Monsteria encyclopedia: Oni

It’s been four weeks since Lu and I have left Taiwan after her husband was murdered.

She has taken my offer to travel with me, accompanying me back to the mainland. She’s been solemn the whole of our time, but that’s understandable.

I have done my best to be a friend to her, allowing her to do as she pleases, crying, staying in the room, whatever she needs.

But my journey must continue soon, the thumping feeling in my skull has returned, shouting for me to explore.

Two months have passed since, and my body yearns for lands unknown and pleasure immaculate. 

Humanity is a strange thing to me now. I want to stay and help her grieve over her loss, but I simply cannot. 

In the morning I shall ask her to accompany me on my next journey, if she says no I will continue forth on my own.

I have taken some time to reflect on who I am as a person. I do not need sleep anymore, so I have a lot of time for reflection. I do not wish to become some grand deity or to be woven into the annals of history, I only wish to experience what this world has to offer. I wish to pass on my experiences of the supernatural and preternatural to those who would read my notebooks. Ever since consuming the peach, the things that go bump in the night, and that we humans do not see are suddenly bright as day. 

We simply ignore their existence, creatures of amazing description simply passing by unnoticed. 

The other day I spotted a small fuzzy rabbit-like creature with the antlers of a deer.

And another creature I found whilst visiting a temple was a large dog adorned with a golden tassel and had the face of a dragon. It was laying on a stone slab in the open, but no one even acknowledged it. Fascinating.

The moon and stars seem to be brighter now and moving. Once stationary cosmic beings zipped around the sky, interacting with one another and creating marvelous pictures.

We humans seem so small now, under the might of the infinite void of the night sky.

The sun shall come up soon. And I will ask Lu my question.


She woke without issue, smiling for once. She greeted me and I asked how she slept. 
She says she had a wonderful dream, and that she sees it as a sign from the gods that it’s time to move forward.

We talked a bit over breakfast and I asked her to travel with me. She agreed, saying she doesn’t have much in the terms of family or possessions and that life on the road is more than normal for her.

I thanked her and we spent our day asking around for the next land we should visit. 

A foreigner, much like me, told me of land to the east called Nihon. A mystical land from what he told me. creatures of all descriptions roam here. 

It is decided then, I shall travel here and see what this land has to offer.

Lu has questioned me on why I know the foreigner’s strange language, I brushed it off, I don’t know if I should tell her my secrets yet.

I found a ship willing to ferry us to this land. 

Apparently, some parts of the country are recovering from a war, I will be wary.

The boat leaves in a week’s time. I shall spend that time gathering supplies and valuables. 


The boat has left the port, we are currently on our way to Nihon, the waters are clear and the day is bright and beautiful. 

But I feel off.

A foreboding feeling has wormed its way into my stomach. 

Lu seems happy now, telling me over a nightly visitor in her dreams, she tells me it is a sign from the gods. But my skepticism tells me otherwise. 

She also seems to be growing younger, much as I did when I consumed the peach.

Curiously, she also seems to not remember her husband at all. I asked her about their trips, but she simply stared at me with an empty gaze.

I will keep an eye on her.

The captain of the ship is a personal man, telling me of lands he has seen in his travels.

One of interest to me is a land to the north called Rus, I will keep it in mind. It is a land covered in snow and icy white. The people claim to possess mystical powers.

We shall arrive at Nihon soon, only a few more days. I have talked to a merchant’s caravan, they are going through the mountains to the main city. I asked if they could take me and Lu, they obliged.

The stars are moving again tonight.

They seem to tell a story in a language I do not recognize.

Erratic and dark they move silently. Clashing with bright and immovable lights. I fear what this may mean.

I shall return when we reach Nihon.


We have arrived, it is a beautiful island country. Lush green forest with a temperate climate. The small port city we arrived in was very friendly to me. But they seem to have an undo disdain for Lu. 

She doesn’t seem to mind though.

The merchant’s caravan is halfway to its destination now. We are entering a pass through a mountain, it’s beginning to snow. 

I don’t feel it luckily, so I have given my large coat to Lu. The caravaneer tells me it isn’t uncommon to be attacked by bandits here, I nod and tell him I will fight if need be.

—(first-person perspective change)—

The cart creaks along the path as we traverse through the narrow snowy valley.

Lu is asleep in the cot, covered in linens and blankets. It’s past night and the stars have begun to dance in the sky. The caravaneer has refused to stop, as he is already behind schedule.

There are three wagons, all carrying goods from China. We were given a small corner to lay our heads on. 

Something feels wrong. Like the eyes of a predator are locked on the back of my head. 

I breathed deep and kept myself calm as the wagon moseyed forward.

My stomach turns as we creep forward through the thick snow and icy wind. My nerves were on high alert, waiting for whatever may come.

Then, it happened. 

A loud crash thundered aloud as the wagon ahead of us was knocked on its side. A loud bestial roar rang out, waking Lu. 

“What..what’s going on?” She said through bleary eyes.

“Not sure,” I blurted out, my voice a whisper. “Try to keep quiet.”

She nodded and curled her legs to her chest.

Footsteps, the sound of snow crunching under heavy boots right outside of our wagon.

My heart thumped against my ears. My instincts screamed for me to run. I steeled myself and tried to make myself as small as possible.

“Come out godling. I smell you.” It was a gruff voice, but undeniably female.

My heart stood still. 

“Come out now and I’ll let the others go.” Her voice boomed. 

Lu looked at me and mouthed. Godling?

I looked at her and shrugged. 


Fucking fuck.

I breathed deep and stood. I climbed over a crate and hopped out of the back of the wagon into the snow.

Even though it was the dead of night I could see the snow-laden ground clearly. a wagon knocked over, its goods scattered everywhere. The Oxen we’re missing.

But that wasn’t all. Towering above me, easily nine feet tall, was a woman. At least, what looked like one. 

She had a mask on, a red demon with its tongue sticking out and its eyes fiery and full of hate. Horns grew out of its forehead. 

Its body was all lean muscle and sparse clothing. A loincloth and cloth wrappings its only protection.

In front of her we’re four crumpled bodies, still breathing, but unconscious.

Its masked face turned to me.

“Godling.” She said.

I gulped

She rushed forward. Her long legs carried her unnaturally fast.

There was a sharp pain in my stomach.

Then darkness.


It must’ve been hours before I awoke.

I noticed a few things.

I was tied up in leather binds.

I was warm.

I was naked.

I looked around and saw I was in a cave, a fire burned low in the center, the tall woman sat idly by, her face was covered in shadow.

She suddenly tensed up and looked my way, lighting up her face.

She was rugged, her face had noticeable scars. Her lips were small and wispy. Her eyes had red irises and stared hard at me. Two horns grew out of her forehead, very similar to that of a devil.

Getting a closer look I noticed just how muscular she was. Abs, strong arms, thick thighs, and a powerful aura. Even so, she still was feminine.

She stomped over, just a few feet away, and she crouched. Starting directly in my eyes.

“Godling.” She grunted. “What business do you have in my domain? Which one of Susano’s lackeys sent you?”

My voice caught in my throat. She had such vitriol in her eyes and voice. My nerves were on fire.

“Well godling, what is your purpose?”

“I….I’m an explorer.” I stammered. 

She leaned forward, inches from my face. She smelt like a cooking fire. 

“Godling, do not lie to me. Your kind doesn’t do unless for your patron. So who sent you?”

My heart thumped hard. “Chiang’xi. She wanted me to explore the world.”

Her eyes narrowed and sniffed the air, like a predator tracking a wounded animal. “You smell like moon droplets. You smell like Tsukiyomi. He knows of me. Do you know of him?” She leaned back, sitting on the face floor.

I shook my head.

“He hides my ilk from Susano’s winds. If you have relation to the moon, then you have safety with me.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. Then Lu and the other zipped by my mind. “What of my travel companions?”

She snickered. “I let them on their way, they are safe.”

I breathed just a little easier.

“So, can you untie me?”

She laughed. “In a moment godling, I have, need for you.”

My heart skipped a beat.

“You and yours are rare to my ilk, and your essence is strong magic.”

“Please don’t eat me.” I pleaded.

She laughed again, hardy and verbose. “No, little godling, there are more pleasurable ways to obtain this energy.”

I felt warm to this idea. “How so?”

She smirked. “Simple, I have my way with you, you fill me with seed and vitality, then you go onward. Sounds good?”

Apparently, my body thought it did. My nether regions grew hard at the thought. Then I had a thought. “May I ask your name first? I am Marcus.”

“Names have power godling. Be wary of who you tell.” My nerves immediately felt on edge. “Beast of my ilk have no names, but I have been called Oni.”

“Oni, I like that,” I said. 

She smiled, I swear I could even see her blush.

“Marcus is a good name as well.” She stood, her body silhouette casting against the firelight.

She didn’t waste time getting rid of her sparse clothing. Despite her fit physique, she was very female. Her breasts were capped with large brown nipples and her honeypot hairless. 

She was covered in scared flesh, long pale lashes from claws, weapons. Dark scars from fires. But she wore them with grace, displaying them as trophies rather than blemishes.

She was sexy in a way that no other woman I’ve seen could pull it off.

She looked down on my restrained form, starting at my erection with a sort of curiosity.

She took a step forward.

I gulped.

She raised her leg and pushed me over with a light touch on my shoulder. My cock was fully erect, pointing skyward.

She stood there and pondered it, thinking of what to do with her prey. My restraints didn’t let me resist.

She stood above me and raised her foot above my crotch. She lowered herself ever so slightly, brushing my head with the ball of her foot. 

I shivered from her touch, she was warm, unnaturally so. A moan escaped my mouth, and she smiled wide.

She pushed her foot down, forcing my cock against my chest. She rubbed up and down me. She gently massaged me with the sole of her foot, her toes rubbing against my head with every pass. It felt great, but it just wasn’t enough.

I looked to see her bare womanhood, it was dripping, quite literally, rivulets of fluid flowed freely from her sex. 

My mouth watered with thirst and drive for her delicious-looking flower. 

If she can read minds she’s good at hiding it. She removed her foot and stepped over me, hovering her hips above me. 

I knew what she wanted, and I was happy to give.

She lowered herself and let her sopping wetness inches from my face. 

“Lick” she commanded.

I wasn’t going to say no to her.

I let my tongue explore her folds, winding through the valleys of her beautiful wetness.

She didn’t taste anything like I was expecting.

It wasn’t salty or savory.

It was something else entirely.

An imperfect mixture of sweet and flowery. It tasted like the purest flesh of a ripe apple covered in jasmine. 

I couldn’t help myself, I had to taste more.

I flicked my tongue in her, rolling over her desperately trying to taste everything she had to offer.

Her breathing grew rapid as I ran my tongue on her little clit. Enveloping it and massaging it with everything I could muster.

Her juices flowed into my mouth, a steady stream of nectar from the gods.

Then the floodgates burst. 

She grabbed my hair in her strong hands and forced me deeper into her. She was moaning in low lusty tones resounding off of the cave walls.

Her juices blasted me in the face, covering me in her essence. I drank as much as I could, her delicious liquid running down my throat.

“Don’t fucking stop, keep fucking licking me.”

I redoubled my efforts, licking and kissing her sweetness faster and faster. 

She let out a bestial roar. 

The cave was suddenly awash with heat, her skin went from normal beige to a deep crimson. But not blushing, actually red.

When she was done with her orgasm she climbed off. She was steaming, white vapor emitting from her body.

She stood there with her eyes closed for over a minute. Her skin eventually went back to its normal hue.

“That was what I needed.” She plopped down on the floor. And stated at me.

“Still got a hard-on huh? I can take care of that.”

She reached out a hand and gripped my shaft in her strong fingers. Even though she was strong, her hands were gentle, soft, dextrous. 

She worked me expertly with her hand. Moving up and down with expert ease.

It felt amazing. How was she able to please me so easily, working me like puttie? 

I felt so close it hurt. She knew this and gripped my head with a little more force.

“Not yet godling,”

She produced something from her hand, a little slip of paper with gold writing on it.

Before I could read it she wrapped it around the base of my cock and it seemed to magically close itself in a ring.

It was snug, but barely noticeable 

She went back to playing with my cock.

I already felt ready to burst.

But it wouldn’t come, no matter how hard she pumped my shaft. I was just sitting there on the edge, my orgasm felt so close.

It was unbearable. 

She kept pumping away with a smug look on her face. 

“What’s wrong godling?”

She rubbed my head, it felt immaculate.

“Does my hand feel good? Do you enjoy how I pump up and down your cock? Do you love how soft my hand is?”

I couldn’t speak, all I could focus on was the pressure in my loins.

“Goodness you are squirming so much, what’s wrong? Are you close? Who am I kidding? Of course, you are. But that little piece of paper? It won’t let you.

I want you to shoot as much of your delicious godling essence right here” she pointed to her stomach. “But to do that I gotta make sure you don’t waste any.”

She leaned down and took my entire length in her mouth.

She bobbed her head up and down on me. Her mouth was so wet and soft, the texture was rough but pleasurable. Kind of like the tongue of a cat.

She licked under the head and down the shaft as she moved in a bouncing rhythm.

My mind was on fire. The pleasure was simply too much for me to handle.

I wanted to come, to fill her with my seed.

But I couldn’t.

I was so close to release but I just couldn’t.

She took me deep in her throat, massaging me with her every single part of her mouth.

I bucked my hips, trying to get that last little push. 

But it never came.

She pulled off, a trail of her spit from her mouth to my cock. She stood again, hovering her cunt above my cock.

Then she grabbed my ankles and lifted them to the air. I was surprised by the fluidity of it.

She took my legs and threw them over her shoulders.

With her free hands, she angled my cock down towards her waiting pussy.

And she pushed herself down on it.

I penetrated her. She was hot and wet. Not warm like normal, hot. Like a burning fire against my nether regions. She moved up and down, messaging me with her glorious flower.

She fucked me hard, using me to please her. She pounded against my hips with fervor, sliding my cock in here as fast as she could manage.

Her skin began to glow red again, and her strong muscles gripped me hard. 

“Cmon godling” her voice was deep and bestial, like a wild animal in heat. “Make me cum, make this demon cum again.”

She slammed against me with reckless abandon, her juices splattering against the floor.

The temperature rose high, a stark contrast to the blizzard warring outside.

My body felt like it would explode if I didn’t release soon. My cock hurt with need and lust. 

Ah slammed once more.

And again.

And one final thrust against me.

And my body screamed out in primordial anguish, my cock exploded inside her.

My heart stopped as I pumped load after load after gigantic load into the demon woman.

White cream flowed from her elevated cunny.

She dropped me and fell on her back.

And then it went dark.


I woke up to the smell of burnt food.

I sat up and looked around. The mouth of the cave burned my eyes with the light of the midday sun.

Oni sat by a fire, cooking some type of meat on a stick.

She looked over and raised a stick to me.

I stood, my legs weak.

I took the stick and ate greedily. Hunger seemed to find me once again.

“Thanks,” I whispered.

She clapped my back. “No prob. Least I could do after last night.”

I thought about it for a moment.

“Hey Oni, wanna come with me? Travel the roads with me?”

She laughed. Then she looked at me. “Oh, you’re not kidding.”

 “No, it would be nice to have a bodyguard.”

She mulled it over. “Beats living in a cave.”

My heart fluttered. “Good, now, where are my clothes?”

She pointed at the fire. “Didn’t have any Tinder.”


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