Daddy and Little One work out

From the kitchen I can hear him grunting as his fists slap against the punch bag. His noises are turning me on, similar as they are to the noises he makes when he’s thrusting inside me. I’m snapped out of my naughty reverie by his growls of frustration. Panting and sweaty he emerges from the garage.

‘Are you ok, Daddy? You look very tired.’ I comment, my brow furrowed as I hand him a towel to mop his sweaty one.

‘I’m out of practice, Little One. I need to spend more time beating the bag instead of… something else.’ He glances at my behind to confirm his meaning.

‘You were going too hard probably,’ I say, as if I know what I’m talking about. ‘Slow it down, give it some gentler, shallow thrusts. I mean punches.’ I glance up and see him smile and chuckle lightly.

‘Careful, Little One.’ He warns. ‘I’m feeling a little bit shaky legged and you don’t help.’

‘Who said I’m trying to help?’

‘You’re being very naughty. Someone is looking for trouble.’ He throws his sodden towel to the side and approaches me slowly.

‘Have I found it?’ I ask, holding his gaze as he nears me.

‘Oh, you certainly have Little One.’

‘So, what happens now Daddy?’ I whisper.

‘Are you going to apologise?’

‘For what Daddy?’

‘You have been a bit bratty this afternoon, a little bit of attitude.’

He comes to a halt in front of me, his torso a breath away from mine. I smirk up at him, biting my lip lightly.

‘I take it no apologies are forthcoming then?’

‘Hmmmm,’ I place one finger on my bottom lip and feign consideration. ‘Nope, don’t think so.’

He looks at me, his eyes hooded and a slight smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

‘Looks like chores for you then Little One. Go into the garage, there is some old gym equipment in there I want tidying up.’

My eyes narrow slightly in confusion and suspicion, but obey him anyway. The garage is not somewhere I go often so it takes me a while to find the light switch in the dark. I reach a little too far and stumble on the step that I had forgotten was there. He has followed so close behind me that he’s able to grab me by the shoulders to stop me falling.

‘Careful Little One,’ he says as I turn my head towards him, my eyes wide with traces of fear and arousal. ‘You don’t want to injure yourself, that would entirely spoil my fun.’

He grips my shoulder tightly, but not too tightly and guides me into the garage. The bag he had been knocking about was in one corner, the rest was filled with boxes, old tools and bric a brac covering an old bench press. He leans forward close to my ear and says in a stern voice, ‘I want all that crap moved away from the bench press. It’s time Daddy started lifting weights again.’

I hear him breathe in deeply after giving me my orders. I feel his nose move through my hair as he does as if taking in my scent. Then his hand gently, but firmly, pushes me forward.

Stumbling slightly, I look at the piles in confusion.

‘Just move these things?’ I ask, in disbelief. ‘Yes, Little One.’ He answers smoothly, folding his arms and leaning back against the wall to watch me. ‘That’s it?’ I enquire further. ‘Yes.’ He replies. ‘For now.’

I slowly move the boxes and items around the bench press. They are heavy and the garage is warm so I start to sweat.

With aching arms I finally place the last of the boxes in the corner, my shoulders burn with the effort it has taken and I wipe my brow with the back of my hand and glance over at him.

His hooded eyes take in my exhausted form as the beads of sweat drip down my face. They collect the dust that has gathered there which makes them more visible and he can easily follow their path down my face and neck. His gaze turns hungry as the drips move lower, down my chest to the curve of my breast and disappear into my delicious cleavage. I smirk at the desire I can see in his eyes. ‘What now, Daddy?’

He looks at me and nods his head towards the bench.

‘Do you remember that?’ He asks. I look over to the bench, it’s four feet long and padded. At one end two raised hooks hold a long bar across the bench with weights at either end. I remember when he used to use it for exercise, laying on his back, pushing up the weighted bar, sweat glistening, muscles swollen.

‘Yes, Daddy’ I reply, a smile forming on my lips at the memory.

‘Go and sit on it and face the bar,’ he says to me, a look in his eyes that shows hunger and lust.

I saunter over to the bench, shaking my hips and wiggling my bum, which I know he loves. Placing both hands on the bench, I lift one leg over to mount and straddle it, leaning my torso down far enough for you to get an excellent view of my large breasts. Sitting down in the requested direction I turn to him. ‘Do you want me to lift weights, Daddy? I’m very tired after moving all those boxes.’ Shaking his head he say ‘no, no Little One. When you remember Daddy lifting weights was I sitting like this?’ I shake my head no. ‘So, my precious little one, what do you think I want you to do?’

I look at him, a little unsure as he walks over to a work bench in the corner. My eyes follow and watch as he picks up some old rope.

‘Maybe I was too soft last time I punished you Little One.’ He walks over, crouches down in front of me and sighs, ‘I guess this time will have to be harder.’ He takes an appreciative glance at my cleavage and breathes in deeply, savouring my scent. Sweat, fear and excitement. He takes one of my wrists, grips it firmly and places it against the bar, I look at him, but he ignores me and begins to tie it in place. He takes my other wrist in a sharp grip and places it on the bar, but this time he looks me dead in the eyes as he ties my wrist down.

‘I definitely need to be harder on you, my precious little one,’ he says as he stands and turns away. My gaze follows him as he walks behind me, craning my neck. He glances at me, smirking and stops behind me. He bends down and takes hold of my right ankle and pulls it upwards so I have to kneel on the bench, then moves around to do the same with the left.

I am now perched on the bench, arms tied to the crossbar. He stands behind me, I turn my head and look at him over my shoulder. I try to make it as coy and innocent a look as I can, but I know that my need for him is shining through.

He just looks at me with a stern look upon his face, he lifts his hands and places them on my rump. I’m wearing a little pleated skirt, he slowly slides it up to reveal my white panties, his fingers slip into the waist band at my lower back and he gently eases them down to my knees, leaving me exposed.

He caress my bottom with his hands, a look of deep thought on his face as he takes in the sight before him of my gloriously round rear.

‘I am sorry you have made me do this my Little One, I really am, but we must have discipline in this house.’

He walks over to the corner of the room where some bamboo garden canes are propped up. He selects one that is roughly a centimetre in diameter and a metre long, he turns around and walks towards me.

He stands in front of me, hands gripping either end of the cane. He bends it slightly to test its flexibility, it gives a little creaking sound. His jaw is set and his eyes are hard as he looks at me, helpless and immobile, tied fast to the bench. You can see the different feelings swirling in my eyes, curiosity, a little fear and a touch of excitement.

‘Now it is time for your punishment Little One,’ he says, his voice low but stern. He reaches out with the cane as he walks around to my rear, while sliding one end of the cane gently down my back to where it meets my exposed bottom.

My body shudders slightly at the touch of the cane on my cheeks. He gently taps it a few times against my bare bottom, just to let me get a feel for its size.

‘Look at you,’ he says roughly. ‘My beautiful and disobedient Little One. My delight, my pleasure, my perfection.’

He places the cane against my buttocks and turns to look at me as I kneel there, tied to the bench, looking at him over my shoulder.

‘How many strokes does your behaviour deserve Little One?’ I look at him, biting on my bottom lip as I think then answer, ‘three, Daddy?’ I say, tentatively. He smirks and replies ‘I think five Little One. You have been very disobedient lately.’ I look down and away. ‘OK, Daddy’ I reply and brace myself on the bench.

I take a deep breath and hold it in as he brings the cane down with a swoosh and it connects keenly with my bare cheeks, releasing a cracking sound as it strikes. I jerk forwards slightly and give a little yelp, part pain, part delight. He moves back into position.

‘Count them, Little One,’ he says as a straight red line appears across my pale buttocks.

‘OK, Daddy,’ I reply. ‘One.’

He brings the cane down again, a little harder this time. It makes a sharp sound as it whips against my cheeks, my body jolts and the sound I release is a little more pained. I look at him, my eyes wet and hungry.

‘Two,’ I say, looking back at him again. I see a softening in his eyes, betraying his depth o feeling for me.

Once again he raises the cane and once again brings it down in the same spot. The reddening in my cheeks is getting livid and my body jerks with the impact. I deeply suck in air and then slowly let it go.


His arm lifts and falls again, hitting my bum with a thwack. I jump forward and gasp, breathing heavily, trying to control myself. I look back at him again, pure defiance in my eyes.

‘Four,’ is all I say and look away.

For the last time, he raises the cane and brings it down with force. The crack it makes is loud, I squeal as I shift forward against the bar that keeps me in place. My body shaking as welts rise upon my rear, legs shivering as I pant for breath.

‘Mmmm, five,’ I say my gaze meeting his again. I can see his breathing is as hard as mine and the bulge in his trousers betrays how aroused he is. Despite the pain I am just as aroused and the scent of this arousal is strong, exposed as I am.

He drops the cane to the floor and approaches me. His hand rests against my bottom, rubbing lightly to soothe the welts from the cane. Slowly, he slides his hand towards my pussy. I groan and push back against his fingers as he finds my hot, wet lips. His fingers slip inside me, he can feel how soaked I am, the wetness sticking to his fingers as he withdraws.

This seems to make something snap in him and he urgently undoes his trousers, taking out his beautiful, stiff cock. He quickly and firmly pushes himself into me, gripping my hips as he thrusts and we both groan at the pleasure. He pushes harder into me and I push back just as hard, finding the rhythm together. I can feel his cock pulsing inside me as my pussy tightens around him. My climax is building quickly, then with load gasps we orgasm together, his balls twitching as he explodes into me, my pussy pulsating around his cock.

We are both breathing heavily as he rests on my back, his head near mine. He takes a deep breath and in a hoarse voice whispers ‘you took your punishment well Little One. Daddy is proud of you.’

I slow my breathing and reply, ‘thank you Daddy. My punishment was deserved, I promise to be good in future.’

‘I know Little One, I know. This isn’t the sort of punishment you want all the time is it?’

I turn my head to look at him, fire and desire in my eyes and whisper quietly, ‘oh no, Daddy, definitely not,’ in a husky voice full of promise and delight, but the mischievous smile upon my lips tells another story.
