My most humiliating story with my ex… never told before [MF]… kind of [MFM]

So, I had been going out with my girlfriend at the time for about a year (this was about 5 years ago).

We didn’t live together but she spent most nights at my house, which I shared with 2 friends. We had been arguing quite a bit for weeks and she asked me to go to a party her friend was throwing. It was all her friends and I only knew a couple of them through her, so I said I would give it a miss. My plan was to stay in and play video games with the housemates.

So anyway, me not going caused a big fight and she kept asking me to reconsider. I didn’t back down and a few nights later she went to the party alone. I sent her a text before she went out and told her to have a good time and that I would make it up to her. No reply.

I had a great evening with my friends and we played video games until about midnight. I went to bed and the other two stayed up longer.

I woke up a few hours later and felt my girlfriend climbing into the bed beside me, so I rolled over and said ‘welcome back’. I noticed she was still in her red dress that she wore out and still had all her make up on. She didn’t say anything at a

But started to climb on top of me. I thought that I was striking it lucky so I didn’t object. This wouldn’t be that unusual.

What was strange was that she didn’t stop when she was straddling my waist. She kept climbing up my body until her legs were on either side of my head. She wasn’t wearing any panties and with her pussy right in front of me, I noticed how strong smelling it was, much more pungent than normal. Until the moment, I put it down to her being out all night. It was only when her pussy made contact with my mouth I realised something else- she was absolutely soaking- much more than I ever remember her being before. Again, I just assumed she was drunk and extra horny.

She started to rock and really cover my face with her pussy. I assumed this was the start of a long night of love-making so I did what any guy would do- I licked like my life depended on it.

I’ve went over this in my head for years after, and I can’t remember any specific taste being out of the ordinary, although I was still half asleep. The one thing I do remember thinking was her pussy juices had a different texture than normal- almost creamier, and at this point it felt like it was all over my face. She continued to basically ride my face for about 10/15 minutes until the telltale signs of orgasm arrived.

Afterwards, she got up, lifted her shoes and walked out the bedroom door. I guessed she was going to clean up and get into a nightie. I waited a few minutes, but quickly dozed off.

I woke up about half 9, to an empty bed. I quickly checked my phone and had two missed calls from a friend of a friend I barely knew,and a message from him saying ‘Hey man, can you give me a call when you get this’.

I walked out to the hall and into the kitchen where my two housemates were sitting. They told me that my gf arrived in a car with a male companion driving her. The car arrived outside our house about 2am, but my gf didn’t get out until closer to half 2. She then rang out bell, they let her in and she went straight to my room and closed the door.

They thought this was strange but what was that the guy that dropped her off was still sitting outside. She came out of my room 20 minutes later, went straight out the door, into the passenger seat of the car and they drove off.

At this point I was starting to fear the worst,and I called the guy who left me the missed calls. When I got a hold of him, he told me that he was sorry to be the one to tell me, but my girlfriend had cheated on me last night. She had arrived about 9pm super drunk, then an hour later started making out with one of the guys there. They disappeared into one of the bathrooms, locked the door and stayed there for about an hour, ignoring people banging on the door to use the toilet. At about midnight, they came out, went straight out and drove off in his car. The only thing they left behind was a small pair of black panties lying in the middle of the floor.

At this point I feel absolutely sick, and had realised what has taken place, not to mention what was all over my face. In one between multiple showers and and mouthwash, I frantically try and call my gf, send multiple (likely v abusive) texts and beg her to tell me that it’s not true. All contact went unanswered. After about a week of silence I gave up.

I did see her again about 3 years later, but by that stage she was engaged and I had a new gf and a baby on the way. I never once told anyone how that night went down, lying to my housemates and telling them that we had a fight, she broke it off and left.

I have thought about it loads since and the Thing that always sticks in my head is that I actually have no idea who the guy is. Was it a one night stand? Did it turn into a relationship? Was it planned or a spur of the moment thing? Was it the guy she ended up engaged to?

I have no idea of these details, yet I still ended up with his cum all over my face and in my mouth.



  1. Damn man. That’s so rough. Didn’t even give reason or closure. Did you end up asking her when you saw her or just let it go? Seems like maybe she was thinking about it or worried about it given that she didn’t want to go without you but still that’s just cold

  2. definitely a unique way to get back at you for something.. sorry to hear that it happened

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