Amnesia Was The Best Thing To Happen To My GF [M/F/F/F] Part 39


=== ***Alana*** ===

She fucked up. Izz should know by now that Chris doesn’t like it when we tell a fib. She should know, but Izz likes to press his buttons. I should be the one pressing his buttons, but I’ve found my life here comfortable and pleasurable and my wild antics have, admittedly, toned down a bit.

I should make it clear that the only lie that Chris doesn’t like are the big lie. He doesn’t care who farted in the living room and everyone denies it. He doesn’t care who took the last Oreo or the last slice of pizza. No, what he cares about is if someone is cheating, if there’s a big decision that affects everyone or if someone is making a side deal at his expense. Like what Izz did yesterday.

The kitchen is nice and big, and it has some potential with it. There’s plenty of space for ingredients. Rox has a cabinet designated for her ingredients, and I have one for mine. Coincidentally, ours overlaps sometimes. She has her Asian flavors and I have my Hispanic flavors.

I do enjoy her Adobo, and whenever I cook some tacos and burritos or enchilada she would gladly eat it. She’s been looking to take me shopping with her to some Asian stores, and frankly I’m looking forward to it. She says there’s a lot of dish she wants to try and make, dishes that makes her remember the good days with her parents.

It’s kind of weird. We used to hate each other, like mortal enemies. But now, we’re almost always by each other’s side. I thought I was only gay for Izz, but now I’m finding myself more and more attracted to Rox.

Well, she helped me decorate and move my stuff around in the room. I only have a queen size bed, with green and white sheets and red pillows. I’ve got my old dressers up and book cases with my nursing books.

I helped her out with her room in return. She’s got her country’s flag hanging over her bed, as well as some posters of actresses and old DVD of Filipino movies. Her sheets are plain white with blue pillow cases.

We were enjoying ourselves in conversation until we hear Izz basically screaming her head off. I mean, we’ve been listening to her get fucked over at the common area, and honestly we were too engrossed in what we were taking about, but then Izz just started screaming like she broke a leg or something.

I passed a joke over to Chris, which he didn’t receive very well, and I kinda got scared for a second then his expression softened a bit.

“Sorry, sorry,” he said and I just nodded. There are times, rare times, where he scares me a bit but his tolerance for bullshit is fairly high. He only really gets mad if someone lies to him and he’s forced to dig the truth out.

Then that girl finally came. She’s a different kind of beauty, different from Rox and I. I guess there needs to be a “balance” or something, that’s probably not it to be honest but somehow it feels that way. Two brown chicks and only one white girl? Nah, there needs to be two. That’s just my stupid head thinking, I know Izz doesn’t see it that way.

Rox and I started preparing lunch, and he took the girl over to us.

“Alana, Roxxy, this is Alexa. She’s renting the spare room and she’ll also be helping out with the house.”

“Yo,” I greeted, trying to assert myself as someone of high standing in the house. I can see her well corded muscles and how her knuckles are rather thick.

“Hello,” Rox said with a short wave of her hand.

“Have her help with lunch, alright? I’ll go and lay down for a second with Bella.”


We’ve got the ingredients laid out. Rox and I thought about just making roasted chicken breast for lunch and some asparagus and Brussels sprouts. I’ve got steaks that’s been caked in salt since we got here, so by tomorrow night there shouldn’t be any moisture left in there.

Alexa comes into the kitchen, looking at Rox and I a bit weirdly. “What are we cooking?” she asked, her accent is a bit thick on her words and honestly it kinda gives her a bit more allure.

“Hmm, Roast chicken breast for now,” I answered, and she got a bit excited, “oh, you like to cook?”

“I do, but I don’t cook much. I’ve only been eating those cup ramen for the last month or so,” she answered and honestly I’m a bit amazed at her.

“Cup ramen!? Jesus, I haven’t eaten those since college! Well, we’ll be eating well this lunch.”

“Babe, so do you want me to quarter the Brussel sprouts or half it?” Rox pointed out as she held the little fuckers down. I honestly hate them, but we need to eat a bit more vegetables.

“Half is fine, then we’ll drizzle some olive oil and S&P on them and balsamic vinegar at the end. Alexa, tell me you like vegetables.”

“I do, but I don’t eat them often back in Russia and they’re too expensive for me here.”

“Jesus Christ, alright you’re gonna get some food in you, girly!” I laughed, “um, can you help us out with working out? Rox and I want to get a bit more toned.”

“Sure, I can teach you a little,” she smiled at us. Such a beautiful smile with her striking blue eyes!


Chris held Bella as she cried in his arms. I’m guessing she’s not taking her punishment lightly. I mean, an entire week of no sex is pretty much torture for my nymphomaniac friend, even though she wouldn’t admit that she is one.

“But-But-But babe! He’s your brother, you need to help him!”

“But nothing, Bella. I was kind of hoping you would finally put your foot down regarding this issue, but I see you’re still willing to cross my boundaries just to satisfy your kink!”

Again, Bella cried. The three of us is just sitting there, watching them while we wait for the food to cook. I mean, to be fair Chris can just deny Jackie and Dean what they’re asking for. He doesn’t need to do it, but I think a little part of him is letting Izz do this so he can satisfy her fetish, and poor Izz is just too blind to notice that.

“Why is she crying?’ Alexa piped up, curiosity finally taking ahold in her head.

“Do you really want to know?” I giggled as I gave her a nudge, “do you *really* want to know?”

She kind of thought about it for a hot minute, then nodded. “Alright, so Dean is Chris’ brother and his wife used to be his best friend and his crush back in high school. Well, during Thanksgiving, we find out that they’ve had a dead bedroom for 2 years or something. Well one day, Jackie, that’s the wife by the way, wanted to make Dean jealous so she got Chris to have sex with her and we Facetimed Dean the entire time filming their dirty, dirty fucking acts! Come to find out, seeing his wife getting rammed by Chris turned him on hard. So now, every time they need to *ahem* recharge their battery, Dean has to beg for Bella’s permission for Chris to fuck his wife so his wife will have sex with him.”

Alexa’s face flashed a variety of emotion during my explanation, culminating in shock. “So… so Chris doesn’t want to have sex with Jackie, but since Bella promised Dean that he would, he has to?”

Boy, this bitch catches on quick. I nodded at her and her finger went to her chin, “poor guy,” is all she said as she turned back to the kitchen, “I’ll make us some drinks. Do we have vodka?”

“Dear, we don’t really drink here. But you’re free to bring your own, we just don’t drink as much as we used to,” Rox chimed in as she moved closer to me, touching my hands with hers.

“No alcohol? I better get used to living here then,” she sighed heavily.

“Chris, please! Don’t do this to me, babe!” Izz whined again.

“No! I need to go through with my punishments, I can’t just let you guys skate by! That’s final, now we’re going to have lunch and Alexa is here so behave,” Chris said, then he looked around to us, and seeing Alexa out of ear shot he whispered to her, but I can plainly hear him, “put on your clothes first.”

Lunch is a little awkward. We ate in silence, with Izz’s sniffles and whines a sporadic companion. Alexa looked like she enjoyed the meal, I’m glad, and she cleaned off her plate. She looked like she wanted seconds, she eyed the remaining chicken breast hungrily, so I grabbed one and slapped it on her plate.

“They usually get cold anyway, help yourself,” I told her and she gave me such a big smile. How has she been living up until now? I’ve seen her at the restaurant too, yesterday, and I don’t think I saw her card go red during the entire time.

“G-Guys, tomorrow the bed will be here, can-can someone wait for it during the morning time? I’ll be in my cooking class and the gym afterwards,” Izz said in such a sad tone, and she gave doe eyes to Chris who stood by his decisions.

‘Well, I have a shift in the morning,” I sighed, dreading the morning shift.

“I have a showing around 8 AM too, and Chris goes to his office work around 9 AM. So… Alexa is the only one here unless she has other things to do.”

All eyes turned to the new girl as she looked at us with big eyes, “I can wait for the bed, I guess,” she said slowly, “I can go to the gym in the afternoon.”

“Alright, so how are you two going to sleep?” I asked finally and Chris and Izz stopped chewing for a second and looked at each other.

“Shit… and Alexa is here so we cant use the guest bedroom,” Chris said with a short hiss, “damn it, Bella look at what corner you painted us into!”

“Me!? I… well, yeah I guess it is my fault, but… but…”

“Bella, it IS your fault, what do you mean ‘you guess’ it’s your fault! Where are we going to sleep tonight? And don’t even think about kicking Alexa out of that bed, she’s a tenant now, alright, we can’t do shit like that to her.” Chris retorted while grabbing a fistful of hair. I swear, he’s going to go bald with the amount of bullshit Izz puts him through.

“W-We can just sleep on Alana’s bed!” Izz offered. While I’m not against the idea, my bed is far too small for the three of us, especially someone of Izz’s size.

“Her bed is too small for three people! I have an idea…” Chris promptly pointed out, and then he got this sly look on his face.


“Are you sure this is a good idea?” I asked him. It’s about 9 in the evening, and frankly I’ve got work in the morning so I need to turn in soon. Chris is laying down next to me, fluffing up his pillow.

“She made her bed, she needs to rest in it,” is all he said. He decided that Izz should sleep on the couch tonight as another form of punishment, to which Izz complained and bitched about most of the day.

Alexa settled in nicely in the guest room, and she leapt happily on the bed and rolled around in it like a child jumping into a large pile of freshly gathered leaf. I wanted to ask questions, but I’m not about to poke into her personal life.

“Now I gotta have sex with Jackie next week. Sheesh, as if it’s hard enough to try and forget about my crush with her. It took me years to get over her marrying Dean, now I gotta have sex with her every now and then. I mean, what about when Bella and I get married? Am I still going to do that?”

I almost forgot about that. He was going to propose a few months back, he was going to propose to us. With him saying that, I’m almost confident he’s going to do it still, and my heart started beating just a bit faster. Wait, is he going to add Rox to the mix too? Is he going to give her a ring? Is that why he hasn’t done it yet?

We already know that Izz is going to be the official wife, with me and Rox enjoying the same benefits but staying as “girlfriends” so to speak. We’re perfectly fine with it as long as Chris loves us all the same.

God, I’m getting hot just thinking about all of this. I looked at him, watched him take his shirt off to reveal his carefully sculpted body. Man, I remembered when his body didn’t look as good now. When I first got a glimpse of him I thought Izz could do much better. But now, man I don’t think Izz could pull another crazy good boyfriend ever again.

“Sweetie, do you want to…”

“Want to… what?”

“You know… bless the room?” I said with a pump of my eyebrows. He gave me a vicious smile as he pulled me into him and we kissed passionately.

“You’re the lucky one tonight. I didn’t get to cum when Bella and I had sex earlier today,” he murmured.

“Oooh, what a treat!” I giggled as I climbed over him, rubbing his wide chest, “first dibs for a new month too!”

I’m just wearing a tank top and a thong right now. I learned to start wearing clothes like that when I go to sleep just in case we have sex. More often than not, that four of us end up having sex during the night anyway. I told Rox to do the same, just wear a t-shirt and a thong or G-String to bed jus to make it easier.

And Chris loves seeing girls in thongs or G-Strings. I swear, I think he has a picture of us saved on his phone just so he can “stress relief” at work, or maybe he facetimes Izz and they do some phone sex thing while he’s in that room. I wouldn’t put it past him, and I’d rather he do that than get with one of the girls from the office. I know they’re just dying to get a taste of our man.

His hand groped and massaged my ass, his fingers brushing against my sensitive asshole as our lips hungrily frolicked with one another. I can feel his cock starting to harden underneath his boxer briefs, pressing against my mound and growing hotter and hotter by the second.

“Fuck, your cock’s like a god damn furnace down there,” I hissed at him.

“Well you’re about as hot as mine too,” he replied as he pulled me back into his lips. I let my hand work its way down there, into his boxer and rubbing his thick, hardening cock, that is indeed nice and hot for me.

“You and Roxxy are getting along really well I see,” he grinned at me and I could only give him a kiss in response, “I thought Bella was your one and only gay goal?”

“Stop. You know she still is. Rox is just… I don’t know. It’s like my brain couldn’t process my hatred for her any other way, so it started processing it into affection instead. From one spectrum to another. Why, is she jealous that Rox and I are spending a lot of our time together?”

“A little. She said you and her used to be together more until Roxxy came along, then you and her would hang out more often. She feels left out. You know she doesn’t have a lot of friends other than you and Laura, and since Laura has a life of her own it’s just you and her.”

I did notice that I started preferring Rox’s company instead of Izz’s. Wow, what a friend turn out to be. Here is my bestest friend, allowing me into her life and what do I do? Ignore her, like the bitch that I am. “I’m sorry, I’ll fix it. Rox is, you know, we haven’t talked to each other since before high school.”

“I know, but Bella get’s lonely around here when I’m not around. I thought this relationship was us four, together, not just you two.”

“Wow, you’re trying to kill my boner here sweetie, I said I’ll fix it and I will. When have I disappointed you before?” I asked him while kissing down his neck, “I’ll fix it, don’t worry. Now, be a good boy and take off your underwear. Now.”

If I’m blessing my room, I’m going to do it my way. I want to be the dominant force this time, not him. He lifted his hip up and slid his boxers down and off his gorgeous butt, and let it fall off the side of the bed.

“Come here and kiss me big boy. I still haven’t had enough of your lips.”

I love kissing Chris. I love feeling that little scar on his lips, like a gentle reminder that it’s him on my lips and not Izz or Rox. I love feeling his strong, warm hands around the back of my neck as we toss around the bed, trying to see who’s going to be on top and who’s going to be on the bottom.

So he’s straddling me, with my tits under his cock. I looked at him and glared at him, “Well? Are you going to fuck my tits or not?”

He grabbed my tits and spread it apart softly, letting his thick cock thump down between. He lobbed a spit onto his shaft and used my tits to spread it around as he started thrusting. His warmth made it feel good, feeling that thick cock rubbing my chest and his fingers pinching and gently twisting my nipples. I gave him the most teasing look as I softly teased his cock with my tongue. His cock is long enough that he could actually clip my chin, so I tucked it in and opened my mouth. I sucked that big, mushroom cock head of his while he gave me a nice tit fucking.

I generally don’t like breast jobs. I find that it doesn’t add anything, really. But Chris likes doing it, even with Rox who has smaller breast than Izz and I he does it with her as well. So, naturally, I ended up doing it. I find the pleasure I wanted is from watching his face and how it changes depending on how much pleasure he’s getting from the experience.

Fuck, I want this big, white cock inside my mouth more! I want it pushing against my throat, making me gag and cough and spit! “Get on your back, sweetie, mama wants your cock!”

He laid down on his back and I climbed over to his crotch where I immediately went for his cock, swinging to and fro with his hand holding it up for me. I took it in my hand and held it in front of my face.

“I still can’t believe your cock is this big,” I told him, “it’s fucking massive. I can barely put your head inside my mouth!”

“Bella said the same thing,” he replied as he brushed the stray hair away from my face and dragged it behind my ear, “she said I’m special.”

“Sweetie, she’s right you know. You are special. Did she say that a dick this big is fairly rare? Sure, it’s more common for black guys to have big dicks, but for white dudes it’s less common. Even less for Hispanics and Asians. You know what else is uncommon? Having a big dick like this while still being humble, pleasant and down to earth. Sweetie, you’re a rare case, alright?”

I dragged my face down to his balls, taking in his musky scent and getting drunk off it. Like him, I like his smell when he hasn’t showered yet. I like that strong, man odor that he produces, especially after working out. I get drunk off it, aroused by it. It’s almost a surprise I was initially a lesbian because of how much a man can sexually turn me on. Anthony didn’t have that, though. He barely worked out so he only got sweaty if it gets hot, and even then he frequently showered. Sweaty from being too warm smells different from sweaty from working out. I’ve only found this out when he started going back to his boxing gym and he came home and I got a quick whiff of him. That whiff, that pungent smell that I got, it turned me on.

“God, sweetie, you smell so good. Such a strong smell, so manly. I know you love it when Izz comes back from the gym, and she’s sweaty and musky. You know what, I love it too, and you know what else? I love it when you’re musky and stinky after working out. Your cock, right now, smells so strong too! Good lord, I’m going to go crazy.”

I drove myself into that dick. Drove it into my mouth and to the back of my throat. That salty taste from marinating in sweat all day, god it drives me wild. I don’t think I can get enough of his taste, his smell and how he feels! Thank god I’m bisexual, Jesus Fucking Christ he feels so good in my mouth. By this time, my hair has gotten long, and before I go to sleep I usually let it down and around me. He’s expressed that he likes long hair, he likes it but he doesn’t want his girls to feel like they’re being forced to have long hair which is a reason why he hasn’t said it out loud, but he likes bundling up my or Izz or Rox’s hair and using it to push our head down onto his cock.

Then I remembered that he likes to eat pussy. I remembered that he likes going down on his girlfriend, that’s one of the reason he’s such a catch! Hell, some of the casually dated didn’t like going down on me! So I got up, swung my hips over his face, and I felt his hand just pull me down on him forcefully, like I’m trying to give him a concussion.

He didn’t care. He didn’t care that my pussy flopped down on his face forcefully, and I’m even afraid that I hurt him. But feeling his warm, wet tongue already working me down there gave me confirmation that he’s fine. He’s even moaning while eating me up! Jesus, and here we are making fun of Izz about her being such a nympho that our boyfriend is a fucking slut himself. We need to keep him contained. We need to keep him away from everyone else. Why? Because he’s a fucking great boyfriend and we can’t bear to share him with anyone else.

Well, Izz might since that’s her kink or fetish, whatever I can never remember the difference. In short, he stays glued to us. He is ours, and no one else.

I took his hands off my ass and I began twerking on his face. “You like when I bounce my ass and pussy all over your face baby?” I cooed, “you like that?”

“Oh shit, I fucking love watching you twerk sweetie. I didn’t know you can twerk!” He sighed as he rubbed my boucing ass while my pussy lips dipped all over his face, spreading my grool.

“What girl nowadays can’t twerk?” I giggled. I lied, though. Rox and I didn’t know how to twerk so we asked Raissa to show us how to. Of course she knew how to, with a plump, delicious ass like hers it would be a crime for her NOT to know how to twerk!

But I think he would rather have me sit still while he enjoys my cunt.

I can’t take it anymore. I want his cock inside me. Momma want’s that hard dick! Momma wants it in her snatch, and she wants it now! I crawled forward a bit and then sat up, letting his cock hit my pubic area a bit, drumming against it. I stroked him while I seductively glanced back at him, winking as I raise my hip up. I gently lowered myself atop his massive head, feeling it split my gates open

“Hoo baby, that’s good. I’ll never get used to your cock going into me, shit that’s fucking big! Your big dick feels so good, sweetie!”

“Your pussy is as tight as always. Fuck, it’s like every time I have sex with my girls they’re always tight!”

I know he’s just saying that, but it’s always nice to hear those words. I can remember Ro and Demi telling me how they first had sex, how Demi felt so disrespected when Ro told her she’s “too loose” for him, until they accidentally had anal sex. Now those two refuses to fuck any other way, but eventually Demi’s pussy tightened up for Ro, thank god.

He grabbed my tits while I slowly lowered myself, relishing his length and girth properly with little squeaks and moans from me. A little part of me was overjoyed when he told me that he didn’t get to orgasm with Izz. I felt guilty about it, but I quickly got over it. It’s her fault that he’s punishing her.

I hear a little creak and I see the doorway open a bit, then a flash of movement. I got some eavesdropper it seems, but I didn’t care. She can watch as much as she wants.

“God, baby that feels so good! I love the way your cock feels inside me. I love the way your hard cock just pushes against my insides like that!”

“Baby your pussy is so wet and tight for me,” he said with a groan, “so fucking wet, warm and tight!”

I felt him hilt me right on my stomach. I felt him under my abs, good lord. I don’t know if he’s actually there, but that’s where I’m feeling his hot rod poking me. I started moving. I started rocking up and down his cock, making it push all of my pleasure points and already I’m cumming for him. I haven’t had proper sex with him, like just him and I fucking each other and no one else is there. I enjoyed it, I enjoy having him to myself, I enjoy having his attention focused solely on me. Call me selfish, but thats what I love, and now that Izz is on time-out, there’s going to be more of that. His attention will be split between Rox and I.

His hands held my hips up as I continued fucking him, rocking up and down his cock. I’ve already cummed a couple of times and frankly I don’t even think I can stand up right now. Again I hear my door creak and I glance at it slightly to see some movement behind it, but again I don’t care. I don’t even care if its a ghost or anything, all I care about is being fucked and fucking.

I wanted to be dominant. I wanted to be the one in control, but I’m finding it hard to do seeing as I’m loosing strength on my leg. Eventually, my arms gave out and he gently lowered me on his chest as his hands went and took my leg and splayed it out before me. “D-Daddy, you’re too good. You fuck me too good, daddy,” I moaned as my hands reached up and gently rubbed his face, “you’re fucking me too good, I can’t do it. I can’t take control when we fuck.”

“That’s okay baby, we can do it again some other time. I’ll let you try as much as you want,” he offered as he gave me a kiss on the cheeks, “right now, I’ll take control alright?”

I nodded. I love him. I love Chris. He can do whatever he wants with me, my pussy or my asshole and I’ll enjoy it.

“I’ll feed you as much cum as you want sweetie, ” he groaned into my ears, “I’ll fill your hungry pussy up. I’ll fill up your mouth with as much cum as you can take.”

“Oh, you mean it daddy? Are you going to fill up my pretty little pussy? Are you going to feed me your warm, yummy cum?”

I know he loves it when his girls talk dirty to him, and I love it too. I love it when he talks all nasty to me, telling me what he’s going to do with his cock. Telling me if he’s going to make my legs go numb so I can’t even walk, or fuck my brains out until I can’t even think straight. I want him to dominate me. I want him to own me. He does own me, he doesn’t realize it, but he owns me, my heart, my pussy and my asshole. I crave him. I crave his cock and his cum! I wish that I can go to sleep every night with a belly full of cum, or my pussy sore from his cock beating it.

“I’m going to cum, babe. I’m going to cum. First load, I want you to swallow it all, alright? I want my cum to dribble down the side of your mouth, and I want you to suck it all up, you understand?”

I nodded. I’m eager for it, I’m just waiting for him to move so I can properly position myself. So when he grunted hard and pushed me off, I opened my mouth for him and he placed his cockhead into my mouth and jerked his shaft. My tongue flicked and licked his head while my hands played with his balls. Eventually, that explosion of salty-bitter cum came flooding into my mouth with a harsh groan from him and heavy breathing. He gave me a lot of cum, a lot of mouthful of cum that I gladly swallowed every time there wasn’t enough room in my mouth, and when he was done cumming he went back between my legs and continued to fuck me.

“T-Take it slow, baby, you just came!” I told him, but I know that he operates differently. I know that he can go another four rounds if he needs to. I felt around my mouth, looking for the slimy goodness that escaped from my mouth and I coaxed them onto my finger tips and licked them off. His cock is still giving off little bits of cum that acted as extra lubricant for us.

“I need to cum again, I need another one. Bella, she’s gotten me so mad today that I need this,” he confessed, “I don’t like having sex with other girls besides the one in this relationship. I told her that, but she doesn’t listen!”

As soon as he said that he thrusted deeply into me forcefully, deeper than he did before and my mind went blank for a quick second. “She only cares about what she wants!” he thrust hard and deep again, “and she doesn’t seem to care about my boundaries!” and again he fucked me deeply and the cloud in my head beckons for me again.

“G-Guh…. f-fuck, babe, you made me black out for a second there, holy fucking shit!”

“Shit, I’m sorry. I’m sorry, sweetie,” he groaned as he covered me with his body, “she gets me so frustrated sometimes.”

“I know, I know. I’m sorry she’s like that. She’s been like that since we were kids, she’s a button pusher. The only thing I can tell you is you gotta push her buttons back.”

“Hmm? I don’t know what ticks her off other than holding sex off from her,” he replied.

“I never told anyone this, ever, but she doesn’t like it when you compare her to other women. That’s one of the only thing that makes her really mad, like fucking furious.”

He gave it some thought, and part of me wishes I never told him that. I don’t think any woman wants to be compared to someone else.

He started moving again, slowly at first then it built up into a brisk pace. I’m going mad with pleasure, my brain has been in such a deep fog filled with him and the taste of his cum is still lingering in my mouth.

“God, keep fucking me daddy. Keep fucking me. Use my pussy, use it to make you cum. I want you to cum inside me so bad, daddy. I want you to fill my pussy up with your hot load.”

I moaned and groaned as he held my legs wide and pounded me nice and hard. His speed varried, he would slow down for a second and then fast, and then slow again. I’ve lost track on how many times he’s made me cum, and he has a habit of making his girl orgasm right after he does.

Then I hear my door creek again, and then I see a pair of crystal blue eyes looking right at me. I know who’s behind, I’ve had my suspicion. Chris has his eyes closed tightly, trying hard not to cum again, so I gave her a wink and blew her a kiss.

I looked at her, stared at her eyes, “daddy, are you going to cum? Are you going to use your long, fat dick and fill my pussy up? Please fill me up, daddy, I want your hot cum. I want it, I need it, please daddy.”

I made sure to maintain my eye contact with her, unblinking and unyielding, and I could see some movements around her. “Daddy’s thick cock feels so good in my tight, little pussy. Daddy’s thick cock just spreads me so nice and wide, and he feels so good around me.”

“Shit, Alana I’m going to cum soon,” he whispered into my ears and I gasped at him teasingly.

“You’re going to cum? Oh, daddy thank you! Yes, go ahead, fill me up. Fill my little pussy up with your hot, cum! Fill me up, fill me up until there’s no more room in my pussy!”

He pressed himself down and I felt his cock throb and expand deep inside me as it deposited it’s hot load within my confines. “Oh, daddy you’re cumming! You’re shooting your hot load inside of me! Oh god it feels so good, it feels so fucking good daddy!”

Again I’m maintaining my eye contact with her. If she wants a show, I’ll give her a fucking show. I don’t care if she’s watching, in fact it adds to my pleasure, knowing a different set of eyes is watching my slutty self being owned and defiled. I hear a little squeak and a moan, and then the eyes disappeared into the dark.

Chris groaned as he unloaded more and more of his potent sperm deep inside me, grunting as he dug in deep and hard and clawing at the sheets around him. I see his chest heave rapidly, breathing in deeply and he collapsed on top of me, giving labored breath as he tried to regain himself.

“Shit, baby, your dirty talks really gets me hot and heavy,” he laughed slightly. “C-Come on, we need to shower and get that cum out of your pussy.”

‘A-Alright, thank you daddy,” I beamed as he helped me up to my feet. I felt my legs buckle a bit and he made sure to support me as we walked towards the shower room.


The shower is fucking beautiful. Black granite countertops, marble floors, glass sliding doors and a shower head that flushes into the ceiling. It’s fucking beautiful! We immediately hopped in, of course gathering some toiletries for us to use, and turned the shower on and lathered ourselves uo.

Of course even after two rounds of fucking, we couldn’t keep our hands off ourselves. Our lips are latched onto one another and he carried me up and I wrapped my legs around him. His cock is still hard, teasing my cunt as it throbbed and bobbed. Eventually, he inserted it into me as he fucked me again.

“Third round,” he smiled against me as he cupped my ass. That feeling of the warm water raining down on us, his hard cock pounding my insides and our lips caressing one another in a dance, it really felt so magical and so unique to me that this moment is forever imbedded in my mind. Yet another moment ruined by Chris’ amazing personality, because if I, somehow, manage to get with someone else then shower sex will be tainted with memories of him! God damn, fuck this guy! Fuck Chris and his amazing self!

“B-Baby, we gotta shower fast. I have shift tomorrow, remember? N-No more orgasm, or I’ll sleep through my alarm.”

He nodded disappointingly as he rest his forehead against my neck, “Alright, no more orgasm for tonight.”

He did pump himself against me a couple more times, until he finally lets me go and we cleaned ourselves up. We dried ourselves off, I brushed my teeth and gargled some mouthwash, I put on my bra and panties and we slid ourselves under our blanket after a good night kiss.

~ End of Part 39 ~



  1. Honestly, I think this is by far the best chapter in this series so far. Idk why or how because this story is the best thing I’ve ever read on Reddit. But damn, that got me so wet, horny, and wanting more!

  2. At first I though the voyeur was the new Russian tenant, but now I think it’s Bella.

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