[MF] LEXIE (Part Three): Happy Endings, Farewells, and Closure (M20) (F20) (LONG)

[Part One](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qnjwvy/mf_lexie_part_one_the_time_i_m18_fingered_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

[Part Two](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qpam1j/mf_lexie_part_two_the_time_i_m20_rubbed_out_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

I truly felt bad about ending Part Two on a cliffhanger, and I realised that it may be leaving you all high and dry (giving you all too much time to lose steam over in between parts Two and Three makes both less enjoyable of a read), so I started writing again as soon as Part Two was posted!

This is the conclusion to a three part series documenting my experiences with my childhood friend turned girl-next-door. Names have been changed of course.

:::::::::::::::::::::: indicates start/end of the sexy reading.

This happened over 10 years ago, so a lot of details are blurry (especially because there is alcohol involved this time) but I tried to be as descriptive as possible.



“I want it…” Lexie whispered into my ear as we stood pressed against her resort room door. Time slowed for us at that moment as I leaned my body back slightly, away from her neck, to where we were face-to-face. Her lips had stayed unclosed after the words left her mouth. I watched her lips as she panted slowly, her lustful breaths lingered in the air with the liquor that we had drank. Her flushed chest raised and fell deeply as her breasts pushed against me.

Her tender words had wisped into my right ear and burrowed into my brain. She had told me what she wanted but in the space between her words was a whimper, she was begging. It was the first time Lexie had been so upfront (verbally) during our sexual encounters. The drastic shift, from her usual teasing, slyly taunting self had caught me off guard. In our tug-of-war she was the first to finally crack and say, out loud, that she wanted me. A jolt of joy and lust rushed through me.

However, the sense of accomplishment that flooded me quickly flushed away once again to a new realisation as I slowly pulled my fingers out from Lexie’s gripping, wet vagina. With our time running out, panic ran through my body.

“I don’t have a condom, there’s some in my room.” I said, already reaching for the door handle behind Lexie.

“No…” Lexie exhaled out softly. She rested her head against my chest and looked down at my groin. She wrapped her left arm around the back of my waist to hold me in place and shifted her right hand up, from my bulging penis, up to the belt and jeans button that contained me.

As she leaned forward on me, trapped between the door and my body, I calmed and gave up on the idea of going to my room. We had no indication of how much time we had until our siblings returned, and we MUST hurry. Lexie vigorously unbuckled my belt and unbuttoned my jeans. Releasing my waist from her hand, she pulled my jeans and boxers down to my thigh. My cock, having strained painfully against the inside of my jeans for long enough, sprang out fiercely into the open.

Lexie stood up to her full height once again. Her right hand reached down to my, now free and fully engorged, cock and gripped me. “Ah…” Lexie let out as she stroked me and smeared my viscous precum along my shaft, her left hand pulling me in, by my neck, towards her. Lexie’s need to rush had faded into a confident hold on me. She breathed into my right ear as she continued to stroke my length slowly, the stimulation on both ends sent shivers up and down my spine.

I enjoyed the service for a moment with my eyes closed, holding my hands on her waist, taking in the scene with my other senses. My nose had adjusted to the scent of sweat on our bodies but occasionally a note of sweetness wafted in from Lexie’s hair. The contact of her breath on my neck raised goosebumps that made me reflexively bend my neck towards her. She continued to grip me firmly and stroke at a pace that matched her breaths, which rang through my body.

Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Soon enough, the two of us were breathing in unison with her strokes.

It was, maybe, 30 seconds into her stroking that I finally opened my eyes and regained control of my body and senses. I shifted my hands off her waist, down the sides, to the bottom of her red beach dress. I pulled her dress upwards to slowly reveal her slim, tanned legs, wrinkling her dress as I did it, until I saw her black underwear. It was hard to see, but a wet patch marked my destination within. I let go of her dress and moved to her underwear, allowing her dress to rest on my forearms, and pulled them down without hesitation. Lexie’s underwear rolled out unto itself as it travelled down her thighs to her knees, where I left them. Lexie was unshaven but the hair was short. Whether it was because of her anticipation of today’s events or by habit, I was pleased to finally see her pussy.

I pulled Lexie’s hand, by the wrist, off of my cock. I bent my knees and, with my right hand, positioned myself at her entrance. “Finally” I thought to myself as I pushed the head gently into her wetness, she gasped audibly and repeated once again “I want it…” lustfully in my ear.

I obliged, and it was as my body began to push towards and into her that Lexie held me in place.


Confusion washed through me. Then, realisation. Fucking condoms. I had nobody to blame but myself and fucking sexual education (SexED is good and important, but practicing it is just so fucking annoying. Just bring a condom with you folks, it’s better to have it but not need it than the alternative).

My confusion and frustration must have been visible (it was hard not to notice) on my face. Lexie raised her right hand to my face, brushing down slowly, as she brought my forehead to hers. With her left hand, she once again gripped on my still erect (albeit less excited) cock. She didn’t stroke it. Instead, Lexie dribbled a splatter of saliva downwards (the sight of which was new and exciting enough in itself) onto my cock before guiding me into the space between her thighs. A new sense of excitement brought vitality to my cock once again. The length of my cock strained upwards onto her vulva as Lexie pushed her thighs together, trapping me in a triangular hold.

Holding onto my face with her right, my waist with her left, and my cock between her thighs, Lexie rocked her hips gently back-and-forth. Our breathing quickened with each stroke of her pussy as our soft gasps and moans resumed and filled the space against the resort room door. I was held in place, not frozen but held firmly, by Lexie’s body as she grinded on me like a very conveniently designed coat rack. The only muscle I could move was my cock that twitched upwards when I “squeezed” myself. And I took advantage of Lexie’s rhythm to do just that. Occasionally, as Lexie grinded ‘in’ and down my shaft, I would squeeze and twitch my cock upwards which sent visible shivers going up her spine. Admittedly, I was hoping that the sudden shift in angle would accidentally slide me into her.

Lexie’s wetness continued to flow out of her and onto my cock as she impaled her thigh gap on me.

“I want it…”

Suddenly, Lexie’s grip on my face stiffened as the pace quickened. She started to pull me in, towards her, from behind. My cock pushed into her gap again and again, our bodies meeting in the middle of us and slapping audibly into each other. The pace slowly increased in speed as Lexie’s moans gave way to heavy but silent drags for air.

In. ‘Slap’. Out. In. ‘Slap’. Out. In. ‘Slap’. Out. Until finally, a faint and drifting shriek as Lexie came, hard. Lexie’s body twitched violently and rigidly as her thighs held my cock, tighter than ever, in place. Her body’s convulsions continued as she rode out her orgasm. By now, both her hands were gripping my neck as if she would fall off otherwise. This allowed me to move my body once again.

Not letting her come down from her orgasm, but more so because I was likely driven insane with the build-up of this long, long night, I continued thrusting into her gap on my own, holding her thighs in place by the undersides of her ass. Lexie’s thigh began to shake as she held onto my neck, her head tilting upwards, gasping for air underwater.

“aaahhhhhh…” I let out faintly.

“Take it out…”

With one last thrust, I hastily extracted myself from Lexie’s thighs. Lexie dropped to her knees. With my cock no longer peeking under it, Lexie’s dress unfurled into its intended shape. I had held on to my liquids for as long as I could. I painted up Lexie’s red beach dress with my cum as she knelt down, the last spurt landing on her chest.

I propped myself up on the door, drained of the ability to be bipedal, with my forearms as I caught my breath. My head was sunken from the exhaustion of my release, overflowing with ecstasy, resting on the door as well. I stared down blankly until my focus returned to see Lexie looking back up at me. My load on her chest had started rolling down into the cleavage of her dress and out of sight, leaving a trail. Her dress was now covered in patches of wet spots. I may have cum just a little bit earlier than she intended.

My knees buckled as Lexie smeared her thumb on my tip, collecting the last of my seed. Lexie rose from her spot slowly. She made sure I was watching as she placed the glazed thumb by her lips and cleans it off with her tongue (reminding me briefly of Tokyo). As she came back up and slid her head between the scaffolding formed by my arms and the door, she was once again by my ear.

“Thanks for this” Lexie whispered into my ear, having already regained her composure.


It was no longer than 10 minutes after that that Lexie’s brother returned to our room to find me laying in bed, unshowered. I pretended to have passed out to throw up the facade that Lexie and I were too drunk to do anything.

I had wanted to stay by Lexie’s side but she kicked me out to go to her own shower. I wanted to admire her figure as she washed my liquids off of her but I suppose the sight of her cum-covered chest and dress, looking up at me, would have to suffice. That image, and the clips of that night, played through my mind as my pretend sleep became reality.

The following night was our last night in Phuket. Lexie, my sister, and I went out again to a local ladyboy bar. I was eager to recreate the elements that made the previous night memorable. My act of look-at-me-I’m-cool this night was to tip a ladyboy on the stage by holding the bill in my teeth. I got his/her number, but obviously this person wasn’t who I was fishing for. Not much happened as we returned back to the resort and to our rooms.

Unwilling to let the night slip away uneventful, I eventually returned to Lexie’s room after an hour or two. Lexie answered my knocking at the door, the door which was almost an active participant of our entanglement the night before, and let me in. My sister was asleep on the bed and Lexie was packing.

Teasing conversation ensued and eventually it was decided that I would sleep on the long sofa in their room. I laid there with my arm outstretched, ready to seal my embrace around Lexie whenever she landed, pretending to fall asleep. It was after a while that Lexie finally climbed over the back of the sofa, briefly sitting on me, and landed in the familiar position from our Tokyo encounter.

We laid there for a bit of time. Strangely, whether it was because of the lack of alcohol or dancing, or just that we had released our collective tension, the mood just wasn’t sexual. It felt restorative, like aftercare for the night before.

And so we laid there, my arm around her waist, properly cuddling and spooning for the first time until we both fell asleep.


This is the end of this three part series. I really hope you enjoyed reading as much as I did reliving the experience. Thank you for your support as I write down this long farewell to some dear memories. I wanted to write down some afterthoughts but it is not important if you just came for the sexy reading.


It has been over 10 years since those days with Lexie. I wonder if the experience, or even just the memory, is something that she thinks back on.

We’ve both grown a lot since then. Both now 31. I’m married to a wonderful wife whom I cherish. And Lexie has been in a committed relationship for close to a decade (she doesn’t believe in marriage, not out of character).

We haven’t been in contact for the better part of a decade (beside her congratulating my marriage). I have tried to start things off again with her during our breaks, for a short while, but to no avail. I came to the realisation that I was more of a holiday fling to Lexie, and it was a fact that I grew to accept.

While these memories have not held me back in the relationships that followed, it is time to say goodbye to them (at least emotionally). It has been long enough. So this three part series is really more of a tombstone for my memories with Lexie.

To Lexie: If you read and recognise this (unlikely). Thank you for creating these incredible memories with me. I’ve decided to drop them off here now, but I thought about them a lot over the years. I’m sorry if my pursuit of you ever made you feel like just another girl I chased for her body because you were much, much more. I was truly infatuated with you and your annoying, shitty, little smirk. – D

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qqjkmb/mf_lexie_part_three_happy_endings_farewells_and


  1. It was a nice trip (pun intended). It’s a little sad that it didn’t became more. But perhaps you have some more amazing storied (that I would gladly read) which wouldn’t happened if the things go another way.

  2. Great memory and experience! I agree with how cathartic it feels to write about past experiences like these (I created my account to do the same)

    That urgency and passion against the door was unreal and kudos to your writing for really making it shine through. I don’t know how both of you were able to resist saying “fuck it, condom be damned” and going for full piv sex. Did you two ever kiss during these 3 stories?

    I was so bummed to read that nothing ever happened again especially after that night. I also think about what if with a handful of girls from my less experienced days.

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