Jennifer’s Hypnosis 2

This is a continuation of the Jennifer’s Hypnosis storyline.

Jen had felt good all week. She noticed her cigarette cravings were down, although she still struggled occasionally. She looked forward to her next session with Dr. Smith that evening.

Like last time, Stephanie greeted her in the reception area. She was as cheerful as last time and walked Jen down the hall to the same room as before. Jen entered to find Dr. Smith with another client sitting on the couch, a slender but tall guy dressed in jeans and a t-shirt.

“Ohh I’m sorry, Stephanie brought me over here, I thought you were ready for me” Jen embarrassingly said. She turned to leave when Dr. Smith turned to her and spoke.

“No no Jennifer. You may come in! Please have a seat on the couch next to Kyle.” Dr. Smith was pointing to the white couch across from his desk where he was seated. Jen walked over.

“Hi I’m Jen” she said to the Kyle. He turned and slowly shifted his eyes up to her but didn’t say a word.

“Kyle is currently under hypnosis” Dr. Smith explained. “He doesn’t mean to be rude, but he’s in a deeply relaxing state at the moment.”

“Ohh okay” Jen said, feeling a bit awkward as she sat next to him.

Dr. Smith dimmed the lights and began the guided breathing Jen remembered from before. She felt uneasy that Kyle was in the room with them but after a few moments her stress melted away and she was overcome with the feeling of piece and relaxation as Dr. Smith began to speak.

“Jen, allow me to explain todays therapy. Like you, Kyle is also suffering from an addiction. A sex addiction, which unfortunately has landed him in some legal trouble in the past. Chemical addiction, such as cigarettes or alcohol is about getting the mind to ignore the effects of those unnatural chemicals. It’s a fairly straightforward process. Sex addiction is different. It resides in a deeper and dark area of the mind, it isn’t introduced from the outside but rather grown within and that makes it very difficult to treat. I’ve been successful with Kyle and others by having them lock away those feelings deep inside the mind. But, they can’t stay there forever. This is where I’ll need your assistance Jen. Don’t you want to help Kyle, to help yourself?”

Jen thought about it. She was half listening to Dr. Smith and half enjoying the relaxation she felt. Her body felt light, her mind felt clear. “Sure Dr. Smith” she responded.

“Perfect. Allow me to play some music” Dr. Smith said as he took out his phone. He started playing the same instrumental tune as before. Jen felt here mouth start to salivate but fell deeper into relaxation as the song played. She glanced at Kyle, he had perked up a bit, she noticed him gently rubbing his crotch.

“Jen, please remove your shirt” Dr. Smith said. Jen knew this was an odd request but her hands seemed to move by themselves, unbuttoning her blouse, taking it off, and giving it to Dr. Smith. Her uneasiness was overwhelmed by the relaxation she felt.

“Very good Jen.” Dr. Smith said, now turning his attention to Kyle. “Kyle. How is your favorite actress? Is there one you find particularly attractive?”

Kyle thought for a moment, “Scarlett Johansson”

Dr. Smith smiled. “Good choice Kyle, you know Scarlett is sitting right here on the couch next to you, she knows how you feel and she is eager to help you let out all that… emotion.”

Kyle looked over at Jen, but he wasn’t seeing her, he was seeing his dream girl Scarlett.

“Kyle” Dr. Smith said, getting his attention. “Please Begin”.

Jen felt Kyle stand up next to her, but the muscles in her neck felt too relaxed to even turn her head. Out of the corner of her eye she watched as Kyle get undressed, folding his cloths in a neat pile on the floor before standing in front of her, his semi hard cock in her face. Kyle grabbed her head, and pushed his cock into her wet mouth. As he started to pump his cock deeper and deeper Jen heard Dr. Smith.

“Remember Jen, the deeper his penis enters your mouth, the more relaxed you feel”.

Jen felt wave after wave of relaxation as Kyle quickened his pace. He was pumping nearly his entire cock in her throat. Jen struggled with her gag relax but Dr. Smith continued to coach her.

“More relaxed with each penetration” he kept calmly repeating.

Kyle stated getting rougher, his cock plunging in and out of her mouth, Jen taking breaths when she could. His hold on her head got stronger as he was now tossing her head into his cock, being sure he got ever bit of it down her throat with each trust. Jen’s eyes watered and spit started spilling out of her mouth.

Suddenly Kyle pulled his cock out and threw Jen on her back, dragging her so her head was hanging off the edge of the couch sort of upside down. He positioned himself in front of her, grabbed her by the neck and inserted his cock in her mouth, again plowing it entirely in her down her throat with her strong thrust. Spit poured out of her mouth now and ran down her face.

Jan felt herself getting upset, she couldn’t catch her breath, what was happening she wondered. She started to resist and tears well up in her eyes. She tried to speak “wait…I…wait” but Kyle’s cock pounding her throat prevented her from speaking.

“Stop!” Dr. Smith said

Kyle pulled out instantly and stood there, not saying a word. Jen sat up, about to cry she knew this was wrong but didn’t understand why she felt so helpless or drugged. Dr. Smith spoke.

“Jennifer. It’s okay. Count with me, 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…”

As Jen whispered the numbers she felt calmer with each one. By the time she finished she felt completely calm, she knew she had wanted to cry before but wasn’t sure why. A feeling of bliss washed over her, and she smiled.

“Very good” Dr. Smith praised. “Kyle, Please Begin”.

Kyle grabbed her by the head and threw her down in the same position as before and continued fucking her throat. His hand securely around her neck. After a few minutes Kyle again pulled out and grabbed her by the head, this time throwing her on the floor. Jen was aware what was happening but felt like a rag doll, unable to support her own weight. Kyle lifted her off the ground until she could get her knees under her to support herself, but she was mainly being held up by Kyle. He positioned his hard cock in front of her mouth and pushed it in. Jen could feel it go down her throat and was hit with another rush of relaxation while fighting back the gag reflex. Kyle aggressively fucked her like this until Jen felt him stop, his cock fully pressed down her throat and throbbing. I warm explosion of cum hit her throat, some of it shooting back up into her mouth. Kyle pulled out and released his hold on Jen, who fell gasping to the floor.

Dr. Smith spoke. “Kyle, envision your vault. All the emotions and feelings you’ve been storing in there. Is it empty?”

In a daze Kyle paused and responded, “I don’t think so”.

Dr. Smith smiled. “No worries, count back with me Kyle, and by the time we’re done you’ll feel completely rejuvenated and ready to start again. 5… 4… 3… 2… 1. Do you feel better Kyle.”

Kyle nodded his head.

“Then, Please Begin”.

With that Kyle grabbed Jen’s head, lifted her up to his cock, and began face fucking her again. Jen wasn’t sure how long this continued. Occasionally she would have trouble getting her breath, feeling like she was underwater. In those moments Dr. Smith would interrupt. Have her count with him and she would feel wave after wave of relaxation until nothing mattered again. Kyle would cum occasionally and Dr. Smith would always ask him the same question about his vault, which still wasn’t empty, so Kyle would count with Sr. Smith and essentially start again. Time didn’t exist for Jen during this, she knew what was happening but was mostly detached from it, seduced by the waves of bliss with each thrust of Kyle’s cock down her throat.

Kyle was now sitting on the couch, nearly too tired to stand. Jen kneeling between his legs bobbing her face up and down on his cock. Kyle grabbed her hair and forced her all the way down. She felt his cock throbbing and then he released her.

“Stop”. Dr. Smith calmly said. “Kyle, please look into your vault. Is it empty?”

Kyle stared blankly for a moment for responding “yes, yes I think it is”.

Dr. Smith stood up. “Excellent, excellent job the both of you. Jen, please have a seat next to Kyle. Jen, picture your vault please, I’d like you to take everything from today and store it in the vault. We aren’t getting t rid of it, simply putting it all away for later.”

Jen again saw a vault in front of her, she couldn’t tell what was in it, it was too dark inside, but she could tell it was getting fuller. The big metal door closed and the vault faded away in her mind.


Jen woke up, she was sitting on the couch, Dr. Smith at his desk across from her. She felt relaxed and peaceful. She thought she remembered a gentleman sitting with her when she arrived but she couldn’t remember his name or even what he looked like. He was gone now, maybe she had dreamed it?

“How do you feel Jennifer?” Dr. Smith asked.

“Umm good. A little groggy but… good.” She replied.

“The groggy feeling will go away and you’ll feel as relaxed as ever. Please, I’ll take you to the front” Dr. Smith said as he stood up.

They both walked towards the receptionist desk and talked about the weekend plans. Before Dr. Smith walked away Jen turned and asked. “Doctor, I think I remembered a man in the room when I first walked in…”

He interrupted her, “ohh yes, I’m afraid I lost track of time. He was just finishing up as you walked in.”

Jen smiled “no problem, I thought I was going crazy, haha!” She looked at the clock, nearly an hour and a half had gone by with her barely having any memory of it.

On her way out she saw a guy driving out of the parking lot. He was thin and tall, looked very familiar but Jen couldn’t place where she knew him from. She got in her car and drove home.

At home she looked in the mirror, her hair was a mess and her sore throat was coming back a little bit. But she felt great, like waking from a restful sleep.

That night while brushing her teeth she noticed some bruising around her neck. “What the fuck” she thought, she didn’t remember doing anything that would cause it. A rash maybe, allergic reaction to the new body wash? Who knows. Jen shut the lights out and went to bed.

– Thank you for reading, if you enjoyed it and would like me to continue the story please leave a thumbs up. I’m new to writing in this way, so comments or suggestions are appreciated. –



  1. I think her treatments coming wonderfully.

    We certainly can’t afford to let up now.

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