I [M23] had hot phone sex with a stranger [M] off the internet and never heard from him again

I’ve (M23) been dying for a space to tell this story because I’ve never told anyone about this, but it’s a good ass memory and I’d like to share it. Also please ignore the lack of karma—this is not my main account (my main has about 7,600 something like that) and I just made it to browse Reddit anonymously :)

So this happened years ago in like 2018ish when I was about 20 years old. I was single and had a habit of going online to dirty talk with strangers to get off. It’s very rare to have a good experience doing that, as it’s mostly older men or bots, but I happened to get lucky on this particular day.

I honestly don’t quite remember what site I met this dude on, and I don’t remember how old he was but he wasn’t much younger/older than me. But that particular day, I was home alone and was going to be all day long and wanted to do something I hadn’t done in a while and that was to have phone sex. Once I got connected with this dude and we chatted for a few minutes, we exchanged skype info (I wasn’t comfortable giving my number out and neither was he) on the sole expectation of getting off together.

I didn’t know what to expect but I was hoping to god I wasn’t going to regret this, and boy did he not disappoint. This dude sounded *hot*. Like you know how you hear someone’s voice and just know they’re attractive? Yeah, that was this guy. I don’t remember how long we talked for, I can’t imagine it was any longer than 10 or 15 minutes—but we had a very dirty conversation, him taking on a more dominant role—and it didn’t take very long for either of us at all.

At the end when we had both finished, we kinda laughed about it and agreed that what we just did was really fucking hot and that we had fun with it. I vaguely remember him saying we should do it again sometime but I’m honestly not sure if we discussed that or not. But we never ended up doing that again—I think I may have tried to reach out a couple times but I don’t think he logged into his skype account much, so I don’t know if he ever saw it.

Not my wildest sex story but I’ve never told anyone about that, so I figured I’d share it here. I think about him occasionally and how much fun I remember that experience being, and how lucky I had gotten because like I said, it’s very rare to have an experience like that with someone you meet online. But it was so natural and we clicked instantly in those 10-15 minutes. It was really, really hot and I will never forget how sexy that guy’s voice was.

I don’t think I ever even got his name, and if I did, I’ve forgotten it by now. But phew, just talking about it is making me want to dig up my old skype account and see if I can find him lmao. He really did sound super hot and he had a way with words for sure. I’ve never forgotten that experience, even years later. Crazy how something that happened in a matter of minutes still remains in my memory even three years later. I hope he enjoyed it as much as I did lol

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/r4m1f2/i_m23_had_hot_phone_sex_with_a_stranger_m_off_the

1 comment

  1. So there was nothing gone wild here. It wasn’t even a story, more a synopsis. The most intriguing thing about this was the humble brag about your karma and even that was lackluster. Sorry.

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