The Hood

Walking up to Her house i could smell the cigarette smoke wafting onto Her porch. I took a deep smoky sigh and prepared myself to knock. i knew the She only smoked when She was in a mean mood. I exhaled and wrapped my knuckles on Her door and steadied myself for the night to come. Excitment and fear mixed into lust as i listened to the approaching heels clicking towards me.

“Inside.” She said, leaving the door wide and stepping back inside. “Now kneel.” She was across the room now, back turned She did not need to look at me to know i obeyed as She purused the various devices hung on the wall.

Coming towards me i saw the black latex hood dangling in Her hand limp and lifeless. “Put this on.” She said throwing it at my chest.

Almost missing it i caught the hood in my lap and hestitated staring at the black mask as i free fell into sub space.

“Put it on I said” She repeated. “Why are you waiting?”
i nodded unconvincingly, “yes Miss, i am just a bit scared from last time.”

“Good. You should be.” She said kneeling down to my face level, “now stop being a little bitch and put it on.” She raised my arms with the hood up to my head and i followed the rest of the movements.

The darkness covered me and all i could hear was the blood pumping in my head and cock when her riding crop yanked me back by the throat and i fell backwards into Her embrace.

Choking me close She said, “it is good to be scared, but i will always take care of you.” i felt Her warm kiss on my latex forehead. “Though, I won’t forget your hesitation tonight. Now crawl to the table and bend your ass over, we’ll start with your forgiveness.”

Crawling blind and mute i felt along the floor until the table and gave myself to Her punishment.
