Her first time with her bull

“Okay babe we’re going in! Text you soon :)”

She hit send, her hands trembling. This had been years in the making. When Mike brought it up the first time, she couldn’t even process what she was hearing. How could he possibly want that? Was it a trick? Was he testing her? Did he secretly want to see other women?

Fast forward to two weeks ago, getting drinks with Tom for the first time, realizing how much more comfortable she felt with him than she had thought. Even Mike had seemed at ease. When she had sat next to Tom instead of Mike at their second meeting, she had seen a twinge of jealousy in Mike’s eyes, but after another couple hours of good talk, everything had been okay.

Today had been totally different. Constant nerves–she hadn’t eaten well, and even Mike had almost had second thoughts. But they had talked it through again. This is a one time thing and then we’ll reassess. We have a strong marriage. We communicate well. Tom has been nothing but respectful and patient.

And so she had sent Tom the all good text, and he had picked her up, and now they were at his place.

She sat down on his couch, and looked around the room. She was suddenly aware of how tight her dress was. Her cleavage must seem obnoxious even, and she was sure he had gotten a glimpse of her panties when she sat down in his car. He was getting her a drink.

“Umm, yeah, I mean,” she started. She hadn’t caught his question.

“Relax,” he smiled, sitting next to her and handing her a glass of wine. She took the wine and nodded. “We don’t have to do anything. We can just put a movie on, or I can even just take you right back home. We will have a million opportunities.”

She looked into his eyes, feeling his warmth.

“Yeah maybe we could just start with some music?”

He hopped up and put country on–her favorite. Taking her hand, he lead her out into the living room, letting her choose how low to put his hand–she put it just below her shoulder. They two-stepped, and waltzed, and then two-stepped again, and talked about her week. He asked how her meeting had gone. Had they liked her idea? Remind me what your dog’s name is? Right, and he has a funny habit of…

She was finally starting to relax, and didn’t even notice his hand slowly working its way down her back. He was saying something about–

Her phone dinged. Shocked out of the moment, she walked over to her purse.

“I’m sorry, I just need to see if it’s Mike,” she stammered.

“It’s totally okay,” Tom said, nodding. He continued to dance with himself.

She sat down on the couch, and responded to Mike. It had already been an hour and a half–how was that possible?

“He just wanted an update,” she explained, as Tom sat back down next to her.

His sleeves were rolled up to her elbows now, exposing his strong forearms.

“I think he’s a little nervous, but he still wants us to,” she stopped.

“To what?” Tom teased.

She blushed.

“To do this?”

As she processed what he had said, Tom took her face in his hand and leaned into her. She felt his lips on hers first, almost alien. They were warm, but unfamiliar. He pulled back and kissed her cheek, then the corners of her lips, then back to her cheek. Starting to flush, she turned her face toward him, and when his lips met hers the second time, she kissed him back. And then it was lightning.

He pulled her into his lap, sitting sideways across his legs. Her arms were around his neck now. He was kissing her lips, her face again, her neck, back to her lips. Her heart was pounding, and her breath coming faster and shallower now. His arm was around her shoulders now, his other hand on her face, and he laid her backward, laying next to her on the couch.

It was all a blur until suddenly his fingers brushed her clit. She gasped. She couldn’t believe how sensitive she was.

“You’re so wet,” he breathed.

She just nodded.

In all the frenzy she hadn’t even noticed. But as his fingers slit between her lips, slowly teasing her clit, building the pressure ever so slightly, she could feel herself melting.

Her orgasm came faster than she expected. The normal steady build of warmth and pressure wasn’t there. Instead it was a sudden tidal wave of spasms, and then her legs turned to jelly. Tom held her gently, kissing forehead, then her nose. He hesitated above her lips, waiting for her approval–he know how vulnerable she felt in that moment.

She nodded.

Again, his lips sank into hers, and again it felt totally new. Her hand moved to his crotch, feeling his bulge. He was hard through his pants.

“We don’t have to, Emma,” he said, kissing her cheek again. She beamed at the sound of her name in his voice.

“There are condoms in my purse,” she breathed back.

He leaned over her to reach into her purse, and as he did she undid his belt, starting to slide his pants off. She climbed off the couch and knelt.

Standing up, he helped her pull his pants all the way off, and watched as she slid his boxers down.

“They’re too small,” he said, almost apologetically. She blushed–she had just bought the same size she used to buy with Mike. “But I have some in my room,” he said.

“Let me use my mouth a little first,” she said, trying to think of the sexiest way to say it she could. From his reaction, she had succeeded.

She held his shaft, feeling his size. He was warm, and full, and heavy. She never would have thought that would turn her on, but now in the moment she couldn’t deny that it did. She kissed her way down his shaft, the taste of his precum on her tongue.

As she reached his balls, she massaged them gently, feeling his abs with her other hand, and dragged her tongue slowly back up.

“That’s amazing,” he sighted. She burst into giggles.

“I don’t know what I’m doing.”

He laughed now too.

“We can save head for next time,” he said, smiling and leaning down to kiss her again.

“Thank you,” she giggled again. She had never been a big fan of giving head, and was relieved that she wouldn’t have to impress him with it this time.

He stood up, and pulled her up with him. Hugging him, she kissed him again, more tenderly this time, thanking him. Turning to walk to the bedroom, he took her hand and led her behind him, shutting the door softly behind them.

Her breath caught in her throat now, looking around. She was in another man’s room. There were no pictures of her and Mike in here, the bedspread was different, the pillows were different–the smell was different. Tom pulled the covers back.

“Are you okay?”

She looked at him, and realized she was shaking again. Taking his hand, she laid on the bed, and he pulled the covers over them, hugging her.

“Yeah, sorry, I just, it’s really hitting me now that you’re not Mike,” she said. “I know that sounds weird, cause I mean obviously,” she trailed off.

He smiled and kissed her again. His shirt was off now–she hadn’t noticed him take it off. She hugged him now, turning into his body, kissing him, her legs interlocking with his. He pushed her onto her back and laid on his side next to her, leaning over her. He softly spread her legs with his and and started gently stroking the insides of her thighs.

Kissing him more steadily now, she closed her eyes, melting into the moment. Sex with Mike was always amazing, but never quite like this. The way Tom just flowed, moving her body the way it already wanted to be moved. She kissed him deeper, one hand on the back of his neck, he other holding his forearm.

His fingers lightly brushed her clit again, pulling her wetness up from her opening. She could feel more now, more in the moment than before. Bucking her hips gently, her breathing started to pick up again. He guided her hand to her clit.

“Play with yourself a moment, Emma,” he whispered. She nodded, feeling her own wetness for the first time tonight. She registered as he rolled away from her briefly, and registered as he rolled back. His hand replaced hers again, and she reached for his cock–she felt latex.

“We don’t have to do this,” he told her again, kissing her softly. She moved her hand to his face and kissed him, smiling.

“I want to.”

He rolled further on top of her, and started rubbing deeper into her slit, massaging her clit with his thumb now, starting to test her opening with his fingers. Her breathing picked up, writhing around under him. She could feel his fingers starting to curl upward inside her, finding her G spot. Her back arched now.

“Fuck,” she breathed.

“I know.”

He kissed her cheek softly, back to her neck, behind her ear, down to her collarbone. Quick, playful pecks, just a hint of tongue in a few of them. As he reached her breasts, his tongue just barely teased a nipple, then swirled around the other.

He was starting to run his tip up and down her slit now, careful not to put too mch pressure on her clit, gently pressing into her opening and then pulling away, his dick replaced again by his fingers, helping her relax, helping her loosen up.

She was starting to edge closer and closer to another orgasm now, and he seemed to be able to tell. Bringing her close, then backing off. Playing with her clit, then her g spot, then both, then slowing down again. Their lips were together again, more intimate this time, more electric. His tongue finally felt familiar in her mouth, natural even.

He had rolled over further on top of her now, laying completely between her legs, massaging deeper and deeper into her. She was staying just beyond the edge of an orgasm now, her breathing fast, every nerve ending on edge. She thought she had felt his tip inside her a couple times now but she wasn’t sure. She felt herself letting go, and turned into this chest.

“Tom, I’m gonna,” she managed to say–

And then she felt it. He slid into her, long, smooth, firm. Her head rolled back and her toes curled, and as he finally pushed all the way in, she felt the butterflies boil over, and her orgasm came.

“Tom,” she gasped, feeling light headed.

He was slowly thrusting now, grinding his hips down firmly into her, gently pushing her into the mattress, as she rode out her orgasm. She had cum from her G spot before, but not like this. Her whole stomach felt fluttery, her legs jelly again, and his mouth was hot against hers. His pace picked up, long strokes, firm and steady.

Breathless, she looked up into his eyes and smiled. He had lifted himself up now, getting better leverage to thrust.

“Tom,” she stammered.

“Emma,” he smiled back, then lowered himself down and kissed her again.

15 minutes passed in a heartbeat, then 15 more. She had cum again, and couldn’t feel the boundary between herself and Tom anymore. His tongue was hers, his lips were hers, his forearms and shoulders and back were hers.

Finally, he pulled out, frantically removing the condom, bringing his cock to her mouth.

She had never been so eager for cum, nor had she ever tasted so much. Her entire mouth filled, an erotic and exciting for the first time. And then she swallowed.

Tom laid down beside her, panting, and she rolled onto his chest. She kissed him again.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/r41uz3/her_first_time_with_her_bull


  1. Beautifully written. I like reading about cuck relationships but I know I could never be in one.

  2. This was incredibly written AND I love the healthy dynamic and how real the characters felt. 💖

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