Nerds On Vacation: Part Two (Two of Two) [MF] [Interracial] [Straight Sex] [Busty] [Huge Boobs] [Virgin] [First Time]

“Ready?” I asked.

I heard a low moan from under my hanging boobs. I leaned back, holding his dick in place as I lowered myself onto it. My mouth opened wide as a low gasp exited.

“Damn, that’s big,” I said as I felt it enter me. I felt it pushing its way deep into me as I slowly lowered more onto it.

I used his chest to balance myself as I began to bounce on top of it. “You can throw out that V card now,” I smiled down at him.

His hands squeezed my chest as I began to rock back and forth on top of him. “Tell me when you are going to cum,” I said as I began to rock harder. My breath was getting away from me as I rocked harder.

I leaned forward as I held the backboard. “Fuck,” I said, feeling his dick stretch my insides. I looked down at Winston; he had his eyes closed. “Open them,” I moaned.

Winston looked up at me as my large breasts swayed as I bounced, and rocked harder.

I felt myself on edge. I only had reached this moment twice, and both times were with toys of my own.

“I’m cumming,” Winston said as his hands grabbed my hips, he tried to pull me off him.

“Few seconds,” I said, bouncing my hips faster. “Just a big longer.”

Winston grimaced, tightening his eyes as he tried to hold on.

“Okay,” I said, getting off him.

I was just in time as he came hard. I watched as his dick shot cum up and then down all over his stomach and the bed.

“Sorry,” he said, looking at me.

“Oh,” I shook my head as I laid next to him. “You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for, we both got we wanted.”

“You?” he asked.

“Oh yeah,” I nodded.

We both lay in the bed for a few minutes. The rest of the night was spent experimenting. Winston went downstairs and found condoms at the local store. He got plenty, but none of them fit. We both made comments about his size as well as mine.

The morning was the same. Winston learned quickly how to pull out when he got close. There was a knock on the door. Both of us looked at each other. Had we been that loud?

“Lady Claire wants to know if you still wanted the tour?” a man’s voice yelled.

“Yes!” we both yelled in unison.

We took showers and got dressed. I met them downstairs. “I like the scarf?” Winston said as I got into the large vehicle.

‘We can use it later,’ I whispered. ‘As well as these,’ I smiled as I playfully played with my braids.

I could see the outline of his dick harden as I said that. “Down boy, later,” I said as I leaned closed o him placing my hand over it as the driver looked back.

“Anywhere particular?” he asked.

“Everywhere,” Winston said.

The rest of the day was spent going from one attraction to another. We saw places no other tourists had seen. Went into parts of the castle and the library that was forbidden to outsiders. We weren’t allowed to take pictures inside the sacred halls or photos of the books or tapestries.

Then we met Lady Claire, who greeted us with a smile. “Want to see them?” she asked.

“What?” I asked. I was still a bit angry at her. But with all that I had seen today, the anger was fading away.

“The original tunnels,” she said. We both shook our heads.

“You won’t be alone this time, I will be with you,” she said as she reached for both of our hands. “I have had my driver, drive you all over this city if I wanted you dead, there are many places I could have done it.”

We both nodded as we walked with her. We went down some stairs as others were coming up. A small gate in a narrow doorway barred the way. Lady Claire opened it, and we stepped into complete darkness. With a flick of a switch, the path ahead was illuminated.

“We will not go any further,” she said. “I know it is not a good thing to go any deeper,” she said as she looked back at us.

“Is it close?” I asked.

“Oh no,” Claire shook her head. “It hasn’t been in these parts for many years.”

“This was where one of my ancestors created it,” she said with a sense of pride in her voice. “It was here that he molded it and gave it life. It was also the place where he tried to stop it. He almost succeeded if it wasn’t for his son. One wrong word and… well now we have to deal with it.”

I looked around the big room small tunnels led out of it. “This is where it was set free?” I asked.

“Yes,” she nodded. “It all started here. I come down here often, looking over the papers that were left to our family. Trying to figure out the right words. Nothing can stop it; we have tried everything. It’s the incantation that brought it to life, and that is the only thing that can stop it.”

“Can we…” Winston began to ask.

“My deal ends here,” she said. “You have done your part and I have done mine.”

We walked back up to the main lobby of the castle. “Goodbye, and I hope you live a long life.”

“Your secret is safe with us,” I said as she turned away.

“My family has kept this secret for many years, and we will for many years from now. Even after the three of us are dead and buried. As long as it lives my family line will be here to make sure it doesn’t leave these tunnels.”

We watched her leave. “They would never believe us anyway.” Winston shrugged.

“That is why they made it a story, and folklore. It is easy to hide the truth by telling the truth,” I smiled.

There were more questions to be answered before we got ready to leave. None of them revealed anything more than a kidnapping that went horribly wrong. They found Clyde’s body a few feet away from the sight they had found the clothing. No doubt Lady Claire had arranged for everything.

With the two suspects dead, the police had no other leads to follow. We were free to go. My aunt arrived at the hotel. She wanted to take me home immediately. Winston’s parents had sent for a private jet to come to get him.

It wasn’t until early morning when I got a chance to sneak away that I got to see him again.

“Well,” I said, peeking down the hall. “She is talking to one of her friends.”

“Ah,” Winston smiled.

I made my way inside the room. He was packed and ready. “This is it then,” I said, turning to face him.

“Yeah,” he said, looking down at his luggage. “Thank you, for everything.”

“You mean thank you for popping your cherry,” I laughed.

“Yes, that too,” he smiled.

I embraced him, and we kissed. “You think we have time for one more time.”

“Doubt it,” I replied. “But you have my phone number and everything right?”

“Yes,” he replied.

There was a knock on the door. “Come on Sarah, we will miss our flight.”

* * * * * * * *

Five months later.

Things had changed for me after the events in Prague. One, I was no longer the nerdy girl that everybody tried to ignore. I also stopped hiding my chest from the world. That was more due to my long-distance relationship with Winston. We had kept in touch and talked to each other daily.

There was only one thing that kept reminding me of the horror that I had witnessed. Lady Claire had sent both of us a package inside of it was a miniature Golem. I wanted to throw it away, but for some reason, I kept it. Now it stood on my desk, staring at me with square eyes and a blank face.

“Again?” my new roommate said. “It’s Friday and it’s midnight. You should be out, nearly every guy on campus wants to date you, it’s your senior year,” she said, looking at me as I brushed my hair.

“I told you,” I shook my head as I turned around to my laptop.

“You’re taken,” she shook her head. “He is miles away in a different country.”

“Bye Madison,” I said as she grabbed the door handle.

Friday was our date night, well, my night his morning. He had no school and no work on Saturday mornings. Every Friday, we had a long video chat. I sat up and hit the connect button.

“There you are,” he yawned.

“You’re fucking gorgeous,” I smiled as I looked at him with his new glasses.

“I hate them,” he said as he took them off.

“Leave them on,” I smiled. “They are a huge turn on.”

“Oh yeah?” he laughed.

“Definitely,” I nodded. “I bought something for you today,” I smiled.

“Oh yeah, what?” he said as he looked at me.

I opened my robe and showed him my new bra. “Holy fuck!” he said as he looked at them.

“Hope you like it,” I smiled, knowing he was looking at my new baby blue bra. I shook them back and forth.

“You’re killing me Hun,” Winston said as he shook his head.

“Oh yeah, what if I said it’s a matching set?” I said as I got up and turned around and showed him the matching thong as I wiggled my ass for him.

“You are the worst,” he said as I spun back around.

“Just getting you back for the hard hat picture,” I smiled.

“Noted,” he smiled. “I have something to show you,” he said as he reached for something. He showed me his miniature Golem.

I looked at it then took a closer look. “It got bigger?” I said as it looked at least three inches bigger than mine.

“One of the guys got hurt the other day, there was a lot of blood. I guess I got some on my hands, when I moved it out of the way the blood got on it. I went to get something to clean it up and the stain was gone. I thought nothing of it until the next morning.”

“That’s when it was bigger?” I asked, looking at my Golem standing by my laptop.

“Yeah, that’s not all. I think it has been turned on,” Winston said as he put it back. “We have been finding dead rats and small insects all over the place.”

The rest of the time we talked, I couldn’t help but think about what he had said. What if they were alive and were waiting for the first taste of blood. I went to sleep, but first, I marked a small circle around my Golem.

When I woke, I checked to make sure it was still within that circle. “You’re not activated,” I said as I sat down.

I looked around the dorm. I found what I was looking for, a band-aid with blood on it. Madison was always cutting herself or having some injury. It was gross, but I had to see for myself. I placed the band-aid on top of the Golem, then leaned a pencil on it.

I went about my regular day. When I returned, it was the first thing I noticed when I entered the room. The pencil was on the floor. My Golem was standing there.

“Madison?” I asked, hoping she was still okay.

“What?” she replied, coming out of the shower.

“Nothing,” I nodded. I sat down in front of it. Its feet were at the edge of the circle. It had moved.

“I called maintenance,” Madison said as she dried her hair.

“Why?” I asked.

“There was a dead rodent in the bathroom,” Madison said casually.

“Where?” I asked, getting up.

“Relax,” Madison said, shaking her head. “They took it away. The thing was skinny, and its head was twisted, they said it must have fell from the ceiling or something.”

“Or got pulled through the wall,” I said in a low voice as I turned to face my Golem.

“What?” Madison asked.

“Nothing,” I shook my head.

I grabbed more pencils and pens and formed a line around it. This time I wanted to make sure I knew when it moved.

That night while I was sleeping, I heard a noise. I woke up and shone my phone at my table. It was gone. I quickly got up. ‘Where did you go?’ I whispered. I made sure it wasn’t anywhere near Madison. Then I heard a noise outside the room.

‘Shit!’ I said.

I opened the door and rushed out, aiming the light down at the floor. “Get back here!” I yelled at it as I saw a slight movement at the corner. It had gone through the wall. “Fuck me,” I shook my head. I hated myself for activating it. I ran down the corridor and into the shared bathroom. It was the connecting wall.

I turned on the light. There it was, holding another rat it must have caught. “Enough,” I said as I walked towards it. It was draining the blood from the creature. I reached down for it when its eyes glowed up at me. “Fine!” I said, “Finish eating then we go back to the room.”

I waited until it dropped the lifeless body. “Back! Now!” I pointed. It ran back to the wall then went through it. I followed it back to my door, where it went through.

I climbed back into bed as I watched it stand next to my laptop. “Goodnight,” I said as I turned over and laid back.

* * * * * * * *

“If it isn’t the prude,” Jackson said as I walked by him.

I smiled back. “Just because I don’t want to sleep with you, it doesn’t make me a prude.”

“You don’t sleep with anybody,” Phillip said as he passed me. “You dress like that and don’t expect us to comment?”

Phillip, Jackson, and Trevor had taken up the void Matthew and his friends had left. They were known to bully all the new kids and any woman who didn’t pay them the proper attention.

“You guys still hang out at the old warehouse, right?” I stopped to ask them.

“What?” Trevor asked. He was the tallest of the three.

“I hear it gets really dark and scary down there,” I smiled.

“You scared of the dark?” Phillip teased. He was the leader of the bunch.

“No, not at all,” I said as I turned around, swinging my hips. Which made my short skirt twirl. “I was just thinking that if, and only if you guys kept it to yourselves, we could have some fun.”

“Yeah right,” Jackson said. “The prude wants to have some fun?”

“I am only like this because I don’t want to ruin my reputation,” I flirted as I looked back over my shoulder.

“Okay,” Phillip said, “I will bite. Yeah, the old warehouses, you know where they are?”

“Yeah,” I nodded. “Tonight?”

“Yeah,” he said, smiling.

I smiled as I walked away. I went straight down to the boiler room. My pet had grown significantly over the past few weeks. I had to hide it somewhere else.

“Diego,” I whispered as I got down to the lower level. Slowly it emerged from its hiding spot. It now stood up to my knees. I bent down and picked it up. “I found you a new place. No more rodents for you.”

That night I walked down to the warehouse district. Diego was in my backpack. I could feel it moving around. “See all these people,” I said as I opened the top. The homeless littered the area. “You have to protect them. No one harms them you understand?” Its eyes glowed their usual red colour.

I went into one of the warehouses. I heard Jackson’s voice. I pulled my hoodie over my head and covered my face with my scarf as I put Diego down. “Go,” I pointed in the direction.

Diego disappeared into the darkness. I turned around and walked away. The first scream was loud, and many of the homeless turned around to look. I kept walking with a smile on my face.

“Thanks for the idea,” I said into my phone.

“No problem, it’s where I put Robert,” Winston said

I turned to look back. Some of the homeless people had walked towards the warehouse. “Fancy another trip?” I asked as I turned back around.

“You read my mind,” Winston replied.

“I heard Transylvania, is good this time of year,” I said with a wink as another scream pierced the night sky.

The End

Authors Note: The rest of this story as well as many other stories are on my other pages, the links to which can be found [here](
