22, [Fm]. Halloween sex night, wet dreams with my vampire

This year I decided to go out to enjoy the Halloween parties, I am not a girl to go out a lot but I wanted to try new things, I spoke with some friends to have a meeting and go to a costume party, I wanted to be pretty, pretty and very sensual. She bought me a very sexy sexy vampire costume and I put on my matching red lips with my contact lenses. Black boots and black lace lingerie. We did the reunion at the party and when I walked in I exchanged glances with a guy who was like a vampire, wow I fell in love and quickly stepped on the thought that he wanted me to suck everything. And so the night went by, glancing, flirting and dancing. At the end of the night he invited me to his car to say goodbye to me. We got in the car, he began to kiss me, then to suck my breasts and went down to my pussy so wet that he began to make me oral, oh my God how incredible I felt so wet by that vampire. He turned me around and made me doggy and he hit me hard. I screamed yeah yeah that’s how tough I am your bitch. He asked me to sit down, he was able to get up a little to spill his milk on my face, how delicious everything was, we said goodbye with a fiery kiss, I went with my friends and I never knew his name but I have wet memories with that vampire

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/r6orgz/22_fm_halloween_sex_night_wet_dreams_with_my