Unforgettable night at the sauna [MF]

The sauna is a place of contrast. Heat and warmth, wet and dry, nakedness and non-sexuality. People always say they don’t watch. I do. At a sauna all sexuality is stripped away for me, but beauty isn’t. Even if there’s no beauty, the bodies tell so much of their stories. I watch and think of how they got where they are now.

One evening at the sauna there are a lot of lovely ladies to watch. With some I might’ve thought more, but I can suppress such things well. My mind blank in that regard. Yet it vexes me. It seems that there are only young sexy women here today and I don’t come here for that. I decide to stop my normal cycle of sauna and skip the relaxing pool. I grab my book and sit on the cosy benches below the pool. The sauna is on the 11th and 12th floor of a building with beautiful views. The benches require a stair to get below the pool level. Although it isn’t hidden, somehow few people take the opportunity to relax there. No one can watch easily below the pool and I read naked at length. It’s a nice change. Although some lovely ladies are still in the back of my mind, I’m resolute. No such things here. It’s a place to be yourself and relax. Sighing, I flip another page.

“Sir?” a woman directs at me. I’ve fallen into a light sleep. I keep my eyes closed to hold onto the rosy feeling.

“I’m awake”, I tell her before she can ask again. “What’s up?” My voice sounds sleepier than I thought.

“It’s passed closing time. You’re the last one here.”

I open one eye slowly. Quickly my other joins. Her eyes are piercing blue and draw you in. They seem like clear crystal focus framed in a beautiful face. However, I don’t fail to notice the well-shaped bosom in the edge of my vision as she is bend over me.

“It’s a miracle I found you actually. We already threw out everyone else and missed you. I’m just locking up.” Her smile is sexy. Yet it can’t keep my eyes captive. I still feel sluggish from sleep, but my eyes are fairly certain I’m not dreaming of such beautiful tight curves. A belly looking flat even when bend over me, a soft mound with a landing strip and strong legs with a beautiful curved line for her muscles. In my sleepy state I don’t have the presence of mind to be in the sauna. I’m here with a beautiful naked woman standing over me. It’ll be visible soon what I’m thinking about.

Something is off. I can’t put my finger on it.

“A good thing you did. It’s wonderful waking up like this.” Even her giggle is sexy. Why am I more smooth when I’m not really thinking?

There might be a bit of a shy colour on her cheeks. “Why is that?”

She’s fishing for a compliment. I’m not very bashful, but I’m also sleepy and blunt. “Well those breasts certainly help.” Her eyes dart around, trying to make up how to take it. Before she can say something I add “that waist is an under appreciated beauty, but your eyes laugh in such a way it draws you in. You might hope to get wrinkles soon. Then they’ll be a monument to the happiness inside you.” I obviously read the book too much where the author was over the top in romance. Yet it seemed oddly fitting. And awkward after the words escaped.

Her face went through several stages before setting on flattered. Yet there was something more. A sexuality? Something was still odd. Something is screaming sexuality to me, yet some part is still trying to suppress it.

“Happiness? That’s nice.” The tiny wrinkles were there then. Not of age, but just laughter. Beautiful. She seems to want to say something, but is still shy. Then she stands up. She’s possibly even lovelier like this. She can’t have missed my eyes drinking in her body. She seems nervous about it, but doesn’t hide.

“Is there much left to do for the lock-up?” I ask, remembering her task somehow.

“Not really. Everyone needs to be out and then I’ll lock up.” An obvious signal. A bit of flattery is fine, but I should go dress and be on my way. “I just came here to enjoy the view. It’s lovely at night, so I often come here to watch for some time.”

Night! It’s dark with all the lights off, but there’s plenty of light coming from the meters high windows surrounding 2 sides of the pool/lounge area to see her. Although I saw it before, I now appreciate the shadows playing all over her curves. Even though it’s dark, her naked body seems to glow from within. Yet it wasn’t the odd thing…

She looks at me for a moment. I feel that sexual undertone again. But I’m sleepy. I must imagine it. Then she turns around, walking to the glass. I’m not sure how excited she just saw me, but seeing her walk with a subtle sway made me very aware how tight it feels between my legs. It certainly will stand up fully soon.

I get off the couch, lost in thought as I look at that beauty of a butt. The gentle curve of her back so suddenly changing directions to make way for a smooth yet strong curve, ending only at her leg. And just between a hint of her lips can be seen, cheeky yet sexy. My mind is aflame and in conflict. I’m at the sauna. No sexuality here. Yet her body is asking for a touch. But I’m sleepy. I might imagine it and one wrong move and I have a big, big problem. I start to walk up behind her. She also said some things, hinting that I should go. I adjust with a step, so I’ll arrive next to her and we’ll watch the view together. My hand reaches for her waist, but I hesitate. There is something….

Finally it clicks. I move behind her with the final step, reaching gingerly out to feel out her mood. The soft tremble of her warm skin tells me it was unexpected, but I can just see a bit of smile to know it’s not unwanted. My other hand slides over the curve of her waist to caress that flat belly. Hard muscles greet me under the soft skin. Sexy sporty. I look quickly behind me and confirm what my sleepy head didn’t grasp since waking up. Her work clothes are draped over another bench. No one works here naked.

“The view is beautiful”, I whisper. Her hand holds mine as she looks back, presenting her neck in the process. I kiss it without thinking. A gentle kiss, but it’s like her body magnetises and pulls itself towards me. Legs touch legs. Chest touches back. My hips feel the hot perky curve of her butt grinding with urgency against it. It was finally standing, but now ground against my leg again. Not that I’m complaining.

My kisses intensify with some small bites in between. Her breath is heavy, nearly coming out as a sigh each time. My hand on her belly slowly traces up, stopping just under her breasts. Then they continue their track, feeling that perky curve, only broken by the hard playful nipples.

This breaks her. A hand placed so carefully on my cheek, almost lovingly. But her back curves away from me, angling her body in a way only one thing can happen. Idly some part of me is thinking about a condom, but most of my mind is very much ok for now and hoping I’m not saying a thing. Her hand feels welcome and familiar as she guides it. Clearly she needs some help from me in her curved position. Luckily she made it easy. I feel the warm wet lips of her and can do only one thing.


Slowly, like a glacier moving, I feel her lips moving over my cock. It’s intense in a way I can’t describe. I can only just see myself disappearing millimetre by millimetre into her. I see her strained face, showing me her difficulty and possibly discomfort, but I hope her pleasure will mask it enough.

I feel she wants me to do it all at once.

Finally I feel a warm lubricant touching where my belly meets my cock. We stay like that for a moment, catching our breath. Then I move again. Quicker out, but slowly in. I see the strained face again, but this time there certainly isn’t discomfort. It matches the smoothness I feel as I move inside her.

Finally she lets go, moving her hands into the glass so she isn’t bend strangely any more, though it looked sexy. It seems she’s handling the pressure better like this. Besides the deep breath there’s hums that could spell “oh!” and “ah!”. The only real word exclaimed was an intense whisper of “yeah”.

Her body wants faster, and I’m not teasing her further with the glacial rhythm. I slowly increase, feeling her body moving ever so subtly with her desired rhythm. It increases to a nice simple rhythm. The same speed you would talk comfortably with another person.

I feel a little out of my body experience. It is now only a few minutes after I woke, and now I’m deep within a woman sexy as lightning that I don’t even know the name of. The experience deepens further and I feel like all my body exists of is my cock, unprotected inside her, moving with a good rhythm and sending signals of pleasure I’m pretty sure you would describe as “out of this world”.

Normally I’m not the best at from behind, but I was feeling it. I moved a bit, angling my thrusts. After a few quick tries I felt the spot as much as I heard it. Her body shaking, her skin quivering from the experience. Though my cock was sending insane signals, her pleasure was what made me smile wide.

She only held on for a minute or so. With just a different move if her hips she signalled to slow down. With her face to the side I could see her intensity. A cross of wanting to enjoy more and as much of it as possible and the discomfort of not knowing what to do with all that sexual pleasure. After enjoying it a bit more she lets me slip out.

“Are you trying to kill me?” she asks as she tries to catch her breath. Her mouth splits into a big content grin though, although I’m pretty sure she wasn’t coming yet. Her eyes have a rolling laugh behind them. Deep and untouchable, shining through to the surface.

“Maybe you’ll let me try later.” I jape. “If you’ll relax into it..” But I feel it’s time for something else.

“Relaxing is for later”, she confirms, adjusting her long hair. It went from wild sex hair to slightly organised sex hair. Then she motions to the couch. “Sit” she recommends me. Counter to what she said, her body seems to be the epitome of relaxed.

I sit down as she stands next to me. I can see a wet spot on her legs and creeping a bit up her mound. Sexuality was never better shown. I nearly missed it in my distraction, but she stared at my excitement, contemplating what to do with it. Hopefully smash.

Her hands are on my shoulders as she swings her leg over me with grace. Then she slides down my front towards my hips. My hands caress the sides if her neck, breasts, waist and hips. One hand of her flows to the middle and down, grabbing my cock. Her hips raise a tiny bit so I can guide it under her, after which she slides me smoothly inside by simply sitting down.

“Staring too much?” she asks teasingly with her eyes full of joy. I realise I’ve been giving her beautiful pussy too long looks.

“It’s just very pretty…” I hazard, using a finger to trace the lines around her mount to show what I mean.

The wicket laughter in her eyes is quite beautiful as well. She leans back, supporting herself with her hands on my knees. I can see just a tiny bit of my cock that hasn’t disappeared in her yet, and can easily follow those flowing curves along her belly to her breasts. Perfect in their rounded shapes but for two sexy nipples. She begins a slow rhythm that I just have to watch. How her lips devour me. How a tiny bit of lubricant can be seen flowing just ahead of her lips over the veins of my cock. The way I can see her mound and belly move as I slide out and in again. I know she’s watching me enjoy the view with a wicked grin.

It’s just a relaxed rhythm, but it’s still furthering our pleasure. We’re talking in heavy breaths and small sounds of pleasure. I just watch as I let my fingers roll over her body. Again and again. Hips, breasts, lips and other lips.

After a time she decides to get serious. She moves forwards, placing her hands back on my shoulders for support. “You can keep watching” she whispers as she nibbles my ear. But as she starts a faster rhythm, her eyes draw me in. Her rhythm starts first just up and down, but quickly she’s confident enough I don’t slip out and adds a little circle to her movement. Her mound rubs against my belly, hoping to hit her clit and certainly adding lubricant all around. It makes it messy and sexy. Although my eyes obviously flit over her body, but her eyes tell the whole story. The laughter now overshadowed by intensity. The edges of her eyes moving when she rubs against me.

She sets an fast, intense rhythm. Although designed for her pleasure, I’m certainly not forgotten. In addition, my ego inflates more than my cock from seeing a woman pleasure herself on me. My hands support her movement, pushing her ass so she goes deeper on me and harder against my belly.

I’m waiting. Listening to her heavy, heaving breaths. Her eyes are far away at her pleasure. Any moment now…

A moan escapes her. Finally. It tells of intense sexual pleasure. It’s echoed by the slight tremble in her hips. The next follows shortly. A wordless sigh and a quick moan. A few drops of sweat start playing on her curves. I know we’re not there yet, but I love to see her enjoy herself. Some presents of mind returns to her as she looks down. “Fuck yeah” she moans. Then presses her breasts in my face as she starts a closer, faster rhythm. “Yeah….. yeah…” she moans as I dutifully let my lips play with her breasts.

She keeps fucking hard, although her rhythm does slow down a bit. Her sexy hair isn’t swinging about anymore, but is now sticking to the skin and in a different kind of disarray from the tiny drops of sweat all over her body. It’s like her curves hadn’t been given the perspective they deserved and were now much more pronounced thanks to the water clinging to them.

Then she slows down a lot, her smile returning, but then nervous.

“I might be able to come, she tells me in nearly a whisper. Very timidly? It was so out of character I immediately paid attention.

“Do it” I encourage her. “I want to see nothing more than that right now.” Her slow rhythm is distracting. It’s still so good.

“I…” she starts, looking for the right words. “…might become to sensitive.”

I understand. She’s afraid I might not be able to finish myself and that I would hold it against her.

“Your orgasm is what I want to see, to feel right now. Right now, I don’t care in the slightest if I’ll not be able to come later.” I tell her truthfully. After her orgasm I will try everything in my power to finish with her consent, but right now I’m just happy to have sex and watch her orgasm.

She giggles, giving me a small kiss on the cheek. Such a small loving thing for two strangers, even when having sex. Still it made my having sex smile just a bit bigger.

Then she looks down and sets to work. It’s not the fastest rhythm, but it felt overwhelming. The angle was just a bit different as well as her rubbing. I watched the play between our hips a bit, with her legs trembling every time she took me as deep as possible and rubbed herself against me.

She certainly wasn’t bashful about noise. Her moans were the most female moans I could imagine. While the loud ones were intense and sexy, it was the softer ones that spoke of the deeper pleasure.

She pressed her whole body against me, getting closer with every circle on my cock. She placed her head in my neck and moaned her pleasure to the world.

The shaking was telling me there wasn’t much left. What little I could I moved with her rhythm, holding her so she might find the support to finish it.

Then she slowed way down, moving away so she could watch, but also deliberately not letting her clit touch me. It was probably very sensitive. I took over the slow rhythm, watching her hips tremble incredibly hard as I slide into her.

Her breath stops often, before she moans and takes another short breath. Again and again. Then she looks away from the sex and catches my eye. I move slowly into her and see her intense face cloud with a deeper pleasure. I slide out and in again. This time she moans loudly as well, after which she holds her breath. Again, and her hands grip my shoulders even tighter. Her whole body is shaking and her legs shift as if she doesn’t know what to do with all the feeling. Then I slide into her and I feel something explode. She shakes as she unintentionally pushes me as deep as she can, holding her breath. Then it explodes out of her, a cry of pleasure. As she comes I keep a slow rhythm, even though the pressure from her tights tells me she’s trying to close them.. Her orgasm is beautiful.

I stop moving as it finally subsides. Her hair is in disarray, her body wet from sweat and her own lubricant and she’s got red skin all over her body. She’s beautiful. I support her for a long moment, feeling content just hugging her and staying inside her.

It takes a while for her to catch her breath. Despite the hotness of it all I feel I’m losing my hard on. Her body moves experimentally, moving a bit up and down. Then she sits up and looks at me. “We might be able to try”, she tells me as she continues the tiny movement.

“I’m not very hard right now. We can try, but it might be more sensitive than you think.”

Her face falls. “oh”. Then she gets off me, seeing the truth. She grabs me and starts working it gingerly. It’s certainly helping. When I’m large enough we switch places without a word, feeling what we need to do. She lays down, opening her beautiful legs so I can climb in between.

I guide myself against her. Not sensitive. Good. I slowly enter her. It’s a bit sensitive by the looks of it, but she’s also pushing me deeper.

We do a careful rhythm for a few minutes. Just slow and nothing fancy or intense. Just to get her acclimated. Slowly her sensitivity is replaced by pleasure.

She motions me closer. She hugs me, so she can push her hips better against me. Her taking over the rhythm shows: The road to my pleasure has begun.

I can only move with her rhythm. She moans seductively in my ear, but her smile suggests it’s more for my benefit. I mind. It’s sexy she’s accentuating her pleasure for me.

Not long after she lets me take control of the rhythm. Her hips still move to meet me, enhancing the way her pussy feels. I go harder and she matches. “Fuck…” I moan. “Going like this it’ll not be long.” I manage to pant.

She giggles and bites my ear playfully. “It’s ok to come quick” she whispers as her hips make me see stars from pleasure.

“Where?” I manage to say in a strained voice. She understands luckily. She subsides the rhythm a bit and I follow her, glad of the interruption.

“Inside”, she whispers. I’m then doubly glad we’re taking just a slow moment as she tells me. “I’m afraid I’ll lose some drops on the floor.”

I look at her incredulously. “We’re fucking on a towel.”

“Fuck yes you’re right. Then all over me it is. I was already preferring that.” Me and my mouth… my disappointment must’ve been visible. “Is that really so disappointing?”

“No. I was just looking forwards to it. I’ll be happy to come all over you.” She smiles broadly, signalling with her hips that it’s time. I set at it with the single-minded determination that men are often accused of. I go hard and intense, hearing the soft wet noises followed by a slap of our bodies each time we meet.

Quickly I lose all sense but for my cock inside her. Each neuron telling me how warm, wet and wonderful she is inside. I feel the orgasm building.

But as I come closer, it seems I’m getting stuck just before the show. The raw wetness, moans and her want aren’t enough by just a tiny bit. It’s the most wonderful feeling, yet I want to finish it. I look at her body writhing under me to get me off. I realise I probably could just come inside her…. but I know I won’t. It’s not enough.

Then I spot her legs trembling. It’s faint, but her pleasure is there.

Then it goes quickly. I pump hard and deep a few times, feeling her pussy drawing me over the point of no return. I moan in a way that can only mean one thing. Her pussy made me come…. it’ll happen soon. I keep going, feeling as if all the cum in my body is already filling my cock and somehow not exploding out of it yet. If I stop I’ll come, but somehow each extra thrust inside her staves it off just a bit longer. Like the pressure of her pussy is only just keeping in the building explosion of cum. Each thrust she accepts me a bit more willingly.

I hold my breath, but two more thrusts and I know I can’t be sure I’ll suddenly explode. I slip out of her and sit up, letting the stiffness of my cock aim it over her. I see her watch my wetly glistening cock as her hips keep moving, pushing her mound only just against the underside of my cock. Is the world holding its breath or me?

A second later I feel the explosion. I tremble as the drops rain on her belly and against the underside of her perky breasts. Then more comes, hitting her belly and oozing all over. Some slides to the side, some backwards along the lines of her mound to her pussy.

“Hmmm wow”, she mentions, probably more just to say something. “Your face looked like you were coming for some time. I thought you would just pump me full.” I’m glad she’s still breathing heavily.

I grab an edge of the towel and start cleaning white drops off her. “I only do that with consent”, I tell her.

“My body was giving it”, she tells me with a wink. “I’m just teasing. I would’ve allowed it, but you don’t meet many gentleman as you during sex.” My chest is immediately glowing with pride instead of the missed opportunity.

She got up and cleaned off most of the cum I missed. I watched her curves contently, moving this way and that as she cleaned herself. “Take a shower and I’ll lock up the last few things” she tells me. I watch her beautiful butt move as she walks to her clothes. She grabs her work skirt as if to put them on, looks at me, and decides not to. I watch her gather the rest and walk to a service door swaying just a tiny bit extra for my pleasure. Then she disappears behind the closing door.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qsos8r/unforgettable_night_at_the_sauna_mf


  1. For the ones that might think my story was too short:

    I sit on the couch, just watching the lights below for a few minutes. Then I finally grab my things and go to the shower. The water is nice and hot and there’s soap a-plenty that is dripping slowly off my body.

    She hangs a company towel on the rack and steps on under the shower next to me. Frozen and staring at her curves apparently is endearing to her and she smiles. “You were slow. I thought you would be finished by now”, she tells me.

    “The views were nice, so I stayed a bit longer. Might stay here a bit longer for the views as well.”

    She pushes me playfully. “You can stop outrageously flattering me. We already had sex.”


    Those shining eyes look over me, trying to see if I’m serious. Her hands hide her breasts. Is she uncomfortable? It had seemed nearly impossible. Then she opens her arms, showing her breast. Her eyes intent on where I look to gauge my seriousness.

    I don’t flinch and look her in the eyes. Not even a glance at her breasts. “Only if you’re willing. It’s just nice to see you smile during.” It is my honest opinion. There is so much beautiful to look at, but a smile makes it worth it. And an orgasm.

    “You’re not satisfied?”

    “I am very satisfied. It’s just fun to do it again. Is it wrong to want to hear that sexy intake of breath again when I hit a nice spot?”

    Her face is still thoughtful. Possibly she’s not one for multiple times due to sensitivity. I rinse off the soap under her watchful eyes. I hope the soap over my newly increasing member looks nice for her.

    “I could go for some after sex” she tells me softly. Her hands go to the wall for support, suggesting me to stand behind her. I still feel she’s doing it more for me. But how can I say no when she purposefully teases by moving her sexy butt? The timed shower stopped, but the remaining drops cling to her curves in a way that makes me jealous.

    I move behind her, running my hands down her sides. Kissing her neck and feeling her body react is an erotic beauty. Teasing her, appreciating her body with my hands. Flowing over her while biting her and pressing my body close. Don’t get me wrong. What I really wanted was to be inside her now. My whole body was screaming for it. Demanding it. Wanting nothing more. And yet, I take a lot of delight in both pleasing her and delaying the inevitable.

    Back then I was impatient. It felt like ten minutes, but was probably closer to two when I slid one hand from a soft breast massage down her belly. My softest touch to see how crazy I could get her and how sensitive she might still be. Definitely sensitive I recon, when she immediately pushes herself hard into me and lets out a soft moan. In a good way.

    I hold her trembling body in my hand as she undergoes my soft touch. It’s nice to feel her warm body in my arms. All those curves trembling warmly against mine, leaving their heat for a rosy afterglow.

    My hand slides deeper in between her legs, so I can grab my cock. It gives her a short breather before feeling the tip pressing against her lips. Automatically her whole body starts to reposition itself. Where first I would’ve had difficulty, now it already slides in a bit. It slips in fully easily this time to a deep moan from me and a higher pitched one from her, ending in a “yeah fuck”.

    Where the fist time it was all intensity, now it was just a smooth casual fuck. Quick enthusiastic thrusts of pleasure. She moves with me, mostly a bit up and down so I can feel the angle change pleasantly as I thrust.

    “I want to try something”, she tells me as she lets me slip out and then tows me away in a way many men have been moved. Grabbing the cock and pulling you with. It wasn’t far. Into the main area with a semi circular footbath around a central column. When stopping her hand slid down my shaft, which she handily used to add a few more casual strokes. Then she sat down sensually.

    “That’s too low”, I mention. “It would be laying down on the stone tiles with half your back on the edge, or me in my knees with little thrust.”

    She scoffed. “Men and their logic”, she mutters as she stands up. “No sense of adventure”, she teases as she guides me to sit on the stones.

    It is just comfortable to sit down. I straddle the edge with both foot in the footbath. She stepped in with one foot as well, letting her other slide over the stone edge towards me. It was a nice full slideshow of her body. Legs, pussy, hips, belly, breasts, neck, naughty smile and piercing eyes. Guiding me inside goes with barely any sign of intensity. Putting one arm behind her on the stones and the other on my shoulder, she gives an inviting view of the wet spectacle. I can see some of the shower droplets trying to cling to her moving body, right along my fully wet looking cock disappearing in her. I watch until one slides too low, onto her lips and hits my cock. It can be seen only a moment before her lips devour it along with me. Then I put my attention to the rest of her lovely wet curves.

    She pulls me close, pressing her breasts to my face. A not unwelcome feeling. Her hips now have a different angle, which allows her to fuck me much harder. I would still say it’s casual, but with a frivolous intensity. I could certainly imagine coming like this.

    The normally tranquil footbath is moving wildly as she continues to take me pleasantly for a long time. Suddenly she startles. “Fuck the time!” It is far past 12. “Is there any way we can speed this up?”

    “If there’s no time we can just stop. There is no pressure here.”

    “No I like to make you come”, she mentions as she pushes her hips down to make her point. “I just want to be in bed a bit on time.”

    “In that case we’ll need you on your belly or your back. I guess the lounge area will do. Soft with plastic that is water resistant.”

    “You do know that waterproofing is everywhere in a sauna?“ I feel a bit ashamed that I forgot for a moment. Her hips make it ok by moving a few more times in a nice way as she smiles at me. “Let’s go”, she whispers and bites my ear. She’s off and quick on her feet towards the lounge area.

    She’s already down on the lounge chair closest to the window, looking out. As I approach, she makes it clear she wants me. She lounges largely on her back while spreading her legs invitingly. I lay down between her legs and make work of it. I start thrusting with purpose into her lovely body.

    “You’re so big!”, she whispers to egg me on. It only elicits a soft laugh from me. She’s a fast learner, as she seductively moans in my ear afterwards. Although it is again just to please me, I do like the pleasurable undertone.

    “Look at my breasts”, she whispers. I lift myself off her warm body to look at her breasts, shaking with every thrust. “Don’t forget my pussy.” I obediently look at it, beautiful in it’s sexuality. Her hands run down my chest as she guides me to watch. All the while I keep thrusting.

    “It’s working”, I whisper to her. She moans a bit harder in response. My thrusts become harder as I get closer. Her eyes close in her enjoyment, although she’s not enjoying it as much as me.

    “Look at me”, I command as I’m feeling the last moments approaching. Her intense eyes pierce me.

    “Yes”, she moans softly as she reads my face. “Yes…” she repeats, but increasing in intensity with my own. “Do it”, she commands with a soft moan.

    I pull out at the last moment, feeling a torrent unleash. White droplets fall over her belly and breasts. A huge smile appears on her face as she hums her pleasure of a job well done.

  2. Wow, this was one of the best story I have ever read. So well written, so much passion and so hot. Thank you

  3. I think this might have been the best-written, hottest and most passionate story I have ever read on here. Wow, just wow. Thank you.

  4. Nice story but where exactly is this multi-level sauna with beautiful views and a relaxing pool? It’s Saturday morning and, assuming it’s somewhere in Europe, we may need to take a trip today.

  5. Nope. Nope. Nope nope nope. Unless English isn’t your native language and this went through a translator. Otherwise it sounds like a 7th grader who found his dad’s 50 year old skin mags.

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