[MF] Maybe it pays to be the patient nice guy after all? Part 1

Hello everyone! This is my first post. I am a longtime lurker on the subreddit though so I have been around for a while. I finally had some free time and decided to take the opportunity to try out writing something myself. This story is partly based on real life and partly based on fantasies with in my mind, feel free to guess which is which in the comments below. The story has a very slow build so sorry if that’s not really your thing, but I want to have plenty of character development here as well. And of course, feel free to give me feedback as I work on part 2 of this story. I have some ideas already for where I want these character’s to go moving forward, but I want to hear yours as well.

She was perfect. She had beautiful blonde hair that came about halfway down her back. She had deep, vibrant blues eyes, that you could stare into for days as you had a conversation with her, and she had the body of a dancer. She was everything I always wanted, and everything I couldn’t have. I suppose I am getting a little ahead of myself, aren’t I? Why don’t I start at the beginning?

For my entire life, or at least a relatively large part of it, I had known a girl named Emily. Her parents and mine were both part of a church band that would sing together every Sunday. As a result, while they would practice, us kids of those band members would hang out and play together in order to occupy ourselves for a few hours. There were a fair few fights sure, but for the most part we got along. Then at some point everything changed; we all got past our early middle school years and rarely saw each other. And Emily was probably the one member of that group that had the most noticeable disappearance. The other two kids were my brother who I saw every day, and a girl named Jessica who was the youngest of the bunch. She always kept in touch with my brother and I though as she always fit in better with a crowd of guys as opposed to girls. That was just the kind of girl she was, I guess.

Regardless of all that, I would like to now fast forward quite a way into the future, with the only notable thing happening throughout my middle school and high school years between Emily and I being the occasional conversation on Christmas Eve or Easter Sunday. Once high school had come to a close for me though and college had begun, I noticed a sudden and distinct moment in time during the summer between my freshman and sophomore year, where Emily, was just around again. It was like old times. I mean we weren’t still playing games like we did when we were kids, but it got to a point where often I would see her a few times a month. In retrospect, that may not seem like a lot, but considering the previous situation where I saw her roughly twice a year, twice a month or more was unusual.

More importantly the new her was different. When I had seen her and gotten to know her last, she was a lot like your typical middle school girl or any middle school-aged child to be honest. She was kind of mean to everyone, always very emotional, and more worried about her own survival than the friends that were around her. Don’t get me wrong though, she wasn’t a horrible person. She was just in that stage of her life where things are difficult, and she didn’t have time for other people’s shit. The difference though was that now, she was nicer, more conversational, and definitely funnier. I guess one could say she grew up. It was during that summer, I realized what had changed most of all though. I had stopped seeing her as just my childhood friend, she had started to mean more to me than just that. I really liked her. I started to notice the plumpness of her breasts as she would walk by me in a bikini during the summer and the curve of her perfectly shaped ass whenever she turned away from me. There was no denying it. I went from looking at her as a friend to a girl that I just found straight up hot, a girl I just wanted to fuck. The sad part is, I never had the guts to tell her or do anything about it. There were a few close calls, where I got super drunk and started texting her, but by the time that topic popped into my head I was either already fast asleep or so drunk that my texts were practically indecipherable.

For this reason, nothing really changed between us throughout all of college. She seemed to become a little more introverted as college went on, but she was still very much herself. Soon enough we both graduated and enjoyed each other’s company at respective graduation parties to celebrate such accomplishments, but again nothing really changed.

All that did change though on one night in June. I had just recently gotten a job, fresh out of school and it was paying pretty well. Well enough that I actually had the opportunity to finally move out of my parents’ house earlier than expected and got a place of my own a few minutes away. On this in particular night I remember being really tired. I was just starting to dose off sitting in front of my computer working on a project recently assigned to me when the doorbell rang. As someone with very few friends, especially those that wouldn’t visit me unannounced, it caught me off guard when it rang, and I figured it must have been something of dire importance. I got up and slumped out into the hallway as I quickly made my way half-asleep to the door. As I flung the door open, there in front of me was Emily.

She was drenched from the pouring rain outside that night from head to toe and looked as though even worse, she had been crying. The clothes she was wearing were clinging to her body and her hair slumped down in front of her face as water dripped from the ends onto the threshold of my apartment below. The little makeup she still had on was running down her face, creating streaks of a black of gray that trailed from her eyes down to just underneath her chin. It was clear she had had a rough night. Emily looked a mess, and this was incredibly unusual. You see, Emily was tough. I had known her for over a decade at this point and I had seen her cry one time. So, needless to say the fact that she was in tears at my doorstep, was very worrisome to me in that instant.

“Oh my god, are you okay?!” I said in a concerned tone as she sobbed in front of me.

“No…Can I come in please?” she said with a somewhat slurred speech, her head down, looking at the ground, almost as if she was embarrassed.

It was evident from the first words out of her mouth that she had been drinking. She wasn’t drunk out of her mind or anything, but she had clearly been using alcohol as a coping mechanism for whatever was going through that evening.

“Absolutely” I said, inviting her in with an open extended arm pointing toward the center of my living room.

As she walked in behind me, I turned to her and said “Why don’t you get out of those wet clothes” I said pointing to her bag stuffed, with what, from the outside appeared to be clothes.

“I can’t” she said, as she wept in front of me.

I was heartbroken seeing her this way. She always seemed like such a well put-together person whenever I saw her, but it was in this moment I realized, that may not have been true.

“All my clothes got wet in the rain.” She unzipped her bag to show me rain-soaked sets of clothes packed to the very brim of the bag. Various blouses and tops, jeans and short shorts all far too damp for comfort.

“Alright, don’t worry about it.”

I ran back to my bedroom and grabbed a smaller t-shirt. It was one of those t-shirts that had sentimental value, so I never really wanted to throw it away, but it also hadn’t fit me comfortably since I was in early high school. I then slammed that drawer shut in a hurry and went to find some sweatpants, which I located in a different drawer toward the bottom of my dresser. These would be kind of big on her, but at least with a drawstring they should be able to hold themselves up at the waist. I ran back out and handed her the clothes and said “Here, change into these in the bathroom down the hall. It’s your first door on the right. And while your changing, can I get you anything? Some water maybe?”

“Yeah, that would be great” she said with a smile on her face. It was a smile of hope and a gleam of happiness amongst the fog of sadness that showed on her face. It’s kind of a hard thing to describe but for those who have tried to help people through a difficult time you know what I mean.

She softly caressed my shoulder as a thank you, not wanting to hug me and get me wet, before turning and walking off to the bathroom with the clean, dry clothes I had just handed her. I walked into the kitchen and poured her, as well as myself, a tall glass of ice water and set them down on the coffee table just as she had walked back out throwing her wet clothes on to the top of saturated pile, she had shown me previously. She sat down on the couch next to me and grabbed the glass closest to me and took a sip.

She stayed silent. Was she really not going to tell me what had happened? This was actually fairly typical of her. I can recount about a dozen times up to this point in our friendship where she just never opened up. I think, like me, she never liked the idea of feeling vulnerable with someone. If it was anything like the reason for me, she was probably betrayed or had her heart broken at some point in the past. Nevertheless, this time I was going to get something out of her. She was a wreck and I cared too much about her to not know why.

“C’mon Em?” I gave her a look, suggesting she was annoying me.

She wiped some of her tears away, her running mascara coming away along with it. “What?” she said as she sniffled.

“What do you mean what?…What’s wrong?…Why are you here?…I have known you 12 years and you have never looked this upset.” I said, genuinely concerned about what had caused this.

She took a deep breath as she finally began to calm down, before bursting into a new set of tears. “I’m sorry! My life is falling apart. I just completely bombed an interview. My roommate is making me move out so her new boyfriend can move in and then…then I found out I am getting laid off. So now I have no job, and no place to live, and-”

I grabbed her somewhat forcefully, but in a loving way and hugged her as she rambled out of control.

“I’m sorry Em” I said in a low voice as I held her, pressed firmly against me. “Don’t worry, if you need a place to stay while you get all this sorted out, you can stay here.”

“Really?” she said muffled with her face pressed into my shoulder.

“Yeah of course, and if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.” I said as I released her from the warm embrace.

Even though I was deadly serious and wanted absolutely nothing from her in exchange for all I was doing, the feeling of her boobs pressed against my chest as I hugged her, was enough to stir me to life in between the legs. I still found her very attractive even if that wasn’t on my mind at that exact moment, it was still always lurking in my subconscious.

“Thanks!” she said again smiling and bringing me in for another hug.

At this point she had started to sober up and was definitely a lot calmer than when she had first walked in the door. She didn’t want to be alone for a while, so I agreed to stay up and watch a movie with her. I grabbed a blanket and we cuddled under it together as I tried to offer some comfort to her in this difficult time.

I was getting pretty into the movie when she spoke up snapping my focus away from the TV. “Hey Ri?” she said in a cute and innocent tone.

“Yeah Em?” I said in response in a soft low voice.

“Thanks again…this…this…really means a lot to me.” She said as she looked deeply into my eyes. This look was different though. I couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was, but something was more loving, longing about it, something…I don’t know.

Then suddenly almost out of nowhere, she leaned in and forcefully kissed me on the lips. The kiss was deep and passionate as she quickly took advantage of my unsuspecting mouth, slipping her tongue into it and beginning to encourage a dance between my tongue and hers. Her lips were soft and tasted of a sweet fruity candy almost, one that seemed familiar, but I couldn’t seem to place. After a few moments of intense making out, I broke the kiss and looked at her in complete shock.

She looked back apologetically. “I’m really sorry. I thought that you…never mind.” She said as she quickly pulled out from under the blanket and ran off seemingly embarrassed by the kiss and slammed the guest bedroom door shut, locking it behind her.

I was in a state of shock. After about a minute of taking in all that had just happened, I rose to my feet and walked over to the guest room door and lightly knocked. “Em?…Why’d you run off? You alright?” I said querying her.

Through the door I heard her muffled response. “I…I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have pounced on you like that…”

“It’s okay, don’t worry about it.” I said somewhat nonchalantly, trying not to seem too eager or excited about the fact the girl of my dreams just made out with me.

“No…it’s not…I made you feel uncomfortable and that was really wrong of me.” She said as I heard her sobbing again.

“But…Em…you didn’t. I thought the kiss was really nice. The reason I broke the kiss was because you just seem very vulnerable right now and I don’t want to take advantage of that. The last thing I want is for that to go further and you regret it tomorrow morning.” I explained.

She opened the door, her eyes still red and puffy from all the crying she had done tonight as she wiped away some of her tears. “Really?”

“Really.” I said smiling at her reassuringly. “So, what was that all about?”

She sighed as she realized she was going to have to tell me what the purpose of all this was. “It might be part me being so emotional” she said with an animated hand gesture suggesting that she was crazy. “But…I also really like you. I have for a long time actually; I just never knew how to tell you. So…I decided to just go for it.” She said smiling at me.

I swallowed nervously as I aimed to reveal the same secret. I laughed slightly at the convenience of it all. “I feel the exact same way. Yours start about 3-4 years ago?” I asked inquisitively.

“Yeah, how’d you know?” she said confused.

“Just a hunch, that’s all.” I said, smiling back at her.

She took that as a sign of an okay. She reached up and stood on her toes as she placed her lips against mine. This time I kissed her back and our tongues entangled as we tasted each other’s mouths. As I kissed her, I pulled her in tight against my body and lifted her up so that her face was now square with mine. She wrapped her hands around me pulling my head in close to hers as she continued to show off the incredible skills of her tongue and lips. Soon after, she broke free. She had the biggest grin on her face I had ever seen.

“I have an idea.” she said with a mischievous smile.

I put her back down on her feet in the doorway and asked, “What’s that?”

“So, you like me, right? So that must mean you think I am pretty yeah?”

“Of course I do” I replied.

“Well, it’s been a long day and I am kinda…horny. You wanna jerk off while I play with myself?” she asked, pointing with her thumb back into the room.

I could not believe what she was asking me. My best friend, the girl I had fantasized about forever, just asked me to play with myself while she did the same. “Are you sure?” I replied. “I don’t want you to feel obligated to or anything.”

“I am very sure.” she said as she walked backward into the room grabbing my arm and pulling me in after her.

To be continued….

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/qu078p/mf_maybe_it_pays_to_be_the_patient_nice_guy_after