Succubus Short Stories Ch. 2 [M/F]

**For a long time humans and succubi have always been against each other, due to the succubi’s ability of being able to wring out the life force of a man through sexual acts it made things hard to send in men to fight them off whenever they would invade a city, not to mention that they can also easily disguise themselves as any average woman. It’s only been recently when humans and succubi have finally been able to live together peacefully, however you still often hear about how a succubus can lose control and accidentally suck the life out of the man they are together with.**

**While these cases are accidental there are still, of course, some succubi who go out of their way to purposefully suck the life out of someone**

I’ve only been working at this office job for 2 weeks now but I’m very glad I took it. Not only has it solved some of my money problems but it’s also allowed me to meet some new and interesting people, it’s even allowed me to meet his really cute girl who I work next to. She has long and silky brown hair, calm blue eyes, and she would always come into work wearing a tight outfit that would draw attention to her curvy figure, I’ll admit I’ve taken glances towards her chest more then once. We haven’t talked much ever since I first arrived in the office but whenever we would pass in the hall she would always give me a warm smile. I wish I had the courage to talk to her more often “Hey do you mind running to the supply closet to some more things for me?” a coworker asks snapping me out of my daydreams “Huh, oh yeah sure.” I stand up from my desk and head over to the supply closet closing the door behind me.

I look around the small room trying to find what my coworker asked for “Where is it, where is it, it should be around here somewhere.” I continue looking around when I hear the door open and close behind me, I turn around to see that it’s the girl I’ve been admiring. “O-oh hi.” I say, she’s so cute I stumble over my words “Hi.” she says sweetly. She walks up and stops in front of me, I try to take a step back but I realize that I’m already against a wall “Um are you looking for something in here as well” she looked around the room and said “Yeah…” she looked to a spot next to where I was standing and moved even closer to me, our bodies were inches apart when she nodded to herself and said “No that wasn’t it.” she then looked over at me and we locked eyes. We stared at each other for a few seconds before she suddenly put both of her hands on my chest, leaned up to me and kissed me.

I could feel her breasts pushing up against my chest, this girl who I wanted to talk to more is now leaning against me and kissing me. Lust took over my brain, I wrapped one arm around her waist pulling her closer to me and I put my other hand on her breast squeezing gently, she moaned into the kiss when I did this only furthering my lust. Her hands slowly moved down from my chest to my crotch, she delicately touched the already hard cock in my pants that I was presenting to her. She unzipped my pants, pulled out my cock and began to move her hand up and down giving me long and slow strokes, it was my turn to moan into the kiss. Hearing this she increased the speed of her strokes while also getting more skillful with them, spending more and more time teasing my tip every time she went up. The pleasure washed over my body in waves causing my body to slightly jerk every time it crashed into me. While still not breaking off from the kiss she again increased her speed, it feels too good, my cock was throbbing in her hand, I moan into the kiss again as I have a powerful orgasm.

She finally breaks from the kiss, brings her hand to her face and licks the cum off of her fingers, she then looks down at my still hard cock and says “Oh no it’s all dirty.” she gets down on her knees “don’t worry, I’ll clean it all up~” she says, she opens her mouth and takes my entire length inside. The warmth was incredible, I’m not good with women so I’ve never experienced a blowjob before, I was already really sensitive from my last orgasm and this being the first blowjob to experience proved to be too much for me, I ended up cumming a large load into her mouth which she greedily sucked up making sure no drop got out. My legs became numb from having two powerful orgasm back to back, when she released my cock I slide down to the ground and sat there too weak in the legs to even attempt standing back up. Before getting up she kissed me on the cheek and said “I’ll see you back here later tonight.” she then got up and left the little supply closet leaving me on the ground. I look around the room and notice that next to where I was laying were the items that my coworker had asked for “He’s going to have to wait a bit before I can stand back up and get those to him.”

After I got out of the closet the rest of the day continued as normal, unfortunately though the incident in the closet took much more time then I thought it did, I decided to work some overtime and stay in the office by myself to finish what I was working on. the office lights were dim, the only real bright light was coming from my computer screen. I looked around my desk trying to find a certain item “Damn I think I need to get another one from the supply closet.” I said. I get up from my desk and head into the supply closet that I had already been in earlier that day. The room was completely dark, my eyes were having trouble adjusting. I close the door behind me and as soon as I do I hear a voice “I knew you would come.” I then feel a pair of arms wrap around my neck and was pushed against a wall, I feel someones lips press against my mine.

My eyes adjust to the darkness of the room and I am able to see that it’s the girl from before, pushing me against a wall, her lips locked with mine, she breaks from the kiss and looks at me with clear lust in her eyes, that’s when I notice something different about her. She had large wings spread open behind her, a long tail just above her waist and a pair of small horns on her head “Y-you’re a succubus?” I ask, she giggles and says “Does that bother you?” Her sweet voice from before as been changed to that of an alluring one “N-no!” I say trying to hide my excitement “Just surprised me is all.” she giggles again before taking my hand that was at my side and placing it on her breast “You’re a boobs man aren’t you?” she asks, I sheepishly nod my head and she says “I figured you were, I notice all of those glances you give to my chest.” I blush heavily, she giggles again and gets close to my face and says “I’m flattered.” she moves to the side of my head and starts kissing my neck, I softly moan out as she rubs my erect cock in my pants, she moves up to my ear and begins gently biting on it.

She stops and whispers into my ear “Mmmm eating you up is going to be so good~” her voice is dripping with lust. She gets down on her knees and undoes my belt pulling down my pants, my cock is already oozing with pre-cum, she lightly licks the tip of my cock licking up the pre-cum, it sends a shiver down my spine. She grabs my cock with one hand and starts to slowly stroke it like before, I reel my head back and close my eyes letting the pleasure take over, her other hand starts playing with my balls making the pleasure even greater. A few minutes pass of her just slowly stroking me, gradually building me up, she notices a bottle of lotion on one of the shelves and asks “Are you enjoying this.” I nod my head and say “Y-yes.” she then giggles and says “Then why don’t we make this even better.” she gets up and grabs the bottle of lotion and applies some onto both of her hands. She comes back down to my cock and moves to grab it again but stops just before grabbing it. My cock twitches in anticipation wanting her to touch me more “My my you’re quite eager aren’t you.” she says, I only nod my head as reply, she grabs my cock again and beings to stroke me once more.

The new found lubrication made for a higher level of bliss, her soft hands gliding across my cock, the feeling of her juggling my balls, there was no way I could resist “A-ah.” I moan out loud completely giving myself in to the experience “Do you now what happens when a succubus makes a man cum?” she asks, I shake my nod not realize what she’s talking about “When you cum from a succubus they steal your life force, your very essence.” she increases the speed of her strokes, ready to make me cum as she speaks “If they steal enough of it, the man dies, spurting his life away through his cock, all for a little pleasure.” she says seductively.

Remembering the risks and the dangers of having a sexual encounter with a succubus doesn’t stop my arriving orgasm, my cock throbs in her hand as a large amount of semen gushes all over her face. She licks the cum off of her face as well as her fingers, some of the cum dripping off her face onto her chest staining her clothes, seeing her lick my semen off of her fingers makes my cock twitch with pleasure. I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my legs as I fall to the ground against the wall, no longer able to use my legs to stand, I watch in utter horror as I witness my legs shrivel up before my eyes . She notices my dismay and giggles, she then gets close and leans in to whisper into my ear “Don’t worry about your legs, I’m going to be sending you to heaven really soon~” the allure and sweetness in her voice being to much to be able to think rationally, she gently bites my heck giving me a hickey. With the overwhelming lust and pleasure dictating my bodies movements I wrap my arms around her pulling her closer to me, she gets more aggressive kissing my neck, her hot breath against my body making me shiver. She pulls back and looks me directly into my eyes “For what it’s worth, I thought you were very cute.” she says, she then leans in and kisses me passionately, she breaks from the kiss and goes back down to give my cock more attention, but before doing so, she grabs the lotion and applies more lubricant onto her hands.

She gets back down and gently blows onto my cock watching it twitch “Don’t worry.” she says “I’ll make the build up to your last orgasm long and slow.” she says as she grabs my cock getting ready to start “And once you do finally let it all go, it’ll be the most pleasurable feeling of your life.” she begins her slow but rhythmic strokes, going up my cock and coming back down. That’s all it was for a while, her delicate hand slowly going up my cock and slowly coming back down, but after a minute or two she started adding more skill into it. She started turning her hand around my cock as she went up and down, the slightest bit of new movement causing my muscles to spasm in pleasure. After another few minutes she started to use her thumb to make small circles on my tip before going back down, the pleasure was unreal, I could feel the orgasm quickly rising in my waist “I-I can’t h-hold on.” I say “Don’t spurt it all out now, I haven’t had all of my fun yet.” she says in return, she starts using her other hand to stroke the top half of my cock while the hand that was already on it focus on giving pleasure to the bottom half.

Both of her hands seemed to be in harmony, stroking in perfect rhythm to each other giving me absolute bliss. Both of her hands slowly stroking me in rhythm, the constant rubbing of my tip, the pleasure was too much, I was quickly brought to my last orgasm earlier then I was supposed to “C-can’t h-hold on!” I jerk my hips into the air as I gush a fountain of cum everywhere, making a mess of both her and myself. My body goes limp, the feeling of pure ecstasy all over me “Aww you broke too soon.” she says disappointed “Well I suppose it can’t be helped.” she says while licking the cum off of her face. Her clothes were covered in my cum, but they seemed to disappear being absorbed into her body “There, all clean.” she says. She stands up and looks down at my slowly decaying body “It was fun, I hope you enjoyed your last moments.” She says as she walks over to the closet door, she turns around and blows me a kiss before opening the door and closing it behind her, darkness once again encompassing the small room

The lingering feeling of pleasure still remains as I feel my body shrivel away. I fall over onto my side as darkness starts to take over me, the last thing I see before fading from existence was the small and dark supply closet.

**If you want to read more you can read the other chapters here:**

**I also have the story posted on if you prefer to use that site** instead:

**Let me know if you want to see more chapters posted on this sub and feel free to message me about any suggestions you might have.**
