Cinnamon Pillows Part 2 [Non con] [Harem] [Misogyny] [Mention of Dogs] [Humiliation]

As with chapter 1, some characters in this work reflect views that are morally wrong and do not reflect my own beliefs. This chapter even more so. This story will probably go down some roads Reddit won’t allow, so if you are enjoying this see my profile for access to an alternative reading source. DM’s open to discuss.


Jade felt lightheaded for reasons that had nothing to do with the drugs in her system. What sort of hell had she been brought to?

“There…there has to be some sort of mistake,” she said shakily, eyes darting every which way. “I don’t belong here.”

“No shit, tits,” said the smaller woman. “None of us belong here. It doesn’t – does not- take a genius to come up with that.” The woman was the shortest of the four of them. If Jade had to guess she would put her at maybe 5’3. She had lighter skin than Jade but spoke with what sounded like a Spanish accent. Her hair was dark and voluminous; it fell in waves to the middle of her back. Her face was very pretty with dark, mischievous eyes. Her chest was the smallest in the room; not exactly flat but much less impressive compared to…others. But what she lacked in bust she more than made up for with the most picturesque butt Jade had ever seen. Strong thighs gave the impression that this woman regularly used her legs. Jade found it odd that she had stopped to correct her speech.

“You watch how you talk, Ass Deposit, you ungrateful slave!” said the tall woman harshly. “You are exactly where you belong, at the feet of His Most Potent Magnificence.”

The Latina rolled her eyes and waved the other woman off. “Yeah, yeah, we know. I was just playing around. Trying to lighten the mood, okay? New girl and all.”

“I think we all need to calm down a little bit,” the blonde woman retorted. “We have a new guest with us who does not understand anything about what is expected of her. We three have a job to do.”

Jade was becoming irritated with the three of them. Her mood was in a bad way and their constant bickering wasn’t helping out her headache. “Can you all shut up for five minutes and tell me what the hell is going on and how I can get home?”

“You are home,” said the tallest woman in her thick accent. “Everything you thought you knew about life is over. From now on you will learn what being a woman is really all about.”

“Let us just start with the basics, shall we?” the blonde interjected. “We need to start with introductions.” She pointed to herself and took a breath. “My name is Shaft Swallower. This here,” she indicated the tall woman, “is Slut Puppy. And this is Ass Deposit-”

“Señorita Ass Deposit,” the Latina interrupted. “Everybody always forgets that part.”

Jade stared at the three of them, utterly perplexed and aghast at their introductions. “Are you all insane?” she asked incredulously. “What kind of names are those? Why are you all *naked? What is going on?!”*

Shaft Swallower tossed her blonde hair to the side and pinched the bridge of her nose. “I told you already, but I will repeat myself…you have been brought to Tabalu, which is ruled by our Most Glorious Sultan. You have been chosen as the latest addition to his glorious harem. It is an honor to serve His Potency in such a special way. We are honored among women.”

Jade continued to look on incredulously.

“His Magnificence has chosen you to serve him as a slave concubine. You will soon be inducted into the sisterhood of the chain. We three have been tasked with preparing you for the new birth you will soon receive.”

Every word she said sounded rehearsed. Jade, still protecting her body from prying eyes, thought the whole world had gone thoroughly mad. “Okay…listen, I don’t know what sort of freaky sex stuff you all are into but I am *not interested* in this at all. How did I even get to Tabalu?”

From the little she knew of the reclusive nation, Tabalu was a vital cog in the global oil machine but nowhere near as powerful as its largest neighbors. She didn’t understand how she could possibly have gotten here.

“You got snatched up, tits,” said Ass Deposit bluntly. “You made His Excellency’s dick real hard and he sent someone to take you. It’s not – damnit!- It really is not that complicated.”

“And now that you are here you can learn to embrace your true nature as a woman!” gushed the woman called Slut Puppy. Jade eyed her with alarm. The woman, Russian or at least Eastern European of her accent was anything to go by, sounded positively giddy. What was wrong with these people?

“No. No, I don’t do this. I’m not a sex worker. This is a mistake…”

“No, tits, it is not a mistake,” said Ass Deposit. “You were chosen. Same as all of us. He owns your ass now, and all the rest of you.”

“The only thing you need concern yourself with from now on is how to please His Potency and his magnificent cock,” said Slut Puppy enthusiastically.

“You’re all insane! This is insane! I don’t want any part of this!”

“This is not negotiable,” said Shaft Swallower sharply, her patience suddenly gone. “You are here and you are not leaving. There is much work to be done and we need to begin. We will answer as many questions as we can but you need to accept that you are here now and you are not leaving. The sooner you do, the easier your life will be.”

“Say, Puppy?” Ass Deposit said snidely. “How popular do you think this one will be?”

Slut Puppy perked up wickedly, tossing her dark hair to the side with glamorous ease. “Mmm, she is so young and pretty and exotic,” she gushed. “Such wonderful hair…such beautiful eyes! And just look at her body! I think her ass is bigger than yours!”

“Yeah, but mine looks better. Look at the size of those tits too.”

Slut Puppy’s eyes went to the large brown mounds Jade had been trying desperately to hide. “Oh yes! They are enormous. His Potency has many beautiful women and some with the big bust, but none quite like this one, I think. He will most certainly desire to suckle…”

Jade looked away in disgust. How could they just talk about her body like that right in front of her? Did they have no shame?

Shaft Swallower heaved an exasperated sigh. “I think we have too many cooks here. Slut Puppy, can you please find out what sort of schedule His Holiness wants us to keep for his new property?”

Slut Puppy winked. “Oh, I know what is going on here. You want to clean up the new one all by yourself.” She shot the blonde a wicked look. “Naughty naughty. Be sure you don’t violate the Sultan’s property.”

“I have no intention, Puppy,” she said tiredly. In a flash, Slut Puppy was gone, skipping away into the darkness, her leash jingling noisily as she frolicked.

Jade felt tears sting at her eyes. She felt her whole world had collapsed.

“I apologize for…all of that,” Shaft Swallower said softly. “Slut Puppy is a lot to handle and Ass Deposit still has much etiquette to learn.”

“I just want to go home,” Jade whispered.

“I know. But you cannot. None of us can. Listen to me,” she lowered her voice to a whisper. “This is a very bad place. Until you go through initiation you are in a lot of danger. Even afterwards there will be danger but not so much as you are in now. I know it may sound like I am enthusiastic about all this but nothing could be further from the truth. I am just trying to survive. This place…there are eyes everywhere. I have to be seen as enthusiastic or I will be punished.”

She looked around her shoulder.

“And you…you have to accept that you belong to the Sultan now. You are a slave. You are not going back home. There are guards all over this compound that will put a bullet in your head without a second thought if you try to escape. There is so much security you cannot even fathom. You have a part to play and we need to help you learn it relatively quickly. Your audition will come soon and-“

“Audition? What are you talking about?”

“The audition is your first audience with the Sultan. It is where you will beg him to accept you as his slave-“

“Like hell!”

Shaft Swallower but her lip with a frustrated look. “This needs to stop. Listen to me good. You. Are. A. Slave. You are a sex toy. Whatever life you had, whatever thoughts about yourself, or equality, or life in general that you had you need to unlearn, quickly. Our master can be very generous but he can also be unfathomably cruel. As difficult as it may be to imagine it, there are worse things than being a sex slave in this place.”

Ass Deposit sauntered over to them and plopped down on the tiled floor cross legged, her face a mischievous mask. “Yeah, so you better learn to beg for it real good, tits. Because girls who fail their audition? He still fucks them. But then he sends them away. Sometimes to other parts of the island to serve in brothels, sometimes to the mines…Oh yeah, you want to work hard labor until your back breaks? He can make that happen. He might sell you to some African warlord to be his little cockwarmer in the jungle. Hell, he might even stick you in the kennels with the dogs. You ever met a horny Doberman?”

Jade’s face was fixed in a seemingly permanent position of horror and disgust. She prayed inwardly for this nightmare to end with increasing desperation. Consumed by dread, Jade collapsed onto the immaculate floor, beside the pile of her own vomit. She brought her knees to her chest and crouched over, hugging them to body.

“Please…I want to go home. I want to go home. I want my parents…”

She sounded childish but she didn’t care. At this point all she wanted was to run to her mother for comfort; to petition her father to help her. She had to get back home. She could not survive this place.

Shaft Swallower, whose precise inflections were warmed by a soft, almost motherly tone, knelt beside her, her long chain coiling on the floor, and tentatively reached out a hand to stroke Jade’s curls.

“I know,” she said sadly, her accent full of rich warmth and wistful longing. “I want mine too. And my brothers…my boyfriend. I am sure by now he has long since given me up for dead and found someone else…” Jade looked up and their eyes met, vivid green on piercing blue. The two women could not have looked more dissimilar, from their color and texture of their hair to the shade of their skin. But in that moment Jade saw more pain behind the British woman’s eyes than Jade thought imaginable, for it was the same pain she felt in her own heart.

She felt tears leaking from her eyes as she watched Shaft Swallower compose herself.

“Everything we do from now on is designed to help you,” she said calmly, her momentary weakness forgotten. “As tactless as she is, my sister over there,” she indicated Ass Deposit, “is correct. Passing your audition is extremely important. As bad as it is here in the palace, the alternatives are much worse. Please understand the truth of that. The Sultan will not brutalize you if you are part of the household. But if you fail to please him and he casts you out, you lose the protection of the palace. Serving here is preferable to the life that exists outside.”

“Yeah,” said Ass Deposit in an unusually sober voice. “Listen to Shaft, girl. Do what we say and he’ll take care of you in his own way. You’ll have to fuck way more times than you want but it could be worse, ya know? It could be some dungeon.”

“Mind your contractions, sister,” chided Shaft Swallower lightly.

“Mierda. Perdón mami.”

Jade sniffled as she contemplated everything that was being said. She was trapped in a nightmare. She couldn’t fathom that this was happening to her. She knew bad people existed and women were trafficked into sex work but this was like something out of a movie; it just didn’t happen to people like her!

And yet, to hear these two women talk, it sounded as though they were almost grateful to be some dictator’s sex slaves. Could it really be that much worse?

“Is it really so bad?” she whispered.

The two slaves exchanged a significant look. “You should tell her,” said the Latina quietly. Shaft Swallower sighed deeply, her eyes filled with profound regret.

“The harem is organized exactly as His Potency desires,” she began. “There are dozens of girls here, each one starting out as frightened as you. None of us know the exact number but I’m certain there are over 50 women in the palace.”

Jade listened with a shock. *Fifty enslaved women?* How could this man possibly get away with this?

“Our master is…something of a control freak. And he has very exacting ideas about how things should be. He…we are a family here.” The naked woman seemed to choose her words very carefully, repeatedly looking over her shoulder. “The Sultan is our God, our husband, and our father. We are but weak vessels for his worship. He teaches us the proper way to live our lives; lives of complete and utter devotion to his grand order and pleasure. And by playing our part, we derive our greatest fulfillment.

“That is the story you need to learn. It is of utmost importance you do not deviate from that line of thought.” A dark look passed over her pale, white face.

“But sometimes, a girl forgets. As I said, we are a family. His Magnificence has organized the household so that our great family is made up of many smaller families. Four slaves make up a sisterhood. Many sisterhoods make up the family. My sisterhood includes Ass Deposit and Slut Puppy. There used to be another, but…” Her breath caught and she looked troubled.

“She got too uppity,” supplied Ass Deposit dryly. “Thought she was too good for the rest of us because the Sultan liked her so much. Thought that meant she was above the rules. Dumb bitch. *Nobody* is above the rules in this place.”

Shaft Swallower fingered her leash idly. “The Sultan had her whipped and paraded through the courtyard under a harness and a bit, then locked her in the stocks for a week with her name…her *birth name*…branded on her cheek. She begged him to take her back until her voice was cracked and broken but her pretty face was too damaged to be of any further use to His Holiness. She was shipped off to the mines.”

Shaft Swallower fixed her eyes on Jade and grabbed the frightened girl’s hand and squeezed it. The sensation of physical touch, even under such conditions, was comforting to Jade. “Our master *liked* Cum Canvas. She really was considered a favorite. But she forgot her place. She forgot that she was just a slave. Now she might not even be alive. You…I am sorry, I never did get your name?”

Jade held onto the British woman’s hand as though it were a lifeline. “Jade,” she said quietly.

“Jade…That’s a pretty name. I am afraid it will not be yours for much longer but until you are named properly we have to have something to call you. Jade, you are an unknown. You were brought here because His Excellency liked something about you, but that guarantees you nothing. Take a lesson from what happened to Cum Canvas; *Julia* in the end. Obey the rules. Get with the program and stick to it. Lose whatever pride you have. Julia clung onto her name and in the end she begged to be accepted as Cum Canvas, when it was too late. You are here to obey, serve, and worship our glorious owner. If you want the comforts of palace life and not what happened to Cum Canvas, you will allow us to teach you.”

Her head was spinning with the sickening revelations. If it was true that there was no way out….If things were as bad as they sounded…Jade didn’t want to have anything to do with this but…unless she played along what choice did she have? Could she endure what that poor girl Julia was put through? Was it even worth it, just for the sake of pride? Was her dignity worth the penalty this shadowy sadist would exact from her?

“I’ll let you do what you think you have to do,” said Jade as calmly as she could. She stood up, letting her arms fall to her side, revealing her nude body in its entirety. “I don’t have a death wish. But I haven’t given up hope yet. I’m going to find a way out of here.”

Ass deposit chuckled darkly, tossing her hair back. “”Hear that? New girl is going to figure out what thirty years of women couldn’t – shit! – *could not*.”

Shaft Swallower smiled sadly. “Let her have her moment of hope. And do mind your contractions. If Slut Puppy hears you you know she will report you.”

“Because she is a psycho…” she muttered.

“The first thing we need to do,” Shaft Swallower said, “is get you a bath. If you have any more questions, now would be a good time to ask them. We have a lot to go over.”

She stood, statuesque and gorgeous, a picture of blonde haired, blue eyed nectar flowing from the streams of the gods. “Our sisterhood is blessed to live in a bath house,” she said, gesturing to the large, steaming pool. “Cleanliness is never far away.”

Jade rolled her eyes. In any other circumstance such a beautiful, pleasant environment would be a dream to indulge in. Just now, however, Jade Sterling was not in the mood for indulging. Her terror had subsided somewhat, along with her nausea. Though still afraid, that was not the prevailing emotion.

Jade was pissed.


Shaft Swallower and Ass Deposit chattered at her while they bathed her. The water was warm and scented with a pleasant fragrance that permeated the entire chamber. At first Jade protested that she could wash herself but the others insisted that they be the ones to clean her up. So Jade sat alternately in the pool and along the edge as Shaft Swallower took her upper body and Ass Deposit her lower.

In between the gentle soaping and rinsing, which Jade would have found extremely relaxing under different circumstances, they explained more about what she would have to expect in the days and weeks to come.

“The Sultan is not a man to be trifled with. He holds all the power here. When he summons you, you must give every appearance of being devoted to him. You have already been hold of the horrid things that can happen if you displease him; if any task seems distasteful, try to remember the alternative.”

“And make sure to beg real pretty,” Ass Deposit said. “Yes Your Grace, I want to suck your cock so bad. Please Your Excellency, play with my pussy. Compliment him, butter him up. Make him feel like a god. As far as he is concerned, you are auditioning for the role of harem slut, so you better give it your all or you will find yourself with a cage, a dog bowl, and some new furry friends for very close company.”

Jade shuddered in abject revulsion.

“There is no script to follow per se…it is important to His Potency that we slaves serve him out of our own disposition. He wants us to be ourselves. However, a few buzz words would not go amiss…”

“Like I said, beg for his dick. He likes that. Tell him nothing would give you more pleasure than to become his property, to serve at his pleasure. You really need to sell yourself. Tell him exactly why he should have your big tits on call in the palace and not taking 30 dicks a day in some brothel or with a special doggy friend….”

“Never look him directly in the eye unless he specifically allows it,” supplied Shaft Swallower. “You should avert your eyes always. Look straight ahead or even duck your head to show submission. That will go over well. Stand up as straight as possible. We will work on appropriate posture later but try and keep yourself straight. And this is very important: You may have heard me correct my sister repeatedly over her contractions?”

Jade nodded, her head swimming with all this information. She hadn’t even met the Sultan and already she wanted to strangle him. Not only was he a fiend for doing this to women but he was a little control freak.

“A slave must never speak using contractions. Always use complete sentences, never fragments, and never shorten your words. He considered it a sign of disrespect. Your I’m’ must become I am; your that’ll must become that will. You’re should always be your are…you get the idea. It will take time to adjust and he will not expect you to be a picture of proper etiquette immediately, but at least try to make an effort or you will not have a happy audition.”

Jade had heard enough. “And at what point does *His Potency* rape me?” She was standing at thigh level in the fragrant pool, her naked brown body glistening with flecks of water, her green eyes alive with fire.

“Rape?” came a thick, Russian sounding accent from behind. “You are a piece of property, big titted American girl. A piece of property for my master’s amusement. One cannot rape an object.”

Slut Puppy had returned, padding over to them briskly on bare feet, her leash swinging between her breasts. The woman was stunning to look at. Only a few years older than Jade if she was a day, she was pale with luxuriously thick black hair that reached mid back. Her features were pointed and sharp, typical of many Slavic peoples, with heavily lidded eyes that shimmered hazel with little flecks of gold. She was high breasted with small pink nipples atop almost perfectly rounded and puffy areolas. Her beauty was actually breathtaking when she wasn’t talking.

Shaft Swallower sighed. “One more introduction to make. Jade, this is Slut Puppy. She is our sister and a favorite of His Magnificence. Her manner can be…an adjustment. But what she may last in tact or in empathy she makes up for in devotion to our lord and master.”

“Fanatical devotion, little psycho,” muttered Ass Deposit quietly.

“Today is your lucky day my young brown friend,” said Slut Puppy eagerly. “His Magnifcent and Glorious Potency, whose manhood is so mighty it brings a tickle to my thighs just thinking about it, has something special planned for you. Something most empty-headed slaves do not get to experience until after His Grace has finished emptying his seed into them for the first time. He must really see the potential in you to be a good little mindless pleasure doll.”

Jade stared at Slut Puppy, wondering if it was all an act or if this woman was truly insane after all. Her cheeks burned with rage at the implication in her words. She wondered how long she could exist in this hellscape before she managed to break free. She dearly hoped escape would come before too long.

Once the initial shock of her situation had worn off she had resigned herself to having to sleep with this horrible man. It was a difficult thing to accept, not least because Jade had never actually had sex before. She had been hoping to save her first time for a certain boy she knew back home who had long since stolen her heart. But that fantasy was out of the question now.

“What are you talking about, Slut Puppy?” asked Shaft Swallower apprehensively.

“That would be me,” said a shockingly masculine voice.

A man had entered the bath house, dressed in a pressed black suit. He had olive skin, and gray hair that had gone missing up top and still retained some traces of the dark current that had formerly run through it. His shiny black shoes made a sharp clicking sound across the polished mosaic tile, a sharp contrast to the utter nakedness of the four assembled women.

“You four sluts form a line immediately. We’re going to perform a little drill.”

Shaft Swallower and Ass Deposit exchanged a worried look and quickly motioned for Jade to join them. The four women formed a line, three of them with posture as straight and impeccable as if they were under military inspection. They thrust out their breasts and placed their hands behind their backs, looking directly forward. Jade tried her best to imitate them but lack of practice and her own miserable emotions prevented her from looking anywhere near as good.

“Pathetic,” the man said. “What a waste of female flesh. I don’t know what His Grace sees in this American whore.” He clicked his tongue once, and said “Down!”

As one, three women went immediately to their knees, their arms still behind them, their eyes still looking straight ahead. Too late, Jade clumsily sought to join them, her knees protesting the hard floor.

“Abysmal. You are an ungraceful, spoiled little swine. You have no hope of securing a name from His Grace. It will be the mines for you. Or perhaps a brothel. There is some small value in your youth and those excessively large udders.” He produced a sharp black cane which he unfolded, tapping Jade sharply on her left breast.

“Moo for me, cow.”

Jade looked up at the man, a cruel smirk on his face. She couldn’t quite believe what she was hearing. She had thought sleeping with some old dictator was bad. But this…this was humiliating.

“I said moo!”

The cane landed hard on her breast again, causing Jade to squeal in pain. Her eyes filled with tears and she began to shake.

“Not taking direction? What good is a woman who doesn’t obey her betters? Moo for me, little cow, or the Sultan will hear of your disrespect.” The cane landed a third time, striking her nipple and causing her to wail in agony.

Someone’s foot brushed up against her. Soft and bare. Who was on her left?

Trembling, Jade struggled to form the single, one syllable sound that was not even a word. It was the hardest thing she ever did.


“Again!” screamed the man triumphantly, bringing down the cane again.


“Again!” Another strike.


“Bow at the feet of your better, slave. Bow down and know your place.”

Shivering, still soaked from the water, Jade lowered her face to the floor and shuddered as the man placed a shiny black shoe on the back of her head.

“That’s it,” he said appreciatively, eyeing her slightly elevated ass. “The Sultan wants you whipped into shape before he fails your audition. I am Mehmed, his strong right hand. You and I are going to be seeing a lot of each other before then. I’ll see you trained into a decent slave yet. Perhaps when he fails you, he will gift you to me rather than letting the mines have you…”

As she knelt beneath Mehmed’s foot, Jade felt her dignity snap. Wet, naked, and suddenly so very cold, Jade Sterling gave way to tears.
