She didn’t expect that I would notice she wasn’t wearing a bra [MF]

Years ago, due to an interruption in child care, I was working at home one week over the summer. I had arranged a playdate for my youngest son, his brand new best friend was coming over for the day.

I was trying to get some stuff done before he got dropped off, together with a neighbor’s kid, there would be bedlam for the rest of the day. Suddenly I heard a knock at the door, a glance at the clock told me that they were a half hour early. I had just thrown on a pair of grey nylon athletic shorts after my morning workout shower, not really presentable. Still I figured I could get away with it just to answer the door. I threw on a baggy tshirt and ran to the front of the house.

Opening the door, I find Matt and his mom, Kate, arguing with each other about how long she’d allow him to stay. “But Mom! I brought all my stuff.” he whined, showing her how stuffed his backpack was. “And Jack (my son) has cool stuff too!” She looks at me through the screen door and silently laughs out of his eyesight. He flings the door open and she grabs his hand. “Give me a kiss goodbye!”

“Mom! You have to come inside! Come ON!” he pulls her into the living room. “You’ve got to see Jack’s new lightsaber!”

Before she can resist, he’s pulled her into the kitchen, which doubled as the warrior room and the holodeck, depending on which were playing at the time. A quick battle between Matt and Jack satisfied their desire to show off, and they disappeared out the back door into the yard, clutching weapons and capes.

She turned to me as the commotion from the human tornadoes subsided, and shrugged helplessly. “Sometimes you just have to go with the flow. Remember when we had that much energy?” “No, not really.” I laughed. She paused, then looked at her phone. So when should I pick him up? I looked at her for the first time since they arrived, able to really get a good look as her eyes were on her phone. I have a hair appt at 2, that should be an hour and a half.

“So anytime after 3:30?” As she moved, I realized that she wasn’t wearing a bra under her loose summertime tshirt. She was slender with a modest bust, her shirt was loose, but still caught on her boobs as she moved. The abstract pattern obscured but didn’t completely hide her nipples.

She looked up unexpectedly and caught me staring. Instinctively she crossed her arms across her chest. “I had been working around the house and realized we were late, so I grabbed Matt and ran out. I thought I’d just drop him at the door.” She attempted to explain her apparel. “I didn’t even do my makeup or hair”, absentmindedly raising a hand to her head. That motion caused her tshirt to rise and catch on her breast, pulling it up, and accentuating the half sphere shape.

“Oh geez”, she said, looking down at her chest, aware that her motion has just shown off the goods even more, rather than minimizing her exposure.

“Don’t worry about it, I misread the time, too, I’m not dressed to go outside myself either. And it’s a refreshing break from the moms who have to spend 90 minutes in front of the mirror to go to the grocery store or take their kids to school at 7:30 am.”

“I know, right? Must be nice to have only one kid. Or a nanny.” “Or both” we said at the same time, smiling, thinking of a mutual acquaintance who had quit her high powered law firm in order to stay at home with her kid, and then immediately hired a nanny to do all the grunt work.

We heard a yell outside and looked out the back window to see 3 little boys race by. They had found the neighbor kid and were furiously engaged in some sort of battle. She turned back, and we faced each other, each of us leaning back against opposite counters. Her back was to the window, I could still see out the window.

“Remember I spend all my spare time with bicyclists, most of the women wear less than you are now, so don’t worry about you are, or not wearing.” She stuck her chest out for a moment. “It’s not like I run around town with a bra. It’s just that the dog was barking when I got out of the shower and I needed to throw something on to let him out, and I never got back upstairs to get fully dressed.”

“Really, it’s ok. No complaints here,” I winked. “And then same thing happened to me, although no dog. I just threw on shorts on after my shower, and then heard you guys down at the door.”

As we talked I felt myself to start to thicken, and hoped I could keep it under wraps. My shirt was long enough and baggy enough that I would be safe.

“Are you talking to me commando?” She laughed. “So we’re even. sort of. I did put undies on. She spun around and lifting her shirt up a bit, slid her hand over her ass. You can’t tell, though, can you?”

My eyes followed her hand and at that I felt myself go from meaty to stiff. “Nope, can’t tell at all. You should be more concerned if you ended up in the frozen food section” I teased. “Oh my god now I’m self conscious about my ass AND my boobs. But you’re lucky – with your long shirt I can’t tell at all that you’re commando.”

“If I was walking around without a shirt you could definitely tell. That’s why I keep a shirt on even just around the kids.”

“Well they’re outside, so you don’t have to keep it on now.” she winked.

“Yeah but they could pop in at any moment, that’d be hard to explain why I didn’t have a shirt.” “If it’s hard the least you could do is lift your shirt and show me your shorts, so I can see if I can tell if you’re commando,” she teased back.

At this point, I was starting to stick out, if I lifted my shirt up she’d definitely see a tent. I thought for a second, but that’s obviously what she wanted, so I obliged. I lifted my shirt to my waist, and she looked down.

“Oooo you are definitely not wearing any underwear! And I can tell that you like the fact that I’m not wearing a bra!”

She threw her shoulders back a bit, pushing her chest forward. Now not only were the curves of her tits visible through the binding of the cotton T, but her nipples were now obvious as well, poking through the powder blue fabric. I didn’t make any pretenses that I was staring at her tits now, and she very clearly enjoyed the attention.

She glanced down at my shorts again, “Yes, you do like my boobs, don’t you!” as the tent became more pronounced. “Since you were nice enough to lift your shirt for me, I suppose I could do the same, would you like that?” She looked over her shoulder out the window, making sure she could see the kids racing around in the backyard. Then turning back to me, she looked me in the eye, and casually pulled her shirt up to her collarbones, exposing perfectly formed tits, good sized pink nipples, just a bit of sag to them.

She arched her back, causing her t-shirt to rest on her collarbones, and nonchalantly raised her arms and put her hands behind her head, allowing me to take in the view at my leisure.

I looked her up and down, a big smile on my face, and licked my lips. “You’re truly a delight! Thank you for sharing!” She looked me up and down in return, focusing on my shorts, and then responded, “I’d love to see what you’re packing in there.” and then stepped forward, reaching down under my balls with her fingers, her t-shirt still caught on her collarbone, allowing her to brush my chest with her bare tits.

“Mmmmm, this feels good!” as she cupped my balls and pressed the palm of her hand against the knob, sticking straight out. Then she wrapped her hand around the shaft and started to squeeze and pump it. “It’s so nice to know I can cause a reaction like this after three kids!”

Then she reached inside the waistband and wrapped her hand around me, without the nuisance of any material in the way. She pumped me a few times, then looked behind her through the window again. “Can you see them?” She asked. “Yes, I can see the whole back yard.”

“OK, how about if you sit up on the counter.” I hopped up, and adjusted my shorts, that had gotten twisted when I did so. “Here,” she motioned, tugging one leg up. Suddenly she had pulled my cock out of the leg of my shorts, and began stroking it, pointing it up to the ceiling. “Keep an eye on the boys.” she paused, and “I’ll keep a mouth on your boys” she giggled, pushing me back and spreading my legs so that she could pull my balls out of my shorts as well.

Then she leaned over and swallowed my cock in one quick move, while cupping my balls and tugging them away from my body. A few quick sucks and then she turned her head and tried to suck my balls into her mouth. I leaned back further, to give her more room, and she was able to get both her mouth. With her hand pumping me, I was unexpectedly close to orgasm, and my legs started to shake.

She let go of my balls and reminded me to keeping watching. “Don’t lose control! Can’t have them surprising us!” Then she swallowed my cock again, sucking hard and fast, cooing as she did so. I tried to keep my eyes on the backyard, but it was difficult to not close my eyes as I got closer and closer to coming.

“I want to make you come all over yourself right now!” she laughed. “But how would we explain the mess? Or that you changed clothes?” She took me in her mouth again, and finished me off. My legs spasmed and my feet flew up into the air as I climaxed, shooting into her mouth, over and over again. Once I was done, she pulled off, slowly, trying to suck that last drop out. Then she stood back up, stuck her bare chest out at me while licking her lips, and pulled her shirt down.

Looking back down at my crotch, she grabbed a hand towel and wiped off the couple of drops leaking from me, and then pulled the leg of my shorts back down.

“Hmmmph, that was the most unusual play date I’ve taken Matt to.” We checked on the boys in the back one more time and I walked her to the door. She reached down and squeezed my balls again, and suddenly looked concerned. “I don’t think I can do that again. I hope you’re not expecting it too. I don’t know what got over me.”

“Hey it’s perfectly OK. Like that once-in-a-lifetime vacation. It’ll be a great memory. I hope you think it’s a great memory.”

“I’m not sure. Maybe.” She brightened up. “At least John (her husband) is going to get some fantastic guilt sex tonight!” She laughed. “I’ll be back at 4 to pick him up, after my hair appointment.” She ran her hand through her hair. “Would you call this ‘fresh blowjob hair?” with a wicked look. Then pretending to scold me, “And I’ll be wearing a bra. You go put some underwear on!” and she turned and headed to her car.

For those of you wondering, she didn’t even come to the door on pickup, I had her son ready and he went right to her car. But yes, a great memory, one I’ve played back from my spank bank many times.


1 comment

  1. Damn good writing. Keep it up. And next time offer to return the favor! I’d bet she’d be up for it! Then who knows where that could lead.

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