Jennifer’s Hypnosis (free use) (oral play)

Jen had been trying to kick my smoking addiction for years. Tried the gum and the patches. She had stints where she didn’t touch a cigarette but always fell back to it. She knew the risks and was desperate to stop. She figured she’d try something a bit outside the box, hypnotherapy. A friend had told her about it, you see a hypnotist, they put you in a trance or something, and you wake up not wanting to touch another cigarette. She checked online and Dr. Oliver Smith had high ratings, so she called his office and made an appointment.

As Jen walked in the office she saw the receptionist behind a desk, a beautiful young woman with long brown hair and light eyes behind the counter fixing her makeup. She looked up and quickly stopped what she was doing to greet her.

“Welcome! I’m Stephanie, how may I help you today?”

“I have an appoint with Dr. Smith.” Jen replied.

“Awesome! Let me check you in. I see it’s your first visit with us, you can expect this to take about 2 hours today because he likes to talk and get to know you. If you come back for future visits it’s usually shorter.”

“Great, I have no other plans today so it’s not a problem” Jen replied.

Stephanie was oddly cheerful, Jen wondered if she was really like this all the time or just the character they wanted her to be to clients. Stephanie stepped out from behind the desk and walked her down a hallway and into a room. The room’s interior was very modern. LED light strips, glass table tops, white walls and furniture, a small black cabinet against the far wall. There were some paintings, modern art She supposed but to her they looked like someone just splashed colorful paint on the canvas.

After a few minutes Dr. Smith came in. He was an older, smaller man. Short grey hair and glasses. Sharply dressed in a silver suit and black tie. He looked the part.

“Aww welcome! Great to meet you Jen!” He said has he walked towards the desk, stopping to offer a handshake.

Jen sat on the comfy couch across from his desk and they talked for awhile about her addiction, goals, and how all of this was supposed to work. “You have an addictive personality, personalities like yours tend to take very well to suggestion during hypnosis, I expect you’ll see great results after a few weekly meetings.” Dr. Smith said. This excited her, maybe this would be the answer She had been looking for. “Let’s begin” he said and the lights dimmed.

Jen found his voice very soothing as she listened to him talk and guide her breathing. She started to feel refreshed and her head felt lighter. Jen zoned out for a bit enjoying the sensation when Dr. Smith snapped her back to attention with a clap.

“How are you feeling?”

“Great” Jen said calmly. How long had she been here she wondered? She couldn’t really remember, but didn’t think it was that long. Had he already hypnotized her? Jen was about to ask when he started speaking again.

“You’re doing great. As I expected you are highly susceptible to suggestion, your therapy should come along nicely” he said in a calm and quiet tone before continuing “allow me to play some music.”

He took out his phone and began playing a quiet instrumental song with a piano, violins, and other classical instruments. As the song played he walked across the room to a black cabinet, the only piece of black furniture in the room. He used his key to open it and browsed the contents for a moment before returning and placing dildo on the glass table in front of her. Jen found this weird, but oddly she felt indifferent about it. Dr. Smith spoke.

“Do me a favor, take this and place the tip in your mouth for me.”

He sat back calmly. Jen looked at the dildo on the table, reached out and picked it up. It felt like it was weightless, her whole hand felt weightless actually as she picked it up and put the first inch or so in her mouth.

“Wonderful. Now move it further into your mouth and down your throat. The further it goes the more relaxed you’ll feel. Begin.” Dr. Smith directed calmly.

She did, and as she moved the dildo further into her mouth it touched the back of her throat and she started to gag. As she pulled it back out of her mouth it suddenly had weight to it, like a magnetic resistance pushing against her withdrawal.

“No worries, no worries at all” Dr. Smith said, seemingly amused. “Let’s try that again and remember, the deeper it goes the more relaxed you become.

As Jen began to reinsert it in her mouth the magnetic like resistance she felt before reversed, it felt as though it were being drawn into her throat, like if she let it go it would gently get sucked in. As it touched the back of her throat again she felt herself beginning to gag, but less this time and held it there feeling oddly peaceful before removing it it to take a breath.

“Outstanding! Again please.” Dr. Smith said.

This continued. Jen wasn’t sure how long. Occasionally Dr. Smith would go to the cabinet and grab another dildo. Some were small, some large, some had balls, some didn’t. She wasn’t sure how many he used. Jen usually put it in her mouth herself. A few were stuck to the glass coffee table in front of her, so she knelt down and lowered her mouth on top of it, bobbing up and down. She felt a stronger sense of relaxation every time it entered my mouth and slid down her throat. Her gag reflex, although still there, became an afterthought in comparison to the bliss and relaxation she felt in the moment.

While using a particularly large dildo, which Dr. Smith had stuck to a window overlooking a private garden, he instructed Jen kneel on the carpet and insert the shaft as far down her throat as possible. Jen did so, she felt the pressure in her mouth and throat as it expanded to accommodate the large toy. She struggled to get it as deep as some of the others but imagined the euphoria she’d experience if she did.

“Very good Jen. Leave no part exposed, stroke the shaft outside your mouth with your hand. Hold the balls with your other hand. Take it out, breathe deep, then return it to your throat. Each time feeling more at piece and restful” Dr. Smith instructed her.

Dr. Smith spoke as Jen guided the giant dildo slowly in and out of her throat. “I want you to picture a vault, a very secure vault with a heavy door. Do you see it? Now take these experiences, these feelings, and place them all inside the vault. We aren’t getting rid of them, simply putting them away for another day. We’ll close the door and lock it tight.”

There was no vault, but in the moment Jen could see it in front of her. Huge and metal like in the action movies. She saw the door close and the vault faded away.


Dr. Smith’s command snapped her to attention, and continued echoing her my head for a few seconds.

“How do you feel?” He asked.

Jen thought for moment. Had she fallen asleep she wondered? She remembered walking in the room, sitting down, talking to him. But it got fuzzy after that. Like waking from a dream and not remembering what just happened.

“Good” Jen responded, unsure of herself.

“You may be a bit groggy, but it will quickly pass and you’ll feel as though you had a full nights rest. Relaxed and ready for the rest of the day.” He said calmly.

She did feel pretty good now. “I don’t remember anything, how did it go?” she asked.

“Wonderful! It’s normal, some people may experience a lack of memory while under hypnosis but I assure you it was a very successful session. I look forward to our meeting next week.” He said.

Dr. Smith got up and walked Jen back to the receptionist Stephanie. She booked another session for next week and left feeling more refreshed then she had felt in a long time. The feeling hadn’t faded when she got home, although her throat had started to feel slightly scratchy or dry, she hoped she wasn’t catching a cold.

– Thank you for reading, if you enjoyed it and would like me to continue the story please leave a thumbs up. I’m new to writing in this way, so comments or suggestions are appreciated. –


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