[F] Featuring in a sexy dorm calender for charity

Back when I was living in residence/dorms in university there were a lot of planned activities and community events plys fundraising. There was a lot of this around the holiday seasons, including a competition between dorms to raise the most money for the food bank. With that context someone in my dorm decided that a great way to raise money would be a fun sexy calendar featuring some of us. I was a bit reluctant but eventually was talked into it with 11 others.

At the time I was still pretty much a Tom boy, I didn’t wear revealing stuff that often but my friends would let me borrow outfits when we went out, so I was already becoming more comfortable with my body but this was definitely a next step.

So things moved along pretty quickly, one of the girls was really into photography and also knew some others who could help out. We were all given a month with a related theme, I got April and Earth Day.

My shot was definitely interesting, I was sitting on my knees with one hand behind my head and another reaching out to the side posing. I had like a flower Garland around my head, two leaves on my breasts covering my nipples, a Earth between my thighs and some vines wrapping around me going up to my hand reaching out. I was definitely nervous being basically naked but I knew all the people there and they made me quite comfortable.

Eventually all the photos are done and a small amount of calenders are made and low key advertised mostly around our dorm. I can’t remember how much we sold them for but it was way more than I’d thought haha.

After they were all sold I got quite a lot of compliments and looks than I did before even though I still mostly wore my t-shirt and flannel combo. It was definitely weird seeing the calenders up in dorm rooms (usually not on the current month). A group of guy friends also had one on their room and teased me about it.

Overall it was a pretty positive experience for my self esteem, but occasionally a annoying drunk guy would be weird about it. There was also a group of guys who would make sure the calender was open to whichever girl would be in the room.

Anyways not much of a story but kinda wanted to share

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qw34cj/f_featuring_in_a_sexy_dorm_calender_for_charity


  1. I’m here for this type of content tbh. I’m happy you got such a positive experience out it

  2. yeah… it’s not too wild, but rather a confidence boosting story. so many people enjoying your censored calendar, dreaming what is under the leaves and earth. could you please share it with me?

  3. I’m on Reddit because I needed a confidence boost. I’m glad you found yours! 💋

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