The ti[MF]e I met a redditor in her hotel room and devoured her pussy for half an hour before she moved.

Hey hi. True story from couple years ago. I was hungry to eat pussy, she was hungry to get it eaten, and we found ourselves in the same RAOMD subreddit some (Wednesday?) morning.

Well time to send out a quick email to my team “Hey guys not feeling well I need to take some emergency sick leave”, and even though it was a mile away in DC (20 minutes with bad walk signs), I ubered cause I was so excited. We were using the kik to chat, and when I got to the lobby I knew to go up to the 7th floor. I message her asking to get up after realizing the elevator didnt work and I heard nothing back. No read receipt. 3 Minutes seemed like 3 hours. Was this a bust?

A helpful man from the front desk came and let me up to the 7th floor (yay security), I had the room number I figured I could knock and hope that it wasnt a fake room number. When I stepped out of the elevator I got the text that was blocked from signal inside:

“I’ll be down to let you in in a few minutes I need to get ready”

“I got up nevermind. This is me”

*Knock knock*

A tall woman with sexy long hair and tits the size of my head opened the door. She grabbed my hand and pulled me inside (BONER INTENSIFIES), and lays back on the bed. It’s obvious she’s packed her life into about 7 large suitcases in this small hotel, and that she’s leaving soon (everything is packed). I don’t know who she is, where she’s going, if there’s a guy who took an earlier flight than her, but I know right now there’s a sexy woman with a dripping wet pussy laying on the bed.

So I start licking.

Tongue: 20 seconds Clockwise, 20 seconds Counter Clockwise, up down up down left right

Her: Moans, Squirming, Etc.

Tongue: Letters of the alphabet, doing the circles 4 times

Her: Muscle Spasms, Foot Curling, Etc.

This goes on forever. She grabs my hair, she treats me rough like I want, she cums. I take a quick shower and get hard in the shower thinking about it. She had said she didn’t want to reciprocate, but had made some remarks about my cock when i was getting naked. She is naked playing with a vibrator on the bed (like a good girl), I ask her if I can jerk off and cum on her on chest and face. She moaned a yes of approval.

I did that. She said she was going to shower, but I could excuse myself in the meantime, and I did that. Walked home, and man did I feel good.
