Enthralled Ch 1

**5th Day of Summer**

Tomorrow is the first day of my courting feast. Mother made sure I was cleaned, scrubbed, and pruned so that I am as pretty as possible for my suitors. I have to wake up at the break of dawn to be dressed in my gown.

It was bad enough growing up knowing that I didn’t get to choose who I would marry, and that it was going to be to a man I had never met, but now I have to be put on display like a prize to trade favors for!

There is a part of me that is guilty about Count Redell dying in the war. When I wrote that I hoped it would happen I wasn’t serious! I was just frustrated that I was supposed to marry him even though I had never met him! But I must do my duty for the family, as mother likes to remind me. I understand my duty. I just wish I had more choice as to how I did it! I’m the daughter of a Duke, I should get some say in who I spend my life with.

I guess all I can hope for is that the man father picks for me is not a creepy old man or some horrible drunk. Perhaps I will get lucky and he will pick some lord’s handsome son for me to marry, or a rich man who will be away all the time and leave me to myself!

**6th Day of Summer**

I feel like a horse being sold at an auction! They all came to look at me and decide what they’d be willing to pay my father to marry me! I’m so sick of comments like “Oh you have such pretty fair hair, our sons would be so fortunate to get that from you!” or “Hmm, you’re shorter than I expected, but I suppose it can’t be helped.” Don’t any of them care who I am? Not what I am or what I look like?

To be fair, most of them have been polite, but they talk to me like I’m still some little girl! I can’t wait for this week to be over. I don’t want to be paraded around in front of these men any longer than I have to be. Some of them aren’t even here for me, they just wanted an excuse to go where so many other nobles would be.

The worst so far was Duke Meris, I hope whatever he offers my father isn’t enough! I told father I did not want to marry him at all but the creep acts like we are already engaged. Rosie told me she overheard him talking to one of his men about the things he wanted to do to me on our wedding night, and that if I tried to fight him he’d tie me up and throw me in the kennel until I was good. I might just run away if father says I have to marry him!

And then there was Sir Hans Leffner. That dumb brute had the gall to come right up to me and ask to “grab my tits” because he wasn’t sure they were big enough to feed his sons! Just because some whore in your favorite tavern lets you do it doesn’t mean the daughter of a Duke will, too! I told mother about him and she just said “He’ll grow out of it” and “We don’t want to upset his family right now.”

The sooner this week is over, the better.

**7th Day of Summer**

Today was a bit better than yesterday. Mother had us all go for a ride and have a picnic on a field overlooking the river. It’s always been one of my favorite spots and riding meant I could wear a more comfortable outfit. It was a perfect day for it too! The sky was perfect blue with little wooly puffs here and there, and it was not so hot that my riding dress would be stifling. A soft breeze made it even more comfortable and let all of the multicolored pennants carried by the entourage flutter pleasantly around us.

Most of the noblemen spent the whole ride as a group with my father trying to show off their horses and expensive saddles. Some of them did come to me during the ride to talk with me though, most of them were kind enough. Sir Hans again showed what a dud he is by riding over and suggesting that he wanted to “take me for a ride.” He probably thought I wouldn’t know what he meant by it and I had to wait until he went off again to roll my eyes with the other women.

I enjoyed the picnic as well. We had fresh fruit cakes and soft cheese by the river with some country red wine. The wine didn’t make the conversation less boring, but it did make it tolerable.

While the others were cleaning up after we were done eating I wandered away to watch the river. One of the men came over and asked if he could join me. I looked up at his face and my heart skipped a beat. He was the most handsome man I think I had ever seen! He had short cut black hair and just a little bit of stubble on his face like he had ridden days to see me and hadn’t even stopped to shave! From what I could tell he is built like the best of my father’s soldiers: a bit taller than average and muscular without being bulky.

His name is Sir Marcus Redloch and he wanted to apologize to me for not arriving until today. He then made a bit of a show of taking my hand and kissing the back of it. When he took my hand to kiss it I could feel the rough calluses on his hands as he caressed me just before bringing his lips to the back of my hand. Most of the men did kiss my hand like him but when he did it, I felt like there was more to his gesture. It felt like waves passed up my arm and to my head, like my hand was made of water and his kiss was a pebble dropped into it.

Since meeting him I cannot stop thinking about him. I know it is foolish to have a crush on a man like this, especially knowing that a man as low in station as him has no chance of marrying me. For the rest of the day I have caught myself daydreaming about him wrapping his muscular arms around me or looking deep into my eyes.

I have tried praying about it to see if God will grant me a reprieve from these lustful thoughts, but he has not seen fit to help. Perhaps I shall indulge the feelings tonight and play with myself so that it will be easier to get to sleep.

**8th day of Summer**

Today was frustrating!

I was hoping that if I indulged my lustful feelings prior to going to sleep that I would get some peace and wake up today with my girlish crush behind me. Instead, I think I made it worse! Once I finally got to sleep after a surprisingly intense end to my play I fell into a very vivid dream.

I dreamt that brute Hans was in my bedroom gloating that we were going to get married in the morning, and then Sir Marcus came into the room behind him and asked me if I wanted him. I said I did not and he shoved Hans out of the way and he disappeared. I thanked Sir Marcus and he pulled me into such a romantic embrace. It felt so real! I could feel his arms around me and smell that cologne he was wearing by the river! We got close and just as his lips touched mine for the first time I woke up! Ugh!

I had to play with myself again this morning before Annie came to wake me up to get ready. I think she knew what I had been doing but didn’t say anything.

We all gathered at dawn and went to the abbey for service and he wasn’t there! Sir Marcus was nowhere to be found all day. I feel guilty for wanting to see him again, it’s such a silly crush, but still I wanted to see him again. I was so caught up thinking about him that I asked Rosie to find out more about him without letting it on that I was the one who was curious.

Perhaps it is a good thing that he wasn’t there. If I don’t see him again, I might stop thinking about him and it will make the idea of getting married to a different man that my father chooses more bearable.

**9th Day of Summer**

Today I got a reprieve from all my suitors but one.

The men all woke up before dawn and rode out to go hunting with father. This left mother and I to entertain the female guests that some of the men brought with them. It is almost more stressful dealing with them as the women spent most of the time interrogating me about myself as if looking for some clue that I am out to destroy the men they came with!

It did not help that I spent the day distracted by yet another strangely vivid and passionate dream about Sir Marcus. This time in the dream there was no competing suitor, instead I found myself in my nightgown opening my bedroom window. I saw him in the garden below me. He asked if I wanted him, and I said yes. Then he climbed up to the window with a rope and I pulled him in to my arms.

Like before, I can still remember feeling his embrace in the dream as if it had been real. He pulled me close to him, firmly wrapped his hand around the back of my neck and drew me into a kiss! It felt as if embers within me burst into a bonfire! As we kissed, we walked backwards towards my bed. He toppled us over onto it, but just as my back hit the sheets I woke up! Ugh! A dream so exciting and so real shouldn’t end so suddenly.

I woke up feeling so…lustful. I think I would have gone mad had I not played with myself immediately, imagining the dream continuing, but imagining it was nothing compared to the dream itself!

The memory of the dream distracted me all day long. Fortunately Rosie, such a good handmaid and friend, brought me what I asked for. She told me Marcus was a knight who had gone off to fight at the very beginning of the war. All she could get from the rumor mill is that he came back with a lot of loot and the few who knew him or of him before the war said he was a very different man when he returned.

At this point I feel like my mind wants this infatuation and these dreams to end so that I can move on, but my heart wants them to continue because the idea of being with him is so invigorating. Rosie is probably right though. I have a crush on my idea of Sir Marcus, I know next to nothing about the real man.

I think I will indulge myself again tonight with the memory of last night’s dream in mind, if only to make it easier for me to fall asleep.

**10th Day of Summer**

My dream last night was incredibly bizarre. I think I need to try to get a handle on these thoughts about Sir Marcus. He may be the most handsome man I have ever met but there is no reason to let my fantasies lead me to behavior like this.

I have never written anything here about how I pleasure myself, but I feel I need to now to compare what was so strange about last night. I usually just rub the outside of my labia softly and quietly until I start to feel aroused. Once I feel excited enough, I begin to pleasure my clit by rubbing it to bring myself to a climax. For me that is usually enough to clear my mind and get to sleep when I am feeling lustful.

Last night I started fantasizing about the dream I had the night before and I quickly went from my normal routine to putting my fingers inside myself. I had never felt so intensely compelled to do that before! As I was rubbing inside myself and getting excited, I suddenly started dreaming again! One minute it was my hand inside me, the next I was dreaming that Sir Marcus was with me, arms wrapped around me from behind!

His right fingers were inside me just as mine had been before, but he was not moving them and his left hand was fondling my breast. He asked me “Do you want me to continue?” I nodded my head, yes. Then he asked me “Will you submit to me?” I was so excited by that point all I could do is beg him “Please, I will submit, just make me climax!” His cheek stubble rubbed against my face as he smiled and said “Good enough, for now” and used his strong hands to rub inside me in just the right way to bring me to an orgasm.

The feeling of having him wrapped around me, possessing me like that, felt so right! It was like I had surrendered control of my body to him to do with as he would. I don’t know why that felt so right, so safe, but it did!

I’m not sure if it was the dream or if I really finished pleasuring myself, but the resulting climax was the most intense I have ever felt. My entire body tensed up like it had never before and I shook for what felt like ten whole minutes coming down from it. The moment it hit my mind went blank in a white flash of nothing but pure ecstasy!

That feeling was on my mind all day today. While I tried to keep my thoughts as chaste as possible, my body definitely wanted things to go further. I had to excuse myself after seeing him today to change my drawers as they were soaked through!

If I do dream about him again tonight, I hope the result is just as intense!

Today was the last day of formal courting. It is apparently tradition for the suitors to present gifts at these events. I was both excited to see what these rich noblemen brought me and a bit conflicted because it still feels like they are trying to buy me from my father.

When I talked with Anna and Rosie while preparing this morning we speculated about what the men would present. Anna had all of these fantastic ideas about beautiful dresses or jewelry, but Rosie and I both agreed that a lot of the gifts would be officially going to me, but would be really pointed to my father, since he is the one who ultimately makes the decision.

They were both partially right. The men trying to convince my father, like Duke Meris and Sir Hans Leffner’s family, gave gifts that were pointed more at him than me. Duke Meris game me title to a village…how romantic. Hans’ family was a bit cleverer about it, he gave me a beautiful young mare from their family’s stables. Their game was given away when he spent much of the time telling my father how good her issue would be if bred with his best stallions. It honestly didn’t sound much different than the way Hans had been talking about me the whole week!

The men who did give me gifts for me were mostly just nice things. A finely engraved silver mirror, a couple of tiaras for formal events, and a few necklaces.

Then Sir Marcus approached. I was curious what a low-level knight with no chance of winning my hand would give to me. On one hand it probably wouldn’t be wise to give a substantial thing just to win my father or my favor, on the other he did supposedly come back from the war with a lot of valuable things.

He came before me and bowed as the others had, professed his desire to continue to court me which I said he could, and kissed the back of my hand as before. Again, it was like lighting went through me when his lips touched my skin. Finally, he gave me a fine necklace of a silver chain with a ruby set in a silver setting. The setting is simple, but the ruby is beautiful. He told me the gem would strengthen the connection he felt was between us. The way he said it made it sound like the others’ rather generic romantic platitudes, but he was looking right in my eyes when he said it and something in his gaze said there was more to what he said.

Sir Marcus asked for a chance to dance with me, and I quickly agreed as I wanted a chance to talk to him and perhaps be closer to him. He is incredibly good looking and charming, and it might be my only chance to dance with him. For a soldier he danced very confidently, like a man who had been dancing his whole life. The whole time I felt as long as I followed his lead our dance would be perfect.

I took the opportunity to ask him some questions about himself. I didn’t want to let him know that I knew some things already so some of them were things I already knew. He said he did spend a long time at war. His father took him to war as a squire and he earned his knighthood after a battle, unfortunately his father and both brothers died when the enemy retook their capital, and he was captured. He then offered to tell me sometime of how he escaped from the enemy’s dungeons!

He asked me some questions which led me to believe he may be aware that I have an eye for him. He asked if I had enjoyed having all these rich and powerful men try to win my favor, which I responded that I had. He then cleverly asked me: “Any in particular?” and I felt like being coy so I responded that I “had my eye on some more than others” while looking right into his eyes. The smile he gave me in return was so mischievous, but so perfect.

If I don’t see Sir Marcus again, I think it will take me quite some time to get over him.

**11th Day of Summer**

I think these nighttime experiences might be more than just dreams.

Normally when I wake up I forget what I dreamed about within an hour or so, but these dreams about Sir Marcus stay with me. I see them vividly when I am experiencing them and remember them as if they actually happened and they are so much more real than other dreams. I can remember more than just seeing and hearing, I can remember smells, tastes, and feelings too!

Last night’s dream was again extremely intense. I found myself in my room, wearing the necklace that Sir Marcus gave me and nothing else. I drew symbols around frame of the door to my room and lit a candle on either side of it, then I remember calling for Sir Marcus and saying that I wanted to be with him.

The door opened and rather than the hallway it was another room entirely! He was standing in the doorway shirtless and magnificent! He walked to me, embraced me and we kissed the deepest kiss I could even dream about. It was forceful and passionate in a way that I never knew I wanted!

He pushed me onto the bed with him on top of me and I wrapped my legs around him. He kissed my lips and my body and caressed and fondled me like he just wanted to feel and pleasure everything about me. It was just too stimulating to describe in words.

Then he pulled back and looked deep into my eyes and said: “I want to have you, Abigail. Surrender yourself to me and I can show you a world of pleasure like nothing even your privileged life can give you! Grant me your mind, body, and soul and we can truly be together!”

Then, without waiting for an answer, he leaned in to kiss me while reaching down to push himself inside me. Frustratingly, just as I felt his manhood begin to press into me, I awoke again.

There was something in the way he said it, and something in his eyes as well, that made me feel like there was more to what he was asking for than just agreeing to marry him or run away with him. He wanted me…or wants me to give myself to him completely and totally. The strange thing is, and I cannot believe I am writing this, I think I want to. I barely know him but something in my mind makes me feel like I am meant to belong to him. Or perhaps a that part of me is already his.

Today I secretly listened to my father and his councilors talk about the various suitors. They way they talked about them was so matter of fact, as if this was a business deal rather than a marriage. Not once did I hear even my father mention whether I might like or dislike the men they were discussing. I heard them talking about Duke Meris, and how important it was to the Duchy for him to be placated. Then, they discussed the Leffners and how trade with them would mean a lot of value for both families.

I wish my father would think of me as more than just something to trade. Doesn’t he worry about what his decision will mean for me?

**12th Day of Summer**

Rather than the passionate dreams I have been having, last night’s was a nightmare.

I dreamt of my father telling me that he had chosen to marry me to Duke Meris. I protested, but he harshly told me that I had to do my duty. Then I found myself walking down the middle of the Abbey, with Duke Meris on the other end smirking like had just won some money.

When I reached them Duke Meris took a rope which I suddenly noticed was tied around my neck, thanked my father, and handed it off to one of his servants, telling them to take me to his room. At which point they dragged me out of the room.

I then found myself in my own room, with Meris sitting fat and naked on my bed dragging me by the rope towards him. He said “Come here, girl, and do what I bought you to do.” He pulled the rope until my face was just before his, grabbed my face and pulled me in to kiss him. Just as his lips touched mine I jumped awake.

The dream haunted me all day. Until now I had been dreading the thought of being married to Sir Hans who is just a dumb brute, but now I can’t get the image of being forced to kiss and have the children of Duke Meris, a fat greedy old man who only has a chance at marrying me because he is richer than my father and bought the favor of the King.

I don’t know if father will even consider what I want when he chooses who I am to marry. He made it clear to me when he said I was to be presented for courting that my duty to our family should be more important than my own emotions. Now that I have met all of these men, though, the reality of what that might mean for me has hit me.

I wish I could escape from this. If I am to belong to someone, I wish it could be the man I choose.

**13th Day of Summer**

These dreams I have been having are connected to each other, I am certain. They are guiding me somehow.

Last night, I dreamt about similar things to the night before, but this time when I was put in my room by Duke Meris’ soldier I put on the necklace that Sir Martin gave me. When I turned around the symbols I had drawn around the door in the dream a few nights ago appeared again! I can still remember them clearly though don’t know what they mean. All I know is I lit the candles on either side of the door again. The candles began to smoke like candles never do, but the smoke only filled the doorway, obscuring the door. When I wafted it away the door was gone! The doorway opened to a small room and Sir Marcus was standing there, beckoning me to enter. As I stepped through the doorway I woke up.
I know what these dreams are telling me. My choice is between giving myself to Sir Martin and being given to whoever my father chooses for me.

The reasonable part of me says that these dreams are a fantasy and drawing symbols around a doorway and lighting candles won’t do anything but make a mess. Hy heart, though, says that there is something special about him, and he is calling me to be his. If I am to belong to anybody, I want it to be Sir Martin.

Today I gathered some chalk and a couple of candles like the ones in the dream. Nobody can know what I am doing, or they will think I have gone crazy so I am going to bar my door. I am going to try to do what I did in my dreams, draw those symbols around my doorframe at night and light a candle on either side. To match the dream I think I will have to wear the necklace he gave me as well. Then I suppose I will just try calling to him, or perhaps saying that I will give myself to him.

I shall see what comes tonight.

**14th Day of Summer
Everything is different now. Everything is him now. I was meant to belong to him. I was meant to serve him. Mind, body, and soul.

Last night I drew the chalk symbols on the wall and lit candles on the sides of the door, then I donned the necklace and stood before the doorway. As in my dream, smoke from the candles filled the doorway to the point where there I could not see the door. For a moment I did not know what to do, then I remembered the second dream. I removed everything I was wearing but his necklace, knelt before the smoke-shrouded doorway and said “Sir Martin, if you can hear me. I offer myself to you. If my dreams had any truth and you want me, I am yours.”

In answer to my offer he stepped through the smoke, causing it to dissipate as he strode towards me. He was wearing nothing but a loincloth around his waist and his body was as I saw in my dreams…flawless.

He stood above me and reached down to lift my chin so that I was looking up into his eyes. They seemed to burn like embers as he looked down into my very soul. I could tell from that moment that he was more than just a man, something greater, something worth belonging to.

He smiled down at me with pride. “I am glad you understood the visions that I sent to you these past few nights, and I take it you enjoyed them?” I nodded, confirming to him that I wanted the pleasure that he gave me in my dreams.

“Well, we shall make those dreams a reality then! But first you must understand what you have offered, and who you have offered it to. I can see the questions in your mind.” I did not understand then what I understand now, that he could see my thoughts and desires when he is with me.

“I am not Sir Martin Redloch, though the man this once body belonged to was. I am an incubus, an immortal being of lust. I can grant you a lifetime of pleasure, indulgence, and beauty. I will protect you from harm and take away your pains. In exchange, your body, mind, and soul will be mine. You will only desire what I desire, and you will exist to serve me. Do you understand?”

I had been told about the idea of an incubus when I was a little girl, but I thought they were just a fairy tale. Now one was standing above me, and he wanted me! What he was saying scared me some, but he was so perfect and seemed so powerful in that moment, and a lifetime of beauty and pleasure sounded better than a life as a breeding mare for some nobleman. I looked into his eyes again and I nodded.

When he spoke again, his voice echoed in a strange way. His hand gripped my chin as he looked deep into me.

“Abigail, Daughter of Roger, Duke of Choren, do you give me your mind, your body, and your soul for as long as your mortal life lasts?”

At first I couldn’t answer, but knew I had already made up my mind before bringing him here. I told him “I do, I give myself to you, totally and completely!”

When I finished saying that, I felt the necklace around my neck move, the chain moved along my skin, getting shorter and shorter until I felt the pendant against my throat. It had tightened from a loose necklace into a collar, his collar.

He cupped my chin with his hand and I felt myself stand without thinking. His smile was so enchanting as he said “Then mine you shall be!” His had slid to the back of my neck as he pulled me into a deep kiss that I felt would go on forever. I felt more connected to him than I had ever felt to anyone in my life.

Then, without warning, he reached down and lifted me from the ground, carrying me between his arms and said “now it is time that I claim you properly!” He carried me through the smoky doorway into a stone-walled chamber with no windows. In the center of the room was a circle of carved symbols with a ring of candles around them. In the middle of that was a round cushion. He dropped me on the cushion, which was surprisingly soft, and stood above me again.

“I can sense your questions, now is not the time for that. You will show me your submission by worshipping your master’s manhood.” He pulled off his loincloth revealing his erect cock, which he brought towards my face.
“Kiss it” he ordered. I had never done such a thing, even thought of such a thing, but my doubts were numbed by how perfect it looked. I gently wrapped my hand around the base and kissed the head. He smiled, filling me with a mixture of pride and even more lust, then said “Now worship it with your mouth. Bring me to climax.”

Despite not having done more than give a hesitant handjob in my life, I knew exactly what he, my new master, wanted me to do. I wrapped my lips around it and drew it into my mouth, bobbing up and down a few times, I licked the entire shaft from base to head, then drew my tongue around his cockhead to give him greater pleasure. Every time my mind began to wonder what I should do next, a thought came to me, unbidden, answering the question. I knew, somehow, that he was connected to me, and I could sense what he desired me to do, even without him telling me to. It was fantastic. I worshipped his cock as if I had done it a hundred times before and knew exactly what he liked. I reveled in his groans of pleasure making me feel even hotter, anticipating his release. His deep moaning grew more intense and he did something I did not anticipate, he grabbed my head and shoved himself deep down my throat. There was a moment of panic, as his manhood cut off my windpipe, but somehow, as I felt him climax down my throat, my panic subsided and I submitted to his will. I knew he would not hurt me if I did as he desired.

He pulled himself from my mouth and stepped around to sit behind me. “Now I will reward my pet for her devotion.” He wrapped his arms around me from behind and pulled me down into his lap. We began to kiss again as his hands explored my body. My mind flashed to a similar moment from my dreams and he reached down to begin to caress my vulva, just as I do when I begin to masturbate. I knew he could sense the incredible lust that I felt as he quickly transitioned to caressing my clit and inserting several fingers into me. In that moment he stopped and pulled away from our kiss.

“Do you want your reward my little pet?” he said to me playfully.

I nodded, unable to speak in the fog of pleasure I could feel.

“Ask your master for your reward. Beg me for it” He ordered.

I groaned and begged pitifully “Please, Martin, give me my reward, make me cum!”

He replied sternly “I am not Martin to you anymore. I am your master, and you will address me as such. Beg your master for your reward”

I begged again, wanting nothing else in the world but his release “I beg you, Master. Reward me, please!”

He smiled again and began to finger me roughly with one hand and fondle me with the other. His fingers curled inside and stroked a perfect spot just inside me as his thumb stroked my clit. His lips found mine again and we kissed as he built up the pleasure. Just as it was reaching its most intense he whispered in my ear “Cum for me, Abigail.” My body obeyed with an intense orgasm that overwhelmed my mind. All seemed to go white as my back flexed away from him and I shook uncontrollably in release. I could feel myself soaking his hand as he kept fingering me roughly, as if trying to draw every ounce of pleasure from my body.

I collapsed back into his arms and turned my head to look into his eyes. I whispered to him breathlessly “Th…Thank you…Master” he kissed my forehead and let me breathe for a moment, withdrawing his fingers from me and bringing his hand, still wet, to rest on my hip.

Once I had caught my breath, he suddenly turned me over and propped me up on my hands and knees. He then rubbed the head of his cock along my folds for a moment, teasing me again. In that moment, I wanted him to take me and he knew it. He did not make me ask though, he simply pushed himself entirely inside me in one dramatic stroke, deeper than anything I had ever felt. With him inside me I felt complete. I could feel the fullness of him inside me, and the weight of his body pressing against me. I moaned in extasy as he began to thrust in and out of my body and I dropped my upper body onto the cushion below me. At first he used slow, deep, purposeful thrusts. Then he started to increase his pace.

I couldn’t help myself and called out to him “Yes, Master! Take me! Claim me! F-fuck me!” My cries caused him to push his body forward into me, forcing my whole body down into the cushion and holding me there with a hand on my back. He was completely in control now, completely dominant, and was using me for his own pleasure. Somewhere deep inside my mind I could feel that this was where I was meant to be, beneath my Master, being used by him.

My hand found its way underneath me and I played with my clitoris, building my pleasure even more. His thrusts grew stronger, pushing me more and more into the bed. Heavy drops of hot sweat rained from his body onto my back. A part of my mind could feel his pleasure reaching its peak along with mine. He pushed himself deep into me and roared with pleasure as I felt him begin to climax. Whether from the feeling of his manhood throbbing within me or the connection between us, I flew into another mind-numbing orgasm. I cried with extasy in chorus with his groan of satisfaction. My master had claimed my body as his. I had never felt so complete.

He collapsed on top of me and for a moment we both sat like that, him still deep inside me, still hard, and keeping me down with his weight. As I caught my breath I focused on the feel of his skin on my back, the musty smell of our intermingled sweat, and the lingering taste of his semen in my mouth. In that moment he was the entire world.

He leaned down to my ear “Can you hear my desires in your mind, Abigail?”

I nodded that I could. It was like there was another voice in my head guiding me to know what he wants and how best to give it to him.

He rolled off me and continued “I want you to make a final show of your devotion to me. I want you to please me without being told how.”

Anxiety struck me for a moment. I had almost no experience with sex. One brief encounter with a cute squire was all I had, and that had only lasted moments. I wracked my mind for what I could do until something came to me: my handmaid Annie had told me something her husband enjoyed, perhaps I would try that.

I sat up and looked over at him lying on his side, watching me expectantly. Then I gently put my hand on his chest and laid him onto his back. I brought my lips to his as I straddled his waist then sat up again to guide him completely inside me. He smiled at me and hummed eagerly as I started riding him. At first, he simply watched, letting me set the pace. He slid his hands up my thighs and held them on my hips. I closed my eyes and held my head up, enjoying the feeling of completeness that came every time I brought myself down upon his lap.

I heard him groan with lust and he moved one of his hands to begin rubbing my clitoris again. “Good, give yourself over to the pleasure, Abigail, go faster” His words rang in my head as the pressure of our lust built up together. I increased my pace as he commanded. The pressure built even more and I began crying out in extasy again as I focused on bringing him to fill me with his seed again.

As we reached our breaking point together he growled to me as he held my hips down upon his “Who do you belong to? Say my name!”

His true name came to me, despite never having heard it before, and I called out to him “I am yours…Vothen!” With that affirmation we climaxed together, this final one being even more intense than the last. I had stopped riding him as I came, but he was thrusting himself up into me as he once again filled me with his seed.

I opened my eyes and saw that the candles and torches in the room had gone out, but there was light coming from the gemstone on my collar.

It basked my Master, Vothen, in a red light and he smiled in satisfaction at my final commitment to him. “The ritual is complete, your soul is bound to me now.”

A wave of exhaustion came over me, I felt him hold my shoulders and lay me onto my back as the world went dark.

I awoke this morning in my bed. For a moment I thought it was all a dream, but that thought was washed away immediately. I could feel the connection with him. I saw the collar, now a necklace again, upon my dresser. He must have returned me here after I passed out.

I did not feel him desiring me to do anything for him today. But I could sense influence in the back of my mind as I went about the day. It was comforting, and I look forward to whatever my Master desires of me to do next.


Thanks for reading! This is my first time writing something like this. Constructive feedback appreciated! More chapters to come.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/quzgpc/enthralled_ch_1