A beach bar hookup with a just graduated college student in Cabo [MF]

I had discussed either in a gonewildstories post, or in one of the NSFWIAMA posts, that towards the end of last year, I had a bit of a windfall from an investment I had made with my friends’ real estate company. One of the things they wanted to do to celebrate that was a trip to one of our favorite spots, Cabo San Lucas. Due to travel restrictions and some scheduling conflicts, our trip got delayed to May. But man oh man, was it worth it from my perspective. I decided to share this story now, as we just came upon the 6 month anniversary of that trip, and because the girl who plays a starring role in this episode has been my girlfriend now for a good portion of the subsequent months since.

My friends have always been incredibly generous, and this trip was no exception. They wanted to fly private, and all but one of us were able to leave to Cabo on Friday the 15th, not too terribly early in the morning, but early enough that we would effectively have a full day to start our trip. So that friend had to fly commercial the next day while the rest of our little group (the principals of the company and a handful of friend and family investors who had been with them since the start) took a Gulfstream down to Mexico.

When we arrived, there were a few Suburbans waiting for us that brought us the hour or so long drive to our hotel. Again, our friends were ridiculously generous, and while there was some room sharing going on, it was in three-bedroom, 2,000 sf suites with private baths. Not only were the rooms themselves luxurious, each of these suites had a private pool overlooking the ocean. Suffice to say, we were in for a good time.

Our first day, we bummed around downtown Cabo for a while, before heading back late afternoon to have dinner. If you have read any of the other posts I have made, you can see that to this point, I had a heck of a streak going of hookups and had reached number 126 the night before. I almost stayed the night at her place, which would have taken a little pressure off my first day in Mexico, but I needed to pack before heading to the airport. As a result, I was very much on the hunt during our outing and our return to the hotel.

Dinner was outstanding and afterwards, we retreated to a rooftop bar overlooking the water where a surprisingly large number of people had the same idea. Alcohol was flowing generously, and around 9:30 or so, we all ended up mingling with a group of women there on a girls’ trip. I wasn’t totally confident in my prospects, as it appeared they were all married, so I was still looking for other options. Until, that is, I ended up at the bar to get another drink, and ended up next to Aimee. Since this story is not about her, I’ll defer that to another time, but let’s just get it out of the way that Aimee ended up as No. 127 on my list, and I kept my streak alive for another day.

The next day, our lowly commercial-flying friend made his way in, and we decided to make it a day of pool, beach, and sun. Around mid-afternoon several of us decided to walk down to Mango Deck to see what was going on there and people watch. And by that, I mostly mean girl watch. That said, a couple of the females in our group did join us to chaperone, so it wasn’t total debauchery.

The crowd, as expected, was a good deal younger than us on average, but we didn’t totally stand out either. Sort of amazing what money and being in shape can do to help you fit in with people in their 20s. We were having a good time and watching the various groups of college-aged or just-barely-post-college-aged men and women partying, attempting to hook up, and just having a good time.

One group sitting somewhat near us had a couple people wearing apparel of the university that is near to where we all live. When someone brought that up, one of our friends commented that it made sense, since a couple of the girls at that table were the best-looking ones in the whole bar by far. Our friend who flew in that morning actually had been on the plane with a couple of them as well, so we concluded they were local to us back home.

One of the other investors in our group, about 25 years my senior, was an alum of that university, so the next time the waiter came around, he decided to buy the other table a round of drinks. Once those were delivered, a cheer came up from their table and we (well, he) got some appreciative waves and kisses blown to him. It was enough to bring our group to their attention which is what he wanted.

To the slight consternation of the women at our table, we were soon joined by several of the college students from the other table. The lure of free drinks is strong, especially when higher end tequila is involved. Of the seven or eight that made their way up, all were great looking, ranging from 7s to high 9s. The best looking, in my opinion, of the group was a blonde with her hair up in ‘space buns’, probably 5’5”, and remarkably tan. She was wearing an Andi Bagus Ryder thong and top in a bright yellow (I’ll save you the search, as it looked like [this]( https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1990/8423/products/ryder_top_thong_neon_yellow_madeleineandren_niko.photos_2400x.jpg?v=1633918105) ), and had a neon headband/bandana that read, “Waxed and vaxxed and ready to…” While I couldn’t read the rest, the insinuation was clear. She was gorgeous, and she knew it as well. There was no shortage of eyes on her all afternoon, so I figured while that would be fun, the juice may not be worth the squeeze.

With all the newfound attention, my tablemate and co-investor decided to up the ante on buying drinks and called the waiter over to bring some chilled champagne glasses along with a couple bottles of champagne and a bottle of Clase Azul tequila. The ceramic bottles and metal stopper always make for a nice visual, and it was just the hook we needed to keep the girls at the table a touch longer.

The next hour or so was spent emptying those bottles, as well as seeing who could ring the bell at the top of the tequila bottle the best. Waxed and Vaxxed was having a hell of a time getting it to ring, and was clearly getting frustrated. I had someone pass the bottle down to me and having had a lot of practice made the ‘bell’ ding loudly on the first try. Waxed and Vaxxed yelled ‘Oh my god, you have to show me how you do that’ before getting up and coming around the table and sitting right on my lap. If you hadn’t already found it, the back of the suit looks like [this]( https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1990/8423/products/ryder_top_thong_neon_yellow_madeleineandren_niko.photos_sideback_2400x.jpg?v=1633918105).

She’s half on my lap, half on my knee, and trying to get this damn bell to ring. I am trying to guide her, and we are attempting to try to do it together. Finally, she hits it just right and a DIIIING rings out. She gets excited and starts bouncing up and down on my lap. As if the smoking hot barely 20 something in the tiny bikini wasn’t enough, she’s now bouncing on my lap. Just in time, she went to pass the bottle of tequila back up the table. In doing so, all she did was slightly stand up and lean forward, now affording me a spectacular view of her even more spectacular ass. Two well-toned and athletic cheeks with a golden tan, split right down the middle by one of the smaller thongs in sight at the bar that day.

When she was done passing the bottle to others down the table to try their luck at ringing it, she returned to her ‘seat’ on my leg. I introduced myself, and she introduced herself as McKenna. We were in the middle of some small talk when we were interrupted for the dozenth time by the beach vendors that are ubiquitous on this part of the beach in Cabo. The two vendors had straw hats, bracelets, and bandanas, similar to but cheaper than the one McKenna had on, and all covered with funny and R-rated sayings.

‘Oooh, you need to get one!’ McKenna squealed, ‘Which one should you get?’ As the guy pulled one after the other out McKenna and her friends had comments on each. The ‘I LOVE BLOWJOBS’ one got a laugh, but McKenna rightly pointed out that if I wore it, it might also imply that I loved to give, as opposed to receive them. ‘I mean, I could wear that one, but not sure you should’ she said to me. He then held up one that read ‘I EAT ASS.’ ‘Ooooh, that’s a good one, you should get that one.’ His next one was ‘BABY DICK’. McKenna looked at a couple of her friends and said to them while pushing back on me, ‘Yeah no, not a problem here.’ The vendor then showed us one that said ‘BUTT PIRATE’, and McKenna said, ‘that’s okay, but I think you need to go with the ass eating one. That seems more your speed.’

She looked at the vendor and said, ‘He’ll take that one, how much?’ She then haggled for a couple minutes with him in the most hilariously gringa version of Spanglish I had heard in a while before turning to me and saying, ‘Give him $5’. I swear, that was the price before all the haggling, but it was worth it to see her try to work the system.

We went back to our conversation, and I learned she had just graduated with a teaching degree and was going to start teaching in August. Originally from Iowa, 21 years old, moved out for college, and missed a lot of the fun of her Junior and Senior years due to COVID. Her group of friends, mostly future teachers, were staying four to a room at the hotel next door to the Mango Deck, courtesy of someone’s parents’ timeshare. When she learned we were staying just down the beach at the hotel with the private pools on patios/verandas she said, ‘Oh I saw those when we walked on the beach today. I wanted to see what those pools look like!’ ‘Want to go see right now? It’s like a five minute walk.’

McKenna got up and grabbed her phone and then my hand, and we walked out of the bar, onto the beach. It really was only five minutes or so to the Hacienda Beach Club, and when we arrived, we strode across the lobby, me in board shorts and a t-shirt, McKenna in that bright yellow skimpy swimsuit. I’m sure we got some looks, if not for the 16-year age difference, then at a minimum for the suit she had on.

We walked over to the villa I was sharing with the guy that flew in today and then a woman who works for my friends and her husband. He was back and Mango Deck while they were out at dinner somewhere. McKenna saw the room and said, ‘Wow, this place is amazing. I don’t even want to guess what this costs a night.’ She walked straight through the living room to the doors leading out to the expansive veranda looking out over the beach and bay.

‘Seriously, wow, this place is amazing!’ she said again as she took in the infinity pool, hot tub and the rest of the veranda. She pulled out her phone and took a selfie with the pool and beach behind her. ‘Want me to take one of you?’ ‘Oh yes, thank you!’ She switched her phone over to portrait mode, and I proceeded to take a couple as she did the standard IG girl poses. ‘Let me make sure those are good’ I said. ‘Hey hey, no snooping through a girl’s photo album mister.’

I handed the phone back to her, and she quickly scanned through the pics before saying, ‘Come here, let’s do a selfie together.’ We took a couple shots together, including one where McKenna leaned up and gave me a kiss on the cheek. ‘Can you see the bar from here?’ she asked? ‘I think so, over here, if you lean out.’ I walked her over to a seating area to the left of the pool, and we walked up to the pony wall overlooking the beach. She was standing in front of me and we both leaned out to see if we could see the Mango Deck.

The music from the bar of our own hotel was loud, and I could barely hear McKenna say it, but she let out a ‘Mmm, damn’ as she pushed her ass back against my crotch. I pointed out a couple other things on the beach, and Land’s End, with us both in that same position. McKenna advanced things though by moving up a touch and reaching back and grabbing my cock through my boardshorts with her hand. She gripped it and moved up and down a touch before turning to me. I reached out and wrapped my arms around her and leaned my head down to kiss her. McKenna’s lips melted into mine, and her tongue slipped past mine into my mouth. I could taste champagne and tequila on her mouth, but she also just tasted amazing on her own.

We made out like that for a couple minutes before she pulled back and dropped down to her knees. She undid the drawstring of the boardshorts and tugged them down. ‘Wow, that’s a big dick’ she said, looking up at me for a moment before putting her eyes back on my cock. I still had a semi, but was probably 3/4s of the way hard. McKenna’s gorgeous face and ridiculously hot body, as well as the stroking she was still doing, got me that last quarter of the way.

McKenna moved forward and opened her mouth, bring her lips around the head of my cock. I could feel her tongue flicking against the underside of my cock. She moved her way down my cock, opening her jaw further to take the girth of my cock as well as she could. She actually took it in surprisingly well, and once she got comfortable with it, it was a thing of beauty watching her move that amazing mouth up and down my shaft. Had the music from the bar not been so loud, I’m sure I could have heard the gluck gluck of her gagging herself on me, but I could see her flinch slightly each time she took me deep.

In my experience this year, girls this good looking usually aren’t great at giving head. Don’t get me wrong, I have had tons of great blowjobs, and I’ve been with a ton of absolutely stunning women, but usually the really great looking ones (in my own rating scale the 9.5+s) don’t give the best head. Of the 23 or so that hit that rating scale, only six were able to make me cum from a blowjob, and two of those six were strippers. So believe me, I was surprised when McKenna demonstrated not only incredible enthusiasm for it, but a precocious technique belying her comparative youth.

McKenna made eye contact with me while increasing her speed with her mouth and one hand while simultaneously grasping my balls with the other. She didn’t let that eye contact go as I mouthed to her, ‘You’re gonna make me cum’, and as I shot my load into her mouth, we continued locking eyes. It was one of the sexiest things I had ever seen.

When I finished cumming, McKenna swallowed a final time, before raising up off her knees. ‘You came so much, a little backed up there?’ I laughed, ‘Sorry, should have warned you, I cum a lot.’ ‘No apology needed, I liked it.’ If only she knew that I was not in fact backed up, far from it, given the week I had just had.

‘Can I return the favor? I’d love to see if your headband is truth in advertising.’ I asked her. ‘Maybe if you play your cards right, but I need to get back to my friends. I was just supposed to be checking out the pool. And maybe you can show me whether your headband is truth in advertising’ – pointing to the ‘I EAT ASS’ headband that was partly hanging from my pocket.

We walked back down to the lobby. I asked McKenna if she wanted to take the faster way back on the street. ‘I left my sandals at the bar; can we take the beach?’ I looked down, not realizing she was barefoot the entire time since we left. How I missed her feet that entire time still shocks me to this day. McKenna had (well has I suppose) the most gorgeous feet I have seen, and her nail polish appeared to be perfectly matched to the yellow of her bikini, which was again getting stares in the lobby.

We made our way back to the Mango Deck to some smirks and laughter when we showed back up at our table. ‘McKenna why are your knees red?’ one of her friends drunkenly shouted across the table laughing. McKenna blushed briefly and grabbed a champagne glass and the bottle of champagne, filling it and then drinking it in one drink. She then went under the table, at which point one of her friends said, ‘Oh my god, are you gonna do that again?!’ McKenna shouted out that she was looking for her sandals, before emerging with them in hand.

My older co-investor who first bought them drinks and brought them to our table had one of McKenna’s friends sitting on his leg, and I could hear him talking about boats. I wouldn’t put it past him to rent something (or even buy one, to be honest) just for the chance to keep entertaining these girls that were a third of his age.

Our waiter came by to check on the status of our drinks, and additional bottles were ordered, along with some food for the whole table, and our party continued on into the evening. McKenna had moved a chair over and was sitting next to me and would get animated when talking to her friends across the table. I caught the eye of the wife of one of my good friends and she lightly shook her head side to side while smirking. I knew I was going to get shit for quite some time for this one.

Some members of our expanded group started to peel off, as several of McKenna’s friends went back to get into clothes to go downtown, and a couple of the single guys in our group did the same. We were down to a core group of eight or nine of us, clustered around the table, people watching, listening to music and talking. I had encouraged McKenna to drink some water, as I could tell the afternoon of day drinking and the tequila and champagne all evening had her a little intoxicated, so she’d been sticking to water for the past couple hours.

Around 10, our group was down to six of us. McKenna and I, my friend and his wife, and two of McKenna’s friends, Cassidy and Cameryn. Those two were anxious to get out of there to go party downtown, and were trying to get McKenna to go along with them. ‘I think I’m gonna just head back to the hotel and go to sleep’ she told them, ‘I’ll go out with you guys tomorrow.’ They got the message and headed back to throw clothes over their swimsuits. My friend and his wife called it a night as well and headed back to the Hacienda via the street.

McKenna and I got up and I said, ‘So should I walk you back to your hotel?’ ‘I’m not really all that tired to be honest’ she replied. ‘We can walk on the beach, or we could head back to the Hacienda.’ ‘Let’s do that’ she said to me, taking my hand in hers. We took the beach way back to the hotel, and again made our way through the lobby. When we got up to our room, I could tell that the couple who had the master bedroom claimed were back in their room, but our third suitemate appeared to be out.

‘Do you want to sit out on the veranda?’ I asked her. ‘I saw that earlier, do you want to show me the rest of the room?’ This girl meant business. We went to my bedroom, and she fell back on the bed. ‘This is a comfortable bed! We are sharing at our place, I am *not* looking forward to that.’ She leaned up on her elbows, looking up at me, her feet dangling off the bed. We held that gaze for probably 5 seconds before we both immediately pounced towards one another and began making out again.

While my hands had roamed a bit during our earlier make out session on the veranda, this was my first chance to really get to feel how toned McKenna’s body was. She had an incredibly athletic build. Not muscular, per se, but just short of it, clearly someone who works out religiously.

The tiny bikini top covered small breasts, and I could feel how perky and firm they were. I could also feel a metal bar through her right nipple as my left hand moved up and gripped it. I pulled the bikini top up and over her head. McKenna had the slightest of tanlines, which seemed to be a function of the sun today, since there was a golden base color covering her breasts. Wherever she was tanning at home, she wasn’t wearing a top doing it.

I took her left nipple in my mouth. Tiny, with a small areola surrounding, McKenna moaned as I flicked my tongue across it. I then made my way to the right one, flicking it and the metal bar through it. She moaned again, even louder. ‘I like your piercing, it looks good on you’ I said to her. ‘Thanks, my sister and I went to get them done together when she visited me. She got both of hers done, but I chickened out after this one was done, and couldn’t do the other one. I’m just glad I’m not going to college close to home like she is. My mom would kill me if she saw this.’

We resumed our kissing, while my hand made its way down her taut tummy to the keyhole area of her suit. There wasn’t a lot of fabric to those bottoms, but from what I could see all afternoon, the ‘waxed’ part of her ‘waxed and vaxxed’ was no lie. Once my fingers slid under the fabric, that suspicion was confirmed. Her skin there was remarkably smooth, and as I worked down the remaining couple inches to her pussy, not even a remnant of stubble was detectable.

McKenna moaned into my mouth as my fingers slid over the hood of her clit. She was wet, and her clit felt swollen under my fingertips. I dipped my middle finger between the lips of her pussy and brought it back up, sliding it back and forth over her clit as she arched her back into me. I broke the kiss and got up off the bed.

I was going to pull McKenna’s bikini bottom down when she got up and turned around, now kneeling on the bed facing away from me. She leaned forward, putting her chest on the bed and reached back, pulling the thong down over her ass. ‘Fuuuuck’ I let out, as the fabric slid down over her athletic ass, her asshole and then pussy coming into view. She had pulled the thong down past her knees, so I grabbed it and pulled it the rest of the way off and tossed it to the side.

McKenna grabbed the cheeks of her ass and pulled to spread them apart, showing off just how good looking her holes were. This girl knew exactly how to push a guy’s buttons, and right now, every single button was being pushed, firmly. I leaned forward, and starting at her clit, licked my way up, between the lips of her pussy to the now soaking hole between them, then up over her taint to her asshole.

‘I knew it!’ she exclaimed. ‘Knew what?’ ‘That you’d eat my ass.’ I laughed at her forwardness, but then resumed my position with my tongue embedded between her gorgeous cheeks. McKenna’s all over tan extended below this swimsuit as well, emphasizing just how pink her pussy and butthole were. She was moaning as my tongue worked her asshole and my thumb stroked her clit.

‘Oh fuck, that feels so good’ she said, as I moved my mouth back down towards her clit. McKenna tasted amazing. She’d been out in the sun all day so this wasn’t a fresh out of the shower taste, but her pussy was wet and it was delicious. I couldn’t get enough and had a hand on each cheek of her ass as I buried my face between her legs from behind.

I continued licking her clit like that for a few minutes when she said, ‘Are you hard right now? I want you inside me.’ I was in fact hard, very much so, and my cock had been leaking precum for the past few minutes as I licked her 21-year-old pussy. I got up and put the precum covered head of my cock between the lips of her pussy, soaking wet and engorged and spread open from being turned on. ‘Oh no no, you need a condom.’

I quickly ran to my docket in the bathroom and grabbed one, tearing it open and rolling it down my shaft. ‘Come on doc, really? You were gonna rawdog the college student on vacation in Mexico who blew you within a couple hours of meeting you?’ She had a point, I guess, but it wouldn’t have been the first time I led with my dick instead of my brain.

It hadn’t dampened the mood though, and McKenna was still in front of my on the bed, face down, beautiful, toned ass up. I brought my now condom covered cock back into position. I pushed my hips forward and the head of my cock pushed into her pussy. ‘Oh fuuuuuck, that’s thick.’ I sincerely love that reaction, and McKenna’s vocalization of it was a further turn-on. I could feel the inner walls of her vagina opening as I pushed in further, McKenna moaning the whole time.

Once I had fully embedded myself inside her, I started to slide back and forth, her lips gripping the cock especially well on the outstrokes. The visual appeal of McKenna’s tan against the white of the comforter and sheets looked so hot. She was turned on and incredibly wet, but even with the excess lubrication, the tightness of her pussy made for a stretch around the thickness of my shaft. I was somewhat worried she would tap out, as McKenna now was gripping the comforter with both hands and moaning into it. I was also worried we would wake up my suitemates, as even through the thick fabric of the comforter, her sexy moans were barely stifled.

The harder I stroked, though, the more she seemed to get into it, and she began to take over the movement herself, and I found if I just stayed still with my hands on her hips, she was now moving back and forth sufficiently far for full length strokes. As I watched her toned ass rocking back against me, I couldn’t help by place my thumb against her asshole, still wet from the extended rimming I had done just before. McKenna moaned as I rubbed my thumb against the hole, getting it slick and barely pushing in.

Those moans were getting me close, and I knew I had just a couple minutes at most with this smoking hot 21-year-old on my cock. I pushed my thumb in past the ring of her asshole, leading McKenna to arch her back and raise her head up out of the comforter and moan, ‘Oh fuck yes’ as she continued pushing back against me, impaling her pussy on my cock and her ass on the entirety of my thumb. It was enough stimulation to push me over the edge, and I shot my load into the condom.

I pulled out and discarded the condom in the bathroom trash. When I came back to the room, McKenna had moved up to where the pillows were and was laying on her side, looking like she was close to falling asleep. I turned out the lights, and crashed next to her on the bed, and was asleep soon after. Since we were in Mexico, a middle of the night exit wasn’t likely, so she would probably wake up early and do the walk of shame back to her hotel in her swimsuit via the beach.

Around 6:40 the next morning, I woke to some sunlight coming through the privacy shade of the room. I hadn’t closed the blackout shades, and the thin privacy shade was barely providing even that. McKenna was still next to me in bed, her naked form looking just as stunning as it had the night before. She seemed to be sleeping peacefully, so I slipped out of bed and put on workout shorts and a tank top to head to the gym.

I worked out an hour or so, and then texted John, the other guy staying in my villa, to see what was going on in the villa. He had gotten home late, and was just waking up, alone to his chagrin. He said it was quiet in the villa and it looked like the couple in the master had gone out for breakfast. I asked him to check to see whether my room still had an occupant.

‘JFC man, is that Vaxxed and Waxed in your bed??’ he texted. I confirmed it was, and John replied, ‘You lead a charmed life MFer’. He then told me she was still asleep, but on top of the sheets. I said I was headed back and would bring him a coffee. I picked up three Mexican mochas, and walked back to our villa.

When I got there, I found John on the veranda, checking his phone and taking in the morning sun. ‘Not a peep from her’ he told me, ‘but the view has been great.’ I saw that from his vantage point, the sheer privacy shades that hadn’t been pulled fully across the window revealed her entire naked back, ass, and legs, and that ass was indeed a great view. I laughed and called him a perv and then said I was going to bring her the coffee.

I returned to my room and when the door opened, the sound made McKenna stir. I watched as she rolled over, and then stood up and stretched before walking over to me with a smile. ‘Aww, you’re so sweet!’ she said as she grabbed her coffee from my hand. I’m sure John enjoyed the full front view, but decided I’d give her some privacy and moved to close the sheer curtain the rest of the way. ‘That bed was so ridiculously comfortable, I think I even slept away whatever hangover I would have had,’ she said.

McKenna sat back down on a leather bench in front of the bed, bringing her feet and knees up. It wasn’t he most ladylike pose, and certainly reflected a level of comfortability that I was surprised we had reached in our 18 or so hours together. She sipped her coffee and was looking at me and said, ‘You’re hot’. I replied, ‘I can say the same to you. Last night was fun.’ ‘It was, I wish I hadn’t been so drunk, I would have enjoyed it even more.’

‘So, didn’t enjoy it, or don’t remember?’

‘Oh no, I enjoyed it, and I remember it really well. Even if I didn’t, I can still feel it this morning’ she said, smiling.

‘Sorry if I left you a little sore’ I said, which has been a common sentiment the morning after.

‘Didn’t say it was a bad thing, just that I can still feel it’ she said, as I watched her hand move down between her legs. This had the effect of obscuring the view I had been enjoying the last minute or so, the pink, and glisteningly wet pussy visible with the way she was sitting. The grey workout shorts I was wearing didn’t do much to obscure the movement of my cock as I felt myself get hard, and McKenna took notice of that as well.

‘Up for another round now that I’m sober?’ she asked me. Without saying a word, I pulled off the tank I was wearing, along with the shoes and socks. McKenna leaned forward and pulled the shorts down, freeing my cock, which she took in her hand and began stroking. ‘I thought maybe I was drunkenly remembering it being thicker than it was, but no, it’s thick! Can you grab a condom?’ I was surprised she wanted to just start, no foreplay or anything, but I was game.

I went to go get one, and when I got back, she had moved to the edge of the bed, and was leaning back against a pillow. When I approached, she spread and raised her legs, apparently really ready to go. I bit open the condom package, and quickly rolled it onto my cock. McKenna gave me the sexiest look as I brought my cock up to her pussy, biting her lip while staring directly at me.

She broke eye contact when the head of my cock started to slip between her lips, and her eyebrows furrowed in what I normally would have thought was a painful expression, but the lip bite continued before transforming into a silent inhale as I slid into her. This girl was an absolute sex bomb, and I was going to enjoy the opportunity to fuck her a second time.

As I moved my hands to the backs of her knees and top of her calves, she moved her hands from her things where she was holding them up to the comforter, gripping it tightly as she started to make light moaning noises. She leaned her body up more to be able to better see my cock sliding into and out of her pussy. The sight of her pussy lips stretched tight around the shaft of my cock was spectacular, and she appeared to be enjoying that vision as much as I was.

We got to a steady rhythm, and each time I bottomed out inside her, she’d let out a light ‘unh’ sound, which go progressively louder as the minutes ticked by. I could feel the wetness inside her increasing, or at least a decrease in the friction, and after probably eight or ten minutes, McKenna’s vocalizations took on increased intensity and frequency. When she came, she was at a decently loud pitch, and I could only hope John was still outside, or better yet, away from the villa altogether, lest he have an auditory memory to go with the visual from earlier this morning.

After McKenna came, her pussy relaxed just a touch, and I slightly picked up my own pace, and after another minute or so, I could feel my own climax coming. Her tan skin looked radiant in the morning light streaming through the sheer curtains, and when I was ready, I decided to pull out and release my load onto her tight tummy. When I did, McKenna moaned an ‘oooh’ as the first shot sprayed up across her tummy and lower chest, soon to be joined by five or six more sprays. Even after the two loads last night, it was still a sizeable amount.

I stepped back just to take her in, her blonde hair, no longer in the space buns, now more of a messy bed head, all over tan, now spotted with the white cum from our morning session, and her bright yellow toes, shining like little neon lights advertising her as a west coast sex goddess. As I looked at her, she brought a hand down and ran two fingers through the cum on her chest and belly before bringing them up and licking them clean. ‘Mmmm, you really do taste good, what *is* that?’

‘What do you mean?’ I replied.

‘Your cum, you just have like a good taste.’

‘I guess my diet? Eat well, drink a lot of water, lots of fruit, that sort of thing.’

‘Keep doing it, that is amazing’ before bringing her fingers back and repeating the dipping and licking.

I picked up the condom and went to the bathroom to toss it in the trash. I started the shower, since I had spent all day yesterday in the sun, sex with her last night, worked out this morning, and then sex again. McKenna got up as well and walked into the bathroom to the separate room to pee. When she emerged, she joined me in the shower saying, ‘I just want to rinse off quickly before I head out.’ She did, and even helped wash my back before making sure my cock was clean as well.

She stepped out of the shower and dried off while I finished up. When I walked back into the bedroom in my towel, McKenna had put the tiny yellow bathing suit back on. I told her I’d walk her back to her hotel and slipped on another pair of board shorts and a t-shirt. We grabbed the two coffees and headed out to the street to walk back.

We talked about our plans for the rest of the week. Our separate groups had both made plans for a lot of activities during the week. As we approached the hotel, I noticed the restaurant adjacent to her hotel was where we had dinner reservations that night. On a lark, I said, ‘If you don’t have plans otherwise and want to join me, we’ll be here at 8 tonight.’ She replied, ‘Maybe, I think I’m supposed to have dinner with my roommates tonight.’ We were passing by another bar, and McKenna hopped in and grabbed a napkin and borrowed a pen from a waitress and wrote down her phone number. ‘That was fun, text me some time.’

I slipped the napkin into my pocket and we walked up to the entry to her hotel. She reached up and gave me a hug and a light kiss, before turning and walking away. I watched that ass stride across the lobby and noticed the eyes of 90% of the other men in the lobby, as well as several of the women following the same view.

I turned and walked back towards my hotel, and when I arrived, ran into most of my group, getting ready to head to a Sunday brunch. I joined then, and afterwards we headed to the pool area of our hotel to get some sun and relax. It was after an hour in the pool that I had the realization that the napkin McKenna had written her phone number on had still been in my pocket. When I reached for it, the combination of deterioration of the paper and the ink running, it was total illegible. So it would be up to her to take a next step if we were going to see one another or talk again.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qy6ksf/a_beach_bar_hookup_with_a_just_graduated_college


  1. Damn, thanks for the imagery of McKenna. You were so close to “raw dogging” her that first time haha, even making contact. Hope she lets you go for it soon!

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