do. I also bought a cowboy hat. I see a couple of men looking at me, undressing me but their attention is not what I want. A few event approached me, trying to get my, Roxxy and Alexa’s number, and even though they’re all handsome, great looking men we were not interested.

Even Alexa understood why Roxxy and I snubbed those men. Yes, they were good looking country boys. Yes, they would probably be good in bed. But those are a probability. We know Chris is fucking awesome I’m bed, more than one of us can handle. We know he’s caring and passionate. We know he’s kind and considerate. We don’t know if these men are those things, and we don’t want to find out.

What’s the likelihood that they have a 10.7 inch, 7 inch thick dick anyway? There’s a possibility. What’s the probability that they got a big dick, will be loving, loyal and is a god in bed? Zero.


Roxxy’s phone rings and it’s Chris at the other end. I realized we’ve been gone for hours and so he’s probably worried, but I wanted to tease him a bit. Roxxy placed it on speaker.

“Hey babe, why are you calling?”

“Oh, I was – “

“Are you calling to make sure we’re not cheating on you? We’ve been gone for hours, we might be in some guys house!” I had to stifle my giggle, while Alexa kind of looked at me worriedly and Roxxy panicked. I waited for him to say something, but he’s quiet.

Too quiet.

“Oh,” is what he finally said then he hung up.

Oh Shit. Oh no.

“What the fuck?! What the fuck Belle?!” Roxxy screeched as she took the phone away from me, dialing up his number while driving and failing. “Alana warned me about this, you don’t fucking learn do you?!”

“Shit! Shit, shit, shit!” I panicked as I dialed his number from my phone. Nothing. I dialed again and it went straight to voice mail.

Roxxy isn’t having any luck either, and neither is Alexa. Thankfully the house is fairly close to the mall and we were almost home when he called. When we got there, his car is still in the drive way but he soon came out carrying a duffel bag, his backpack, and a couple of suit cases.

“Babe! No, it was a joke! It was a joke!” I called out to him as I practically leapt out of the moving car. “Please, don’t leave, it’s a joke!”

Chris looked at me. His eyebrows are furrowed and he’s breathing rapidly. “Does it look like I’m laughing? You know I don’t like those types of jokes, and you know I don’t give second chances.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry babe! Don’t leave, alright? Alright?”

I grabbed his bag and urged him back into the house. Alexa carried the other bags and our shopping bags as well while Roxxy shook her head disappointingly at me.


Chris slumped into the couch with an exasperated sigh, not even wanting to look at me. I basically threw myself at his feet, begging for him to look at me and rubbing this thigh.

“Babe, I’m sorry! I’m sorry, alright? It was a joke!”


I crawled up to him, straddling him and hugging him. “Talk to me! It was just a joke!”

Nothing, but he looked away from me.

He tried to get up but I clung onto him tightly. He tried pushing me off, but I refused. Finally, he just carried me over to the room and locked the door behind him.

“Talk to me, please,” I cried.

“You think you were funny?“ he finally said and I looked at his face, “you think you were cute?”

“I-I thought it was funny at the time,” I confessed, but he just sneered at me.

I got on my feet and stood before him, sniffing and wiping tears away from my eyes. Then, his hand shot up and wrapped around my neck and he brought me down to his face.

“I was going to ask you something really, really, really important, but I guess your little prank was more important.”

He dragged me over to the bed and tossed me over to my stomach, then he sat on the back of my legs while holding my back down.

“I was thinking of going on a date with you tomorrow, but since you think your little prank is more important, well then you’ll just have to NOT go on a date for tomorrow, the !”

“A date!? No, no I want to go! Please, I want to go!”

He lifts my skirt up and slapped my ass. “No, I think I’ll take Alana first,” he growled as he slapped my ass again, really hard. “Then I’ll take Roxxy on a date the next day,” he continued as he slapped me again. “And then, guess what? Alexa and I will go on a date!”

Then he slapped my cheeks again. Really, really hard.

“No! I want to go on a date first! It’s supposed to be me first!”

“You sound like you didn’t want to hear what I was going to ask you. I mean, you didn’t think it was important, right?”

He laid against me, his entire body weight pushing me down and he wrapped his hands around my neck again. “Did you think I wasn’t going to leave? I was serious, you know. I was seriously going to leave. The house is in your name, so I can’t fight you for it. I’m not using this to manipulate you, I’m letting you know that if I find out that I am being cheated on, then I am gone. If you want to go to some guys house, go right ahead. Just know that I won’t be home when you come home.”

Then he bit my ear. “Bella, I’ve been good to you, right? I’ve never hurt you before, but you have. I don’t need someone like that in my life. I don’t need someone who hurt me, intentionally, in my life. I’ll leave, it doesn’t matter that I’m in a relationship with Alana, Roxxy or Alexa. I can leave and I’ll go far away from everyone here and you won’t ever find me.”

“No, no please, I need you in my life Chris. Please don’t leave me, please don’t ever leave me,” I sobbed, “please, please don’t leave me.”

“I won’t leave unless you give me a reason to leave. You can go off and break up with me, fuck other men and we’ll be friends. I mean, I won’t ever have sex with you again or be your boyfriend, but we can still be friends. But if you cheat on me, well you’ll never see me ever again. Understand?”

I nodded as I felt the grip tighten.

“Good. Good girl, now shut the fuck up because you’ve got me so fucking angry, so good damn, motherFUCKING angry that I don’t know what to do with this anger I’m feeling.”

I felt him lift his hip up as he undoes his pants. I felt his cock against my ass as he rubs it up and down.

“Y-you’re not going to go down on me first? You always go down on me first!” I pointed out with a slight tinge of fear in my voice.

“No. See, I do that when I make love with you and the others. Right now, I’m just going to fuck you because you got me so fucking angry.”

He normally doesn’t cuss this much towards me, or at least directed at me. I tried to look back but he slammed my head against the bed. I tried to lift him off of me, I’m still a strong girl but he forced me down again.

“I see,” he said with disappointment. He promptly got off of me, like he got his answer, and fetched his pants and slipped it on.

“Babe?” I called out but he didn’t answer me, “w-what are you doing?”

He finally buttoned his pants up, positioning his dick so it wouldn’t be uncomfortable, and zipped up. He gave me another look and then started walking.

“No! You do not get to walk away from this!” I shouted at him as I sprinted after him, slamming the door shut as he opened it. “You do NOT get to walk away!”

“Walk away from what? The games you play with my heart? Bella, I try to be a good boyfriend for you, but you keep messing with my head and my feelings and I’m fucking sick of it! I’m done!”

“What do you mean you’re done?! What do you fucking mean you’re done?! You’re not done! You’re not!”

“I’m done, ISABELLA! I am done! Keep your fucking house and your fucking money! I. AM. DONE!!!”

He forced the door open, storming away and taking his bags with him. The girls chased after him, trying to ask what happened but he didn’t stop. All I heard was the roar of his car and his tires peeling out of the drive way.

I’m beside myself, tears freely flowing down my face, staining my shirt. The girls all looked at me, shaking their head in disappointment. The hours that went by afterwards are probably the worst in my life.

Roxanne and Alana both left, presumably together towards wherever. Alexa took her meager possession, not even the underwear I bought for her, and biked away, probably back to the gym.

I am left in the silence of a house, all to myself…


“Silly, silly, silly. Silly, Isabella.”

I see Her again, sitting inside a pillar of light in that beautiful, bright sundress. Sitting on top of a short pedestal while kicking her legs up. She looked at me, disappointingly, while shaking her head and clicking her tongue at me.

“I fucked up,” I told her as I toss my hands up, “I totally fucked up. You don’t have to tell me that.”

“Yeah, yeah I do need to tell you. Bella, honey, you need to know *how* to be funny in a relationship. I have no idea where you got your sense of humor, but it is not healthy.”

“What do you mean?”

“Isabella, you know as well as I do that humor is part of a good relationship. You know as well as I do that humor can bring hearts together. The problem is that your humor is pretty fucked up, and not appropriate for relationships. In a frat house, maybe, but not in a relationship.”

“Come on. Is what I did even enough for this break up?” I asked her and she laughed pretty hard.

“Of course it is! You think joking about being in some guys house, fucking him is funny? Hilarious? Knee slapping humor? It’s not! I don’t know how you spent your college days, because I wasn’t around then, but your pretty fucked up if you think that was funny.”

“But… but… but is it enough for a break up?” I begged her and she just looked at me with pity.

“Isabella. Think about it, alright. We’re smart, I know we are. If you keep joking about something like that, and Chris actually takes it like a joke, will he ever know when it’s not a joke? What self respecting man will hear it and think that it’s a joke? Something like that is never a joke, you take it seriously!”


“No buts! Stop joking about cheating on him! Just stop! I can’t stress this enough, it is never a laughing matter, never, unless you’re a comedian, by the way you’re not! Just don’t ever do it again, alright?”

“F-fine, I won’t.” I sighed heavily and she looked at me.

“Love is like education, you’re always learning and you have to practice what you learned. You review and act on what you’ve learned, and at the same time you don’t repeat the mistakes you made, but it’s okay to make mistakes. Just don’t choose the most obvious wrong answer, alright Bella-Bell? You’re a smart cookie, you know this.”

She walked up to me, still short and for some reason her breast are smaller. It actually fits her petite frame, and I’m actually jealous.

“Now, wake the fuck up!”


“Bella? Bella? Bella!”

I open my eyes to see him looking at me with such worry written across his face. He’s stroking my face and rubbing it, and when he finally sees me open my eyes his face beamed with joy.

“Oh thank god. I was about to ask Alexa to grab a pail of water so I can splash you with it. You’re crying? Why are you crying?”

“What happened?” I asked as I find myself laying on the couch, then I wiped my face and looked at my tear socked fingers.

“You fell asleep, dummy,” Alana answered with a huff, “seriously, you can’t even wait 5 minutes for Lex to freshen up so y’all can go to the mall? And you were seriously not going to wake me up to go along? Did you have a nightmare? In an hour sleep? I guess it was bad if you cried that hard.”

I looked at the time and it’s only been about an hour since I told Alexa to freshen up. Dear god, what a fucking nightmare that was! I looked behind me and the cushion is wet with nightmare sweat!

Alexa bounced along from her room and looked at me expectantly. “You know what, let’s all go together,” I told them and I made sure to give Chris a tight hug.

“What’s wrong? Hey, I’m not going anywhere, you don’t have to hug me so tight!”

“I know. I just… shut up and let me stay like this for a little bit.”


The mall visit was a lot more fun, and it was like deja vu, really. I told Alexa to buy a lot of underwear for herself, Roxxy bought some crotch less panties, I bought a plaid skirt and stockings, and I even got to the country-style clothing store and bought myself the things I bought in that nightmare. I see the look in Chris’ eyes when he saw the assless chaps, the cowboy hat and the flannel top: pure, unadulterated lust, and I cannot wait to go home.

“I’m gonna ride you tonight,” I whispered to him and he just giggled at me. I’m going to be the sluttiest cowgirl he’s ever seen.

I did see a bunch of men looking at me, undressing me with their lust filled eyes. A couple even approached me but I wave them away.

I’m not willing to loose what I have.


As soon as we got home, Chris immediately took me to our room. Alana and Roxxy made sure to join us while Alexa excused herself to put her newly gained treasures away.

“I had my fun already,” she said with a wide smile as she closed her doors. Good girl, she knows how to share.

While we all shared one another, we pushed Chris onto the bed as we disappeared into the bathroom. Alana, Roxxy and I put on the things we bought from that cowboy store, and really, I think this might be a new thing for us, for all of us.

Alana has a white and blue flannel top with a thin denim booty shorts with the sides open with a couple of laces going across to hold it together. It’s so thin that I can count it as underwear because it barely covers her. It actually made her ass pop. Of course she’s wearing a cowboy hat like I am.

Roxxy has on an Native American looking outfit, with a short brown leather top with leather straps holding her bust together, and a short leather skirt complete with beads and feathers decorating it.

I’ve got on the black, leather, assless chaps with a black thong with the waistband pulled all the way up, with the red and black flannel top and a cowboy hat.

As we left the room, I can see the total excitement written all over Chris’ face. His cock is already hard and straining and bulging against his pants, ready to jump up.

Each of us reached up to his waistband and pulled it down, smiling as his cock sprang up to attention, pulsating and spilling out precum from the tip.

Alana grabbed the root, Roxxy’s hand wrapped around the shaft while mine went for the head. I rubbed it softly, spreading his sticky precum all over, while Alana and Roxxy worked the shaft together.

“I… I can’t… I… how…”

“Babe, shut up and enjoy it. How often do you think guys have three beautiful ladies doing this for them? Let alone a fourth one too tired to fuck because you fucked her brains out earlier.”

“I’m a lucky guy,” he sighed as he looked at us.

“You think your lucky?” I laughed softly as I looked at him and then back to his enormous dick. “We’re the lucky ones. We have a man that has a sex drive high enough to satisfy us, and all four of us has a pretty fucking high sex drive. Now, that same man has a dick so big he can make us cum many, many, many times. Not only that, you go down on us willingly. Finally, you’re just a fucking awesome boyfriend.”

I’m the first to taste that precum flavored head of his. That sweet, slightly bitter taste that just fills my head with its taste! Oh, I love it, and I guess Honey Dude is wearing off if I can taste a somewhat salty-bitter note.

I then handed it over to Roxxy, who quickly took him into her mouth. She moaned as she bobbed slightly on his cock, looking up at him with her big eyes.

“I… I get that this outfit is not culturally appropriate for you, but damn does it really look good on you Roxxy.”

She let him go with a big pop, “They’re pretty racist over there. They see a brown skinned girl, and they all think we’re Mexicans or Indians,” she giggled as she went back down on his cock, only to resurface after a few seconds, “and I just wanted something sexy too and this really caught my eye.”

After a minute of her sucking his cock, she then hands it over to Alana. She started with flicking her tongue against the tip, then circling it with the tip of her tongue, slowly, and finally slowly engorging her mouth with it. She took him down her mouth as deep as she can, wagging her head as she tried to get him deep.

“Fuck! Fuck I’m so god damn lucky,” he groaned again. He rubbed our cheeks with his gentle hands, letting us suck his thumb.

“I… I want you first Bella. Come here girl,” he beckoned as I got up to him. He grabbed my hip and turned me around, pulling me down to his face while he slid my panty aside and planted his mouth against me.

Alana and Roxxy licked his shaft and sucked his balls, while I enjoyed sucking on the head. It’s been a couple of days since his cock grew, and I still can’t go past half of his dick. Alana and Roxxy has gotten close, and I think Alexa got a little close as well.

Now, it has become my main goal to deepthroat this motherfucker. I want it deep in my throat, throbbing and pulsing. I want it to cum while it’s in there, making a direct deposit of cum in my stomach.

I get wet just thinking about it.

I can hear his slurps and his lips smacking as he feasted on me. This guy already had sex today, damn near impregnated a girl, and he’s still fucking horny. Emily is right, his sex drive is a lot higher than we originally thought, and I’m pleasantly surprised he can still function in that office of his with all the pretty young women in there, some as young as 18. Maybe he just has a higher level of tolerance and self control. I’ve met a lot of guys who won’t be able to keep their hands to themselves if they work in that environment. I mean, even when he couldn’t contain it, he calls us in as his stress relief!

He gave my ass a slap, one of his signs that he wants to fuck now, and so I relieved myself from his face and turned myself around. ‘Time for this cowgirl to ride,” I laughed and he just rolled his eyes.

“Babe, you want to kill the mood? Because that’s how you kill the mood,” he said and I just frowned at him.

“But baby, I was trying to be funny,” I said but he just rubbed my face, “that wasn’t funny?”

“No, but it was an ok try though,” he said as he rubbed my face. I pouted at him but his was adamant, “baby, don’t be mad. You’re funny, just… that was a bit…”

“Fine, I get it,” I sighed in defeat as I slowly dropped myself on his waiting cock, “but this gentleman thinks I’m funny.” God I love it when his dick pierces my pussy! I love the feeling of my pussy being full of his cock, and I want to keep lowering myself. I moaned as I dug in deeper and deeper, feeling his cock’s thicker middle part finally pass. I feel like I’m a virgin again by being taken by this dick of his, and finally, I fully engulfed him. Finally, my pussy swallowed him fully again and I have him all inside of me.

“Fuck! Baby I feel so full with your cock inside of me!”

I could see his face, how he closes his eyes and struggle with himself just to enter me. He opened his eyes to me looking at him and he just rubbed the side of my face with his fingers, then I felt his cock bulge a bit, like it suddenly got thicker.

He stared deep into my eyes then I see him reach for his discarded pants and into his pocket. He pulled out a box and my eyes went to it.

And then I knew. I knew what he’s trying to do.

“I-Isabella Marie-Rose Campbell, will you marry me?” he proposes as he opened the little wine colored box to reveal a silver ring with a rather large diamond sitting on top of it, glistening under the fluorescent light. This bastard. Oh, this bastard…

“Oh baby! Of course I’ll fucking marry you!” I squealed as my hands closed around his cheeks to kiss him. “I’ll fucking marry you! I was thinking of proposing to you myself you big dummy!”

Oh, my heart is so full. My heart is so full of happiness! I think She is happy too, I’ll just have to wait until she visits me again. I sometimes wonder if I should tell him about her, that she watches over us and even berates me over my faults.

Roxxy and Alana squealed and hugged me as they watched. Oh, these two are so instrumental in my happiness, no in OUR happiness, that I can’t see my life without them.

He put the box back into his pant pocket and then his hands went to my ass, rubbing it gently while his lips gently rubbed against the flannel top, circling and licking my nipples through the material. I reached over and slide them off and he immediately latched onto my exposed nipples. Oh, I love the feeling of his lips and mouth around my breast, sucking it madly and nibbling and biting my nipple while he takes his big dick and fucks me with it.

“God, baby, your lips are just gripping my cock so tight!” he groaned and so I looked down to find my pussy just hugging him tightly, not wanting to let go as I lift off of him. “Look at it, it fucking wants my cock so bad!”

“Well of course,” I moaned back, “I want you to feed it with your delicious cum, baby! Fuck my little pussy! Fuck it raw until I can’t cum anymore, baby!”

I started bouncing against him madly, his hands gripping the chaps. Oh he loved the little outfit, I think it made his cock extra hard for me too.

“Shit! I… I can’t last long, not with you wearing this little get-up and bouncing so nice and tight around my cock!” he whined as he pressed into me, “if you weren’t wearing this, I’d be lasting a lot longer!”

“Baby, I already came a bunch, so go ahead and fill my pussy up with your cum. Drop your load in me, fill it up with your jizz.”

I can’t wait to put on that ring, but I also can’t have his cum staining it. There are some things I would like to lick his cum off of, but my engagement ring is NOT one of them. I pumped into him as faster as his big, throbbing dick allowed me to and when he gave me that groan, I knew it was time.

He rolled me to my back and continued, holding my hand up over my head as he kissed me so greatly. “I’m cumming, I’m cumming,” he whispered into me, “I’m going to fill that pussy up. I’m going dumb a liter of cum in you.

“Baby, I can’t stop cumming with your perfect cock inside of me. Keep fucking your pussy, keep fucking it.”

He gave me a deep, long groan as he slammed his hips against me. “Fucking,.. assless chaps… fucking…. shit!!!”

I felt him drop his load inside of me, melting my insides with his heat. Oh, I’m cumming again just from his fucking inseminating me, spilling his seed all over my insides. He thrusts hard against me again and again, pounding his cum inside of me, filling up my womb with his baby making batter.

He slowly rose up to his knees, slowly making his way up to me as he slapped that perfect pussy pounder against my lips. I gently sucked his still throbbing cock, sucked it and licked his entire cock clean. “Go on baby, you’ve got two more pussies o claim,” I said as he gave me a nod, “and I’ve got a ring to put on.”

~ End of Part 47-1 ~


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