I 25[M] told my girlfriend 26[F] about my past as the “other man”

So I’m not proud of this but, I used to be the sidepiece for women in relationships. It’s not something I ever imagined myself doing, I was definitely never this guy in high school but it happened. As a result, I developed a cheating kink and indulged in it for awhile. I won’t lie, it was amazing. The sex was intoxicating to millionth degree, in part because I knew, and the women knew, it was morally wrong. But eventually the moral half of the equation got to me and I became disgusted with myself. I stopped doing it and promised myself that I’d be honest with any serious girlfriend about my past and give them the option to make the choice to stay with me and take a risk, or say it’s not worth it and move on to someone else.

Cut to this year and I’ve been dating this really great girl named Jessica for about 6 months. She’s the first serious relationship I’ve had since I came out of my cheating kink phase and I’d been a nervous wreck the past week because I knew it was time to tell her the truth. I was sooo, so, so fucking scared of her reaction. She’s the first girl I’ve felt something akin to love for, and though we hadn’t said it yet, I knew it was coming and wanted her to have this information before things got any deeper.

So about a two weeks ago, I sat her down and told her I had something extremely important to tell her about me. She immediately tensed up and I realized she was probably preparing for me to tell her that I cheated on her or that I wanted to break up. I instantly assured her it was neither of those and explained that I really, really cared for her, I didn’t want to say love cause I was afraid it would be manipulative, but I’ve done some bad stuff in the past and since things have gotten so serious between us I wanted her to know exactly who I was/am so she could make a choice with the most pertinent information.

I explained to her my past and what I’ve done and what I’ve been doing to work on being a safer partner. I offered her full access to my phone, texts and emails if she wanted them. And I told her if she decided to end the relationship, I would bear her no ill will and would hope we could continue to be friends sometime in the future. Understandably, Jess was shocked and dumbfounded, as I said, it’s not something you’d expect from me. Though thinking on it now, I don’t think anybody imagines that when they first start dating a partner lol.

She thanked me for my honesty and for being so open. She said she really cared for me too and was glad I brought this up to her sooner, rather then later. I was especially pleased by the latter part because I wasn’t sure *what* exactly was the right time for her to know. She said she needed some time to herself to think, I said I completely understand. She gave me a hug, and a peck on the cheek before she left. Not exactly the stuff of boyfriend and girlfriend, but I tried to be hopeful about it.

5 days later, after I got home from work, she randomly started texting me questions about the affairs. I’d given her some cursory details, the broad outline of what happened and how many there had been. Jess wanted more and more information, names, ages, relationship status, what they looked like, etc. I gave it to her and she thanked me. She said she missed me a lot and really respected me for telling her the truth. She sent me a few kissy face emojis and hearts and I clung to that scrap of hope.

The following night she called me, we small talk, said we missed each other and then she dropped the bomb on me. Apparently she’s been really turned on imagining me fucking these women. She said she masturbated the next night to the thought of me fucking these women and had one of her best solo orgasms in recent memory.

She’s never been into cheating or cheating porn. But it’s like I “was her way in,”. Her words. Since then she looked up a bunch of cheating porn, both video and text, and has been indulging in some fantasies herself. She said she wants to try and make it work and we ended up having phone sex to one of my affairs.

Since then she’s been staying at my place we’ve had sex almost every day, multiple times and it’s some of the most wild I’ve ever seen her. We’re still going over how she feels about it. Tbh, there hasn’t been much serious talk on the subject, it’s mostly been sex. Our sex life was great before but now it’s, well, I don’t know what to call it. It’s just **more**. I did not at all expect this to happen to me and am wondering when karma is gonna give me well deserved kick in the nuts.

TLDR: Told gf I used to sleep with taken women and she took it well.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/quyn5x/i_25m_told_my_girlfriend_26f_about_my_past_as_the


  1. You gonna be real mad when you catch her getting dick on the side and she blames it on you giving her a cheating fetish.

  2. It probably turns her on knowing that these other women chose to fuck you over their current mates. It is a form of sexual pre selection. You should be good

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